Scene language skills that college students must know

Chapter 8 Scene 8 - When socializing with the boss

Chapter 8 Scene [-] - When socializing with the boss
Chapter 8 Scene [-] - When socializing with the boss
When you get out of school and go to work, getting along with your boss becomes an integral part of your life.You not only have to use actions,

more will
Use words frequently to deal with the relationship between you.Proper entertainment will make you and your boss get along harmoniously and harmoniously.

If so, it may have extremely adverse consequences for you.So, what should you do to get along well with your boss?It is necessary to pay attention

The Art of Speaking When Meeting Your Boss: ?
([-]) Do you have to be polite when talking to your boss?

When talking with your boss, you should pay attention to proportion, not too careless, and be more careful.Some words that make the leader unhappy, such as

Say to the leader: "You have worked hard!" Originally, this is what the leader said when expressing condolences or rewards to the subordinates, and it cannot be reversed by the subordinates.

Tell the superior; answer the superior's question: "Anything is fine!" The leader will think that young people today are indifferent and don't understand

Etiquette; say to the leader: "You don't know about this!" "You don't know about this!" Such words will hurt the feelings of the leader;
The director said: "No, right? It's okay!" This sentence clearly shows disrespect and lack of respect for the leader.Taking a step back,
It is speaking without speaking methods and methods, and saying inappropriate words.If you say something wrong in front of the leader, once you realize it, you should call immediately.

Live, and then apologize to the leader. ?
([-]) Do not hurt the dignity of the boss?
In China, "face" is a very important thing.Whether it is a subordinate or a superior, "face" is very important to them.for
If you lose "face", you will lose your face if you are small, and you will be killed if you are big.Chinese people can suffer dull losses, but they can also suffer obvious losses, but they just can’t
Suffer from "no face".If you don't care about other people's face, one day you will suffer.So the worldly man from

Don't speak ill of others, especially your boss, in public, and would rather give them high hats one after another, so as to save other people's face

, Others will do the same, give you face, tacitly agree with each other, and leave happily. ?
Getting hit where it hurts isn't fun for anyone.Especially the flaws on others, you must not use them

insulting language to attack.In China, there is a so-called "reverse scale", which is said to be about one foot below the dragon's throat.

There are "reverse scales" on the part of the body. If you accidentally touch this part, you will be killed by the enraged dragon.In fact, no matter

No matter how noble and great the personality is, there are "reverse scales" in his body.The so-called "reverse scale" is what we call "pain spot",
That is shortcomings, inferiority complex.As long as we don't touch each other's "reverse scales", we won't get into trouble. ?
In daily life, we must carefully handle the relationship with the boss. The most important thing is not to hurt the dignity of the boss.
Be careful to keep secrets for your boss. ?
([-]) Do you want to praise your boss?
Praise is the golden key to maintaining good communication skills with your boss. When you praise your boss, pay attention to his identity, so you can't
Praise casually like treating classmates and friends. If the praise is far-fetched, it will be flattering and flattering, so that he may not follow the order
If you accept them all, you may feel disgusted.When praising your boss, you should consider praising when you are mature.

1?Compliment your boss' sense of responsibility?
The boss is the person in charge, and most of them have a certain sense of responsibility.They will take on some work responsibilities, have the courage to shoulder the burden, be responsible

Ren's leadership is the most charismatic.Because subordinates need a growth process in their work, there may be some mistakes, then

Well, as an excellent leader, you should encourage your employees to be brave in innovation and pioneering. If there is a mistake, you can take some responsibility for him.

responsibility.It is a very commendable topic for leaders to shoulder the burden for employees.Here is an example of this: ?

Xiaochai is a technician in a construction company. Due to a wrong judgment in the use of materials, he brought nearly 5 yuan to the company.

Economic losses.His project manager said that he didn't check well, and praised Xiaochai for taking corresponding countermeasures.Xiaochai on this

I am especially grateful: "With a leader like you who dares to take on the burden, colleagues will work hard." His project manager heard Xiao

After Chai's heartfelt praise, his sense of responsibility was recognized by his subordinates, and he naturally felt very satisfied. ?
2?Compliment your boss' decision-making ability?

As a leader, without exception, you need to make some decisions.
The survival and development of party members, so the decision-making ability of leaders is worthy of praise. ?
A town mayor went to the mining equipment factory run by the town to investigate and summarize the experience of their products defeating the state-owned manufacturers and entering the market.

During the investigation, the mayor praised the factory manager in front of everyone for his ability to manage the factory, his management skills, and the well-trained personnel in the factory.

