Chapter 26

The so-called sales are actually talking, which is to reduce the probability of being rejected by customers.This requires us to choose the correct way of speaking, so that customers can accept you in the shortest possible time and accept your products.The way of striking up a conversation in communication art is very important. It is related to the success or failure of communication, whether interpersonal communication is smooth, whether it can help you seize opportunities and achieve fruitful results.If the way of striking up a conversation is not correct, the communication will not be smooth, it will bring a lot of unnecessary troubles, and seriously hinder the progress of work.The results of many surveys and studies have shown that the first 3 minutes of conversation between sales and business personnel when they meet with customers, customers have already decided whether to accept you and your products.Therefore, we must make customers feel good about us and our products within 1 minute.

From practical experience, the following methods should be adopted to open the hearts of customers in the shortest possible time:

First, grab the first 90 seconds of the conversation

Many people attach great importance to the 90 seconds at the beginning of the conversation. They think that as long as this speech can catch the other party's attention, then the communication is half successful.If you can build on this basis, go all out and pursue the victory, you can completely conquer the opponent.In this limited time, the best state of communication is positive confidence.Some people win and others feel very comfortable. Some people can continue to cooperate with customers for a long time. These people often use a confident expression.It is precisely because of this that they can build a sustainable partnership with each other, thereby expanding the opportunities they face and increasing the probability of success.

A salesman said this when he was selling a certain product to a customer: "Time is short, I would like to recommend a new product of our company, I hope you must take a look. This new product is 8% of our company's total investment sales , which took two years to research and develop. The product successfully uses ×× material, which is the first case in the same industry and fills the gap in the industry. I am very confident in this product, and I believe it will definitely help you Company. That’s why I solemnly recommend this product to you at the first time.” Through this introduction, we can understand that the ultimate goal of this salesman is to sell products, and at the same time, we can also feel his enthusiasm for his company’s products deep affection.However, in fact, he was farther and farther away from the goal of persuading the other party.This is because there is no information in this introduction that is beneficial to the customer.In this way, it will arouse doubts from customers, and make customers feel that "the high development cost is probably because the initial model fee is too expensive", "it took two years from development to now, is the product outdated now", Thus creating a thick gap between each other.In addition, after the customer thinks about it, he will find that "whether the product uses a material that fills the gap in the same industry has nothing to do with our company, we only care about what this material is." OK” and so on, and thus start preparing to refuse to buy his product.

During the first 90 seconds of the conversation, the most important thing is to follow the win-win formula.If you can't achieve the win-win goal, you won't be able to attract the other party's attention, let alone conquer the other party.The customer's focus is always "own interest".Therefore, you should directly explain to the other party in plain language what advantages your product has and how much it will benefit the other party.If the salesman said: "This is a new product of our company. Due to the use of new materials in research and development, the thickness of the product has been successfully reduced by half. This is the first time in the industry. If your company uses this For products, warehouse management fees can be greatly saved.” After 15 seconds of impactful self-introduction and 90 seconds of persuasive and passionate speech, the other party may have developed a sense of trust in you.If you add such a product introduction, then customers will definitely consider your proposal seriously.

When expressing the same thing, if the expression method and wording are different, it will bring different feelings to others.Those who are not good at words or who are easily coaxed by others tend to use negative and passive expressions when speaking.It is precisely because of their various deficiencies in the way of expression, either lackluster or hesitant, that the other party loses confidence in them.Similarly, those who express themselves too "radically" cannot really impress the other party and get the other party's approval.When you are lucky, you may occasionally negotiate once or twice, but in fact, the hidden danger of failure has been buried in the victory.If the other party loses face this time, they will definitely counterattack more violently in the next communication, which will increase the difficulty of communication, and it will be difficult to have a continuous victory or an all-round victory.

Second, look for win-win points between each other

In real life, everyone pursues different interests.Therefore, when communicating, it is very important to first understand the interests that the customer is pursuing, and then figure out the reasons why the customer rejects you and the conditions for supporting you.For example, when negotiating the price, the customer asks you to reduce the price by 5%, and you respond: "I really can't reduce that much, and I can only allow 3% at most." % agreed on a price.It seems fair on the surface, but in fact, for both parties, it failed to achieve the expected goal, which is a kind of "lose-lose".Even if you barely get 4% of the price, there is still a certain distance from the other party's requirements, and the other party will not be satisfied.If both parties are dissatisfied, a "win-win" cannot be achieved.Instead of falling into endless tug-of-war over prices, it is better to have a frank talk with the other party, listen to the other party's explanation of the reason for the 4% price reduction, and see if the other party is really sincere.Maybe the other party just wants to reduce the overall cost of raw material supply by 5%. Similarly, although you can only reduce the cost by 5%, you can help the other party reduce costs in other ways.

