Chapter 21 The Psychology of Success (2)
So she said to her friend angrily: "Every time I wipe off one piece quickly, the other piece is covered with mist."

Her friend replied: "You can never finish wiping like this. As long as you light the stove, the mist will disappear naturally."

So she did so immediately, and sure enough, the fog on the window disappeared immediately.

Fog is like a defect in us.We often try really hard to get rid of it, but can't.Only by relying on a clean conscience and real advantages to illuminate the shadow of defects, this is the best way to deal with defects!
Some people wallow in a fog of inferiority complexes that they cannot extricate themselves from.In fact, other people don't see you the way you see yourself.In fact, you can be strong, wise, and successful.You create an extraordinary life out of ordinary days.You have a happy family, a thriving career and a great reputation.Isn't it sad that you are respected and loved by others, while you yourself see yourself through tinted glasses, through tea-tinted lenses?

Your perception of yourself may be incorrect.Take off the colored glasses, become mature, take on your own responsibilities like the people around you, and devote yourself to the career you love.Recognize that you are more than capable of coping with the problems you encounter, that you are better, more successful, more capable, and more creative than you think you are.

When God creates each person, he will endow them with unique personality or characteristics. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about your appearance or other shortcomings and feel inferior. On the contrary, you should feel lucky—you are unique .

Keyword perception: inferiority complex
Inferiority exists more or less in everyone, but we should not be intimidated by inferiority complex, but should go beyond inferiority complex and sublimate it into a good character: modesty and prudence, neither arrogance nor impetuosity, and transform it into Progressive drive.Only in this way can you live happily and smoothly, and your life will be full of hope.

(Chapter 3 Lost - Gather Your Strength at the Lows
If the journey of life is depicted in a picture, it must be a curve with ups and downs, which is much richer than a rigid straight line.Loss is like the low point in the curve, but it is also the starting point of the climax of life. With the ups and downs between the low point and the high point, life will be more exciting.

Unhappy things often eighty-nine

Thomas was a fighter pilot who, after leaving the Air Force, entered the insurance business in Philadelphia. Eight years have passed, and the company has long promised to give him a promotion, but there has been no follow-up.So he quit.The next position is that of a manager of a smaller insurance company.After 8 years, he was fired.

For a while, he tried his hand at a financial advisor business.But it soon closed due to lack of funds.He said: "I was 47 years old at the time, and my finances were very tight. I really had nowhere to go. I was very depressed. I felt like a loser."

The Thomas family has a recipe for making mustard from Russia. Every Christmas, Thomas and his wife make this kind of mustard and give it to relatives and friends.One day, Mrs. Thomas had a whim: why not use mustard to do some business?
So the wife told Thomas that she believed they could try something new with wasabi.At first Thomas thought his wife was crazy, but when he thought about it carefully, it was at least an idea worth considering.He said: "I can't hold you back, let's do it." He discussed with a local cheese shop.After the shop owner had tasted the wasabi, he bought the whole batch from the Thomases.Now, it is eaten almost all over the United States.

Frustration is generally caused by frustration. Learning, love, career, etc. are all carried out in the state of choosing and being selected or competing with each other. Losing because of frustration is a normal emotional reaction of people, but it is best to let this emotion as much as possible. Be brief.

Frustration is inevitable in life occasionally, and it is easy to get carried away when you are proud.Complaining about failures and being dissatisfied with reality are useless, and everything should be resolved with compassion.

As the saying goes: "If you don't like it, it's always eighty-nine." Isn't it so sad to live like this?But that's not the case.There is a saying that "everything takes time".We should have this belief: Frustration is a process of tempering.There is also the saying that auspicious snow heralds a good year, the greater the snow, the richer the year.

You can't stop when you are frustrated in life, you should be proactive.All roads lead to Rome, but this road does not work, so try another road.In the trough of life, pessimism, pain, and blame are useless, it will only make you sink deeper and deeper.The more adversity we face, the more we should keep a clear mind and reason, and fully understand our own strengths and weaknesses.May wish to use this opportunity to reflect and re-understand yourself.Seeing one's own strengths can soothe one's wounded heart, calm one's mind, regain courage, and get out of the trough; discovering one's weaknesses and shortcomings is a kind of progress.

Many great men and achievers in history have suffered from setbacks, but they can all be frustrated without losing their ambitions, and they can win without arrogance and defeat without being discouraged.Sima Qian was frustrated in the officialdom because of Li Ling's case, but he was not defeated. On the contrary, he made his masterpiece of "the swan song of historians, Li Sao without rhyme".Lincoln, one of the greatest presidents in the United States, had two failures in business and two failures in running for Congress.But he finally got the favor of the goddess of success and became a great man with the same reputation as Washington in American history.Just imagine, if he fails to realize and change in time when he is frustrated in business, he may not even be able to touch the door to success.

