Low-key life, high-profile work

Chapter 18 Pay attention to details and be an excellent manager

Chapter 18 Pay attention to details and be an excellent manager (3)
The manager hurriedly said: "Don't resign. The reason why you haven't been promoted for so long is to train and cultivate you more. You are very good, and the company is planning to promote you to assistant manager."

After hearing what the manager said, Xiao Qiang was stunned. The manager had never revealed to herself that she wanted to reuse her. She almost quit her current job because of these misunderstandings.Therefore, Xiao Qiang continued to stay, and began to work day and night, deciding to maximize her potential.

Due to poor communication, the employer almost lost a good employee.It can be seen that all-round communication and exchanges are the basis of teamwork and the most important thing in cohesive team spirit.An excellent manager should start from the details and establish a mutual communication mechanism in every detail, so as to avoid communication difficulties hindering the tacit understanding between members and resulting in a bad working situation of lack of consensus.In daily work, managers should consciously advocate mutual support and active communication among members, and provide more time and venues for members to communicate together.For example, colleagues in the department often discuss certain matters together, and act together after researching strategies.

All-round communication and exchanges are the basis for building a high-performance team. Only by integrating communication into every detail of daily work can the members reach a tacit understanding and consensus.If communication is likened to the glue for team development, then paying attention to the details of communication is the lubricant for building team spirit.

A high-performance team must first ensure that there is equal communication within the team. When team members truly feel that "communication has no limits", various viewpoints will be integrated with each other, so that team members have the same thinking and actions, and finally achieve values. unanimous.

Pay attention to the interpersonal environment around you
As the saying goes, "The way to win people is to know people, and before knowing people, the most important thing is to observe people." If you want to become a Bole who knows people, you must use keen observation skills to pay attention to the interpersonal environment around you. Get to know a person in depth, and then you will be able to appoint them properly.

There are many factors that affect the prosperity of an enterprise, but the most important one is talent.An old saying goes: "The key to politics is to win people, and those who win people win the world." Tang Taizong once said, "Success depends on employing people, and failure depends on employing people." It can be seen that talents are the decisive factor related to success or failure.

The U.S. steel magnate once said: "Even if all my property is deprived now, if I still have the original team, then four years later, I will still be a steel magnate." It can be seen that how to get talents and how to retain talents is the most important issue today. Questions for companies to think about.Some managers once sighed: "Talents are rare!" Is that really the case?In fact, as long as you use your keen observation skills and pay attention to the interpersonal environment around you, you may have unexpected gains.

Mary is the human resources manager of a company. People who know her well call her "Beauty Bole" because Mary can always identify talents with her eyes and provide the company with a strong reserve of talents.Does Mary have any secrets to finding talent?When Mary was asked this question, she smiled and replied: "Actually, everyone can be a bole, the key is whether you know how to judge people with keen observation." After that, Mary gave an example.

Amada is the sales backbone of the company. He was discovered by Mary and recruited to the company by himself.There is also an interesting story about how to discover Amada's sales talent.It was a gathering of friends, and Amada and Mary met unexpectedly.Out of professional habits, Mary sat quietly in a corner and observed people after greeting her friends enthusiastically.At this time, a burst of laughter came into Mary's ears. It turned out that Amada was joking with her friends.

Amada put the baked food on the dinner plates, smiled and said to her friends: "A plate of food costs five dollars, but I only give you one dollar. How can you successfully buy another plate of food? Who can answer this question?" As for the question, I will be the first to let him eat the freshly baked delicacy."

Although it was just a joke, Mary was attracted by this young man, and she decided that he was a sales talent.So, Mary stepped forward and asked Amada if she would like to join her company and engage in the sales industry.Hearing Mary's inquiry, Amada, who was unemployed at home, happily agreed.In this way, the company has a backbone force with superb sales talent.

