Chapter 22 The Psychology of Success (3)
Michael Jordan couldn't even make it to the basketball team in high school.At that time, after watching Jordan play, the coach said to him: "Your skills are not very good, and your height is only 1.70 meters. It is too short. You will not be able to play college basketball in the future, let alone enter the NBA." Most people heard such words I will definitely feel inferior, and maybe I will not have the courage to play again in the future.However, Jordan did not feel inferior because of this. The courage burst out of his strong desire to play made him firmly say: "Coach, if you think I am not tall enough, I will find a way to grow taller; if you think my skills are not good enough, just You let me practice with these players, I don't play games, I'd rather carry everyone's luggage, when they sweat, I hand them a towel, when they sweat dripping on the floor, I wipe the floor with a towel, I just want to practice with these players, and I will definitely learn and practice all kinds of skills well.” Seeing his courage and determination and his good attitude, the coach agreed to his request.Later, due to his strong motivation and passion, he took the largest amount of exercise in the shortest time to make himself grow to 1.98 meters, which also achieved amazing results.Later, Michael Jordan won the NBA's scoring champion 10 times, showing that his offensive ability is invincible on the basketball court; he won the top five best defenses in the NBA 10 times, showing that his defense is impeccable; his passing assists are also among the top ten in the NBA , so we call him "trapeze".

If Jordan started to feel inferior and lose courage because of his congenital inadequacies, would he still have the abilities, skills and status he had later on?
Excellent people and successful people are not because they have experienced fewer difficulties and pains than others, but because they have the blood of the strong flowing through them.If others dare not do it, he can ask himself to try it; if others are unwilling to do it, he can ask himself to say "let me do it", so that he will gradually do what others cannot do.

Be bold, everything is clear
Perhaps we have heard many stories of heroes who showed great courage on the battlefield, but we need more courage in our daily life: no matter what happens, it takes great courage to face the world with a smile ;Always believe in yourself, don't follow the crowd, which requires more courage.

The relief and joy you feel after you have completely surrendered yourself to courage and confidence is as described by a paratrooper who said, "The first time I was about to jump out of an airplane, every part of me resisted. No. After jumping out of the plane, there was only a rope and a piece of silk between me and death. I have to admit that I was very scared. But after I found out that the little piece of silk and a piece of rope can hang me, I felt the most amazing joy in my life, it was a glorious feeling, thinking that I was not afraid of anything, and I was filled with the joy of being free from fear. It was so pleasant, I really didn't want to fall into Come to the ground."

In order to cultivate our own courage, we should create conditions to understand the things around us, expand our knowledge, and actively develop various abilities.From a psychological point of view, people are only prone to fear of things they don’t understand. Therefore, we must cultivate our courage by continuously improving our knowledge and ability, such as athletic ability, language ability, communication ability, singing ability, etc. .At the same time, we should dare to face reality at any time and under any conditions.Because courage is not only expressed as not being afraid of difficulties and daring to struggle, but also as daring to face mistakes, failures and unfamiliar environments.We should understand that we must dare to admit and correct our mistakes, we must dare to try again if we fail, and we must be fearless about everything.

People are not born brave, only after experiencing wind and rain can we gain courage, and because of courage, we mobilize our wisdom, thus bursting out the spark of life.

To exercise courage, you can start from the following five aspects:
1. Don't hurt your pride.Even if you often make mistakes or fail, tell yourself: "I am the best!" Only in this way will you not lose your confidence and have the courage to persevere.

2. Be patient with yourself, often play and socialize with friends, learn some skills to communicate with peers, cultivate interest in new things, and develop an enthusiastic and lively personality.Train and cultivate the existing ability defects in time. If you can't express yourself clearly, you can insist on expressing training every day.When facing a new environment, learn more about the new environment, learn how to adapt to the new environment, and face it bravely.

3. Learn to appreciate yourself.Learn to appreciate what you do, even if it is a little bit, such as knowing how to be considerate to adults, knowing how to care for others, etc. In this way, you will better accept yourself, enhance your self-confidence, and cultivate enough courage to face everything.

