A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 292 Didn’t take the train again

Time passes day by day, and it’s time for school to start.

"Charles Smith!" Professor McGonagall yelled angrily from the Three Broomsticks bar, "Why is it you again this year!"

Charles shrank his neck and stood outside the bar door, letting Professor McGonagall pull his ears and walk into the laughing bar.

Today was the day for everyone to bet on whether a daredevil would miss the train. As a result, Charles was caught from outside.

Snape sneered and said, "Humph, want to escape?"

Charles's mind was racing and he said the answer he had just thought of: "Professor, I was worried about Fallbottom Castle just now, so I went there to see how Dobby and his friends were doing."

Professor McGonagall snorted coldly and motioned for him to look towards the bar owner, Ms. Rosmerta.

Moss Jeff, a social terrorist, sat next to the boss's wife and said awkwardly: "Boss, I thought you wouldn't come today, so I told the professors that you said you would be at home these days."

Charles also smiled awkwardly.

In addition to doing some small business, the Australian girls also had another thing to do when they came to the UK, which was to send Charles a custom-made flying motorcycle. Jack only told Charles after he returned to Fleur.

So these days, Charles is racing with Emily and the others, and the girls just left this morning.

Charles funded them a large amount of money, which was enough for them to ride a flying motorcycle from the UK east across the Eurasian continent, then south to Singapore, fly across the Strait of Malacca, and return to Australia from the islands of Indonesia.

Emily and the others plan to record their experiences along the way and publish a book when they return.

After saying goodbye to the girls, Charles did not disapparate to the station, but came here on a motorcycle.

Professor McGonagall was too lazy to talk to him and asked him to have a good meal. At the same time, he told him: "Don't run around during this period. There are dementor guards around Hogwarts."

Everyone in the bar immediately started complaining. Those dementors came here to capture Black. They came here three days ago and searched the entire Hogsmeade village five times in the past two days, which had a very bad impact on the residents.

Charles didn't say anything. Even if he did, people wouldn't believe him. Professor McGonagall would teach him that he might as well go to the kitchen and make dumplings with the house elves after he finished his meal.

He ordered a haggis, made from minced sheep entrails mixed with oats and spices, as well as a steamed pudding and a bottle of ginger beer.

During this period, Jeff carefully asked the boss if he could change the office location to the Leaky Cauldron first. There were too many dementors to start work here, and Charles agreed.

After Charles finished eating, Professor McGonagall took him back to the castle.

When he was about to reach the back entrance of the castle, Professor McGonagall reminded him: "Be careful, there are dementors ahead."

Charles nodded, feeling an unpleasant stench around him.

Professor McGonagall complained: "I really don't know what the Ministry of Magic is thinking. It actually wants the dementors to enter Hogwarts. Fortunately, Albus sternly refused and asked them to patrol outside."

"If you go to the Forbidden Forest, you must report it to Dumbledore first, otherwise you may be regarded as a fugitive by the dementors."

"You can try to learn Occlumency to alleviate the influence of dementors."

Charles continued to nod, thinking that the dementors wouldn't go to the centaurs. They had to talk to him. The Acromantula was casual, so the centaurs would give him face and not go there.

Professor McGonagall stopped talking after that, and looked like a student in a daze in class.

There were two dementors floating in front of the covered bridge at the back door of the castle. When someone came over, they greeted them.

Professor McGonagall took a step forward, preparing to protect Charles behind her.

Unexpectedly, Charles walked up quickly and first patted the shoulders with one of the dementors to say hello.

The dementor tapping on the shoulder seems to be somewhat related to the dementor who often scolded the fisherman. He had met him once before in Azkaban. After seeing Charles, he sounded a little happy when he spoke: "Friends...happy to meet... "

Charles smiled and said, "Long time no see. How have you been lately?"

The Dementor slowly replied: "We... did not... do a good job... and were... blamed..."

Charles thought that this was because Black had escaped from prison, and the Dementors would inevitably be complained by Fudge and the others, but it was useless. The Dementors were not afraid of the Ministry of Magic deducting their wages.

But the other dementor looked a little unfriendly, with his ugly, dry, gray face close to Charles.

Then the dementor was slapped on the back of the head by a friendly dementor, and the two parties communicated in a hoarse and sharp language for a long time.

The friendly dementor said to Charles: "Young...ignorant..."

Charles nodded, chatted with the dementor for a while, and finally waved goodbye.

When walking into the castle, Professor McGonagall looked at this guy with a strange expression. He had heard Dumbledore say that he was not afraid of dementors. This was more than just not afraid. He could work in Azkaban.

Because someone has done too many things in the past two years, Professor McGonagall still reminded him: "Charles, you have also heard about Black. I ask you not to be a hero. If you meet him, report it to Dumbledore in time." and professors.”

Charles said obediently: "No problem, Professor."

Then he thought about it and said, "Professor, I suggest you talk to Seamus, otherwise Black won't be able to fight, and the Dementors may not leave."

Professor McGonagall thought he was talking about the joke in the Daily Prophet and smiled, but immediately turned to him and asked: "Could it be that you pretended to be Finnigan in Germany?"

Others didn't know it, but Professor McGonagall knew that this kid would go to Germany during the summer vacation.

Charles decisively changed the subject: "Professor, do you think Muggle computer games are fun?"

Professor McGonagall knew that his question was not about wine, so she did not answer.

Charles could see that the old man had made some progress, but the core issue had not been resolved, and it might be difficult to touch on the deeper issues.

Charles asked carefully: "Ms. McGonagall, if my grandfather hides something from you, will you forgive him?"

Professor McGonagall noticed the change in his title and said calmly: "Everyone has their own secrets. There is a difference between keeping secrets and deceiving."

Charles was relieved that there would be no big problems if the old man stopped acting as a Muggle.

The two soon arrived at the kitchen of the castle. Ruby arrived first and was very happy to see Charles.

It also brought a letter to Charles, written by Gabri, who was angry that Charles only took his sister to play without him.

Charles felt bad. If Gabrielle was angry, Professor Delacour would also be angry. Once Professor Delacour was angry, the alchemy class would not be easy. You can refer to how Harry behaved in the Potions class. Passed.

He also thought that from Professor Delacour's perspective, he had kidnapped Fleur for a few days, as if the problem was more serious than Gabrielle's anger.

Charles scratched his head, why not change school?

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