Big guy is always cool

Chapter 779 The inertia of history is only because the influence exerted is not large enough

Chapter 779 The inertia of history is only because the influence exerted is not large enough
"The kingdom in the south controlled by a group of reckless men really started a war!"

When Gavin got the news, he was slightly taken aback, and then threw it aside.

From the fact that he referred to the Kingdom of Stormwind as a country to the south, rather than calling it a proper name, one can tell that he despises the Kingdom of Stormwind in his heart.This kind of contempt is not only because the power of the Stormwind Kingdom falls in the hands of players who are not of noble origin, but also because the Stormwind Kingdom is far enough away.

No matter how harsh the environment and how barren the land was, the Alterac kingdom where Gavin lived was still at the core of human civilization. Together with Lordaeron, Gilneas, and Kul Tiras, they were called the Seven Northern Kingdoms.

People in their area, from the princes and nobles to the common people, all have a sense of superiority over the outsiders.

For countries like the Stormwind Kingdom that are not in the core area of ​​human civilization they consider, they look down on them from the bottom of their hearts, and they almost didn't say the word country bumpkin.

Speaking of this kind of situation, the main world also exists, and there are many, such as the imperial capital, the demon capital, the demon capital, and so on.

It can be seen that human beings all have something in common. Even in another world, some things that should exist will still exist.

Gavin remembered that someone seemed to have told him about this matter. He thought about it, but he gave up when he couldn't remember who it was.

Anyway, it won't be an important person, if it is an important person, I will definitely remember it.

Since that person is not important, it is not worth spending time on it.

What's more, even though the Stormwind Kingdom is really at war, the attack direction is not the north, but a place called Stranglethorn Valley to the south.It is said that it is a paradise for adventurers and criminals, as well as cruel and powerful barbaric natives. The Kingdom of Stormwind wants to occupy such a place, not to mention whether it will be successful or not. stalled.

Maybe it can be delayed for dozens or hundreds of years.

Gavin thought so.

He is not an ignorant dude, as a person who has reached the average level of the noble class of the seven northern countries, he has a rough understanding of what it would be like to develop a strange land.

"That's why the kingdom can't be handed over to those reckless people who rely on their military exploits to manage it. Otherwise, if these guys get crazy, God knows what they will do."

The Kingdom of Stormwind had already been destroyed in the invasion war of the Burning Demon. Instead of holding back their efforts to rebuild, they wanted to expand their territories. Gavin looked at them as if they were fools.

In Gavin's mind, it must be the military nobles of the Stormwind Kingdom who wanted to hit higher titles for more meritorious service, and that's why they did such stupid things.

It is simply blinding the mind, losing the mind.

"Poor Varian, I hope you, a brat, can successfully inherit your own country, instead of getting a pile of broken bricks, haha!"

After gloating for a while, Gavin decided to get busy with business.

His business is nothing but one thing, and that is to please Perenolde, to become the closest and most trusted vassal of the other party.It would be great if he could take Black Barov by the way and make this guy who is a threat to his status feel disgusted by Perenolde.

Gavin, who thought this way, ignored that Barov hadn't shown up for a long time, and the direct blood of the Barov family also quickly faded out of people's sight.

Gavin would not know that Barov wished that Perenold would hate him so that he would not have to go to Alterac Castle.You must know that at this time, he has completed the immortality ceremony with the help of Kel'Thuzad for some time, and now he is in a period when his body is extremely delicious.

After being transformed into an undead, the body will rot and stink until all the flesh and internal organs on the body are rotten, and finally become a skeleton.Barov's body was in the stage of rotting and smelling, he didn't want to go out to meet people at this time.

Of course, if the other party is not human, that's another matter.

"Master Lais, this way please. I have already prepared the things you ordered before. You can see what is missing, and I will send someone to find it."

As the patriarch of the Barov family, with his status, even if he meets a high-status mage, he can get along with him on an equal footing.However, Barov's attitude at this time was flattering in a respectful manner, like a dog that sees its master, that is, there is no tail behind him, otherwise it would definitely fly away.

Les Shuangyu ignored Barov who offered his kindness, and just checked the magic equipment in the basement by himself. This will be the place where he will study magic in the future, so he can't help but be careful.Whether Barov is respectful or flattering, Les Shuangyu, who has long been turned into a lich, has no mood swings at all.

What kind of emotions do you need to treat a controlled subordinate and tool man? Let him do things well, and punish him until he does well.

There is no such thing as a good thing in the sky for nothing. Barov didn't know that he had been tampered with by Kel'Thuzad during the process of performing the immortality ceremony and transforming into an undead.

Although the Barov family looked the same after becoming undead, they didn't even know that their souls had been affected by Kel'Thuzad's spells and became puppets controlled by the latter.

Unexpectedly, after his intervention, Azeroth has undergone such a big change, and the psychic sect is still developing. Kel'Thuzad is really a talent.

Ye Li rubbed his chin, what happened to the Barov family made a word naturally appear in his mind - the inertia of history.

"What inertia? The reason why Azeroth still has the so-called historical inertia is because I haven't exerted enough influence on it."

That's the reason, Ye Li didn't do anything more.

The emergence of the Necromancer sect appeared more than ten years earlier than Azeroth's original fate line. At this time, not to mention Arthas, even Varian was just a child.

In the future, Kel'Thuzad's closest comrade-in-arms, the death knight Arthas who polluted the Sunwell for him, does not know whether he will appear again.

"Speaking of Alsace, you may be interested in this data, the highest authority."

Xiao Yi gave Ye Li a piece of information in a timely manner. After seeing this information, Ye Li was a little confused.

Ye Li did not doubt the authenticity of this information, because he checked it with his spiritual sense and knew it was true, but he never imagined that players in the main world could really develop business.Some of these businesses are good and some are bad, especially the latter. Many businesses that cannot be tolerated by the laws of the Lord’s world have flourished in other worlds.

Just like what happened to Alsace, if Ye Li hadn't been reminded by Xiaoyi and checked with his spiritual sense to confirm that it was correct, he would never have thought that someone would go to another world to organize a group to steal children.

I'll give it a go, you are all talented.

I think you are all familiar with the "Criminal Law", and you are familiar with all the ways to get rich, right?

(End of this chapter)

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