Chapter 25

Male customers who emphasize the upper body will wear tighter clothes or have some more conspicuous decorations to highlight the parts below the neck and above the waist.This type of male has a simple personality, has no mind, and is more rigid in doing things, and is honest and honest.When you strike up a conversation with such a male client, no matter what you say, most of them will stop honestly, but if you hope to close the deal immediately, you are probably thinking too much.They often take a long time to consider, as to how long, it depends on the sincerity of your follow-up visits.

Male customers who highlight the lower body often wear tight pants or shorts to show the curves of their legs.Although such men are imaginative, they do not have the power to put them into practice.Talking to such male clients and praising their external image will easily make them feel good. At the same time, it is not advisable to talk too much about reality-related issues, because it will remind them of their recent setbacks.It is best if you can focus on your future ideals, so that the other party will have more room to interact with you.

Third, look at the customer's personality from the sitting posture

After long-term observation and research, psychologists have found that a person's inadvertent sitting posture will reveal some information such as his personality characteristics and inner secrets.Scientists in the field of brain neuroscience have discovered that our right brain is mainly in charge of perceptual experience in life, and is responsible for managing music, sound, color, imagination and other cognitions. It is generally called the perceptual brain; while the left brain is called the rational brain. , responsible for rational thinking, analysis, writing, reasoning, judgment and other aspects.After nerve conduction and reflection, our left brain is in charge of the right half of the body, and the right brain is in charge of the left half of the body.Which of the left and right brain is dominant is clearly reflected in our body movements.Take the leg crossing as an example, the person whose left leg is on top of the right leg usually has the dominance of the right brain (emotional brain), the body movements are gentler, kinder, full of emotion and love, and they are more likely to actively help others.On the other hand, the person with the right leg straddling the left leg is dominated by the left brain (rational brain), with stronger movements and logic, and tends to think calmly before dealing with everything.As for which type of person to contact, it depends on your strengths in persuasion. After all, some people are good at rational persuasion, while others are good at emotional appeal. Only by understanding yourself and finding the right person can you speed up your pace and improve efficiency.

Customers whose legs overlap at the thighs are relatively lacking in assertiveness, lack of self-confidence, and are relatively negative.Don't think that people who lack their own opinions are easier to persuade, because they often hesitate, fearing that they will be opposed by someone after the transaction, they will regret if they don't make a transaction, you will deceive him, this thing will not be used, and so on.When chatting with them, if possible, you might as well start from the perspective of "trial", such as sending out trial products, or directly telling them that if they are not satisfied, they can return the product, which can effectively relieve their hesitation and the pressure that other people may give in the future .

Clients with their legs crossed on their knees, this type of person may seem open, but in fact they are reserved and stubborn.They generally refuse to be disturbed, and if you want to challenge that line, try dropping or rolling something near them to disarm this defensive signal.

Clients whose ankle is placed on the thigh of the other leg, this type of person has strong self-confidence, likes to hold dominance, belongs to the goal-oriented personality, and often uses unscrupulous means to achieve the goal.When striking up a conversation with them, it is best to directly state the purpose and let them choose whether they need it.Even if they don't need it, they will politely decline it. At this time, you might as well go a little further and leave the other party's information.

Customers whose legs stretch forward and overlap at the calves are approachable and methodical, but they are careless in interpersonal relationships and easily offend others accidentally.Introduce yourself with a brisk tone when striking up a conversation, and you can quickly get along with them.However, they occasionally make some unintelligible jokes, just skip it after laughing, and don't have to continue the topic just to cooperate.

Clients whose legs are drawn back and ankles are criss-crossed are kind-hearted, intelligent, but shy.They belong to the type who are less likely to reject others. Even so, when explaining the purpose and product, try to use clear semantics as much as possible, and do not use ambiguous words such as "maybe" or "maybe" to avoid unnecessary interpretation.

From the way a woman sits, you can see her personality.For example, sitting with crossed ankles is an elegant posture and pays attention to social etiquette, so they are easy to win the favor of friends; sitting with crossed knees is a noble, dignified, dignified, and virtuous sitting posture, which makes the whole body peaceful, happy and kind. But they seem to be wary of the searching eyes of the opposite sex; the legs sticking together is a frank, solemn and faithful performance, which proves that they have a strong grasp; the legs twisting together is a reflection of inner confusion and anxiety. It also means that they love to pursue perfect things, they strive to be the best, and they are cautious in dealing with everything, especially the exposure of character, which contains a kind of lovable element, which is the easiest to win the sympathy of honest friends; they love to put one leg on a chair. Although this kind of sitting posture is not elegant, but this kind of people's status is very noble, their character tends to put reason over emotion; Willing to be responsible, narrow-minded and treacherous, good at flattering, etc.For women with different sitting postures, sales and business personnel should carefully distinguish them and treat them with caution. Any abrupt approach to strike up a conversation is inappropriate.