The director said: "Our factory is what it is today, it is the result of support from you and other town leaders, several difficulties were overcome by you personally
Yes!The employees often talk about you! ..."?
When making decisive decisions, it often means risks, and it also means that there will be hard-to-know successes and failures in front of you. ?
"The Choice of Life and Death" is a sensational movie about fighting corruption and upholding integrity. Vice Mayor Li Gaocheng faces complex problems such as relatives, colleagues, and old leaders.
It is difficult for him to "destroy relatives with righteousness", and he cannot let them be corrupted indifferently. In this life-and-death choice,
He finally made a brave and decisive decision: to stick to the fight against corruption to the end.He encountered pressure and blame from all sides

And misunderstanding, but he still survived with difficulty.He ended up being praised and affirmed by people - a really good mayor.

Making decisions decisively requires courage, courage and talent. For this kind of quality of the boss, you can take it with admiration.

Love to praise. ?
3?Compliment your boss' talents?

Every boss hopes that his ability can be shown in his work, and his subordinates can feel it.So when you compliment your boss
When he has a talent, he will be very happy to be praised by others for his talent. ?
It is a good affirmation to praise the leader and praise him for making good use of people.Xiao Li has been working as an administrator in the bureau library for several years, but her interest

And talents are mainly in organizational management.During a large-scale event in the bureau, due to lack of manpower, she was temporarily seconded.

It's hot and fast, and it's in good order.The leader transferred her to the office as an assistant to the director.She does a pretty good job.she specifically asked

The leader expressed his gratitude and praised him as a Bole who knows people and makes good use of them, so that many colleagues worked very happily. ?
A main leader of a certain agency is old, and the organization mobilizes him to retire according to relevant policies, but this leading comrade is unwilling
He complained a lot to the head of the organization who came to do ideological work: "I am a bit older and less educated, but my practical experience

There is still enthusiasm for the internship.After decades of revolution, there is no credit and hard work, so I can't figure out how to retreat like this! "this

The Minister of Organization took his words and said: "Yes, those of us have indeed done a lot of work and suffered a lot in the past, but
We also have another responsibility: to train our own successors.With all due respect, some people under our leadership, if at all
If no one is competent for our work today, it means that we are incompetent; if someone is competent for our work, and
Do better than us, so why do we need to fight for this enthusiasm? "?
After what he said, the leading comrade was finally speechless. The head of the organization hit the nail on the head when doing ideological work, and he avoided
Ignored the other party's complaints, grasped the issue of "cultivating successors", and put forward two possible premises. If no one can
If you are qualified for your job, then you are incompetent because you have not cultivated talents; if someone is competent for your job, then you are not competent.

There is no need to fight for this position. ?
4?Complimenting your boss for his accomplishments?

A sense of accomplishment is what leaders value most.Praising the achievements of leaders is to express their achievements well and let them

Gain intense psychological satisfaction. ?
A transaction worth tens of millions of dollars is an achievement, and handling a small business of tens of dollars is also an achievement. The achievement is inconclusive.

If your boss does not do very big things and the company develops slowly, then you can emphasize that it is not good to start from scratch.
Wrong (if he is an entrepreneur); or tell him: Many state-owned enterprises have closed down now, and it is very difficult to do business.

The company is already well-run.Your boss will not think that you are deliberately flattering him, but that you are reasonable,
The mind is quite balanced and has some sense of accomplishment. ?
Your boss happens to be successful in his career, so you praise him sincerely—you are proud of his success.

His brightest moment is the moment when his self-worth is the most exaggerated, and you can praise it vividly and express
your adoration.In any case, leaders cannot refuse the worship of others.Worship will make the boss's sense of accomplishment stronger, and

Deeply feel the existence of own value. ?
Show concern when praising your boss for his sense of accomplishment.Achievement requires hard work, and the body and mind will be very tired, so this kind of care

It will be fascinating. ?
You might as well say to your boss: "Mr. Zhou, I heard that our company has merged another company. You are really capable. But don't worry too much."
Heart, take care of your body..."?
"Manager Liu, our company's stock has been listed. Everyone is very happy and says you are 'amazing'. It's just that you've lost weight again.
For some, I still need to make up for my body, and I also need to take a break from the busy schedule.You are the backbone of everyone. "?
Words of concern will make leaders deeply feel that their achievements have been shared by everyone, and therefore more proud. ?
When praising the leader's achievements, you can also show your trust.For example: "Mr. Zheng, everyone is praising your achievements in private.

With a leader like you, our future will be bright..."?
5?Praise the benevolence of the boss?

The greatest strength of the boss is not the power in his hands, but the heart of benevolence.With a heart of benevolence, employees will willingly
Play for him; with a benevolent heart, he will win a lot of good people.Praising the benevolence of the boss is easy to get approval
of. ?
According to legend, there is such a story in ancient times.Yanzi was a very eloquent person in Qi State. At that time, Qi Jinggong, the king of Qi, was very young and very greedy.

