~ Outside Kizna Scrapbook ~

Labyrinth cities have many trees.

Because you get quality lumber trees from close proximity, such as the woods at the foot of the Olympic mountain streak and the non-labyrinthine normal woods on the north side of the Little Ghost Forest. Plantation is also flourishing in places with few demons. As a result, there are many wood-based buildings in the city, and products that use trees as raw materials are also flowing to the market, even outside of building materials. One of the most distinctive of these is the paper.

A labyrinth city is also a trading city. It's a bustling city of people, things, and information. Seafood and salt can be taken from the southern seaside and exchanged for iron coming from mining cities in the north. Demonic props and weapons processed with demonic materials are transported to the King's Capital in the west, from which rare traded items from non-iron metals and exotic sources are transported. Traders never get tired of it every day and nail it to the price movement of iron, salt and trees.

"That's why economic newspapers sell. The people at the printing house are covered in ink every day, spinning machines."

Kizna couldn't get much of Nick's public talk into her head as she put it in her ear.

"Uh, good, good. I'm not really interested."

"Really? I thought you liked this kind of stuff because you like books."

"Well, not that I don't like it, but my computational and analytical skills shouldn't be used for stocks and futures."

"I see. If you want to abuse it, you can do as many as you want."

"I'm telling you, you can't even ask me for advice and buy futures."

"... To be honest, you've had a bit of a thought. Well, I'll stop. Evil, conspicuous and good."

"I'll do it, but it's good. By the way, Tiana asked me to analyze the Dragon Competition newspaper and the Dragon Competition Yearbook, but I said no."

"What the hell is he doing?"

"The reporter from the Dragon Racing newspaper liked everything and said he gave away his back number cheaply."

"His room is full of stuff too... You should hire a housemaid to clean it."

"Since I'm a hobbyist. You can't tell me anything about anyone else, can you?

"Oh, yeah. But if there's nothing you can do for the economic newspaper, what are you doing?

Kizna was turning newspapers at an awesome rate.

He borrowed his past back numbers from somewhere, and he seems to look through everything in the box.

"I scan it and keep it. The comic strip in the appendix is not what I'm looking for, but I thought I'd keep track of the article itself."


"It's not a child. Wow! This kind of cultural preservation is not important. The paper will no longer burn, and the stone plates, etc. will appear to be forever, but will wear out just a little while they are being copied. I don't know when. Besides, I'm not going to let it circulate just for my personal enjoyment."

"Let me know if there's anything interesting about it."

"That much better. The city here should also have something good if you make about a payment system...... hmm?

Kizna made a lot of noise with her eyes closed on an article.

It's not interesting to me.

I thought maybe Nick would be interested.

"Anything wrong?

"... there's a bard (idol) scandal in the entertainment section"

"That's good, I don't want to hear it"

"No, I have suspicions that everything was contributing to my ex-boyfriend..."

"That's why I don't want to hear it!

"Wow, I'm sorry. You don't have to be angry."

"It is manners not to listen to the private of the bard (idol). I mean, I know the scandal."

"You're gonna pretend not to listen, right?

"I'm interested, so I'm going to touch the information in that hand... but I'm going to make a face I don't know about. You know, when you're looking at a bard (idol), it's every time you bring up a private topic."

"It's a confusing mental structure... oh?

"Another bard (idol) tangle? I don't need it."

"It's not like that... it's good."

The article Kizna noted was about last month.

That is a hopeful article that recently made the construction abandonment area clean. Whatever was going in and out there, the adventurers played an octagonal role in kicking out obnoxious pong pulls and suppressing the outbreak of the plague, and it said residents began to be slightly impressed by the adventurers...... The name of the party from which it originated is not given. But naturally, Kizna understands. Definitely the result of Zem, and [Survivor] 's actions.

"Whoa, speaking of which, I promised to go out for a drink with Zem. I'm just gonna go out."

"... I'm not really invited, but I'm not going to a weird store."

"You're not so suspicious. The other day is for the Beastman... this time"

"This time?

"It's a bar for the Bankrupt Cleric."

"How do you find such a maniac shop?"

"I don't even know..."

"They have no choice but to say that you have surprisingly social honor..."

"Hmm? Did I say something?

"Nothing, that's fine with you."

"You're the one who says weird things"

That's what Nick said, getting himself together and leaving the inn room behind.

Kizna returned to analyzing the newspaper articles after dropping Nick off.

And he looked back at [Survivor] 's work, and one of them just giggled.

"Speaking of which, even when I was in the casino, I had a reputation for mysterious paladins appearing. There was also this article... Keep this safe, too."

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