Chapter 23 The Psychology of Success (4)
"I suggest that you really learn all their trade skills, business paperwork and company organization, even how to fix minor problems with copiers, and then quit your job." His friend suggested, "You use their The company, as a place of free learning, after everything is clear, and then walk away, isn't it both vented and rewarding?"

The man followed his friend's advice, and since then he has been learning secretly, and even stayed in the office after get off work to study the method of writing business documents.

A year later, that friend met him by chance.

"You probably have learned most of it, so you can prepare to slap the table and quit?"

"But I found that in the past six months, my boss has looked at me with admiration. Recently, I have always entrusted me with important tasks, and I have been promoted and raised. I have become a celebrity in the company!"

"I expected this a long time ago!" His friend said with a smile. "At the beginning, your boss didn't value you because you were not capable enough, but you didn't study hard. Then you worked hard and made rapid progress. Of course It will make him admire you."

The right kind of self-examination can always make you progress.Everyone should often jump out of himself to reflect on himself, "take out" his own heart, and examine it again and again, only in this way can he truly understand himself.

It is because most people lack the habit of introspection and do not know their own changes over the years that they cannot see their own essence clearly.And a person who doesn't know his own changes can't think about his future from his past experience, of course he can only live from day to day.

People can not escape from doing wrong.Mistakes are allowed in life, but the same mistake cannot be allowed to be made twice. If a person's life is full of mistakes, then his result will not be correct.It is not terrible to make mistakes, the terrible thing is not knowing where the mistakes are.

Seeking success from failure and finding right from mistakes is one of the ways we know things.There is no doubt that making mistakes in life is not useless or worthless.If you do something wrong today, through self-reflection, it will not make it happen again tomorrow.

A person who is able to examine himself from time to time, generally speaking, has very few faults, because he will always consider: How much power do I really have?How many things can I do?What should I do?Where are my shortcomings?Why it failed or succeeded etc.By doing so, you can easily identify your strengths and weaknesses and lay the foundation for future success.

There was a young man who borrowed a phone from a corner shop one day.He covered the telephone receiver with a handkerchief, and said: "Is this the Wang Mansion? I am calling to apply for a job as a gardener. I have a lot of experience and I believe I can do it." The operator on the phone said: " Sir, I'm afraid you're mistaken, my master is very satisfied with the gardener he has hired, and the master says that the gardener is a conscientious, enthusiastic and hardworking person, so we don't have any vacancies for gardeners here."

After hearing this, the young man said politely: "I'm sorry, maybe I made a mistake." Then he hung up the phone.The owner of the small shop heard the young man's words and said, "Young man, do you want to work as a gardener? My relatives are hiring someone. Are you interested?"

The young man said, "Thank you for your kindness. In fact, I am the gardener of the Wang Mansion. The phone call I made just now was for self-examination to determine whether my performance meets the owner's standards."

In life, continuous self-reflection can make yourself invincible.

Generally speaking, a person with a strong introspection is very aware of his own strengths and weaknesses, because he is always examining himself carefully.This kind of inspection is also called "self-examination", and its essence is to jump out of the self, re-watch from the outside, and examine whether what you are doing is the best choice.In doing so, you can really get to know yourself, but you have to be candid and unselfish in looking at yourself.

improve yourself in the mirror
Some people who find excuses to evade responsibility are often lucky.They get complacent about avoiding or delaying the consequences of their mistakes, but never reflect on their mistakes and don't realize how much damage it will do to their future.

Heine said it well: "Reflection is a mirror, which can clearly show our mistakes and give us a chance to correct them."

So, how to reflect on yourself?

We might as well develop such a habit—that is, when we first lie in bed at night, think about what is wrong with what we did today; Do a check from a different angle to see what's wrong; moreover, you need to do deep, long-distance self-reflection on yourself frequently.

To be self-aware, it is oneself, not others, that is most likely to fully understand a person.

First of all, reflect yourself in the mirror of "self-knowledge".If you want to understand the gains and losses of your own behavior, you must use the mirror of "self-knowledge" to look at yourself.Introspection is like a bright mirror, and in the mirror of introspection, one's true face will be fully revealed.One should not always stare at others, the important thing is to know oneself first, know oneself from reflection, and understand oneself from the mirror of self-knowledge.