The road of life is full of choices and turning points. When you are at the bottom of your life, it may herald the coming of turning point.The misfortune of life shows people that it is not purely a disaster. It may tell you that the original way of life is not suitable for you, or that there is a deviation between the original requirements and goals and reality. It uses misfortune to remind you and let you temporarily I am disheartened, and I will give you a chance to calm down and think.At this time, if you can grasp the hint given to you by the God of Destiny, the road ahead of you will suddenly become clear.

It is common for many people to complain and worry blindly when they are in the trough of life, indulge in it for a long time and cannot extricate themselves, surrounded by tears and helpless emotions all day long.In fact, if you think about it carefully, what's the use of complaining and torturing yourself?It can only increase my pain in vain and make myself fall deeper and worse!
We should be more detached!Why not think about the problem from another angle and fight against fate?Understand that life is beautiful and heavy.Life is rich and colorful but also difficult and tortuous.Joy and sorrow, success and disappointment, smooth and bumpy roads, success and failure, honor and's the same for everyone.Life is by no means as pleasant and relaxing as listening to music in the evening, nor as comfortable and happy as drinking beer in summer.Mark Twain said it well: "Whoever has not eaten bread with tears in his eyes does not know what life is!"

There was a paper worker who accidentally made a mistake in the ingredients and produced a large amount of waste paper that could not be written.He was docked wages, fined, and even fired.

He was absolutely disappointed.At this time, one of his friends reminded him to think carefully about whether he could find something useful from his mistakes and minimize the loss.Therefore, he soon discovered that although this batch of paper could not be used for writing, it had exceptionally good water absorption properties and could be used to absorb water from the tabletop.He immediately cut the batch of paper into small pieces and named it "water-taking paper".After it was put on the market, it became a hot commodity. He immediately applied for a patent and became a rich man.

When stepping into the trough of life, be good at using all available conditions to fight against fate, and not succumb to its mercy, and life will give us good rewards in the end.

Yes, in this world, there are many things that we cannot predict.We can't control our destiny, but we can control ourselves; we can't predict the future, but we can grasp the present; we don't know how long our life is, but we can arrange our current life; we can't control the changing weather, but we can adjust it own mood.As long as we work hard, there is hope; as long as we give ourselves a little hope, our life can get out of the trough, and we will never lose color.

The piano has black keys and white keys. Life is like a piano. You can't just touch the black keys without touching the white keys.A truly wonderful life is like a classic Go game, with black and white intertwined and interpenetrating.In decades of life, whether it is long or short, we have tasted pain and enjoyed happiness; we have grown up and encountered wind and rain; sometimes we step into the trough, and sometimes we embrace the sunshine... As long as we are full of brilliant faith, we will definitely be able to get out of the trough of life where "there is no way out" and to meet the glory of "another village where the willows are dark and the flowers are bright".

Frustration is a mirror, which can reflect people's filth; frustration is a whip, which can give you a spur.Frustration will make you calmly reflect on self-blame, face up to your own shortcomings and weaknesses, and work hard to overcome them in order to have a fight; Frustration will make you savor life carefully, repeatedly chewing on the joys and sorrows of life, slowly awakening, and constantly improve yourself; Frustration , is not a flower, but a clump of thorns. Although flowers are pleasant, they often make people lose their vigilance.

In the face of frustration, you should not be discouraged. You must readjust your mentality and emotions, correct the coordinates and routes of life, re-find and grasp opportunities, find your own position, and shine brightly.

Lost don't tell at will

Loss is a kind of pain, and it is also painful to keep the loss in your heart and not find someone to talk to.It is said that burying your loss in your heart can also cause psychological illness, so it is also good to find someone to talk to.But according to the wisdom of jackals, it is better not to reveal the frustration when you are lost.

So how to face loss?Might as well come back to laugh at yourself.Self-deprecating is a special attitude towards life, which has a strong individual color.As an art of life, self-deprecating can not only add happiness and reduce worries, but also help people understand their true self more clearly, overcome inferiority complex mentality, cope with the pressure brought by the evaluations of different opinions around them, and get rid of all kinds of loss and anxiety in their hearts. Unbalanced sense, so as to obtain spiritual satisfaction and success.

Confiding frustrations, whether actively or passively, has many side effects.

1. Inadvertently created an image of oneself as incompetent and weak.Although everyone will have frustrations, if others are proud when you tell your frustrations, then others will intuitively think that you are incompetent or incompetent, otherwise why are you "frustrated"?Although I don't say it out of my mouth, I think about it more or less in my heart.And when it comes to frustration, sometimes you get out of control because of your emotions, causing embarrassment to others. This is the worst thing.If your frustration attracts other people's comfort, your heart is warm, but you become a "helpless child" because of this, and other people's comments are: alas, pitiful!
2. Others' impression of you will be discounted.Many people rate others based on impressions.Generally speaking, a confident and determined person will get a higher impression score. If he is a successful person, he will gain "respect". This is human nature, and there is no reason to say it.If you let others know about your frustration, they will subconsciously deduct points from the score sheet. Originally 80 points, you will fail all of a sudden, and their attitude towards you will naturally change, from respect and enthusiasm to Disdain, indifference.

