A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 290 Continue to attract people

There is a kind of person in the world who has social anxiety syndrome and can chat with others no matter where he is. Charles feels that the old man is a carrier of this symptom, and Moss Jeff is the second person he has ever seen.

Jeff went to find Dumbledore the day after he joined the team. With his eloquence and enthusiasm, he persuaded Dumbledore. After the award ceremony of the Decryption Challenge, he held a "Decryption Forum" and invited everyone to share their experiences on the forum. Technology.

Dumbledore has been very depressed about this matter recently. The firewall that he thought could last for a month was cracked in half a day. This is a slap in Hong Guoguo's face.

Now that the matter has come to this, let's celebrate the funeral and divert the world's attention to other places.

What Charles didn't expect was that Jeff quickly recruited a third person to join the team.

In a French restaurant, Jeff introduced Charles to a young man with a worrying hairline: "Kitov is a student of Kodos Dorez. I met him at breakfast at the Leaky Cauldron. After chatting, He's interested in your plans."

Kitov came with the Kodosdorez team and looked quite calm. He said to Charles with a smile: "I heard Valentina mentioned you, and that phoenix even stole her work from me. Beet soup.”

When Charles heard that he was an acquaintance, his words became simple.

He started painting the pie, which, as Jeff said, was a network that could span the globe.

"What a genius idea." Kitov listened attentively. "Communication oil paintings can not only be used for shopping, but can also be developed into the field of communication, and are very useful in disaster relief, alarm, etc."

Charles nodded and said: "Information circulation will be a booster for future economic development. It will allow customers to choose products from all over the world, and it will also allow manufacturers to have customers all over the world."

"Now that we have limited funds, we need to focus our resources on areas that can quickly generate profits, so that we can continue to invest in research in new areas."

Everything costs money. Charles' collaboration with Hogwarts costs galleons, and building an air fryer costs pounds. Now that this business has started, I can't help but think about whether to sell some Dell shares.

Also, next year will be the 15th World Cup. I can earn a vote then, but I don’t know if the cash can support it until then.

Kitov felt that Charles' approach of making money first and then researching new fields was very reasonable. After eating a baked snail, he said: "I am good at the field of communications. With the increase in the flow of information, we are faced with a huge problem - how to process these quickly and accurately." information."

Jeff also said: "I have been thinking about this issue recently. If the information cannot be processed, it will not only cause communication congestion, but even wrong information feedback."

“We also needed a partner who was good in this area.”

Charles thought for a while, and it seemed that he really knew such a person indirectly.

When he was helping Voldemort with the Defense Against the Dark Arts course PPT, he asked Madam Angelina to outsource the work to France. He heard that the person who took the order was a master.

Charles went to where the Beauxbatons team lived and inquired. This man did not come over. He was on vacation with his girlfriend.

Kitov still has to follow the teachers and students of Kodosdorez and cannot act without authorization. Jeff has to be busy decrypting the forum, and Charles can only find someone by himself.

He first went to Marseille and asked Mrs. Angelina for detailed information about that person. Fleur knew that person's girlfriend.

So Fleur first sent a letter by owl, explaining what was going on and making an appointment for a time and place to meet.

Charles wanted to take Gabrielle with him, but Fleur hid his sister.

In a café run by a wizard in Dijon, Hermione brought her parents to drink coffee and taste the desserts.

She suddenly rubbed her eyes, as if she had seen something extraordinary.

Mrs. Granger asked her: "What's the matter? Your eyes feel uncomfortable after reading too much?"

Hermione lowered her head and said, "Charles and a lady are behind you."

The Grangers immediately turned around and saw Charles pulling out a chair at a table for a very beautiful girl to sit down, and then sat next to her.

Charles saw Hermione's family when he walked in. He spoke to Fleur when he was ordering, and ordered a chocolate soufflé for Hermione.

Five minutes later, a pair of young people came to the cafe and went over immediately after seeing Fleur.

Charles discovered that he had met this young man named Louis Mantz. When he was telling Fleur about the history of food in the canteen of Wagadu, he wanted to hear a few gold coins.

Next it was time to draw the pie. Charles was already very good at fooling Jeff and Kitov, and Mantz's girlfriend was amazed.

Manz's reaction was similar to Kitov's. He listened very carefully and asked for details from time to time.

He asked: "If this business requires messaging across different language areas, how do you think the language translation problem should be solved?"

Charles also has some understanding of smart GIF oil painting and has no problem answering the content of the large frame.

Most GIF paintings can input information through voice, but there are language restrictions. For example, the fat lady on the door of the Gryffindor common room can only understand English.

If this communication system becomes larger and cross-border in the future, it will receive several languages, and this problem will have to be solved.

Charles said: "I have a preliminary idea. The front-end oil painting sets up a compilation function to translate the messages to be sent and received into a unified language composed of digital zeros and ones."

"I discussed with Kitov that this can reduce propagation losses and improve transmission efficiency."

"I have done preliminary research, and the thinking part can respond faster."

Manz nodded, took a sip from his coffee cup, and said, "This is very challenging research, and it can be said to be subversive."

But he soon became very entangled, as if he was doing a very difficult multiple-choice question.

Charles thought that he might have some scruples, so he couldn't ask questions for a while, so he waited quietly.

Mantz's girlfriend reached out to hold Mantz's hand and said softly: "No matter what decision you make, I will support you."

Manz patted his girlfriend's hand gently and whispered: "Thank you."

Then he said to Charles apologetically: "I am very interested in your plan, which is of epoch-making significance."

"Sorry, I can't give you an answer right away. I need to think about it carefully."

Charles smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I'm waiting for your answer."

After Manz and his girlfriend left, Charles sat there a little depressed.

He could see that Manz was very excited about his plan and almost agreed to join on impulse, but in the end he hesitated.

Everyone has their own life and future. Moss Jeff's family runs a store, and Kitov's parents are engineers and professors. They can make their own decisions about their future employment.

Fleur whispered to Charles that there was a senior official in the French Ministry of Magic whose surname was also Mantz, and it was possible that his family had paved the way for him to enter the Ministry of Magic.

Charles had nothing to say. The end of the universe was examination writing. If Mantz wanted to do other things in the future, he would advise him, but he would not advise him to become an official. Don't delay the future of others.

However, since Mantz did not refuse on the spot, it meant that there was still the possibility of joining, and Charles decided to wait and see.

The one who was more depressed than Charles in the coffee shop was Hermione. The Grangers heard Charles drawing pie, and then said to their daughter: "Look at Charles..."

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