4. Consciously train yourself to face the things you are afraid of.Under the condition of ensuring safety, consciously exercise yourself to face the things you are afraid of, such as climbing, swimming, skating, etc.If you are timid, take part in more social activities and meet more strangers.

5. Pay attention to strengthening the cultivation of various abilities, such as sports ability, language ability, communication ability, singing ability, etc. Only by improving various abilities can confidence and courage be generated.

In our inner world, there are two great forces vying for control of the mind, fear and courage.You hold on to the stronger idea of ​​courage until you actually believe in it.Because it's not just the difference between success and failure, it's more likely the difference between life and death.You must always remember: don't be intimidated by fear.

Keyword insights: courage
Do you have the courage to dance in the rain, lie on the deserted grass and sing in the cold wind at midnight, roll in the mud, and perform on the stage where everyone is watching...Life also needs CRAZY (crazy) courage.Such a life is worth recalling.

We should not only have the courage to walk the world alone, but also have the courage to face problems and difficulties.

(Chapter 5 Dignity--The unspoilt thing in the human soul

Successful people lie in their tenacious perseverance and strong courage, so that they will never sell their souls in the face of temptation.A person with dignity can stand still in the face of all kinds of temptations and show a noble soul.So you have to remember, don't lower your noble head easily.

Dignity is the sacrosanct will
Witton was a poet.One day, he took a yacht with several ladies and went boating on the Thames.He played the flute and tried to amuse the ladies.At this time, not too far behind the yacht, there was a boat occupied by officers.When the poet sees the officer ship approaching the yacht, he stops playing the flute.Then one of the officers asked him why he put the flute in his pocket and stopped playing.

"I put the flute in my pocket, as I take it out, to please myself," replied Weedon.

The officer angrily threatened to throw him into the river if he didn't immediately take out his flute and play again.The poet was afraid of frightening the ladies, so he swallowed his breath and took out his flute to play for them.

The next day, he saw the rude officer walking alone in a remote place near London, so he walked towards the officer and said coldly: "Yesterday, I wanted to make my companion and yours Companions obey your arrogant orders to avoid causing trouble. Now to make you truly believe that an ordinary person can be as courageous as a man in military uniform. Tomorrow morning, right here, I hope you can Come, let us have a fight. But no one else is there, the duel is only between us."

Witton believes that the conflict between them can only be resolved with the sword in hand.The officer agreed to the terms.

The next morning the two duelists met at the appointed place at the appointed time.The officer was standing in position for a duel.At that moment, the poet aimed his gun at him.

"What for?" said the officer. "Do you want to kill me?"

"No!" said the poet, "but you must dance here for a minute. Otherwise, you will be a dead man."

A small dispute ensued.But the poet seemed so furious and determined that the officer was forced to submit.

When he had finished dancing, the poet said: "Yesterday, against my will, you made me play the flute; today, against your will, I made you dance. The way is over."

It can be seen that dignity is something even more precious than life, and sometimes it is worth our efforts to maintain it.

Dignity is the quality that a self-reliant person maintains.The Chilean writer Guzman said: "Dignity is something that cannot be spoiled in the human soul." The Russian writer Dostoevsky also said: "If you want to be respected, the first thing is that you have to respect yourself." yourself. Only by self-respect can you earn the respect of others.”

There are many temptations in the space we live in, such as money, beauty, power, status, etc. So, will you give up your dignity in order to get these?Take a look at Arthur's story:

The Tsar once summoned the famous poet Arthur at that time.

In the tsar's palace, it was crowded with government officials, nobles and foreign envoys, large and small.As soon as the tsar arrived, all these people bowed down respectfully to show respect to the tsar, only Arthur stood there without moving.

"Who are you, please?" asked the Tsar.

"I'm Arthur." Arthur replied.

"Why don't you bow to me?" asked the Tsar.

