Chapter 24

Male clients in bright striped suits are generally paranoid.This type of customer has an elusive personality. Generally speaking, they tend to be conceited, strong-minded, strong, and not easy to be persuaded. Unless you can stick to their "needed" mentality, it is best to find another target.Calling to catch up from behind is easier to get a response.For example, "Sir, I have been chasing you for a long time, can I ask you a question", this will arouse his curiosity, and he will also have a sense of uniqueness of "I have something special that I need you to catch up with me to ask me", so that Cutting into the topic can more resonate with such elders.

Second, judging which sentence can attract young men from the suits they wear

The same is wearing a suit jacket. The meaning of young people wearing it is different from that of older people.Because most young people wear suit jackets based on "company regulations", which have little to do with social status or other referential meanings, and even if they are the same young people, men and women have very different interpretations of the meaning of suit jackets .Generally speaking, if the man wearing a suit jacket in front of you is under the age of 25, the nature of the job is mostly business and sales.At this time, you might as well say hello to him directly, or even say "long time no see" to create an opportunity for dialogue; even if you "confess the wrong person" after confirming, such a young man usually will not run away immediately, because he also wants to create a relationship with you. chance to get acquainted.In addition, from the fit of the suit jacket of the other party, we can see their life style and psychological state, and lock in the direction of persuasion.

Young men with oversized blazers, who have just left school, are looking forward to changing their clothes to make themselves look more mature and powerful.In other words, people who choose suits that are too big to wear usually have a mentality of worrying about their current work or life style, and they also lack self-confidence. They need to use external clothing to give psychological hints to improve themselves Confidence.Therefore, don't create too much pressure on this type of person, you can get in touch by asking him to "help".For example, "Excuse me, can I borrow a piece of paper from you?" "I just dropped something and I can't find it after searching for a long time. Can you help me?", etc., can effectively establish a relationship with him in adversity.

A young man with a moderate suit and jacket. This type of person pays attention to his external image and impression to others. He has a calm, conservative, gentle, and educated personality. He doesn't like to attract too much attention, and he is not very good at rejecting others.Oral questionnaires can be used, for example, "Hello, I am a salesman of ××× Sales, I would like to borrow a minute to introduce a product to you, is it convenient?".The technique of asking questions is to use clear company names, occupations, and numbers to reduce his insecurity.It is also because this type of person has a relatively low-key personality, and is afraid that if you refuse you, it will be even worse if you pester him. Therefore, as long as they have time, they will not refuse such a simple request.

Young men with suit jackets that are too small, these people are confident in themselves, more domineering, accustomed to taking the initiative, always standing in the leadership position in a group of people, and have a higher ability to endure setbacks.Personality is positive, but relatively lack of action.Compliments are definitely the best way to get their attention. "You seem to be a leader, are you the executive class of some company?" Even boasting like this will make him happy and willing to communicate with you, and of course he won't reject you right away.

Third, judge which sentence can attract a woman from the suit she wears

For women, most of them wear suit jackets because of the needs of the workplace. After all, modern women in the workplace need to arm themselves with toughness and strength in addition to their feminine nature.When in contact with them, it is best to closely follow the life characteristics of modern women such as "independence", "hard work", and "busy with family and business", so that they can quickly resonate.Of course, different women still have different concerns, just compared with the extremely limited choices of men.When women choose a suit jacket, the stripes and colors may be just for a more neat and beautiful match. The choice of single-breasted or double-breasted may also just want to modify their body shape. Therefore, if you want to judge their personality from the suit jacket, It's best to start with style.

Women who wear neutral suit jackets tend to be rigorous, conservative, pessimistic and full of insecurity.I don't have many good friends around me, but I still hope to get in touch with people more, but I can't get out by myself.If you want to get in touch with this type of customers, you should not use too abrupt methods, and you should create more opportunities to meet.The good news is that basically there is not much difference in the routes they take every day. If you can let them remember your "familiar face", maybe they will take the initiative to smile at you to show their friendliness.If you want to take the initiative to come forward, it is best to put your hands within her sight to increase their sense of security. At the same time, start with "I want to ask you a favor", which is more likely to get a response.

Women who wear popular narrow suit jackets are mostly trend-following types, with open and cheerful personalities, good popularity, consistent appearance, easy to be curious about people, things, and things, and like to learn.To catch the other person's curiosity, you can use a questioning sentence: "Miss, I don't know if you have heard of it..." No matter whether she has heard of it or has no impression, she will stop and think about this question carefully.If she is interested and doesn't even mind listening to you state all the product data directly (it's just that it's easy to waste time), then you might as well make another appointment for an interview.She will do her own homework before the next interview, so you don't need to explain.

