Chapter 18

The devil's accusation attracts the favor of God of love

——How can such a good marriage be missed, let language turn into the arrow of the god of love
In the process of chatting with the opposite sex, can you get rid of the nervousness when facing the opposite sex?Do you know how to strike up a conversation with strangers of the opposite sex?Do you know what details to pay attention to on the first date after hitting on it?All of these are not problems, the biggest problem is whether you have the courage and skills, and whether you can use your abilities to the fullest, which is very important to complete a perfect strike-up.If you want to get a beautiful love, then learn a few strike-up skills from the love master!

01.Say goodbye to leftover men and women, strike up a conversation is the first step to get love

The rapid development of modern communication has made the minds of many young men and women increasingly closed in the virtual world, and the ability to communicate directly with each other has been greatly degraded.As a result, timid singles are limited to three types of mate selection methods: first, unmarried men and women happen to be classmates or colleagues around them, and fall in love with each other for a long time; second, they meet and negotiate through matchmakers such as colleagues or relatives and friends; , Blind date and marriage activities, bumping into marriage.However, the first type of method has too little room for choice, and it will also affect the surrounding interpersonal relationships due to fierce competition.The second type is passive and helpless, without interest.The third type of method is like going to the market, calling for buying and selling, and the more you lose, the less you lose.

Were your strike-ups awkward, funny, or sweet?It's a pity that many people don't have the courage to strike up a conversation, so that they are still lingering outside the wedding hall.Judging from the actual situation, the large number of leftover men and women has a lot to do with not being good at striking up a conversation.

On the one hand, not everyone can find love from acquaintances, shuttling among countless familiar faces every day, just don't come to "call"!Many single men and women have such an experience: just when they suspect that they are "incompetent in love", suddenly on a certain day, they have "a glimpse" in the vast sea of ​​people. Fate is so strange, but they suffer from not knowing him or her channels.It was widely rumored on the Internet that a female netizen had a crush on the "Bus Man". She could see him every day, fell in love with him unknowingly, but never said a word!
On the other hand, most men don't have the courage to strike up a conversation with a beautiful woman.Hesitating whether to speak to a beautiful woman is a condition unique to men in Eastern culture. In fact, as long as you speak, you are already different from other men, and your chances of having an affair will change from zero to positive.But this is also the most difficult stage, because the vast majority of men will never be able to do it.If you think about it carefully, if you approached her to strike up a conversation, it might not be so embarrassing.In this process, you have only one opponent, and that is yourself.As for women, more people don't have the courage to strike up a conversation with handsome guys.Just like the female netizen who has a crush on the "Bus Man".

In fact, women will not reject men who appreciate themselves.For a woman, a man who strikes up a conversation with her is a signal to herself and others that this woman is attractive to the opposite sex.So, unless you're ugly and rude and scare away the cuties you're approached, the vast majority of pickups are accepted by women.As for how to make women willing to communicate and even provide contact information, wisdom is needed, such as a sense of humor and other skills.

Picking up a conversation is actually opening up a unique new path for everyone.Saying it is a new way means that people were not used to thinking in this way before.In fact, this method is the most normal and natural communication channel for human beings. It seems to be fashionable and advanced, but it is actually back to basics!
For example, as an educated, well-educated, and unmarried person with a proper job, you occasionally see her or him in a plane, train, subway, or other civilized public places: clean appearance, elegant temperament, pure manner, Heartwarming, endearing, special calling.At this time, do you let this "stranger" go away forever, or take the initiative to understand each other with interest?Do you dare to go forward and strike up a conversation with her or him?Do you have the ability to sincerely recommend yourself, obtain the contact information of the other party, and establish a stable relationship with the other party?

In fact, many people who have entered into marriage believe that "strike-up" is the most unique, fun and story-telling way of getting to know each other.From striking up to falling in love, and then entering the palace of marriage, striking up has almost become a "premeditated" brewing love!Facts have proved that there are countless loves that stem from bravely strike up a conversation!
It can be said with certainty that it is really feasible to go from striking up a conversation to falling in love!But your wits are needed here.In this regard, some people think that from a general technical point of view, picking up a girl depends on the timing, location, and harmony of people.Of course, this is just a big concept, and the methods and techniques in it depend on how well you have mastered and applied them.

"Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed" refers to the right time.The way of heaven is always changing. Which season of the year has the highest success rate of strike up?In what climate environment is the probability of success high?What time of day is easiest to strike up a conversation with?The ancients said that girls think about spring and scholars feel sad about autumn. There is a certain truth in it, but it doesn't hold true when it comes to striking up a conversation.Throughout the year, it is windy and rainy, and the success rate of striking up a conversation is the same. There is no question of whether the weather affects your success. The key is whether you will take advantage of it.

Geography is also a key factor in striking up a conversation.

In most cases, a relatively closed place is better than an open place, and a place with people is better than a place without people.Classrooms, buses, and restaurants are all good places to strike up a conversation; while the streets and playgrounds where people come and go are not so good.I don’t know if it’s because women themselves have to bear the responsibility of raising the next generation, they are more likely to feel safe in a relatively closed place, which is why most women want a warm and small home more than men.But this is not absolute, no one is stupid enough to strike up a conversation with a woman in front of a dozen people in a closed elevator.Elevators have monitors. If there are only you and the girl you have always wanted to meet in the elevator to work, it is a chance given to you by God!In fact, you can't make a choice about where you pick up because you can't predict the girl's movements.Blindly watching and waiting for a better environment sometimes loses opportunities.Therefore, the knowledge of geographical location is the most difficult to master in striking up a conversation. It requires long-term practice and reasoning, and it needs to be used in combination with the right time and the harmony of people.