Arthur replied calmly: "Your Majesty, you asked to see me, not I wanted to see you. If I bowed to you like others, how could you see clearly?"

Everyone in the court was shocked by Arthur's actions.Someone said: "Arthur, you are so arrogant!" Arthur replied: "Oh no, all I have is dignity."

What is the meaning of life?What do people live for?Different people will have different answers to this question.

Some people may say that people live to live, so how to live?How can I survive?As much as we all need to live, we must live with dignity, as Whedon and Arthur did.To live is simply to survive, and to live with dignity shows a sacred and inviolable will.

Self-respect will be respected by others

A young man was born with a disabled left hand. In order to alleviate the difficulties of his poor family and prevent him from becoming a burden, the young man came to the city, hoping to find a job to support his life.

"Oh, poor man! Come in, and I'll give you a hot pancake," said the young man as he passed a pancake shop in the market.

"Thank you, kind shopkeeper. But before eating your pancake, please allow me to do one thing for you, otherwise, I will not accept your pancake." The young man said seriously.

"What a madman! What can you do with one hand? I kindly gave you a pancake, and you still want to save face." After the shopkeeper finished speaking, he closed the shop door contemptuously.

An old man picking firewood saw him and said, "Young man, I see that you have a healthy hand and can still work. Please help me pick this load of firewood to my house. I will give you a pancake as a gift for you." The reward for your labor." The young man happily agreed.

A passer-by saw this and asked the young man puzzledly: "You don't eat the ready-made pancakes, but you have to work hard for a pancake. Is it worth it?"

"Of course it's worth it! Because I bought this pancake through labor, I can eat it. Although I am poor, I have not lost my dignity as a human being."

If a person has no self-respect, he will blindly obey, copy what others say, and lose his own independent thoughts and opinions. Therefore, there is only "slavery" in his bones.How can people look up to you and respect you? "Respect yourself, and people will respect you; be proud of yourself, and people will respect you." This is an undeniable truth through the ages.Only when you respect yourself can you gain the respect of others.That is to say: what you see yourself as, what you are in the eyes of others.

People who have no self-esteem but have a slavish mentality are actually very sad.They live without ego.What is the point of living in this world without a self?What I do seems to have nothing to do with myself, it seems to only have something to do with others.

Lu Kun, a man of the Ming Dynasty, said: "To be a human being, you must be vigorous and upright in the world. If you are like spring worms and autumn snakes, wind flowers and rain catkins, relying on people for your whole life, it seems that there are more people in the world." Meaning Yes: Since we are human beings, we must be strong and have backbone in this world.If, like earthworms in spring, snakes in autumn, flowers and plants in the wind, and catkins in the rain, they depend on people for their lives and rely on people for their bones, it will be like having this person in the world.

Dignity is the right of every human being. "Although I am poor, I have a noble head!" People must live without being humble, not bowing to power, not being servile to money, not bowing to power... No matter what kind of difficult situation you are in, how many disasters you face Don't lower your noble head easily in the face of hardship and hardship, no matter how much pressure and temptation you are under!

Keyword perception: dignity
You know, dignity is like a person walking with a straight spine, and it is also the most fundamental support for a person to live in the world.If a person loses even his dignity, he also loses his "backbone", and can only collapse and become a crawling "person", crawling forward on the ground.This is a great tragedy!Born and alive, everyone should know how to maintain this fundamental foothold capital.

(Chapter 6 Introspection——jump out and look at yourself

If a person can repeatedly question his past at any time, he can find out whether his previous views on things are right or wrong. If he is right, he can continue to face the world with this perspective in the future. be corrected.In this way, it can help you look at things around you with a correct perspective in the future.

Progress with the “bounce back” of introspection

There was once a person who was very dissatisfied with his job. He said angrily to his friend: "My leader doesn't take me seriously at all. Another day I will slap him on the table and quit my job."

"Have you fully figured out about that trading company? Have you fully figured out the tricks of their international trade?" His friend asked back.


(End of this chapter)

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