People generally only focus on what they "want to hear", and so do the topics and content of the conversation.In fact, different people may respond completely differently to the same word and sentence.Therefore, you have to try to listen to the customer's conversation with your heart.As long as you truly experience it with your heart, you will be able to find out what language customers like to use, what language customers care about, and what language customers are willing to listen to.This way, you can subtly express yourself in the language your client is accustomed to.Finding the win-win point between each other is the trick to win the favor of customers and impress customers in the shortest time.

Third, say a concluding remark that impresses the customer

First of all, the concluding remarks should focus on the future and try to lay the foundation for the next cooperation with the other party.No matter how weak this foundation is, we must strive for it as much as possible.The actual effect of communication may not be obvious, but don't be easily discouraged, because even the lowest level of approval can bring great success.For example, when setting goals, you must reserve a certain amount of flexibility, and don't set the minimum goal too high.In the communication process, it is very important to reach a consensus with the customer on the conclusion of the communication even if the ideas and wishes at the beginning cannot be fully realized.

Secondly, before the communication starts, two modes should be prepared in advance, one is "success mode" and the other is "risk avoidance mode".You can change the method of conveying information according to different communication objects, but you cannot change the content of conveying information.When you are rejected by a customer once, you will accumulate some experience, and your starting point will become higher in the next communication.In this way, when you realize that the other party intends to reject you, you can modify your goals so as to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and guide the communication in a direction that is beneficial to you.Therefore, the more customers reject you, the more you must actively work hard to recover and strive to achieve your goals.At this point, instead of saying "Sorry to interrupt your time," you should say "I'm glad you gave me this opportunity."

In the end, a happy ending will definitely bring you more opportunities.When dealing with those customers who have maintained working contacts for a long time, it is often not necessary to be too particular, because there will be many opportunities for future contacts.On the contrary, when dealing with customers who have no chance to cooperate in the future, we should pay more attention to it, and we must be considerate in terms of etiquette.When customers reject you, they often feel sorry and guilty. At this time, you should do some work in a timely manner to relieve the other party's pressure and wipe away the haze that hangs over the other party's heart.In addition, after reaching an agreement with the other party, it is best to say something to express your gratitude, so that the other party feels that supporting you is the right choice.In addition to verbal thanks, it is even better if you can make the other party feel your sincerity.For example: "First of all, I would like to thank you for supporting my project. In the process of communicating with you, I found many topics worthy of further research. For this reason, I need to express my sincerest thanks to you once again." You in A "thank you" at the end of this cooperation is a good start for the next success.

In short, the way you strike up a conversation is very important at the beginning of the conversation, and it will determine the success or failure of your communication.In order to develop customers and expand business, you must treat each customer with a positive attitude, be good at finding a win-win point in the short time at the beginning of the conversation, and leave a deep impression on the customer at the end, so that you can use Convince customers in the shortest time, and ultimately bring you huge returns.

Further reading: Key Points of Business Negotiation
(1) Prepare to negotiate.One is to determine the negotiation attitude.The attitude to be adopted when negotiating is determined according to the importance of the object of negotiation and the outcome of the negotiation.The second is to fully understand the negotiating opponent.Understand the negotiating purpose of the opponent, the bottom line in mind, the business situation of the other party's company, the industry situation, the character of the negotiator, the culture of the other party's company, the habits and taboos of the negotiating opponent, etc.The third is to prepare multiple sets of negotiation plans.Prepare several sets of negotiation plans, and come up with the most favorable plan first, and if you fail to come up with the second plan, you will not succeed in coming up with the second-class plan.The fourth is to set a restricted area for negotiation.Set in advance which are the forbidden words in the negotiation, which topics are dangerous, which behaviors cannot be done, and the bottom line of the negotiation.This avoids traps set by the opponent.

