Chapter 24
(Chapter 1 Stress - Unleash Your Potential

After watching a thousand songs, you will know the sound, and after watching a thousand swords, you will know the weapon.Any problem can only be understood after experiencing it, and the laws of it can only be familiarized after a lot of experience, and the same is true for the confusion of success.

When you face pressure and setbacks, you should know that this is not the worst result, but the beginning of another road you are familiar with - we must learn to learn from difficulties and forge ahead in failure, this is what the brave should choose the way.

There may be a moment when we are eager to leave everything in front of us and go away; there is a moment when we are eager to stop mechanical work and be free; there is a moment when we are unwilling to bear the consequences of making mistakes and want to find an irresponsible excuse for ourselves.This is a moment that everyone will have when they grow up, but some people grasp themselves at this moment, and some people make a bad head for themselves.

A good start is the prerequisite for success. When we encounter that decisive moment, don’t respond in a hurry, give yourself a period of time, and listen to your inner voice. Only with such concentration and calmness can we answer the confusion of success and prepare for the future. A beautiful page begins in life.

There is no stress-free environment in the world.Asking for stress-free life is like fantasizing about walking on non-friction ground.

The key is how to deal with stress.Pressure is the boat of potential. Pressure will stimulate people's potential to the extreme, prompting people to overcome difficulties and find better ways of doing things.

stress can do wonders

An American named Mellon went to Vietnam to fight at the age of 19. He was wounded in the lower half of his back by a stray bullet. After treatment, he was unable to walk and was diagnosed as disabled by a doctor.Life in a wheelchair is really difficult, so he often drinks to relieve his worries.Once he went home from a pub in a wheelchair after drinking, and three robbers robbed his wallet on the way.He struggled desperately, but the robbers set fire to his wheelchair. The scorching fire made him jump up uncontrollably, and ran the whole street in one breath, completely forgetting that he was a disabled person.Afterwards he said: If I hadn't run away, I would have been burned or burned to death.I forgot everything and jumped up and ran as hard as I could, until I stopped and realized that I was able to walk.Since then, he lost his wheelchair and lived and worked normally.

World high jump record-setting athlete Brummell will be on crutches for the rest of his life after being injured in a motorcycle accident and unable to walk, doctors agree.However, it didn't take long for him to cross the height of 2 meters after multiple operations and return to the sports field again, which seemed unbelievable to others.Meihuaxiang comes from the bitter cold, and his success comes from the astonishing intensity of exercise: 4.7 tons of weightlifting, 160 bounces with 2500 kilograms of weight on his shoulders - under pressure, the great potential of people is evident.

Everyone is often not aware of the size of their own potential. Only through the tempering of great responsibilities, major changes or major crises can the potential be stimulated.This is like a submarine mine, without the impact of a giant ship, it would not have a huge explosive force.Children can throw it, roll it, play games with it, and even punch it through the walls of houses without it exploding.And when it encounters the block of a one-foot-thick warship steel plate, its terrifying lethality can be fully erupted.

Lincoln plowed fields, felled trees, worked as a railway employee, worked as a surveyor, served as a state legislator, worked as a lawyer, and was re-elected as a member of Congress.Although he did his best, he did not show extraordinary talent.The wisdom of the greatest man who ever lived in the United States was brought into play when Lincoln was the president of the country, and the burden of the country's survival was placed on his shoulders.

When people are under great pressure, they sometimes have unexpected strength.He will struggle desperately to escape from there, and the enthusiasm that will not admit defeat will emerge.This kind of fighting spirit, in the eyes of ordinary people, sometimes appears as a phenomenon that is considered miraculous.

This is not a miracle, but an inevitable result.It is for this reason that people who were considered incapable of doing anything in the past suddenly do something remarkable in times of crisis.No matter what the difficulty is, as long as you have enthusiasm and desire, you can break through.

In the same way, the pressure of poverty can also call out potential.Most people are troubled by being born in a poor family, but a philosopher said: "People who are born into rich families are like athletes running with weights. Most rich children cannot resist the temptation of wealth. and fall into misfortune. Such people are often no match for poor children."

This philosopher has his own unique insights.Being born in a poor family seems to be a misfortune in life on the surface, but at the same time it provides a huge living space for poor children.Often the poorer you are, the more you can stimulate people's potential, and the struggle to get rid of poverty is very good at cultivating talents.Such examples abound all around us.

Potential wisdom is obtained by resisting difficulties, and greatness is produced in the struggle against difficulties. It is impossible to exercise ability without fighting against difficulties and obstacles.A person who grew up in a superior environment, who often relies on his parents instead of earning food with his own labor, and who has been spoiled since he was a child, will find it difficult to stimulate his own potential and achieve success.Poverty can motivate people, train people, and achieve people.

Just imagine, if a person is not forced to work by life, what will he be?What would he do if he could get what he wanted without working hard?If he has got what he wants, will he still fight?
We curse poverty, we want to get rid of poverty, and we also thank poverty, because poverty can stimulate people's great potential.