Undoubtedly, Mary is a competent Bole. Through careful observation, she constantly discovers talents in the interpersonal environment around her.In fact, there are many talents around us with outstanding abilities or specialties in a certain field. Because they are not appreciated and reused by careful Bole, they disappear like meteors in a flash.Many talents are limited by conditions and cannot get a stage to display their talents. As long as we pay attention to the people around us in life and work, we will find many people who can be reused. A solid foundation has been laid.

Zhuge Liang pointed out: Ask him to judge his aspirations based on right and wrong, ask him to observe his changes through rhetoric and debate, consult him to observe his knowledge through strategies, tell him to judge his courage through misfortune, and judge him to judge his nature through wine. Look at its honesty based on profit, and look at its trustworthiness based on things.As long as you can achieve the above "seven views" and pay attention to the interpersonal environment around you, you will be able to discover and use potential talents.In addition, in the process of looking for talents, attention should be paid to observing many aspects such as thought, cultivation, personality and ability from some details, so as to determine whether the person needs to be cultivated and whether he can be reused.

If the concept of employing people is biased and the method of selecting people is single, then inappropriate people will be placed in inappropriate positions.If you want to be an excellent Bole, you need to start from the surrounding environment, use keen insight to tap potential talents, and continuously add fresh force to the enterprise talent pool.

recognize where you are
Bole in an enterprise now usually acts as a manager and executor, and is the leader of the entire team.To discover talents, Bole must not only master certain skills in identifying people, but also must have the ability to correctly position roles.

Talents are becoming more and more important in the rise and fall of enterprises.No matter in industry competition or self-development, the characteristics of people-oriented and winning by people are the most obvious.If an enterprise wants to operate well, it must optimize the allocation of human resources to a greater extent and more effectively. This is already an inevitable choice for market development.

Excellent talents are very popular, especially employees with excellent qualities in all aspects are even more sought-after in the talent market.The performance of an enterprise is usually a rigid indicator, and it is also the result of realizing the maximum profit of the enterprise, so talents are related to the lifeblood of the enterprise.Since the requirements for talents have changed from a single ability type to a compound talent with professional skills, familiarity with business processes, and good communication skills, it is not easy to select talents and be selected. Skills, but also a rigorous attitude, which requires both "Bole" and "Maxima" to have a correct role positioning.

Mourinho, head of the upstart Premier League Chelsea, started his coaching career in 2000.When the confident new coach arrived at Benfica on the first day, he painfully discovered that the reality was not as good as imagined.First of all, there are only a few players in the team that can be reused; secondly, the department in charge of intelligence is very unprofessional, and the reports are full of loopholes; finally, the players are not active during training, and absences occur from time to time.

The game officially began, and the players made avoidable mistakes again and again, losing game after game.A few weeks later in the UEFA Cup, another scandal broke out.Mourinho had a headache to deal with one bad thing after another, but the dark cloud still loomed over his head, and the internal struggle of the club showed a trend of intensification.This passage is the first lesson Mourinho learned in his career as a professional manager.Since then, he not only reflected carefully, but also studied his players in detail, and decided to recognize the position and environment of himself and his players.After leaving Benfica, Mourinho began to coach an unknown club, Lelica.He carefully studied the club, scientifically analyzed the position of himself and the players, and defined each person's role in detail.He said: "Only when you recognize your position, the club will change."

As the league kicked off, fans were amazed to discover that the team was using only two midfielders and three in attack.This unreasonable phenomenon was ridiculed by the former head coach, and Mourinho said: "Only by maximizing the talents of the players will the club turn a profit. We must staff this way for this game, because they have this talent."

Facts have proved that Mourinho is an excellent Bole. He matched the talents of the players with their positions one by one, allowing the team to win consecutive battles.The reason why he can sit stably in the position of head coach is because he knows where he is, which is to let the team win and make money for the club.At the same time, he also recognized the position of the players, that is to maximize their potential and make the best use of their talents.The excellent Mourinho has the full support of the big boss, and his job is like a fish in water.