Second, have the courage to repent.It doesn't matter if a person has a fault, as long as he can correct it, if he has a fault and refuses to correct it, it is a serious fault, a real fault.Some people make mistakes, but refuse to admit it, because they are afraid of losing face.If you can get rid of the habit of arrogance, you will have the courage to repent and start a new life.Always reflect on your own mistakes, and if you find mistakes, you must correct them in time, and do things happily and earnestly.For example, a patient suffering from appendicitis must have that section of intestine cut off to avoid future troubles.If a person has made a mistake, he must cut it off with the sharp knife of introspection and repentance.

When you reflect on yourself, you must also remain optimistic.As the saying goes, "Smile, ten years less".Optimism can not only make you show youthful vitality, but also help to enhance the body's immunity and prevent the invasion of diseases.

Only by learning to forgive can we abandon resentment.People with resentment tend to have greater mood swings, either complaining all day or regretting; being hostile to others or giving up on themselves.This can easily lead to mental disorders.Therefore, you should learn to abandon resentment at ordinary times, forgive others, forgive yourself more, and love life.

Learn to reflect, but also have love.Having love will not only make the world a better place, but it will also do more for your physical and mental health.Helping others also enables you to make friends, which is not only one of the great pleasures of life, but also makes you live longer.

Keyword insight: introspection
"A truly mature person is one who has the ability to reflect and be able to face it honestly and make correct improvements."

There are many major decisions in life, and some decisions even affect the direction of life and the success or failure of career.Making a good decision and making the right decision often requires some advice.The inner voice is the best advice.

(Chapter 7 Dreams——Life is great because of dreams

Better to be busy with your dreams than lose your dreams because of your busyness.People who have never dreamed, life must be plain and vulgar.

Dreams are a harbinger of success
In 1952, "Life" magazine published the story of John Gould.

When Gao De was 15 years old, he overheard his elderly grandmother say with great emotion: "It would be great if I could try more things when I was young."

Gao De was greatly shocked, and determined that he would never grow old and have irreparable regrets like his grandmother.So, he sat down immediately, listed in detail what he wanted to do in his life, and called it "John Gold's dream list".

In all, he wrote down 127 detailed and specific goals.It includes 10 rivers to explore and 17 mountains to conquer.He even wants to travel to every country in the world, and he also wants to learn to fly a plane and learn to ride a horse.

He even has to finish reading the "Bible" and classic works of Plato, Aristotle, Dickens, Shakespeare and others.

His dreams also include riding a submarine, learning to play the piano, and finishing the Encyclopedia Britannica.Of course, there is the most important item, he wants to get married and have children.

Gothe looks at this "dream list" several times a day, and he keeps the whole list firmly in his heart and recites it backwards and forwards.

These goals of AutoNavi are still unattainable even today.But how did he accomplish it?

At the time of Gothe's death, he had circumnavigated the world four times, achieving 4 of 127 goals.With the goals he conceived and accomplished in his life, he narrated the splendor and achievements of his life, and illuminated the world.

Whenever we read Gao De's story, we can't help but think of a sentence: life is great because of dreams.

A good dream is a harbinger of a happy and successful life in the future.Dreams can bring us hope, inspire our inner potential, and motivate us to keep working hard to achieve our goals.

However, it is not enough to have a dream, you must have the perseverance and determination to realize your dream, and you must rely on unremitting efforts to turn your dream into reality.

Pursuing dreams persistently and fulfilling the dreams of others are the most beautiful things in the world.

In 2001, Son Zhengyi, the richest man in Asia, suffered from liver disease when he was 23 years old. During his hospitalization, he read 4000 books.He read a lot and studied a lot.

After being discharged from the hospital, he wrote 40 industry plans, but finally chose the software industry.In fact, he made the right choice, and the software industry made him the richest man in Asia.

After choosing an industry, he started his own business.In the early days of his business, the conditions were difficult, and his desk was pieced together from apple boxes.He hired two employees.Once, he shared his dream with two employees. He said: "I will earn 25 trillion yen in 100 years and become the richest man in Asia." An incredible thing.They said to Masayoshi Son: "Boss, please allow us to resign because we don't want to work with a lunatic."

