Chapter 276: Schemed Attack

Translator: LiamHW

Xiaoyan was completely shocked there, and then he quickly adjusted his upper cloth. While scratching himself on the head, he asked with a face of strangeness, “Mistress, what are you talking about? If I am not Xiaoyan, then who is? Do you suspect that someone is trying to use my identity to do something evil? Well, please see my face carefully.”

Seeing him approaching, Song Qinghan subconsciously took a step back and said with certainty, “To make it preciser, you are not the one who I saved from the mass grave that day, why did you lie to us?”

Wu Dahu, on the other side, reacted quickly and then moved to the side in front of Song Qinghan, stretched forth his arms trying to protect him, while in his eyes a sense of vigilance could be detected.

“Of course we do know that you never intend to hurt us, and we are very aware of that. But why did you lie to us?”

Wu Dahu and Song Qinghan wouldn’t have shown their trust on Xiaoyan so easily if this man once posted any threats to them. Besides, in that perilous situation he who offered to help would easily gain the others’ trust with less suspicions.

Xiaoyan, who now figured out that he was unable to disguise anymore, sighed abruptly while lowering his eyes slightly on the ground, with sentiments within.

“I was indeed not the one who Mistress saved from that mass grave, and in fact I escaped from that captive camp myself. And due to the fact that it was nothing worth mentioning and what means I used was unscrupulous, I lived with the name of that guy.”

Song Qinghan raised his eyebrows slightly and asked curiously, “What kind of means was that?”

All of a sudden, Xiaoyan got blushed as if his face was about to explode full of redness. And he, as a man in manhood, now was more like a kiddo who had just made a mistake.

“Well, there were a lot of people who seemed to have various fetishes themselves. And purposely, I tried to be as lowly as I could and attempted to flatter them meeting their various needs so as to take their vigilance down. And with that success, I finally escaped.”

“I had been moving from an empty tent to the other,” added Xiaoyan as if he had found that what he said was not so convincing at all, “so I succeeded escaping from the guards’ attention, and that was the day when I happened to witness Mistress saving people in the mass grave.”

After the  whole confession, he gradually regained his calmness on face as if there was a thousand-ton weighed stone fell suddenly in his mind. With an ease in mind, he stared at Wu Dahu and Song Qinghan, awaiting them to say something.

Wu Dahu and Song Qinghan exchanged their glances with each other with no expression on their faces, which suffered Xiaoyan so much to guess their thoughts.

Just at the moment Xiaoyan was going to sink into another wave of panic, Song Qinghan smiled abruptly, and then he answered slowly, “I happen to know how to discern whether a man was raped. Why don’t you let me check it out and see whether it has been destroyed or not, and by the way I am able to treat you properly.”

Upon hearing the request Song Qinghan made, Xiaoyan attempted to avoid the direct eye contact with Song Qinghan while his complexion paled into an unhealthy status. And then he covered his butt subconsciously, while saying reluctantly, “No! This, this is so embarrassing and humiliating. I would rather be suspected by Mistress and Lord Wu than be humiliated like this!”

Song Qinghan couldn’t help but laugh as he found that Xiaoyan was being rather nervous right now, and he shook his head, “I am just kidding, we do believe your words. Don’t worry and we are not that kind of annoying people trying to expose everything from you. Probing every possibility to survive on the premise of good morals should be encouraged, and you did not do anything wrong, did you?”

With that positive answer, Xiaoyan again came to be at ease with his eyes full of gratitude, “Thank you Mistress, and Lord Wu. By the way, I got a demand here, but I am not sure…”

Song Qinghan seemed to have guessed what he wanted to say and answered calmly, “Don’t worry, we won’t leak any of it to the others.”

Even though Wu Dahu didn’t respond at all, it still could be seen that Xiaoyan had loosened his shoulder.

Right at this moment, the voice of a guard was heard from outside. “Lord, the Commander General is looking for you.”

