Big guy is always cool

Chapter 780 The Jungle Troll Who Kicked the Iron Plate

Chapter 780 The Jungle Troll Who Kicked the Iron Plate

In the main world, because of the World of Warcraft game, Alsace is a very famous game character, and there are not a few fans of him.

Let alone Alsace, who is still young and cute and cute, even if he later becomes a cruel and cruel death knight, the second Lich King of the Ten Thousand Years House on the Frozen Throne, there is still a lot of love. Few people love that one.

"So, that's why you organized a group to steal children?"

Ye Li only wanted to say two words.

"Absurd (lying) ridiculous (groove)!"

Sure enough, once this person knows that they are not responsible for what they do, and once they get rid of the shackles of the law, they can really do anything.

Fortunately, the player didn't do anything excessive when they were in the world of Sanctuary. Otherwise, the Rogge female warrior headed by Kasha would have to fight the player desperately?

But, now there is.

The group that took place in the world of Azeroth to steal children, the prince of the Menethil royal family of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, was mobilized by Terenas from the moment he was born, saying that he would one day be crowned king Arsa After the disappearance of Prince Si appeared, Ye Li had to consider a question, that is how he should deal with such a matter.

Directly ban the close contact between the player and the aborigines of other worlds?

Simple and rude one-size-fits-all, as a commoner in the main world who suffers from it, based on the principle of not doing to others what you don't want to be done to others, Ye Li felt that he couldn't do that.

Although it would be easy for him to do so.

It seems that some thought has to be spent on perfecting the rules, so as to prevent players from doing outrageous things in other worlds and causing unexpected troubles.

Heartbeat is not as good as action, and Ye Li embodies the characteristics of an actionist - just do what you say.

While his mind was on this, a great battle was taking place in Stranglethorn Vale in the world of Azeroth.

Regardless of the fact that Stranglethorn Valley did not put up a fierce resistance when the burning demon invaded, it was actually because the demon was too famous and powerful. The natives knew that they had no chance of winning. will choose to escape.

Just because the Burning Demon can advance smoothly doesn't mean the player can too.

Human beings are not very deterrent in the minds of many natives, and they are not an order of magnitude existence at all compared to demons.What's more, among the natives of Stranglethorn Vale, the headhunting clan, skull-crushing clan, and mocking-skull clan of jungle trolls are not only not afraid of humans, but even treat humans as prey.

This is also to blame for those adventurers in the past. They entered and exited the dense forest of Stranglethorn Valley, and because of their lack of strength, they were killed and eaten by the jungle troll, which made the jungle troll add humans to the diet.

After all, human beings are also considered large animals. Compared with those dangerous animals, human beings are much easier to hunt and kill.

Such a large piece of meat, not to mention the amount, is not too dangerous to obtain. Jungle trolls like humans very much.

After the burning demon receded and returned home, the jungle trolls who saw a piece of red land were still worried about food.Even in order to have something to eat, several troll clans still attack each other, just to kill each other's clansmen so that they can be brought back to fill their stomachs, regardless of the fact that although the clans are different from each other, they are still jungle trolls.

Well now, humans suddenly broke into Stranglethorn Valley, and the jungle trolls immediately found a source of food.

Headhunters, Skullbreakers and other clans stopped their efforts one after another, and began to focus on humans.

Hunting fellow trolls of other clans can be dangerous, but hunting humans is much safer.

With this in mind, the jungle troll kicked off the war with the player.

Are humans easier to hunt than beasts?
According to the experience of jungle trolls, this is indeed the case.

However, this was just their previous experience, and they only dealt with adventurers from the Stormwind Kingdom and speculators who came to Stranglethorn Valley hoping to get lucky and make a fortune.

When it comes to players, the situation is completely different.

In terms of equipment, as the first batch of players who came to Stranglethorn Valley to open up wasteland, which one was not armed to the teeth.

In terms of cooperation, team battles are commonplace for players, and they have long had their own rules. Not to mention that they can do what the regular army in the main world does, but it is also much better than the jungle trolls who rely on instinct to fight and have no formation at all. .

Even players who are stronger than a single soldier, have experienced battles, experienced world wars in the world of Sanctuary, the world of super seminary, and now the average level has exceeded [-] and is on par with level [-].As for the jungle trolls in Stranglethorn Vale, according to the data collected by Primary One, their strength was evaluated as an average level of less than fifty.

The level gap is so large, which is reflected in the individual combat power, even if the trolls are singled out, they are not opponents of the players.

This is still in the case of eliminating the player's equipment advantage.

It can be said that the jungle trolls in Stranglethorn Vale choose to hunt players and treat these humans as delicious food delivered to their door. It is undoubtedly a wrong choice that cannot be more wrong.

They kicked onto the iron plate. It wasn't as easy as the pain in their feet, but they were directly fractured by the shock.

Players originally came to Stranglethorn Valley to take up territory, especially those players who were sealed in the distance in the war with the burning demon, and then had the last bit of merit in owning the territory, they belonged to the hardest-working ones.

After working so hard for so long, I almost shivered for the last time. As a result, the burning demon was defeated, and then I could only watch others own an officially recognized territory and live a comfortable life as a landlord. What a lie! groove.

You said that if the difference is too much, then there is nothing to say, but if it is just a little bit, even if the Burning Demon persists for a day or two, it will be enough. This is the worst.

Fortunately, there is no unparalleled road, and the war in Stranglethorn Valley has begun.

For their own territory, for the rest of their lives, even if they can't play anymore, they can have a piece of land and have a way out. Can these players not work hard?
It's not counting their own desperation, but they still have to call friends.

After all, who doesn't have a friend in real life?

Even if it doesn't exist in reality, the game has been open for so long, who hasn't made a few negotiable bases... Bah, partner?
As the saying goes, sons beget grandchildren, and grandchildren beget sons, so there is an infinite shortage of sons and grandchildren.Players call two, two call four, four call eight, and that's how the snowball rolls.

Originally, there were only some players eager to enter Stranglethorn Valley first, but because of the relationship between friends and friends, this number swelled to dozens of times.They formed a team one by one, set off from Red Ridge, passed through the Dusk Forest, and came to Stranglethorn Valley.

On the way, many acquaintances formed an alliance with each other, turning these countless small snowballs into big snowballs.

The kind that can run over all the way and crush people to death.

The jungle trolls in Stranglethorn Valley suddenly discovered that they could not beat humans one-on-one, and the number of opponents was still increasing rapidly.When they came back to their senses, they were actually surrounded by humans.

We jungle trolls have lived in Stranglethorn Vale for generations, and this is our place.However, we are surrounded by humans on our own land!

The jungle trolls were dumbfounded.

They looked at me, I looked at you, and looked at the human beings who surrounded themselves three layers in and three layers out. With the minds of jungle trolls, it was difficult for them to understand what was going on.

who am I?
where am I?
What am I doing?
Fortunately, it was only ordinary jungle trolls who were confused, and their clan leaders were not dizzy yet.Seeing that the situation was not good for them, although they didn't understand why the prey became the hunter, these leaders still responded instinctively.

"Retreat to Zul'Gurub!"

(End of this chapter)

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