Chapter 8 Success Qualities (2)
Punctuality is honesty and trustworthiness, honesty and trustworthiness are a kind of good moral character, and it is the basic principle of being a human being.In recent years, the importance of honesty and trustworthiness in society has gradually increased.

On-time dating issues are one of the most common integrity issues we encounter.During holidays, it is common for friends to make an appointment to go out.We will all set the time and place in advance, but when the time comes, there will always be people who are late or even do not go. "Traffic jam on the road", "Get up late", "Bicycle is broken"... Latecomers always have thousands of reasons to prevaricate the people who are anxiously waiting for them.What's more, most of the people who participated in the event have arrived, but a certain gentleman has not shown up for a long time. After more than an hour, the gentleman called and declared that he "does not want to go", and the interest of everyone who had been waiting for a long time has been swept away Went a lot.If there are a few more people who "don't want to go", the well-prepared event may be ruined.Those who participate in the date should be friends who have a good relationship. If they treat their friends like this, it can be seen that the concept of integrity has not penetrated into their hearts.Treating every agreement between friends with such a hasty attitude, over time, these people are not far from breaking their promises.In fact, if you really have something that will affect your appointment, telling the people in the same company earlier will avoid similar situations, and you can be regarded as adhering to the principle of integrity.

There are many similar problems in life. We don't pay attention to small things, so we abandon integrity time and time again.What we have to do in the future is to improve our attention on small things and infiltrate the principle of integrity into every detail of our lives.In particular, we need to pay attention to the fact that in life, we may have had the experience of breaking trust with others, and some people will repeatedly trample on integrity because of this, but we should really work hard to correct our breach of trust in our future life with the attitude of mending the past habit.

Successful people know how to be punctual.

Napoleon, a prominent French statesman and military strategist, entertained several generals at a time and planned to discuss matters after the meal.Those generals were late, so he ate alone first, and when they arrived, he had already finished eating.He said to them: "Everyone, the time for dinner is over, now let's start to study things." He ignored the hunger and embarrassment of those generals who were not punctual.

When Washington, the first president of the United States, invited people to his formal dinners, he always expected them to be there on time.Once, a congressman was late.He found that all the people had already sat down at the table and started eating. "We have to be punctual here," Washington told him. "My cook never asks if the guests are here, only if the time is up."

John Quincy Adams never misses time.When the House was in session, seeing Mr. Adams was seated, the host knew it was time to announce to everyone that everyone was in their seats and the meeting began.Once such a thing happened, when the host announced the seat, someone said: "It's not time yet, because Mr. Adams hasn't come yet." It turned out that the clock in the parliament was fast for 3 minutes. After 3 minutes, Adams Mr. arrived at the venue on time.

General Feng Yuxiang, the anti-Japanese general, hated those who did not observe the time.For this reason, I wrote a warning to the world: a table of snacks, half a table of fruit, who knows the suffering of the people; meeting at two o'clock, and arriving at four o'clock, how can it be revolutionary spirit.

Time is the most fair consumable, and everyone is equal before it.

Punctuality can make or break you
Time is like money, the more people who know how to use it, the more valuable it will be; the poorer the person, the less valuable it will be.The problem is that when we have a lot of time, we often squander it without knowing how to use it, and when we really need it, there is not much left.

Morgan enters the office on time at 9:30 a.m. every day and returns home at 5 p.m.Someone calculated Morgan's assets and said he was making $20 a minute, but Morgan thought it was more than that.Therefore, he never talks with people for more than 5 minutes, except for those who have a special relationship with the business.

If you want to win time, you have to keep time.

Horace Greeley said: "If a person doesn't care about other people's time, what is the difference between stealing other people's money? What is the difference between wasting someone else's hour and stealing someone else's five dollars? Besides, many people An hour of work is worth much more than $1." Washington often said: "My watch never asks if the guest has arrived, it only asks if the time has come."