Mourinho, the "magic bird" in the mouth of the fans, is successful. He knows how to formulate reasonable goals for different environments and determine the action strategies of the players.In this regard, he is exemplary.People all over the world have also witnessed Mourinho's success: he has won the domestic league championship for four consecutive seasons, he also won the UEFA Cup and UEFA Champions League while coaching Porto, and has been recognized by international football history for two consecutive years. He was rated as the best coach in the world by the Statistics and Statistics Association, and is known as one of the most successful coaches in contemporary football.

Today's outstanding Bole must be careful in identifying and selecting people. No matter what kind of environment they are in, they must objectively analyze the surrounding situation, understand their own strength and position, and be able to use methods that are consistent with selecting and employing people to achieve own goals.

Recognizing where you are is no longer a slogan, but a detailed content that needs to be implemented by careful people.Only by objectively analyzing the surrounding environment and recognizing one's own strength and position, can one develop one's potential to a greater extent and let the wonderful flower of success bloom.

Getting along with superiors is better than being "fine"

If you want to win in the workplace, you need the support of your superiors.That's right, your superior is the most direct driving force on your road to success, and with his help, your success will be multiplied with half the effort.But how can he win the favor of his superiors and become the object he is willing to lend a helping hand to?Then you need to get along well with him and win from the "delicacy": careful work, careful observation and careful thinking.Doing this will make him realize your strengths and value.

The popular saying "manage your superiors well" in today's workplace means that your superiors are your resources, and you should make full use of this resource to get his support to do your job well.Superiors play a decisive role in the development of employees in the company. It would be a big mistake to think that the relationship between superiors and subordinates is just an ordinary working relationship.Getting along well with the superior is better than a "fine" word.

Be careful when getting along with your superiors, because if you want to gain enough trust from your superiors, you must understand your superiors, correctly understand and realize their intentions.Through careful observation, you can understand the superior's preferences, temperament, and know his work philosophy and work habits. Only in this way can you communicate with the superior smoothly and let your talents be fully utilized.

As an assistant to the personnel manager, Li Gang started as an ordinary clerk.Not long after joining the company, Li Gang, who is smart and eager to learn, won the appreciation of his superiors with his outstanding performance, and was recommended by the HR manager to the HR department.Li Gang went from an ordinary clerk to a personnel specialist, and was promoted to an assistant to the personnel manager. Along the way, in addition to being able to handle affairs, getting the praise of the personnel manager was also one of the keys to his promotion.Li Gang is a very careful person. He knows that his boss doesn't like exaggeration and likes to be down-to-earth, so he always keeps a low profile when writing promotional copy.After entering the HR department, he learned that the HR manager is a leader with strong logical thinking, so he will use words such as "first and second" to list the contents of the report in an orderly manner, so that the manager can understand at a glance.

The HR manager is busy with work and often needs to travel to other places. After Li Gang’s personnel plan and related reports, Li Gang always sorts out the content first, and attaches his own pros and cons analysis and suggestions for this plan to the plan, and asks his superiors to approve the plan. save time and energy.In this way, the personnel manager is very comfortable in his work, so he naturally appreciates Li Gang, and the position of manager assistant is naturally none other than the careful Li Gang.

Being good at observing the small details of your boss can make you win the favor of the other party.In getting along with the boss, it is also very important to pay attention to the handling of communication details.If you disagree with your superiors, it's better to use small methods than direct rebuttals.If you don't believe me, let's take a look at how the ancient admonishers made their superiors obediently submit.

Duke Ling of Jin wanted to build a 9-storey platform, and ordered that no one should dissuade him.Minister Gou Xi smiled and said, "Your Majesty, let me show you a trick." Duke Ling of Jin asked, "What kind of trick is it?" He replied, "I can build up 9 chess pieces and add 12 eggs on top. "Jin Linggong found it interesting, so he asked him to perform.After finishing building the chess pieces, Gou Xi added the eggs one by one.At this time, Jin Linggong couldn't help shouting: "Danger!" Gou Xi said lightly: "It's nothing, there is something more dangerous than this!" Jin Linggong asked what it was.Gou Xi replied: "Your Majesty's 9-storey tower. To build the 9-storey tower, Your Majesty recruited peasants from everywhere. As a result, there was no one to plow the land, no one to weave the cloth, and the country was on the verge of destruction. Is there anything more dangerous than this?" Jin Ling Gong Fan felt remorseful, so he ordered to stop the construction of the high platform.