Momentum through pressure

In order to turn water into steam, the water must be heated to 100°C under standard atmospheric pressure.Only after water boils can it turn into steam and generate propulsion to move the train. "Warm" water is not going to push anything.

But in real life, many people want to use warm water or half-boiling water to push the train of their lives. They don't reflect on why they can't succeed, but wonder why they are always unknown and unable to succeed in their careers. To succeed.

They do not know that the warmth of a man's attitude towards life has the same effect on his own career or work as warm water has on a train.

Jones runs a farm in Wisconsin, and his limited income can barely maintain the life of the whole family. He has a strong body, works conscientiously and diligently, and never dared to dream of owning huge wealth.In an accident, Jones was paralyzed and unable to move in bed.Relatives and friends thought that his life was over, but the fact was not always the case.

He decided to live his life with hope, to be a useful person optimistically, to continue to support his family without becoming a burden to them.

He told his family about his idea: "My hands can't work anymore, I want to start working with my brain, and you will work instead of me. Our farms are all changed to grow corn, and we use the harvested corn to raise pigs. When it is fresh and tender, it will be stuffed into sausages and sold, and it will be very popular."

"Jones Suckling Pig Sausage" was an instant hit and became a household name.

There is always a way out.When life throws us a problem, it also gives us the ability to solve it.

Maybe your survival pressure is not small, and you have a lot of troubles, but you must not be trapped in self-worry, but think calmly, comprehensively evaluate the status quo, clarify your thoughts, find strategies and action plans, and respond according to priorities.Remember, your strength is far greater than your pressure.

When the pressure comes, it’s like a sandstorm fascinates your eyes, but after the sandstorm, if you look around, isn’t it still a world full of spring flowers and warm sunshine?How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain?Instead of cussing and cursing, which only proves that we are narrow-minded and immature, it is better to say "thank you" for the frustration and stress that make us stronger.

An unknown young man won the first marathon and broke the world record.

Reporters swarmed over and kept asking: "How did you achieve such good results?"

The young champion gasped and said, "Because, because there is a wolf behind me."

Facing the surprised and inquiring eyes of the reporters, he continued: "Three years ago, I started to practice long-distance running. I tried my best, but my progress was not fast. One morning, while I was training, I suddenly heard a voice behind me. The howling of wolves was sporadic at first, it seemed far away, but soon it became urgent, and it was right behind me. I knew that a wolf was staring at me, and I didn't even dare to turn my head back, and ran for my life That day I practiced, and my score was much better. Since then, every time I practice, I imagine a wolf behind me, and my score has improved by leaps and bounds. Today, when I participate in this competition, I still imagine a wolf behind me. Wolf. So I made it."

In the face of pressure, the most important thing is to maintain a positive attitude.A good attitude can enhance people's ability to cope with stress, and a bad attitude itself is like a mess that interferes with people's hearts.Of course, the more important thing is to have a correct concept of pressure.Stress is not terrible, what is terrible is our inappropriate concepts and reactions to stress.The more you are afraid of stress, the more you will live in fear of stress.People who are not afraid of pressure will be able to handle any pressure with ease.

Coexist with pressure, stimulate your potential, and turn pressure into real motivation: effective action, rich emotion, and energetic...

Keyword perception: pressure
Potential is the toothpaste contained in the toothpaste skin, which will burst out only after being squeezed by pressure.Therefore, when we are faced with huge difficulties and pressures in life, we should not collapse overwhelmed, but encourage ourselves bravely.

(Chapter 2 Bewildered - Be firm in your divine direction

When we fall into the confusion of life, don't be depressed, and don't give up lightly, listen to your inner voice, and then make choices carefully, the bright colors of life will be activated.

Put your awareness in the direction you want
What do you do if your wheels spin while driving?
You must have heard the story of someone driving his sports car fast and smoothly along the way, but somehow, the car suddenly lost control.On the freeway, it would take miles before there was a phone booth, and these out-of-control cars just hit it.

The reason is that when the car loses control, the driver tries to avoid something, but the more he stares at the car and does not want to hit it, the more he will hit it.

In the driving training class, the teacher said to Robin: "Now we are going to do the reaction training of the wheels slipping. I have a computer here. As long as you press this button, one side of the wheel will be vacated, causing the car to lose control and slip. At this time Don't stare at the railing, but in the direction you want the car to go."

"No problem," Robin said confidently, "I heard what you said clearly."

Driving out for the first time, Robin screamed all the way.Then, the teacher pushed the button, and the car suddenly skidded and lost control.Do you know where Robin's eyes are staring?That's right, the railing on the roadside!Seeing that the car was about to hit him, Robin was terrified of fear.At this critical moment, the teacher quickly turned his head to the left, forcing him to look in the direction he should go.Although the car still slipped from time to time, and Robin was always worried that he would hit the railing, but the teacher forced him to only look in the direction the car should go.Finally, Robin finally put his consciousness in the right direction, and the steering wheel was able to turn along with the trend.When the training was over, Robin parked the car and let out a long sigh of relief.