Utterly stunned, Xiaoyan turned to Wu Dahu hesitantly with his face full of guilt, and then he spoke, “Lord Wu, I…”

Wu Dahu waved his hand and said indifferently, “Go and meet the General, and I will leave your tent now.”

The three of them decided to leave the tent together. And just as they were about to reach the gate, Wu Dahu suddenly spoke, “Oh, by the way, the food you delivered to us was nice, thank you anyway.”

It could be seen that Xiaoyan had skipped a step as he paused when they were walking, and he answered awkwardly, “You’re welcome, Lord Wu. Deep in my heart, you’re my superior forever.”

After seeing Xiaoyan off in sight. Song Qinghan found abruptly that they were now being stared by the guards in an unfriendly way, he then took a glance at Wu Dahu, and followed him in behind back to their tent.

“What do you think?”

Halfway through, Song Qinghan suddenly questioned.

Wu Dahu said with his hands behind his back, “He’s lying.”

It seemed that the answer did not exceed Song Qinghan’s expectation at all, because he did have that feeling as well.

Xiaoyan was apparently amending his first lie by using a second one to disguise in a row after the loophole within his statement was discovered. However, he probably had never ever thought that a perfectest falsehood would in the end be exposed without mercy.

Back to the tent, Song Qinghan noticed that Wu Dahu was packing up everything seemingly in an attempt to do something big. He wanted to say something but word failed him to speak.

After Wu Dahu was prepared, he turned his head and glanced at Song Qinghan. Seeing Song Qinghan was lying in bed calmly as if he had already known everything, he spoke calmly, “I am going out and to solve this issue, it is about to finish within today.”

Song Qinghan nodded as a response. And at the moment Wu Dahu unveiled the curtain of the tent, he couldn’t help but make a sound trying to exhort, “Be careful yourself, alright? Even though Xiaoyan hasn’t shown his malice at this point, it is still unpredictable…”

Although he did not finish his statement, Wu Dahu had already comprehended what he was trying to express. With a smile, he answered in a slow and calm manner, “I know, and I will be. Wait for me.”

Leaving Song Qinghan alone in this tent was not the best choice for Wu Dahu, but he knew that what he was about to undergo later was even more perilous. So this was indeed the only choice for him to ensure that everything would be handled smoothly.

Even though some memories had been erased in his mind, he knew that he still had to finish something.

After Wu Dahu left the tent, Song Qinghan lay in bed lonely, sighing slightly, and not long he drifted off to sleep.

It was not a peaceful sleep for him at all. In the last second, he dreamed that Wu Dahu came back with injures, and the next second it shifted into a one showing that Wu Dahu was besieged by a group of vicious and bulky men.

He was suffering deep in the bad dreams but, thanks to the abrupt and deafening noise, he was dragged back to the reality awaking from those virtual stuff. After he finally caught the clearly crucial information the people shouted outside the tent, his expression was becoming more and more serious.

“The Commander General was attacked and fainted! The barbarians are marching and are about to set off an attack!”

“Hurry, hurry up! Go and check how serious the Commander General was hurt, I heard that blood splashed everywhere on the ground!”

“That bastard who attacked the Commander General had already died. Anyone knows how he sneaked in here?”


And not long after the rustling noise faded away, Shuluo unveiled the curtain of the tent and came in abruptly and pulled Song Qinghan up in an anxious manner, “You are right now desperately required. Please, I can’t judge anything about where the Commander General was hurt…”

It seemed that Song Qinghan had already prepared himself before Shuluo came in, he stood up suddenly with his personal package on his back, followed Shuluo and walked quickly outward.

“What happened? Who attack the Commander General? Is the tent of the Commander General so accessible for every piece of individual?”

Shuluo shook his head, while responded with a face of innocence, “Who knows? But it is heard that Lord Xiaoyan was at the scene as well when the sneak attack happened, and it is also heard that he failed to block the attacking barbarian and was stabbed by the arm.”

Song Qinghan paused and suddenly recalled the scene when they were in the tent of Xiaoyan.

Was he the one who did this?

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