Fourth, look at the personality of the customer from their standing posture

In life, everyone's posture is different.But you know what?Different stances can also reflect different personalities.

Clients whose feet are flat and wider than shoulder width are strong in autonomy, straightforward and have a sense of justice, but they are also subjective and stubborn.In the face of this type of customers, you don't need to be too restrained, you can use "there is a product that is very suitable for you and I want to introduce you" as a stepping stone.As long as you can really explain why it is suitable for them, they will automatically convince themselves that this product is really useful for them.

Customers with feet that are equal to or smaller than shoulder width are law-abiding, responsible, optimistic, cheerful, patient and persistent, not easy to bow to difficulties, and can accept new ideas and perspectives.When you strike up a conversation with them, tell them "introducing you to a very popular product" to arouse their curiosity.They are very interested in things that can be accepted by the public, from a psychological point of view, mainly because they do not want to be out of touch with society.

Customers who stand with their feet together and stand at attention are a little nervous. They are cautious in everything, step by step, alert, and do not trust others.They don't often reveal their true feelings and emotions to others, and simply put, they belong to the deep-seated type.When approaching a conversation, smile and say to him in a requesting tone: "I have been rejected dozens of times today, and you are my last hope." Direct and expectant requests usually make them let go of their defensive posture and dissolve their habit Sexual dodge can also avoid the embarrassment of being rejected before finishing a sentence.

T-step customers, these people have complex and changeable personalities, they are confidant to those they trust, but they refuse to be thousands of miles away from strangers. They have few close friends and often encounter obstacles in their careers.This type of person has a low success rate of development. If you can get to know this type of person through introduction, it is a better way, and the trust and transaction rate will increase by at least [-]%.

Three-seven-step customers, this type of person is honest and reliable, has good interpersonal relationships, and likes to make friends, and usually always rushes about other people's affairs.These types of people seem to be busy all the time, and they ask for it because they like to feel like they have something to do, so when they stop, it's a good opportunity for you to strike up a conversation, and it's easy to get respond.They have a strong trust in people, and after a few follow-up visits, they will probably put you on their friend list.

Customers who constantly change their postures while standing are irritable, easily nervous, change their minds, like to face challenges, and often worry about being looked down upon.When striking up a conversation with them, use the method of exchanging business cards or doing questionnaires to leave the other party's data first, and then gradually establish friendship in the future, so that there is a better chance of closing a deal.Of course, if they are in a good mood at the moment, they usually will not refuse; if they are in a bad mood, it is useless to let you speak well.

Fifth, look at the personality of customers from their walking posture

Walking posture is a habit that a person has developed since childhood. Although people are born with two legs, their walking habits and postures are ever-changing. Even twins may not always have the same posture.So, what information can the walking posture reveal about the other party to us?The following four common walking postures will be explained first.

Customers with elegant posture and straight walking, such people usually live casually, have a straightforward personality, and have an optimistic and positive attitude.When approaching them, using a cheerful and relaxed greeting is the fastest way, and don't be intimidated by their seemingly indifferent faces and gestures.

Customers who jump around and look around, these people are impulsive, careless, and have no scheming. They have a deep sense of self-esteem, fear of being rejected, and hope to always attract the attention of others.Because this type of people is more informal, even if you make contact by directly patting the shoulder or bumping into him, they won't mind, and instead they can draw closer to each other.

Customers who take small steps and drag their heels on the floor. This type of person is cautious, pays attention to small details, and may lose his temper if things don't go his way.When you strike up a conversation, your sudden appearance or blocking the way is likely to make this type of person fly into a rage.If you have time and opportunity, you can wait for him to stop before making polite contact, so the possibility of success will be higher.

Customers who move left to right and do not walk in a straight line are mostly self-aware and smart, but they are not aggressive and popular, and they are often the most intelligent stars in the group.In the process of chatting up, rational analysis is the only way to convince them, so the first sentence can be "I think you need this product" to attract them, and they will be happy to hear you explain why.However, it should be noted that because of their strong logical analysis ability, it is recommended that you should have a 200% understanding of your product first, otherwise there will be absolutely no next opportunity to contact.

