Chapter 9 Success Qualities (3)
Creative thinking is a gold mine lurking in your head, not some unique power and mysterious gift like a genius.Innovative thinking applied to your mind can successfully solve problems ranging from grand plans to small daily disputes.

So, what is innovative thinking?Take, for example, an entertainer hawking a $9 copper coin: $28.People didn't understand, so they asked him what was going on.He explained: "This copper plate worth $9, if it is made into a door handle, it will be worth $21; if it is made into a handicraft, it will be worth $300; ” His idea impressed a Wall Street financier, and as a result, that copper plate was eventually made into a beautiful statue—a monumental statue of a successful man, eventually worth $28.

From US$9 to US$30, this is the innovative thinking of high financial IQ people.

everyone is a creator

For those who are trying to achieve great things, you must understand: In order to gain understanding of things that have not yet been understood, people always have to explore thinking methods that have not been used by predecessors, seek methods and measures that have no precedent to analyze and understand things, and obtain new ideas. The cognition and method, thus exercise and improve people's cognition ability.

We must make it clear that those who cannot break through their own limitations, the reason why they have no improvement on many occasions is because they stick to conventional thinking, which determines that they cannot achieve great things.Routine thinking is generally a thinking activity carried out according to certain inherent thinking and methods.Their thinking lacks flexibility.The core of innovative thinking is innovation and breakthrough, not repetition of the past.It has no experience to learn from, no effective method to apply, and it strives to control on a route that has no traces of previous thinking.

In the process of practice, using innovative thinking, putting forward new ideas one after another, forming new theories one after another, making new inventions and creations again and again, will continuously strengthen a person's ability to become The ability to achieve great things.

What is the relationship between innovation and happiness?The famous British philosopher Russell regards innovation as "a happy life" and "a fundamental happiness".Suhomlinski, a Soviet educator, believes that innovation is the greatest joy of life, and happiness lies in innovation.He wrote in "Letter to Son": "What is the greatest joy in life? I think this joy lies in creative labor similar to art, in superb skills. If a person loves what he He will do his best to make the labor process and labor results full of good things, and the greatness and happiness of life reside in this kind of labor.” These expositions profoundly reveal the inner relationship between innovation and happiness, and illustrate that innovation It is the source of new happiness.

In order to cultivate your ability of innovative thinking, and to let creative thinking bear fruit, please do the following:

1. Always jot down new ideas.As soon as you think of a new idea that you think you may need in the future, write it down immediately, just like a reporter carries a notepad with him during an interview.Although it is impossible to use everything, at least you have a lot of "ores". With so many "ores", are you still worried about not being able to refine good things?When innovative thinking comes, you must not let it fly away quietly!
2. Always examine the innovative thinking you have had.Look through your notebook frequently, keep valuable ideas, delete meaningless ones, and apply them immediately if they are realistic.

3. Constantly summarize and improve your innovative thinking.For your new ideas, you should constantly increase its scope and depth, connect related ideas, analyze and research from various angles, maybe you will extract a novel and valuable plan from it.

It can be said that "everyone is a creator".The ability to be creative is what separates the successful from the mediocre.

Keyword insights: innovation
Old ideas are not necessarily right, and new ideas are not necessarily wrong. As long as you break through the psychological shackles and the barriers of thinking, you can also succeed.

The value of success lies in creative thinking.A person who achieves great things can realize the true value and true happiness of life only through creation.

(Chapter 6 Frugality - frugality is wealth in itself

If you develop the habit of frugality, it means that you have the ability to control your desires, that you have begun to master yourself, that you are developing some very important personal qualities, namely self-reliance, independence and so on.In other words, it means that if you have pursuit, you will be an accomplished person.

thrift can create wealth

John D. Rockefeller, the founder of the Rockefeller Group, was born in a family of doctors in 1839.Life at home is not well-off, and the hard life has made him develop a habit of thrift and a spirit of striving.At the age of 16, he decided to start his own business.Although he often researched how to get rich, he never got the point.One day, he saw an advertisement in the newspaper, which was promoting a book on the secrets of making money.Rockefeller was overjoyed after reading it, and hurriedly followed the address indicated in the advertisement to the bookstore to buy the "Secretary".The book cannot be read casually, and can only be opened after the buyer pays for it.Rockefeller was eager to learn, so he hurried home and opened the book after buying it. Unexpectedly, when he opened the book, only the word "diligence and thrift" was printed on it, and he was angry and disappointed.Rockefeller couldn't sleep that night. The author who cursed the "rich secretary" cheated people to cheat money. He gradually thought about why the author only wrote two words in the whole book. The more he thought about it, the more reasonable the book was.Since then, he has worked tirelessly to start a business and paid great attention to saving and saving.In this way, he persisted in his part-time job for more than 5 years, and saved 800 US dollars with the frugal spirit of saving food and clothing.After years of observation, Rockefeller saw clearly his entrepreneurial goal: operating oil.After decades of struggle, he finally became the American oil magnate.