3. Form a bad social impression.If you tell your frustrations too many times, or let your friends know about them through the spread of listeners, then others will label you: "loser!" When others talk about you, they will will think of these things.In the real society, losers can only create opportunities for themselves, and others are stingy with giving you opportunities.In particular, the rumors are terrible. It is obvious that a small disappointment will also be rumored to be a big failure, which will cause major or small obstacles to your future. Who cares how you are frustrated, and what is the truth of the frustration?
It's not that "frustration" should be stuffed in your heart, but when you want to talk about your frustration, you must look at the timing and the object. 1. You can only tell good friends.A good friend knows your situation, your strengths and weaknesses, your strengths and weaknesses, and he knows it all. Only by talking to this kind of friend can you "keep safe", and it doesn't hurt to fall into his arms and shoulders and cry aloud.As for the people you meet for the first time or ordinary friends, you can't say a word.

2. You can only say it when you are proud.If you talk about frustration when you are frustrated, others will think you are weak; if you talk about frustration when you are proud, others will think you are a brave man, and they will sincerely express their "respect" to you.And your journey from frustration to triumph, they will even use it as an inspirational teaching material, which is more "airy" than a person who has been smooth and proud all his life.

Keyword perception: loss
When the low tide in life rushes to the shore of our life, let us be glad that we finally have time to think, and finally have time to examine the road we have traveled.Think about it carefully, which step of your life path is crooked, which step is slow, and which step has plummeted and become unstable.After you figure it out, accumulate your strength and wait for the opportunity, the next glory in life will definitely belong to you.

(Chapter 4 Courage - Resolute shot will touch hope
In this world, as long as you truly give, you will find that many doors are false!A little courage can achieve infinite things.

go on the road with courage
There was a girl named Jane who always said that she would be a public speaker in the future, but when the teacher gave her a chance and asked her to go on the podium, she began to doubt her ability and became lack of confidence and courage.

In their class, there was also a boy who stuttered and walked up to the podium quickly and firmly.At that time, the students all had suspicious eyes. Although he stuttered when he spoke, his sonorous and powerful voice, coupled with his rich emotions, won warm applause from everyone.

After he finished speaking, the teacher said: "He defeated himself very bravely, and we all should learn from him. From his speech, we can also feel his desire. I plan to recommend him to participate in this provincial competition. Speech contest. Everyone thinks it should be fine, right?"

Jane stood up unconvinced: "I read the text better than him, but you didn't tell us that there will be a provincial speech contest this time... Can the teacher give me another chance?"

Seeing her seriousness, the teacher said: "You said that when the opportunity comes, will you tell me? As long as you are really better than him, I will give you a chance to compete with him." She thought for a while: "Still competing? Although I can read more fluently than him, if I have no emotion, or...wouldn't it be more embarrassing..." So she made an excuse: "I'll give him the chance, next time..."

Unexpectedly, a naughty boy in the class saw her thoughts, so he said: "Without the danger of surgery and the courage to plan surgery, how can there be hope and joy of recovery?" She blushed.

In real life, many things require courage to support, to give up requires courage, to refuse requires courage, to try requires courage, to take risks requires courage... even speaking requires courage.If a person lacks courage, he will lose the basis for taking responsibility, and he can only survive under the protection of others, unable to face any pressure and challenges in life.

Courage is a tonic, the best psychotropic medicine in the world.If you study and work with a spirit full of hope and confidence; if you look forward to your great cause and believe that you can achieve it; if you can show your courage as soon as possible and go on the road with courage , then nothing can stop us from moving forward.On the way forward, we may encounter failures that make us discouraged and disappointed, but that is only temporary. Persevere bravely, and victory will eventually fall into your hands.

Spring is coming.Two seeds lay in the fertile soil and started the conversation below.

The first seed said: "I want to grow hard! I want to root down, and I want to 'get ahead', let the stems and leaves sway in the wind, and sing the arrival of spring...I want to feel the warmth of the spring sun shining on my face, and the morning dew The joy that drips on the petals." So it strives to grow upwards.

The second seed said, "I'm not that brave. If I take root down, I may hit a hard rock. If I drill up hard, I may hurt my fragile stem. If I grow a sprout, there is no guarantee that I won't die." I will be eaten by snails. If I bloom and bear fruit, I am afraid that children will uproot me when they see it. I'd better wait until the situation is safer before making plans."

So it continued to huddle in the soil.

A few days later, a hen was pecking here and there in the garden, and the seed entered the hen's belly like this.

People, like the first seed, must have full confidence in their abilities and have the courage to challenge all difficulties and hardships in life.Do everything conscientiously, fearlessly, and never shrink back, and always be courageous and decisive.In this way, we can be strong to overcome all kinds of difficulties and give full play to our ingenuity.

(End of this chapter)

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