Afterwards, the coach concluded: "When encountering this situation, the simple way is to focus on the direction you want to go, but don't just want the car not to hit the railing like most people." The reason is that we The direction of action is aligned with where our consciousness is placed.

This is a good metaphor to use in life, sometimes we really cannot help but encounter situations beyond our control.

Robin, a master of American success, pointed out: When there are any problems in life, you should put your consciousness on seeking solutions, that is, towards the desired result, but don't put your consciousness on the direction that scares you.

Xiao Li discovered that she was very interested in natural sciences at a very young age.When she was studying, she was like a duck to water in every science class.Later, she continued to study until she graduated from the Department of Chemistry of the University.Her first job was also related to experiments, which is the field where she feels the most belonging and stretches her ambitions the most.Xiaoli not only completed all the work assigned by her boss, but also took the initiative to double her work.She goes to work early in the morning and stays at work until late, even going to the laboratory to work overtime on weekends.

After several years in this position, Xiaoli became restless because the challenge of this position did not expand with her knowledge growth.Due to the lack of challenge, Xiaoli decided to go back to school to continue her studies.Xiaoli, who was studying in the graduate school, learned a new technology. This emerging science fascinated her so much that she wrote her master's thesis on this topic.Her published papers made her famous, and she received very attractive job offers from several companies immediately after graduation.She accepted an offer from a company because they gave her the opportunity to apply what she had learned and continue her commercial research.Xiaoli is very satisfied with this position, she has outstanding performance and outstanding achievements, and her work has brought technological breakthroughs with high economic benefits to the employer.In order to reward her outstanding achievements, the company decided to promote Xiao Li to be the supervisor of the experimental department.It's a well-paid and powerful position, but it also comes with great responsibility.

In her new role, Xiaoli is responsible for managing the work of other researchers. This is her first management role, including preparing work logs, directing performance evaluations, handling supervision matters, planning, etc. Her time spent in the laboratory has decreased , there are more opportunities to stay in the office to process official documents, make phone calls, interact with people, and there are also lengthy meetings.Meetings are what Xiao Li hates the most. She began to miss the old days, feeling how vibrant and full of challenges she was at that time. Money and fame are no longer enough to make up for this regret.

It is impossible to have both fish and bear's paw, this is the eternal maxim.You can't eat in a bowl and look into the pot.Lily wanted the interesting and challenging technical job she loves and a career in administration, but she couldn't have it both ways.

Lily's life compass pointed in two opposite directions at the same time, so she was confused.Lily needed a compass pointing in only one direction, one worth keeping her going.

A person's life compass often fails. Day after day, how many people lose their direction in the maze-like, unpredictable and boundless life course that lacks guidance.They keep hitting the rocks, but others continue to sail with superior skills, meet the daily challenges safely, and reach the other shore of success safely.In order to stick to the correct course, in order not to be trapped or swallowed by unexpected obstacles and traps along the way, you need a reliable internal guidance system, a useful compass to guide you to a successful path in difficult situations. Kangzhuang Avenue.Sadly, too many never reach the finish line because they navigate with a compass that doesn't work.This broken compass could be a distorted sense of right and wrong, or selfish intentions, or a failure to set goals, or an inability to prioritize, the list goes on.

A wise person can achieve lasting success by using the compass; an intelligent and outstanding person can choose a reliable route and move forward firmly to get rid of danger and reach the end safely.

see your target through the fog
On the morning of July 1952, 7, the coast of California was shrouded in thick fog.On Catalina Island, 4 miles west of the coast, a 21-year-old woman waded into the Pacific Ocean and began swimming toward the California coast.The woman's name was Florence Chadwick.Before that, she was the first woman to swim across the English Channel.

That morning, the sea was so cold that her body was numb, and the fog was so thick that she could hardly see the boat escorting her.Time passed hour by hour, and tens of thousands of people watched it on TV.On several occasions, the shark approached her only to be shot away.She is still swimming, and the biggest problem she faces during this cross-sea swimming is not fatigue, not the biting water temperature, but the thick fog that makes her unable to see clearly ahead.

Fifteen hours later, she was tired and cold.Knowing that she could no longer swim, she asked someone to pull her into the boat.Her mother and trainer were on board, and they both told her it was close to shore and told her not to give up.But she looked toward the California coast and could see nothing but thick fog.

In the journey of life, sometimes we lose ourselves and lose our clear direction of pursuit for the future.At this time, are we like this woman's situation, where we can't see anything except thick fog?
Let's see the end of the story again!

After 15 hours and 55 minutes from her departure, they pulled her aboard.Later, when she gradually felt warmer, she began to feel the blow of failure.She told reporters without thinking: "To be honest, I'm not making excuses for myself. If I could see land at that time, maybe I could have persisted."

Therefore, when we feel lost, we need to see our goal through the thick fog. In fact, it is not unreachable, but close at hand. As long as you stick to the direction that you think is sacred and worthwhile, you will reach your goal land.

To get out of confusion, we might as well:

1. Set clear goals

(End of this chapter)

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