This example tells us that we must talk about methods when communicating with superiors.It is good to have good advice, but it is more important to give advice.

When getting along with your superiors, you must be careful. Different superiors have different personalities, habits, and ways of thinking.Of course, they may have different considerations and views on specific issues, and these may affect whether your suggestions will be adopted.If you want to win a hundred battles, you must first know yourself and the enemy. Only by carefully observing and paying attention to the details of getting along with your superiors can you be appreciated by your superiors.

Let your subordinates support you with a little care
Leaders who care for their subordinates with true feelings will always be loved by their subordinates.Caring is heart-to-heart communication and moving. Only the support that is exchanged with sincerity comes from the heart, and this kind of support is precious.

I believe that every boss will hope that his subordinates will sincerely support him, work hard, and become his right-hand man and right-hand man.But there are very few people who can really get what they want. Why?Because most people, including most of the bosses or leaders, only hope to get support and help from others, but they often forget the old saying "you will get rewards if you pay".If you don't care for your subordinates, how can you expect your subordinates to deliver their sincerity?
A good leader is someone who can truly sympathize with his subordinates, walk into the inner world of his subordinates, think about what they think, and be anxious about what they are anxious about.Faced with such a boss, any subordinate who has feelings will definitely reciprocate, be grateful, and work harder.If you don't believe me, just look at how Wu Qi led the troops.

Wu Qi was a famous victorious general in the early Warring States Period. Apart from his outstanding military talent, his care for soldiers was also an important reason for his victoriousness.Because he understands that when a soldier's heart belongs to him, the soldier will put his life aside and fight the enemy bravely.

Wu Qi is the general of the army, but he wears the same clothes and eats the same food as the most inferior soldiers, sleeps without laying bedding, marches without riding in carts and horses, and personally carries the bundled grain on his back, sharing weal and woe with the soldiers.

Once, a soldier had a malignant sore, Wu Qi sucked the pus for him.When the soldier's mother heard about it, she burst into tears.Someone asked: "Your son is an unknown soldier, but the general himself sucked the pus for him. Why are you still crying?" The mother replied: "That's not the case. In the past, General Wu sucked the sore for his father. His father died on the battlefield. Going forward bravely, he died at the hands of the enemy. Now General Wu sucks the sore on my son, I don’t know when and where my son will die, so I cry!"

Leaders follow the mass line, stay close to and care for their subordinates, which not only reflects their own personality charm, but also a wise emotional investment. Wu Qi is just a general who knows how to "invest".Nowadays, people in the workplace are working very hard, the pressure is increasing, and the intensity and difficulty of work are also increasing. They all need to be understood and cared for, especially hope that their bosses can understand and know their difficulties and the value of their work. pay.Therefore, sometimes a caring word or a warm look from the boss can move the subordinate from the bottom of his heart, let him realize his own value, and feel that his efforts for the company and work have not been in vain.

Of course, as a leader, his concern for his subordinates should not be a perfunctory show.Whether the care you give to your subordinates is just a show or sincere, the subordinates can feel it.Only the love from the heart, no matter how small, the subordinates will feel it.If it's just for show, don't expect your subordinates to be grateful to you even if you do more superficial articles.

In daily life, sincerely caring for subordinates not only reflects the leader's mind, but also shows the purest and truest feelings in the world.The mutual love between people not only brings each other closer, but also allows people to reap a piece of happiness outside of work between giving and rewarding, so why not do it?

With the development of the times and fierce competition, many people are too busy with work to take care of others, and sincere communication between people has become scarce and dull.In fact, everyone needs the care of others, and subordinates are no exception.At work, a greeting, a smile, or a glance can move subordinates. Only in this way can subordinates truly support the leader from the bottom of their hearts and work hard for the work silently.

(End of this chapter)

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