On July 2002, 7, Xi'an "Hua Shang Bao" reported the real performance of the scene of "retaining people under the knife" in a costume drama.It is about a prisoner on death row in Yan'an, Shaanxi Province. Four minutes before his execution, he received a "suspension order" from the Supreme People's Court.It can be seen how important just 12 minutes are!
Punctuality is a social courtesy.In shopping malls, if you are late, you will definitely lose the opportunity to cooperate.

Punctuality is a duty of life.In life, it is the basic etiquette of citizens to be punctual when getting on and off the plane and on the train.

Punctuality is a requirement of leadership.Punctuality is one of the most basic conditions for a leader to make his subordinates obey his leadership.If the leader is late for work and meetings, his subordinates will not trust his words and deeds, and even doubt his leadership ability.Therefore, punctuality is a need for leaders.

Punctuality represents a polite and gentle demeanor.Some people are always scrambling to get work done, and they always give you the look of being in a hurry, like they're always catching a train that's about to start.They have not mastered the proper way of doing things, so it is difficult to have any great achievements.Every young person should have a watch that can tell the time at any time.

In the first seven years of the business career of the famous businessman Ammons Lawrence, he never allowed a single order to be unprocessed on Sunday.Anyone in business knows that there are certain momentous moments in business that determine the state of the business for years to come.If you get to the bank a few hours late, the bill can be rejected and your credit for the loan can be wiped out. "Oh, how I like that young man who does everything in time!" said Mr. Lawrence, "you will soon find that you can rely on him, and will soon have him attend to more and more important matters. "

Keeping on time is the premise of making people trust, and it will bring people a good reputation.It clearly shows that our life and work are methodical and methodical, so that others can believe that we can accomplish the things at hand excellently.People who stick to time are generally not slipping or breaking contracts, and are reliable and trustworthy.A reputation for being punctual and on time is often the first step in accumulating capital for success.With the first step, success will naturally follow.

Keyword insight: punctuality
Time is the measurement symbol of life and the pattern characteristic of life. Not being punctual is trampling on life; being punctual means cherishing time, which is an expression of cherishing and respecting life.

(Chapter 4 temperament - establish your own general demeanor
If you don’t care about others and only care about yourself, you can only support yourself; if you can tolerate the whole family, you can be the head of the family; if you can tolerate a county, you can be the county magistrate; if you can tolerate a province, you can Be the governor; if you can tolerate a country, you can be the head of the country.

Be kind to yourself and others with "magnanimity"
The great German writer Goethe once took a walk on the path in Weimar Park.The path was narrow, and it happened to meet a critic who was hostile to him.They both stopped and looked at each other.The critic said: "I would never give way to a fool." "But I will." After speaking, Goethe stepped aside.

When Lincoln ran for president, his great enemy, Stanton, hated him for some reason.Stanton tried his best to humiliate him in public, attacking his appearance unreservedly, deliberately creating troubles to embarrass him.Nevertheless, after Lincoln was elected president of the United States, he chose Stanton as an important minister in the cabinet.

When the news came out, there was an uproar, and there were many discussions in the streets and alleys.Someone said to Lincoln: "I'm afraid you have chosen the wrong person! Don't you know how he used to slander you? He will definitely drag you down. You should think twice!"

His staff and followers were even more puzzled.

"He is our enemy, he should be eliminated!" Everyone suggested angrily.

"No. Turning an enemy into a friend will eliminate an enemy and gain a friend." Lincoln said, "I know he criticized me before, but for the future of the country, I think he is the most suitable for this position." Sure enough. Since then, Stanton has done his best for the country and Lincoln.

A few years later, Lincoln was unfortunately assassinated and died, and many words of praise are describing this great man.However, of all the words of praise, those of Stanton carry the most weight.He said: "Lincoln is the most admirable person in the world, and his name will be passed down forever."

From here, we can see that a big-hearted person has a broad mind and great wisdom.

"Shangshu" says that you must have tolerance and generosity, and you will have a broad mind; you must be able to endure humiliation, so that things can be done well!If you get angry immediately when you encounter an unsatisfactory thing, or get angry when you are not as good as others, it seems that you lack self-cultivation and you will be a person with shallow blessings.