Women who wear short suit jackets are very confident, arrogant, and have strong self-esteem, but they are introverted and difficult to blend in with the crowd, often giving people a feeling of ice.You can start complimenting on external items, such as "Your watch is beautiful, may I ask where you bought it?" (Male salesmen can be said to be gifted to female friends).It's easier to gain trust when you identify with their vision.They can also give you feedback on their expertise, which can effectively prolong the dialogue time with each other, and also have the opportunity to leave the other party's needs and other relevant information.

Fourth, judge which sentence can attract customers from the color of their clothing
Many people don't know that the color of the clothes we wear can roughly reveal our personality, especially the color selection of suit jackets is relatively small, and it is easier to highlight the main psychological state of the wearer.If you can go further and interpret it with other colors on the other person, you can often get a lot of information that he won't say.People with different personalities have different degrees of acceptance and liking for the way you appear and talk. Don't think that one trick can really lead the world.Of course, the color mentioned here does not only refer to the suit jacket, but also includes the overall matching that is harmonious and not particularly abrupt, such as a general black suit jacket with an off-white shirt, a pink jacket with a light-colored shirt, and so on.

We can read the "mental age" of customers from the color of their clothing or their favorite colors, and even guess which type of environment they are in, thus creating a common topic.So, how to observe the personality of the other party from the color and matching of the suit?Here are a few of the more common colors to analyze.

Clients wearing black suits have an easy-going personality and don’t have too many distinctive features. They even tend to live a low-key lifestyle (also in the workplace) and don’t want to attract too much attention.For low-key people, you should choose to use the grammar of "asking the other party for assistance".To avoid trouble, they will often choose to spend a little time helping you.

Clients wearing dark blue or light gray suits tend to be stubborn, self-centered, and sometimes even irrationally paranoid.This type of people is used to saying that one is one, no matter what kind of speaking skills you use, there are not many chances to successfully catch up with the first time.You might as well make progress by retreating. As long as he doesn't want to be disturbed, you can respectfully retreat. After two or three visits, the other party will start to have a good impression of you, and even talk to you by himself.

Clients in white, light-colored suits, this type of person wants the biggest focus of others not to stay on their body parts, but on their faces.They look calm and unsmiling on the outside, but they are actually cold-faced craftsmen. They often have humorous opinions on world affairs, coupled with clear logic, and their conversations are often full of humor and wit.Although they belong to the sneer type, there is no need to pretend to be crazy about them.They are happy to hear you tell the truth, even if there are mistakes or bad words in the process, it doesn't matter. They find this natural "stupidity" more real and interesting.So inadvertently stuttering or saying the wrong thing when you say the first sentence to him can sometimes arouse their deeper interest.

Customers who wear multi-colored suits are often informal, straightforward and smart, and don't care much about other people's opinions.It is absolutely not a waste of time to get in touch with this type of people, and you will not suffer after getting acquainted.To get in touch with this type of person, you only need to put forward your needs sincerely in the first sentence.If they can conduct an objective and comprehensive analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the product, as long as they think it is necessary, there is a great chance of immediate transaction.

Wearing a dark blue suit jacket with a yellow-green shirt and a white tie is an uncoordinated combination of clothing. The customers dressed in this way usually have a very different personality from the inside and outside, and are easily distracted. They seem to have no opinions, but they are actually very stubborn inside.This type of person is good at superficial work and needs long-term management.Therefore, in the first contact, you may wish to use the words "do you still remember me", and try to exchange business cards to obtain follow-up contact information.But it should be noted that the development of this type of people usually only gets perfunctory results.From a psychological point of view, it can be explained that there is a huge gap between his workplace and needs and his real psychology.In order to protect themselves, this type of people learn to speak superficially. If you take his words too seriously, you will often find a huge gap in mutual understanding when you contact them later.Therefore, when developing unfamiliar customers, it is recommended that you choose to contact people whose body colors are not so different, so that the success rate will be higher.

From the above analysis, we can see that there is so much knowledge in just dressing!For any sales and business personnel, it is worth studying the customer's sitting posture, skin color, and the way of using mobile phones, so as to master the methods and skills of striking up a conversation, and make a good first impression for you to develop new customers. Card.

Further reading: Precautions for dressing
(1) Dressing should pay attention to the overall beauty.Only those who are beautiful and decent will conform to etiquette.All kinds of casual shoes and fashion shoes cannot match formal clothes.A suit must be matched with leather shoes of appropriate color.Avoid wearing hats.The pockets of the trousers of the suit are bulging.