In fact, Masayoshi Son's dream came true and he became the richest man in Asia.

Everything that we dream of in life comes back to you in the end, our life is simply a response to what we dream of.Because dreams are the driving force of life, they have carved traces in every step of life.If you want to gain more love in this world, then you have to create more love in your heart; if you want your achievements to be more brilliant, then you have to make yourself better first, such a relationship Can be applied to everything.Life, will respond to you with everything you have ever dreamed of.There are no accidents in life, you are the reflection of your dreams.

Powered by dreams
Marylou Layden was just an ordinary high school sophomore in Virginia, and she didn't look like someone who would become the world's top gymnast.

She said: "I was unknown at the time, although I was already the state's gymnastics champion." When she was petite at the age of 14, she went to Reno, Nevada to participate in a competition.On that day, the Romanian coach Bella Caroli, who had coached Olympic gymnastics gold medalist Nadia, took the initiative to approach Marylou.

Miss Leighton recalled: "He was the king of gymnastics and would come up to me and pat me on the shoulder. He was tall - maybe 6ft 2 or 6ft 4in tall. He spoke with a heavy Romanian accent. Said to me: 'Marylou, you come to me and I can make you an Olympic champion.'"

The first thought that flashed through Raiden's mind was: "It's impossible!"

Bella Carrolli, though, was the only one who apparently noticed her throughout the Nevada gymnastics competition."So we sat down and we started talking," Reiden recalled. "And then he talked to my parents and said, 'Listen! I can't guarantee that Marylou will make varsity gymnastics, but I know she's material. '"

What a great goal!Marylou dreamed of competing in the Olympics since she was a child.But this time, it was a great man in the gymnastics world who uttered her dream. For Marylou, this goal was as firm as if it had been engraved on a rock.

"The risk I took was huge," she said. "I had to leave my family and friends, live in a home with strangers, and train with some girls I didn't know. I was terrified of such a big decision. I didn't know what to expect. But at the same time, I'm excited. This coach is willing to train me, and I've been selected by him, a small, little place from nowhere in Virginia!"

Of course, she must not disappoint Coach Caroli.At that time, it was only two and a half years since Marylou won the Olympic gold medal for the US gymnastics team with two consecutive perfect scores.Since that Olympic Games, almost no one does not know the gymnastics champion.

Once a person has a dream and a goal, he will naturally spend more effort to realize it, and the brilliance of life can be seen from this.why?Because in the process of striving for the realization of ideals, the joy of life is clearly visible, and life will be more fun.

Only by thinking big can we become big, only if we can't think of it, nothing is impossible.Big thoughts lead to big achievements, small thoughts lead to small achievements.Looking at ancient and modern China and foreign countries, the historical figures with great achievements and great influence are all people with big thoughts and big views.Small thoughts are obstacles to great achievements, the real destroyers of great achievements.

Many people suffer because of small thoughts.They're afraid that if they think too big, dream too big, aim too high, they'll be losers if they don't achieve it.So, in order not to be losers, they set their goals low.But the truth is, if you aim for a star, you can at least hit a pole, but if you aim for a pole, you can probably hit the ground.Hitting a pole is better than hitting the ground.

For those who have great dreams, even iron walls cannot hinder their progress.

Only with dreams can there be hope and potential can be stimulated.

With hope, one's thoughts and emotions become steadfast.

Dreams have an inspiring creative power, it encourages people to complete their careers; it is also a supplement to talents, which can increase people's talents and make all dreams come true.

Dreams can make people produce a kind of power, which is the most wonderful power and the most irresistible power in the universe.People are great because of their dreams, and life without dreams is the most boring.

Keyword perception: dream
When we start dreaming, it will have an effect on the depths of the soul. At this time, it will trigger a reaction from the bottom of the heart, resulting in external and complex effects.This effect is of course infinite.Therefore, when people's dreams work in the depths of their hearts, the impossible can be made possible.Dreams can rely on the role of the bottom of my heart to make things end as I wish, and finally dreams come true.

(End of this chapter)

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