Since then, Rockefeller has carried out conservation education and labor education to the children in the family since childhood.Every weekend, the children get tens of cents of pocket money from their parents. As for how to spend it, it is completely up to the children to decide, but they must record it in their personal account books in detail for their parents to ask.If the children feel that their pocket money is not enough, their parents will not give him any more but encourage the children to earn money through their own hands.So, on Sundays, the Rockefeller children were busy mowing the lawn, sweeping the garden or shining shoes.It costs 5 cents to polish a pair of leather shoes and 20 cents to polish a pair of boots.

The children of the billionaire Rockefeller family can treat money in this way. As children of ordinary people, should they understand the value of money and learn the skills of independent financial management?

In the beginning, saving even a few pennies is better than saving nothing at all.As time goes on, you'll find it easier to set aside some of your money for savings.

Someone is always lamenting that he is not rich because he spends all his income.One thing a man should learn is to save money so that he becomes frugal.Frugality can not only create wealth, but also temper one's will and cultivate one's character.

Frugality is not a kind of demanding life, let alone stinginess. It can be said that it is a kind of wisdom in life, and it is the method and art of making the most reasonable allocation of resources that we have. It can not only make our wealth more Some, and can make our life more interesting and challenging.

Frugality applies not only to money matters, but also to everything in life, from the rational use of one's time and energy to the development of thrifty living habits.Frugality means managing our time and money scientifically, and making the most wise use of the resources we have in our lives.

Frugality is not only a way of accumulating wealth, but also the root of many good qualities.Frugality can improve one's character, and practicing thrift is also good for other human abilities.Frugality is a mark of excellence in many ways.The habit of thrift demonstrates self-control, and at the same time proves that a man is not an incorrigible victim of his own desires and weaknesses, but that he is in control of his money and his own destiny.

Regardless of whether the living conditions at home are good or not, we should develop the virtues of hard work and thrift.A lazy and extravagant person cannot achieve professional success.In fact, most people who have achieved success in their careers are industrious and thrifty, and they got the first pot of gold in life through their own efforts in due course.

People who know how to be frugal, they know the hardships of life and the difficulty of accumulating wealth, and they know the truth that sitting and eating will inevitably lead to nothing.

Cultivating the virtue of thrift and investing one's own funds is one of the qualities that a successful person must possess.

Many young people tend to spend on cigars, champagne, ballrooms, theaters, etc., the necessary capital that should be used to develop their careers.If they can save these unnecessary expenses, it will definitely be considerable in the long run, which can lay a good economic foundation for future career development.

Many young people spend money like running water as soon as they step into the society. These people seem to have no idea of ​​the value of money for their future careers.The purpose of their reckless spending seems to be to hope that others will praise him as "rich", or to make others feel that they are rich.A mouse never leaves overnight food for itself, the food for the meal is always wiped out, and the next day it has to run around hungry and hungry, looking for food for a new day.A rat who doesn't leave overnight food will never achieve financial freedom.

There are people who don't make a lot of money but are stupid to spend.They would spend all their money on bric-a-brac and clothes that rich people could afford, but when they wanted to do something they were broke.

There is a very talented young man who can earn a lot of money and is very confident about the future, so he always spends all his money.Suddenly one day, his young wife was seriously ill. In order to save her life, he had to invite a famous surgeon to perform a life-threatening operation on her.However, the doctor will not perform the operation until he has paid the full fee.Young people had to borrow money, which was a huge sum of money!His wife's life was finally saved, but the subsequent convalescence of his wife and the successive illnesses of his children, coupled with the torment of anxiety, finally made him sick from overwork, and his earning decreased year by year.In the end, the person's career was frustrated, the whole family was destitute, and there was no money to tide over the difficulties.Before his wife got sick, he could have easily saved tens of thousands of yuan in a year, but he didn't think it was necessary at the time, and believed that it would be so easy to earn money in the future.

Learning to invest in the most valuable things, which is a healthy consumption and an active lifestyle, will enable us to live honestly, simply and valuablely, and ultimately to be happy and satisfied.

Carry out the concept of thrift with action
Tao Kan, a famous general in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, made great achievements many times in his life, but he never forgot the word "diligence and thrift".One year, when he accepted the task of building a ship, he found that the bamboo and sawdust left on the construction site were left unattended. He moved his mind and sent someone to collect them, register them in the warehouse, and send someone to keep them.Someone ridiculed him at the time: "A general, but always worrying about such trivial matters, will definitely not become a big deal in the future." But he didn't mind.Soon, the emperor ordered that there was a crusade mission and the speed of shipbuilding should be accelerated.The wood has been arranged, but the bamboo nails are missing, and the officials in charge of supplying materials are anxious like ants on a hot pot.Tao Kan pointed to the packs of bamboo heads in the warehouse and said, "Aren't these ready-made bamboo nails?" In winter, it snowed heavily and the army camp was muddy and difficult to walk. Bedding on wet and slippery roads.People walked with peace of mind, and they all praised Tao Kan as a good general who ran the army diligently and thriftily.