(2) Do not wear shorts, vests, ultra-shorts, leggings, etc. on formal occasions, and underwear such as vests, petticoats, socks, etc. must not be exposed outside the coat.Ladies should wear skirts during banquets.When wearing a cheongsam, the slit should not be too high, preferably within two inches above the knee.

(3) It is very rude to wear only underwear in public.When receiving guests and guests at home or in a hotel, it is also not allowed to go barefoot or only wear underwear, pajamas, or shorts.

(4) When participating in social activities and entering indoor places, you should take off your hat, coat, raincoat, etc.Men are not allowed to wear hats and gloves indoors at any time.It is generally forbidden to wear sunglasses indoors, and you should not wear sunglasses outdoors in case of grand ceremonies or welcomes and send-offs.When you have eye disease and need to wear colored glasses, you should explain and apologize to the guest or host, or take off the glasses when shaking hands or talking, and put them on when you leave.

03.Small details that cannot be ignored, a booster for chatting with customers

The details of a person include both static and dynamic.The static details here refer to the way the client intentionally highlights a certain part of himself, and the dynamic details refer to the client's sitting, standing and walking postures.Although the analysis of human psychology should be based on comprehensive considerations, the details are the key points.The psychological attention to detail is also evident.

When it comes to details, many business and sales staff have a habit. If the other party wears a miniskirt, they will praise her for their beautiful legs; ... Although these compliments are very "real", but if you want to use this trick to break into the other party's heart, I am afraid there is still a long way to go.Therefore, when you strike up a conversation for the first time, similar blind compliments are undesirable.In addition to observing the customer's heart through static details, the meaning expressed by the customer's sitting, standing and walking posture is also worth noting.As the saying goes, "sitting is sitting, standing is standing", this sentence shows that the general public attaches great importance to personal appearance.When a business or salesperson faces a customer, can you decide what kind of countermeasures you will take from the other person's walking, sitting and lying down?In order to avoid all kinds of embarrassments when striking up a conversation, we will discuss some details below and understand what customers are thinking from a psychological point of view, and how you should strike up a conversation with them.

First, observe the personality from the place where female customers deliberately stand out

Women are best at dressing themselves up in details, and they are good at expressing their individuality with prominent body parts.

Female customers who highlight the eyes generally like to wear long false eyelashes, or decorate with eye paint, deliberately turning the eyes into the most conspicuous part of the face.This kind of person seems calm, but in fact he is easy to be persuaded in his heart.They have a sense of security and are less likely to refuse strangers to approach them.When chatting with such female clients, too deliberate politeness will make them feel threatened, and a smile is the best persuasion.They enjoy talking and laughing with people who seem "pleasant".Likewise, they want you to compliment their kindness more than superficial words like "beautiful" or "charming."

Female customers who highlight their mouths often wear plain and light makeup, but use shiny lip oil or bright red lipstick.This type of person has a strong subjective consciousness, often uses words to make things difficult for others, and always occupies a leading position in the group of friends.To strike up a conversation with such female clients, you have to understand that they like their "prowess" to be affirmed by others, saying that they look very imposing, which is definitely more useful than you praising their looks.

Female customers with prominent waists usually wear low-waisted pants or short T-shirts, which intentionally or unintentionally show their waists.This type of person has a delicate mind, is highly dependent on acquaintances, and feels insecure when facing strangers.In the face of such women, male salesmen will suffer more, because they will deliberately avoid your contact.It is recommended to use the method of sending questionnaires, so that they can see through your purpose at a glance, and will not be afraid, but it will be easier to communicate.

Female customers with prominent legs wear miniskirts or tight pants, or even close-fitting riding boots, so that the legs can be fully displayed.This type of women has a rational personality and is shrewd and capable in doing things, but they are more snobbish and neurotic, and their health is usually not very good.When chatting with such female customers, it is best to directly state the advantages of the product, such as "this product can 'help you solve'...problems" or "this product has...'benefits' for you", they will usually involuntarily stop.On the other hand, they are also very concerned about their physical health. If some topics of body maintenance are mentioned in the conversation, they will often arouse their greater interest.

Second, observe the personality from the place where male customers deliberately stand out

Men are rough on the whole, but there are also people who are meticulous and detail-oriented.

For male customers with prominent neckline, their hair is often deliberately designed, and they often wear sunglasses. There are also many young men who wear lip gloss or lip oil.These men are confident, proud, and like to exaggerate, and they don't pay much attention to the principle of honesty.To strike up a conversation with such a male client, calling him "handsome guy" is the best way to strike up a conversation.They are happy to talk to people who "know how to appreciate", the only thing you have to worry about is that they will not stop talking when they are interested, and they may not even want you to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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