(2) Use business negotiation skills.One is the curve attack.By guiding the other party's thinking, guide the other party's thinking into your own encirclement, for example, by asking questions, let the other party actively tell you the answer you want to hear.Conversely, the more eager you are to achieve your goal, the more likely you will reveal your intentions and be used by the other party.The second is that the ears win, not the mouth.Being good at listening can discover the other party's true intentions and even flaws from the other party's words.The third is to control the negotiation situation.It is necessary to actively strive to grasp the rhythm, direction, and even trend of negotiations.The fourth is to make timely concessions.One of the greatest learnings in negotiation is to learn to make timely concessions. Only in this way can the negotiation proceed smoothly. After all, the ultimate goal of the negotiation is a win-win situation.The fifth is a concession attack.On the surface, he made concessions, lost some benefits, and gave the opponent a thrill of attacking the city, but in fact, he sprinkled sesame seeds all over the ground for the opponent to happily pick up, while he took away the opponent's watermelon.For example, in a negotiation, one or two very high demands can be put forward at the right time, but the other party will definitely not be able to agree to them. After some bargaining, we can make concessions, lower the demands or change them to other demands.We didn't intend to reach an agreement with these high demands. Even if we make concessions, there is no loss, but it can give the other party a sense of accomplishment and feel that they have taken advantage of it.At this time, our other requirements, which are lower than this high requirement, are easily accepted by the other party.But we must avoid making too outrageous and excessive demands, otherwise the other party may feel that we are not sincere, and even irritate the other party.

05.Win the trust of customers and say the first sentence to strike up a conversation
A wonderful opening speech can not only attract customers' attention to you, but also make customers interested in your next words and deeds.It can be said that the quality of striking up a conversation can almost determine the success or failure of sales.Therefore, at the beginning of communication with customers, the salesperson needs to use effective methods of chatting with customers to arouse the interest of customers in talking with us.Only an attractive opening statement can arouse the interest of customers and make them willing to continue the conversation with themselves.

Here are a few ways to talk about the first words of a customer, so that everyone can gain an advantage at the very beginning of sales.

First, the interest approach method
Almost everyone is interested in benefits. Ways to save money and make money can easily arouse the interest of customers, so the salesperson can tell the benefits he can bring to customers from the beginning, such as: "Manager Zhang, I I’m here to tell you how to save your company’s electricity bill by half.” “Director Wang, our machine is faster, consumes less power, and is more accurate than your current machine, which can reduce production costs.” “Director Chen, you Want to save $5 a year in towel production?"

Second, the introduction approach
The introduction method is a main method for salespeople to approach unfamiliar customers and open the chatter box, usually including self-introduction and product introduction.The self-introduction method refers to that after the salesperson sees the customer, he orally introduces himself to the customer, and submits a business card, work permit, etc. to the other party to obtain the other party's information, so as to achieve the purpose of getting acquainted with the customer.The product introduction method means that the salesperson does not introduce himself, but directly presents products, samples, and models in front of the customer, arousing enough interest in the product from the other party, and finally accepting the purchase suggestion.In the exhibition hall, a pair of male and female customers walked into the car showroom.Salesperson: "Hello, I am ××, the person in charge of car sales in this area. What do you need?" Customer: "I want to know about the latest products of this year."

Third, praise the strike-up method
Everyone likes to hear compliments, and clients are no exception, so compliments can be a great way to strike up a conversation.For example, we can say: "Mr. Wang, the hall of your house is really uniquely designed." "Manager Lin, I heard Mr. Zhang from Huamei Garment Factory say that doing business with you is the most enjoyable. He praised you as a Enthusiastic and straightforward person." "Congratulations, Mr. Li, I just saw your news in the newspaper, congratulations on being elected as one of the top ten outstanding entrepreneurs."

Fourth, the problem approach method
When meeting the customer for the first time, the salesperson directly asks relevant questions, arouses the customer's attention and interest by asking questions, and thus smoothly transitions to the formal sales negotiation.The biggest feature of this method of approaching customers is that it is simple and clear, so that customers cannot say "no", so that the purpose of approaching customers can be achieved.When a salesperson saw a customer walk into a car showroom, he asked two questions in a calm and friendly manner.Salesperson: "If you were very interested in a certain car, would you give it a try?" Customer: "I think so." Salesperson: "If you were very satisfied after trying it, would you be willing to buy it?" Customer Nod.

Fifth, curiosity strike up a conversation

Modern psychology shows that curiosity is one of the basic motivations of human behavior, so salespeople can use the curiosity that everyone has to get the attention of customers.A carpet salesman said to the customer: "Your bedroom can be carpeted for only 12 cents a day." The customer was surprised by this, and the salesman continued: "Your bedroom is 24.8 square meters, and our carpet The price is 297.6 yuan per square meter, so it costs 5 yuan. The carpet in our factory can be used for 365 years, 1 days a year, so the average daily cost is only 6 jiao [-] cents." The salesman first created a mysterious atmosphere to arouse the curiosity of the other party , and then, when answering questions, introduce the product to customers skillfully.

Sixth, introduce the method of chatting up

(End of this chapter)

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