Capacity is a kind of sentiment, but also a kind of cultivation.Only those with "magnanimity" truly know how to treat themselves and others kindly, and then they will live a great realm in life.

Air capacity and holding people are like a vessel holding water, a large vessel can hold more water, a small vessel can hold less water, a leaky vessel can be poured up and down, and a vessel without a vessel can hold water.

A person with a big heart can accommodate people and things, and can get along with people with different personalities and tempers; he can be inclusive, listen to criticism of himself, and can endure humiliation and withstand misunderstandings and wronged.

There is an old saying: "Greatness gathers friends." If a person can have a generous measure, then a large group of close friends will gather around him.Generosity is manifested in the ability to "seek common ground while reserving differences" with people and friends, and does not use one's own special personality or hobbies to judge others, but only takes like-mindedness in career as the basis for making friends.Generosity also means being able to listen to all kinds of different opinions, especially the opposite opinions carefully.To be magnanimous, you must also be able to tolerate the mistakes of your friends, especially when your friends make mistakes against you, you can ignore the previous suspicions and continue as before.To be magnanimous should be manifested as being able to accept criticism with an open mind, and to correct one's own mistakes as soon as one discovers one's mistakes, and to be able to take the initiative to review oneself when conflicts arise with friends, instead of covering up mistakes and shirking responsibility.A magnanimous person is able to care about others, help others, be considerate of others, be strict with oneself, and be lenient to others.

Being generous, it also shows that you are not serious about small things, and you don't care about small things or worry about them.In life, everyone will encounter one kind or another of unpleasant little frictions and conflicts.Once others offend themselves, they will get angry, or make a note to "settle after the autumn", which will only bring pain to themselves. "Big things are clear, small things are confused", and it is a virtue not to care about small things.

Whether a person's tolerance is large or small is difficult to distinguish when he is calm, but it is easy to see clearly when he has conflicts and disputes with others.People with a generous mind don't take small conflicts to heart, don't care about other people's attitudes, and treat others with ease.On the other hand, people with narrow minds often want to gain the upper hand and ask for a little advantage.

Some people may think that restraint and forbearance are a sign of cowardice and cowardice. In fact, this is the opposite of the problem.The ancients said it well: "Don't be surprised when you come suddenly, and don't be angry when you are unreasonable." This is the real hero.Only the simple-minded and incompetent people will fight over trivial matters, and fight with each other, and their faces will be red.And when you can let go, let go, be forgiving and forgiving, this is the noble personality that an open-minded, graceful and successful person should possess.

Therefore, we say that temperament is a kind of noble personality cultivation, a kind of mind, and a kind of general demeanor.With a magnanimous mind, you will have a broad horizon and a successful momentum to see the situation!

Cultivate the spirit of success

People often say: "I hate so and so to death." This kind of hatred has an impact on their own bad emotions that cannot be underestimated.

In life, we get along by fate, or depend on family, or study together, or work together, or travel together. There will always be some stumbling blocks, kindness and resentment between each other.Why not put love first, resolve conflicts, and be a tolerant person?

If a person has strength, he will have temperament; if he has temperament, he will have more popularity; if he has popularity, he will have more success.Although temperament is born, it can also be learned and cultivated.Strength is very important to the fame and fame in life!

Here are some life tips that can help you get out of the muddy path of narrowness, accumulate the strength of success, and embark on the broad road of tolerance:

1. Face up to your grievances.Very few people admit to hating someone.However, the hatred that people don't admit is burning inside and affecting each other's relationships.That being the case, it would be all the more comforting to publicly acknowledge the hatred.You might as well tell the other party directly: "You have hurt me." To arouse the other party's conscience, so as to resonate and resolve the rift.

Dealing with grievances should not deal with people.Anger at their actions can be expressed, rather than resentment at the perpetrator should be expressed.Forgiveness is finding a new image of the person who hurt you, discovering where he shines.When we begin to realize more deeply that the other party actually needs help and will inevitably make mistakes, new changes will take place in our relationship.