Customers with big and hurried steps, this kind of people express that they are anxious and anxious about something at the moment, and they are eager to solve it.When striking up a conversation, it is recommended not to disturb them too much, and look forward to better results in the next opportunity.

Customers with big and steady steps, this kind of people have a firm will on their goals, are sure to win, and are in a leadership position for what they are about to face.People of this type tend to be calm and in a good mood, and their superior psychology also makes them happy to contact people.As long as there is no special event, they generally will not refuse your introduction.

Customers with big and brisk steps, this type of person is generally happy, and the greater the swing of the hands, the happier it is usually.Although they are willing to share joy at this moment, as long as you speak, there is a great chance of getting a response, but don't delay them for too long, if you delay their next date, they will turn their faces.

Customers with small and hurried steps, these people have low self-esteem, nervousness, feel pressure, and resist what they are about to face.You can approach with a "Excuse me for a minute" probe and their response will be immediate and clear.Because at this moment, their hearts are like a volcano about to erupt, and there may be two consequences when contacting them. If they are away from the pressure they are about to face for a while, then they will be happy to contact you to relieve the pressure; The stress time is approaching, and they will give you supercilious glances and leave at a faster pace.

Clients with small, gentle steps. These people like to meditate, have peace of mind, and have a firm mind about the things they are about to face.Interrupting their train of thought is usually a bad thing and will annoy them, but if you "bump into" or rub against you, they'll think it's their fault and may even apologize to you.

Clients with small, brisk steps who are relaxed and cheerful, usually satisfied with what just happened.When introducing products to them, they will generally accept it happily, and with the addition of emotional rendering, the process of talking with them will also be full of positive interactions, making them an excellent negotiating partner.

The shuffling, slow-walking client, who is frustrated, lost, and usually just a loser.Therefore, when you strike up a conversation with them, after explaining that you want to introduce the product, first care about him, such as "You seem to need to take a break..." will stimulate their inner bitterness, but there is a kind of "someone understands me" Mentality, plus you and them don't know each other, there is no conflict of interest, and they sometimes even slightly reveal what happened to them to release their frustration.

Customers who walk with their eyes facing upwards are simple in nature, advocating nature, and like to observe things in nature and think about philosophical issues.When in contact, you can approach slowly, and when you find time to start with a slightly poetic statement, it is easier to arouse their favor.For example, "Today's sunset is beautiful", "Today's sky is very Greek blue"... Afterwards, introduce yourself with a smile, and they will be very happy to meet you.

Customers with eye-level eyes, this type of person has a serious personality, is used to discussing the matter in everything, and does not like to waste time, which belongs to the pragmatic personality.Directly explain the purpose when striking up a conversation, borrow a minute from them, don't need to talk too much nonsense, if you can fight quickly, the business can be settled quickly.

Customers who look down, this type of person is cautious, careful in everything, interested in communication that can bring real gains, and values ​​​​family life.In the process of chatting up, positive statements are more attractive to them.

A client who stares straight at something. This type of person has a strong concentration and likes to talk about the affairs at hand.It is of course best if you can find out what catches their eye, which is usually related to what they are currently doing and can create the highest interaction for you.

Customers who look around, these people are easily disturbed and distracted, always careless, curious, and like novel people, things, and things.Basically, they are not likely to refuse contact, but one thing to know before contacting this type of person is that when you talk to them, they will still look around very inattentively, and of course they will not concentrate on listening to you.Most often, they'll keep asking you the same question over and over, and they're definitely not looking for faults, they're just not listening.If you can switch to a simpler environmental dialogue, the time spent can have a higher return on investment.

To sum up, as a sales or business person, only by carefully observing and grasping all aspects of static details and dynamic details can we take targeted countermeasures and make the strike-up behavior take effect quickly.

Further reading: details can determine success or failure
Why is it said that details can determine success or failure? As long as we pay attention to details, it is not difficult for us to see that small things and details are vivid, intuitive, and real. In the long river of time, they appear more vivid and more attractive.And the details can sometimes be seen from the small to the big, and the small is known.The most indispensable thing for a successful person is the quality of excellence, and it is difficult for a person who is so-called "thinking big" and no longer pursues any problems if he thinks there are no problems.Only by paying attention to the details, we must achieve the best results in every detail, and we must do better than others. In this way, excellence will be internalized into a person's quality and help him reach the peak of his career.

The details are a jumping note in a gorgeous movement, and the details are a beautiful sentence in a great book. Although the details are small, they are full of charm and intriguing.

04. Successfully strike up a conversation in 3 minutes, don't give the client a chance to say no
(End of this chapter)

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