A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 291 It’s finally opened

There are many monuments in Dijon, the most popular of which is the owl statue on the corner of Notre Dame de Dijon. Legend has it that touching the owl with your left hand will bring good luck.

There are too many people who come here to take advantage of their good luck. Now this owl's face has been touched to be as smooth as Voldemort's, and its ears are as intact as those of Voldemort.

Manz stretched out his left hand and touched the owl, then turned to Charles and said, "I hope we will always have good luck."

Charles smiled and asked him: "Decided?"

"It's decided!" Manz said with certainty. "I have lived according to the route designed by my family since I was a child. I have been a good student, liked by my classmates, praised by professors, and worked hard to be praised by Monsieur LeMay."

"After graduation, I entered the Ministry of Magic and first worked as a secretary to the director. Then I worked my way up the legal department step by step, striving to become the minister at the age of forty."

"Now I have decided to do what I want to do."

Charles asked him: "Your family must be opposed to it, right?"

Manz nodded and said: "I had a fight with my father just now, and my throat still hurts a little now. Grandpa said he would give me five years to regret it."

Charles stretched out his right hand and said, "Believe me, you will not regret your decision."

Mantz reached out to shake his hand and said, "I believe you."

The two made an appointment to meet at the French Ministry of Magic tomorrow, and then go to England to meet everyone.

Charles breathed a sigh of relief. In the morning, he was worried that he wouldn't be able to dig anyone out, but in the evening people came.

This is the advantage of finding young people. You don’t have too many worries, you can just do it if you think of it. Young people can afford to lose anyway.

Seeing that it was getting late, Charles said to Fleur: "Thank you for today. I'll take you back to Marseille."

Fleur shook her head slightly and said, "I want to see what you are doing."

Charles didn't think much and said, "Okay, let's find a place to stay tonight and go to Paris tomorrow."

Dijon has a wizarding street similar to Diagon Alley, and Charles found a bar with accommodation to stay.

The bar owner understood when he saw the distance between the two young men walking and said regretfully: "Sorry, I only have one room left here."

The corner of Charles's mouth twitched, and he turned his head stiffly to look at Fleur. Fleur had already blushed like a ripe apple, but she didn't refuse.

Late at night, Charles sat on a chair in the guest room and played chess.

Mr. Granger asked him to capture a chess piece, joking: "I'm sorry I couldn't let you spend a night with a beautiful lady."

Charles curled his lips, said nothing, and continued to play chess.

Who would have thought that Hermione would bring her parents to stay in a wizard's hotel. Now Fleur, Hermione and Mrs. Granger are whispering together. Fleur's English level is enough for daily conversation.

During Charles's trip to France, Moss Jeff used his social terrorist abilities and persuaded the leading professor of Kodosdorez to let Kitov move freely these days.

Charles arranged for the meeting and discussion to be held at the Pig's Head Pub in Hogsmeade, and the company's headquarters would be located in this area from now on.

The four core members plus Fleur speak three languages. It is not a problem for Kitov to understand a little English, but Manz does not. However, Moss Jeff was prepared. He bought a large bag of parrots.

These plastic parrots are placed on the shoulders and can actively translate to others when speaking, and can also translate other people's words.

Charles was moved and asked Jeff. Sure enough, it was his friends Emily and Elizabeth who were riding motorcycles together in Australia who sold it. However, they ran away to travel as soon as they sold out.

Before the meeting, Aberforth took the young people to an abandoned castle east of Hogsmeade.

"This is Fallbottom Castle." Aberforth pointed to the old and dilapidated castle and said, "The castle was haunted before. A group of people who seemed to be poachers disappeared completely overnight, and then they disappeared. No one dares to come close."

"The Ministry of Magic said that if you are willing to take over, just give me a hundred galleons to go through the formalities."

Jeff shouted excitedly: "Cool, boss, let's work here from now on!"

Kitov and Mantz also looked satisfied.

Charles thought "haha" in his mind. This shabby place looks cheap. Maintenance and decoration are big projects, and the Ministry of Magic is looking for sustainable income such as ground rent.

But it doesn’t matter. The so-called haunting is because the old man took his female classmates there when he was in fifth grade and rescued a hippogriff, which is considered to be a fate for him.

"Dobby." Charles called his capable men, "Dobby?"

Others around him had never seen house elves before, and they knew that Charles hired them, so they had no objections to this. However, this was the first time they saw a working elf wearing a three-piece suit and tie, and Charles was also shocked. .

Dobby bowed to Charles and said: "Boss, I'm here."

"Cool!" Jeff took out a pair of sunglasses from his pocket and gave them to him, "Try them on."

Dobby looked at Charles, who nodded and said, "Take it, we will be colleagues from now on."

Dobby bowed and thanked Jeff, took the sunglasses and put them on, his demeanor suddenly changed from a real estate agent to a gangster.

Charles said to him: "During this period, you and other employees will clean this place and repair it as much as possible. Then I will further divide the rooms."

Jeff immediately said: "Boss, can you give me a room with a good view?"

Charles nodded and said, "No problem, everyone can put forward their own ideas."

Everyone walked around the ruins of the castle and discussed how to allocate the internal space on the way back to the Pig's Head Bar.

Charles showed everyone a traceless stretching spell, and Quidditch can be played in a room of ten square meters.

He also went to the Ministry of Magic and went to the Centaur Liaison Office to find Eleanor who was fishing for help to run down the process.

In the next few days, this small team was officially launched. Charles, Jeff, Kitov, and Mantz worked together to study the large framework of the oil painting communication system.

Because only Jeff graduated among them, the others took their own parts back to school to study, and communicated with each other by letting Ruby fly once a month.

Not long after, the award ceremony for the first Decryption Challenge was held by the lake at Hogwarts. Jeff was so shy when he went on stage to receive the award.

This was followed by a three-day decryption forum, where more than a dozen people shared their techniques and ideas.

As mid-August came to an end, Kitov and Manz returned to China, Jeff continued to recruit talents, and Fleur was also going back.

Fleur was living in the Muggle building of the island villa, naturally in the guest room. The night before she left, she went to the beach and sat quietly on the rocks.

Charles came over with two bottles of happy water, sat next to her, and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Fleur said: "I envy you guys for going all out for what you want to do."

This was the second time Charles had heard her say something similar. The last time was in Ouagado.

"Is there anything you want to do now?" Charles asked.

Fleur didn't answer, she lowered her head and thought for a long time, and finally said: "I want to try again next year, can you...can you help me?"

Charles knew that she was talking about Veela matters, so he agreed.

In the dark woods in the distance, Grindelwald asked Jack depressedly: "Is your grandson bad? He hasn't held hands in so many days."

The dementor next to him kept nodding.

Jack was also very impatient, waiting to hold his great-grandson, and he couldn't wait to cast two Imperius Curses on him.

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