The famous general Tao Kan is not afraid of being ridiculed by others, and cherishes every bamboo head and every sawdust. It seems like a trivial matter, but it solves the urgent need.

"The more economical a person lives, the closer his heart is to God." This is what Carl Witt's father said to Carl.Father himself was a thrifty man, and he had raised Karl to be such a man.In their family, economy has always been pursued. Carl knew from a young age that a grain of grain should not be wasted, and that he should eat everything on the plate when eating, so that instead of being despised, he would be praised.When he was a child, Carl's father only bought him a set of building blocks, and his father made other toys for him.Carl's clothes were remade from the old clothes of adults, and Carl had a teddy bear, which was also made by his mother from the scraps left over from making clothes, because Karl was very fond of other children's teddy bears at that time.In this way, in these details of Karl's life, his father always reminded him not to waste things and to develop a good habit of saving.

Frugality is one of the virtues of human beings, which is closely related to hard work.A hard-working person knows the value and significance of frugality best, because he knows that everything is hard-earned and requires hard work, whether it is physical or mental.

We must cultivate the habit of frugality from now on, which needs to be implemented with practical actions.Might as well try to manage money and learn to be frugal.In fact, for every family, how to manage the house is very important. We should learn to recognize the value of each thing, so cherish and protect it, instead of unnecessary waste and destruction and consumption of valuable things.

Frugality is the mentor of life.A frugal person is good at thinking and planning.He has his own life plan and is quite independent.

To cultivate the concept of being good at using actions to pursue thrift, I suggest that you should first do the following:

1. Don't let everything you see and love be our personal property.

2. We should think not only of ourselves, but also of other members of the family.

3. Don't satisfy your unreasonable wishes and demands.

4. Train yourself to use money in a planned way.

5. Fully understand that thrift is the beginning of shaping good moral character.

6. Learn to live within your means.

7. Start small and develop the habit of saving.

Keyword insight: saving
Famous British writer Ruskin said: "Usually people think that the meaning of the word thrift should be 'a way to save money'. In fact, it is wrong. Thrift should be interpreted as a 'method to use money'. For example, how should we Purchase necessary furniture; how to spend money in the most appropriate place, how to arrange expenses for clothing, food, housing, transportation, education and entertainment, etc. All in all, we should use the money in the most appropriate and effective way. It's real thrift."

(Chapter 7 Enthusiasm - warm the world around you with enthusiasm

A person's ability to be enthusiastic is a spiritual quality that comes from within.You sing because you are happy, and you become happier while singing.Enthusiasm, like a smile, is contagious.

ignite the hope of others with enthusiasm
It has been more than half a year in college, and the classmates have never seen Tom smile, which caught the attention of the monitor, Jack.Usually, Tom never takes the initiative to chat with others, and he doesn't like to talk. He just keeps his head down and studies alone.In the past six months, he has hardly been to other places except school. Because of his withdrawn personality, his classmates nicknamed him "Lonely Hero".

Once, one of Tom's relatives came to see him, and Jack learned about his misfortune from Tom's relatives.It turned out that when Tom was very young, his parents died in a car accident. Without the support of life, Tom and his sister didn't know how to live.Fortunately, the uncle from far away came to hear the news and took the siblings to his uncle's house.My aunt is a troublesome person, very harsh to Tom and his sister, always scolding and even beating them.

Once my sister had a high fever and my uncle was not at home. Tom begged his aunt to take his sister to see a doctor, but his aunt ignored him. After his uncle came back, he sent his sister to the hospital, but her eyes could no longer see.From then on, he never wanted to talk to anyone except his sister.

After Jack knew everything, he took the initiative to talk to Tom. Jack said, "Tom, I sympathize with your misfortune. I hope I can help you." Tom just looked at him and didn't speak.But Jack didn't give up helping him. He told his classmates about Tom and asked everyone to find a way to make Tom happy.

Because of Tom's refusal, no one thought of a better way.It suddenly occurred to Jack that Tom's sister was blind due to a fever and might be cured, so he consulted a doctor.The doctor told him what to look for, and under normal circumstances it can be cured.

This little hope burned Jack's heart. He went back to organize his classmates to plan donations, and then took his sister to the hospital behind Tom's back.After examination, the doctor said it could be cured, which made him and his classmates very happy.

During this period of time, Tom saw that his classmates were acting weird, and they all looked at him with strange eyes, thinking that it was caused by Jack telling his classmates about him, so he became more indifferent to Jack.

Until one day, Jack said to Tom: "Tom, someone is looking for you at the door." Tom was puzzled because no one had ever looked for him, but he still walked towards the door.When he saw his sister, his eyes were moist, and the sister also shed tears of joy.

"Is that you, my sister?"

"Yes. Brother, I am your sister." Tom couldn't control his emotions anymore, and ran to hug his sister.

"What, your eyes?"

"Yes, I can see you!"

Tom asked puzzledly, "What happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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