Playing, refused to manage the government, but played outside all day.The ministers were worried but helpless.One day, when Yanzi went to court,

Said to Duke Jing: "I heard that my lord took out a baby bird from the nest yesterday, and sent it back because of pity for its young. My lord really has the cultivation of a sage.

If you are so kind to birds and beasts, how about the common people?Having a monarch like you is really a blessing for the people of Qi! "Jing Gong

Hearing this, he was both happy and ashamed. From then on, he put away his heart and managed the country. It is said that he later became a virtuous king. ?
Yanzi praised Jing Gong for his benevolence, which has received good results.Every boss is willing to have a caring social image, even if
An unscrupulous person like the Empress Dowager Cixi also wants to play a "benevolent monarch".Only love can exchange for more love.

"Love the people like a son" shows the benevolence of the boss to his subordinates.Chiang Kai-shek and Napoleon, they also often greeted the birthdays of their subordinates.
Take care of their health... As long as you pay more attention, it is not difficult to find the benevolence of your boss. ?
If what you understand is his benevolence to other colleagues, you should describe his benevolence with a sincere tone and an expression of appreciation.

place of love.If your boss cares about you, you can use gratitude to express your praise vividly and in detail.your gratitude will

Make the boss very useful, and your praise will make the boss love you more. ?
6?Praise the wise atmosphere of the boss?

As a leader, he is willing to show a wise and majestic image.Wise atmosphere is a kind of demeanor and accomplishment.In fact, many bosses inevitably

Petty, somewhat vulgar and narrow-minded, so wise and generous has become a rare shining point. ?
No leader will refuse to praise the boss for being wise and generous.Of course, when praising these characteristics, it is best to be based on facts, clearly
It's quite powerful. ?
Su Qin was hailed as the crown of lobbyists in the Warring States period. He lobbied the Six Kingdoms Alliance with extraordinary intelligence, especially in lobbying King Xuan of Han
At that time, his words of being neither arrogant nor humble won the trust of King Han Xuan.Seeing Queen Han Xuan, Su Qin said: "There is Gongyi in the north of Korea,

A strong city like Chenggao has fortresses like Yiyang and Shangban in the west. The land stretches for more than nine hundred miles and has several troops.

One hundred thousand, all the powerful bows and crossbows in the world are produced in South Korea, and South Korean soldiers can fight well.With the strength of South Korea's military and
It is really wrong for the wise king to serve the Qin State and submit to him, causing the country to suffer humiliation and being ridiculed by the people of the world.
! In order to inspire the confidence and courage of King Han Xuan, Su Qin made a specific analysis of South Korea's military strength and praised it greatly.

, specific and true, after all, South Korea was one of the Seven Heroes at that time, and its strength was quite strong. ?
Su Qin's praise not only won the favor of King Han Xuan, but also made King Han Xuan join forces to fight against Qin. ?
The boss always has his wisdom, even if it is a small thing, you can praise it.if he doesn't act wisely

, then his performance can also be attributed to his wisdom, and praise is sometimes a hint.Even a treacherous person will

Because of the laurels of "sage", it seems a bit reasonable. ?
Does your boss have a wise and generous performance in front of the company's big right and wrong, and whether he treats the future and life of employees?

Where there is wisdom and grandeur, whether there is wisdom and grandeur when cooperating with others... In short, it is not difficult to find out if you capture it carefully

. ?
Getting along with the boss, maintaining his dignity and praising him can often satisfy his vanity.In addition to these methods, ask him

Teaching is also a way to make him have a good impression of you, and the boss will feel your respect and trust for him.caring boss

It is hoped that his subordinates will come to ask questions, which means that the subordinates have some ambiguities in their work, and the superiors can reduce mistakes by answering them.
If you pretend to know everything and don’t need to ask about everything, the boss will think “I’m afraid this person doesn’t really understand”, and the boss will

Doubt your abilities.You can ask anything except money, and your immediate boss must love being able to open up.
A subordinate who is open-minded and can discuss things with himself. ?
Another thing to pay attention to is that after getting along with the boss for a long time, there will inevitably be some bumps and bumps.
When arguing with your boss, when arguing with your boss, you must first choose the right time.Before raising an objection with your boss, ask his secret

Book to find out how he is feeling.If he's in a bad mood, he shouldn't make more demands and be annoying.Second, to clarify
question.Some violent disputes occur because both the leader and the subordinate do not understand what the other is thinking.
Once it is explained, the dispute will disappear by itself.As a subordinate, you must make your point of view simple and clear, so that the boss can understand it.

untie.In any case, everything about you is in the hands of your boss. If the argument goes too far and leads to a deadlock, there may be more trouble than the original.
bad influence.Therefore, be wise and keep in mind: if you are not sure of a battle, please don't start a war.No matter where you are now
However, accepting a higher level of management is inevitable.Therefore, we must grasp the art of getting along with leaders.

(End of this chapter)

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