Chapter 781

Zuer Grubb, this is the name of a city of trolls.

In the human history of Azeroth, there is almost no record of this city, and even if there is, it is mentioned in words such as ruins.

As the royal city of the jungle troll empire that disappeared in history, Zoel'Grubb once had a glorious history.

But it could not escape the fate of destruction after all.

As the jungle trolls came into contact with a self-proclaimed god named Hakkar, they became mad for their faith.

Hakkar needed a blood sacrifice, and in order to achieve his purpose, he began to empower the jungle trolls.

Those obedient trolls who made blood sacrifices for themselves got it, and with the help of Hakkar, they stood out as beings that the rest of the tribe couldn't fight, and these people called themselves priests.

The power of role models is infinite, and the jungle troll priests set a good example for their own people.With their success, there was a frenzy of blood sacrifices in the jungle troll empire.

However, the sacrifices are limited, and after more and more jungle trolls join the frenzy, the sacrifices become more and more difficult to obtain.

This situation continued for a long time, and when the trolls were distressed by this, some people discovered that even the trolls themselves could be used as sacrifices.

This opened Pandora's magic box.

In order to gain power, to become priests, and to become a master, the jungle trolls began to attack their own people.

Under the violent blood sacrifice frenzy, Haka was so excited, but the jungle trolls continued to bleed as they killed each other, and the jungle troll empire began to decline.

There are many reasons for a powerful empire to turn from prosperity to decline, but like the jungle troll empire, the subjects in the kingdom kill themselves until blood flows into rivers, corpses are scattered all over the field, and they use their compatriots as sacrifices, jungle trolls We are counted as scorpion cakes - a share of poison (only).

The decline of the mighty jungle troll empire was so sudden, let alone others, not even themselves.

The decline of an empire will inevitably cause a series of turmoil, and the resulting impact will be extremely far-reaching.

The decline of the jungle troll empire will be no exception.

Such great changes have taken place here, how could the five-color giant dragon, who is the world monitor of Azeroth and the maintainer of the world order, remain indifferent.

After the green dragon queen Ysera took over this task, a war between the green dragon and the blood god Hakkar started.

The result of this was that the little vitality left in the jungle troll empire was completely destroyed overnight, and Zul'Gurub was also turned into ruins.

After that, the jungle trolls who survived by chance began a long recovery period that lasted thousands of years.

It is also said that the part of humans who went south when the Arathi Empire was split was lucky. They came to Elwynn Forest when the jungle trolls had not recovered, and this was how the Kingdom of Stormwind was established.

Otherwise, they will only become the prey of the jungle trolls who are exhausted after browsing the Qianlidan Moluo Snow Mountain, and they have already entered the stomachs of the trolls.

Perhaps it would be hundreds of years before the trolls had a species called humans on their diet.

In fact, players don't care where Zul'Gurub is, what they care about is how to earn more meritorious service.

What is a troll?
It is an enemy, and it is a mobile meritorious service one by one.

Seeing that the jungle trolls are trying to break out of the siege, the players are not willing to do it.


"Don't let them run away!"

"Kill them all!"

Cries came and went, human beings wanted to be wiped out. Their sharp blades and hard armor made the jungle trolls see the cruel side of human beings.

The jungle trolls suddenly discovered that human beings can be so scary. They are much more dangerous and difficult to deal with than the beasts in Stranglethorn Valley.

The positions of the hunter and the prey were suddenly switched, which made the jungle trolls very uncomfortable.

Ordinary jungle trolls are like this, and the leaders of various troll clans are distraught.

We are here to hunt human beings known as "big pieces of fresh meat", not to be hunted by human beings, why the situation has become like this, I don't understand!
"Stop them, I..."

A soldier roared hoarsely. His team was blocking the direction of the troll's breakout, and he was one of the main forces blocking the troll's breakout.Halfway through the warrior's roar, his voice suddenly weakened.

It wasn't that he was killed in battle, but that he suddenly discovered something that pleased him.

He made up for what he missed.

In other words, he hastily came to Stranglethorn Valley to participate in the pioneering work, and owed him several favors for this purpose.

Now that the goal is achieved, do I still have to continue fighting the jungle troll?

The soldier hesitated, but the female mage behind him did not.

After knowing the situation of the warrior, the female mage picked up the staff in her hand and beat the warrior hard.

The pastor on the side was dumbfounded.

Although I say that I will not add blood to death, but you can't really kill a person in front of me to try whether I will add blood or not.

Anyway, everyone is a team, is it really good for you to play like this?
Even if he was killed, he was about to give the soldier a sip, but he heard the female mage slam the soldier with her staff, and said, "Don't give him blood, his resurrection point is set at the red spine collar, beat him to death." Dead so that he can be revived directly in Red Ridge."

Although it takes energy to revive the player after death, and you still need to wait for an hour for the resurrection countdown, compared to running from Stranglethorn Valley back to Red Ridge, an hour is nothing.

Hearing what the mage said, he didn't decide to kill himself to make himself worthy of the name.

Even if you beat him to death and let him die in front of me, I won't add half a drop of blood to him.

Yes, I am such a good pastor who walks the talk.

The beaten warrior couldn't fight back, and he didn't even dare to hide. After all, the female mage's reason was too strong, and he had nothing to say.

However, even if he was beaten to death, the soldier still had to say: "Honey, can you save me some face, so many people are watching. If you directly stage a large-scale domestic violence scene under the watchful eyes of the public, it will teach children badly."

It turned out to be a strict wife.

He looked at the warrior who was beaten to death by the female mage with a stick without contempt, his face was full of contempt.

The majestic warrior was knocked to death by the mage with his staff, and his death was really shameless.

At the same time, I feel very lucky that I didn't kill him.

Fortunately, I was clever. When choosing a job, I chose a priest instead of my favorite fighter class, so that I wouldn't... Wait, my wife seems to choose a fighter!


Life, why is it so difficult for you.

The warrior was sent back by the female mage, but this did not affect their team.Those who dare to come to Stranglethorn Valley to pioneer are basically old players. They know what to do when fighting, and they will not mess up because of one more person or one less person.

The jungle trolls found that although the human team would kill each other from time to time, it only happened to a few people and did not give them a chance to break out.

Being unable to break through the siege of humans for a long time, the consequence is that the number of jungle trolls is getting smaller and smaller.

If the fight continues like this, the three major clans of the jungle trolls in Stranglethorn Vale, the Headhunter, the Laughing Skull, and the Skullbreaker clan will all be finished.And once they are surrounded by humans here, the jungle trolls in Stranglethorn Vale will lose nearly half of their strength.

The reason why the three major clans only accounted for half was because Zul'Gurub still had the other half of the power of the jungle trolls.

(End of this chapter)

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