2. Let it go.This by no means means that you are completely oblivious to the harm others have done to you.In fact, premature forgetting may be a form of escape.And once we show tolerance, forgetting is a sign of health.We were finally able to forget because we reconciled.

3. Don't lose faith in tolerance, but persevere.The habit of hating is stubborn and hard to break.The deeper the injury, the longer it will take to wear off its effects, but as long as it gets better slowly, we should be tolerant.

4. Don't care too much about others, always forgive others' mistakes, but have a sense of right and wrong.

5. Don't be burdened by unsatisfactory things.When unsatisfactory things come, you can deal with them calmly and not be burdened by them, and your energy will increase.

6. Self-examination should be conducted in case of trouble, and don't fight back against the other party. Your tolerance will naturally grow day by day.

7. If you suffer a disadvantage in learning, give the advantages to others first. Over time, you will increase your strength from the disadvantage.

Keyword perception: capacity
There is no tolerance without generosity.No matter how successful you are, no matter how high the mountains you climb, no matter how much leisure you have, no matter how many beautiful goals you have, if you don't have a broad mind and a big heart, you will still suffer from inner pain.

(Chapter 5 Innovation - breaking through the shackles of thinking

Effective innovation will hit the spark of life.Whoever has innovative ideas will become a winner; whoever refuses to innovate will be mediocre!A person with the habit of thinking and innovation will definitely have a shining life!

Get rid of the constraints of inertial thinking
Once, Ah Wei was invited to a friend's house, and found that his house had a large glass fish tank with many strange-shaped stones in it, and pairs of small shrimps were fostered in the cracks of the stones.After asking, I know that this kind of small shrimp that grows in the southern sea reefs has the habit of drilling into the crevices of stones since childhood. With a little decoration, it can be sold as an ornamental small animal.

Awei admired it carefully, and couldn't help but inspire him: turtles have special meanings in people's minds. They symbolize longevity, longevity, and auspiciousness. The physical symbol of enduring and unchanging, can be described as eternal companionship, happiness, health and longevity, and must be a very selling gift for weddings or birthdays.

So, Awei ordered a batch of round glass tanks with small mouths and big bellies, bought young colorful turtles, and raised one female and one male in them.In less than half a year, they have grown so long that they can no longer be taken out from the mouth of the tank.So he put it on sale with the beautiful decorations named "to grow old together" and "forever together", and it immediately became the best-selling wedding and birthday gift in the market.Later, he specially opened a colorful tortoise farm, which is doing well.

The same pair of painted tortoises, a glass tank, and several liters of water, with a little innovation in thinking, sales increased greatly, bringing huge profits to Ah Wei.

The inertia of conventional thinking can also be called "thinking pattern", which is a state of thinking that everyone has.When it dominates normal life, it seems to have the convenience of "habitualization", so it cannot be said that its effects are all negative.However, when faced with innovative things, if you are still constrained by them, it will form an obstacle to creativity.

Many things we are accustomed to, familiar and taken for granted fill our lives, making us gradually lose our enthusiasm and freshness for things.Experience has become our sole criterion for judging things, and what exists naturally becomes reasonable.With the accumulation of knowledge and rich experience, we become more and more conformist, more and more mature and prudent, so creativity is lost!Imagination also atrophied!Mindsets have become a major obstacle for human beings to surpass themselves.

However, some people can often break through people's thinking routines, use counterintuitive tricks, work hard on the word "odd", come up with amazing business tricks, and achieve amazing results.

In London, a little-known small restaurant came out on top in the fierce competition and was crowded with customers all day long.The direct reason is that the store's advertisement is very eye-catching: "The food hygiene in this store is unparalleled-not a single hair can be seen in the soup at any time!" This attracted many customers to enter the restaurant to have a look. !
Innovation refers to a method of opening up and understanding new fields. Simply put, innovative thinking refers to creative thinking. A mind that seeks new answers.

(End of this chapter)

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