Harmony is the main factor in striking up a conversation, which can be roughly analyzed from three perspectives: the person, the target object, and the people around the target.

The so-called personal factors, first of all you have to have a good mental outlook, of course handsome guys have an advantage in this regard.But women are different from men after all, a man with good looks can win their favor, and a man who is too beautiful and too ostentatious sometimes makes them feel disgusted.Looks are born, but clothing can be changed.Try not to wear designer clothes to strike up a conversation.Maybe you think you are cool, but women are inherently insecure. No matter how cool or handsome you are, you can't resist the little fear of strangers in their hearts.The suits aren't great either, if you're not wearing Armani at least take your tie off.A plain t-shirt and a pair of jeans are enough.The key is to be clean and tidy, so that girls feel that you are a decent person first, so that you can get close to her and make her believe what you say.

The so-called target object is the target girl.Observing words and emotions is a skill for a person to survive in society.First observe the target you want to attack, and find out what kind of her she is, so you can prescribe the right medicine. Of course, this requires experience, but at least you can tell whether she is in a good or bad mood now!If her eyes fall on you, you'd better smile and see if she will smile back; if your eyes meet, it's better not to avoid or back away, this is the best chance to change from passive to active , to see if she would bow her head shyly.If she will, then it can be said that you are already halfway there.

The so-called target surrounding population refers to the scope of your attention.The girl rarely moves alone, and in most cases she has a companion by her side.This is something to watch out for, flirting with a girl and having a boyfriend come over after a while is so stupid.When girls have female companions, it’s not good if there are too many female companions. It’s annoying for you to tell me what to say. If you talk about them and ask you to invite them all to dinner, it’s best to excuse them. After all, you’re only interested in them. one of the.The situation of the two female partners is good, because at this time the two female partners will mostly go to the side to chat.The case of a female partner (which is the most common) is the most difficult because of the relative closeness of the two of them.If she cares about talking to you, it will cause dissatisfaction with your girlfriend, and you can't take care of both, which is rather embarrassing.The target girl may also deliberately put on a high profile because of this, and your language communication skills will be tested at this time.If after careful observation, it is found that there is no companion, it is a blessing from heaven, so act quickly!

Further reading: Pick up and love
Many people always behave submissively and hesitantly in the face of love. When the one they love rushes to embrace others, they realize it is too late.Therefore, if you want to reap love and marriage, you must speak up bravely and take the initiative to strike up a conversation, maybe happiness is by your side.

Picking up a conversation is the first step in generating love. If you want to succeed in love, you must take this crucial step.In terms of love, when you can't meet the person you like in your circle of friends, it is necessary to consider choosing one among strangers.Being able to meet new friends in a lifetime is actually a very happy thing. If we want to get the approval of a person we like, we must learn to strike up a conversation.

When approaching love, we should understand what approaching can bring us.To strike up a conversation for love, what we want more is a lifelong partner.Many people find it unnatural to strike up a conversation, and this is entirely individual.In fact, chatting up is inseparable from everything in our life. Whether we can face up to chatting up depends on our own ideas.As long as you feel that this is the most normal thing in the world, you won't feel unnatural.There are many ways to strike up a conversation, but choosing the right method at the right time is actually a subject worthy of our in-depth study and research.In short, to strike up a conversation, you must make yourself comfortable, and at the same time make the person being hit up feel comfortable.

02.Overcome nervousness and strike up a conversation with the person you like
Overcoming nervousness is one of the contents of many outward bound training, and striking up a conversation with others is an effective way to get rid of nervousness.For those who are timid in front of the opposite sex, the most effective measure is to take the first step to strike up a conversation bravely. When the nervousness is transformed into an impulse of curiosity and interest, the act of striking up a conversation with the opposite sex begins.

From a psychological point of view, tension is a form of expression when people are under stress. Facing the goal you yearn for, it is impossible and should not be calm in your heart.Even at times, an apparent need to appear calm is merely a tactic.

In essence, being able to be on high tension shows that you have a high desire to succeed.Tension is not a result of conflict, but rather a "function" of conflict resolution whose purpose is to allow you to "keep the status quo."Because although the future is beautiful, it has not been experienced after all; although the reality is unsatisfactory, it is basically tolerable.In this way, your heart is defeated by another opponent who restrains you, so that you in the objective world can do nothing.

Humans are animals of direct experience, but truth is a series of causal relationships between the past and the future, so an effective stimulation method is to make the future more real, and at the same time make the reality more cruel, so that you can experience extreme regret and lost.When reality becomes unbearable, it is possible for the cowardly to act.Feelings of tension are often replaced by feelings of impulsiveness at this moment.Because impulse is directed to the present, it is more effective than reasoning.This shows that people hesitated for some reason before acting, but after impulsiveness, the physical excitement covered the psychological weakness.Impulsiveness makes people want to express more, while nervousness makes people fall into a vicious circle.

Tension is a tendency for people to maintain the status quo and return to the past when there is inner conflict, so the key to coping is not to quell the conflict but to change this tendency, that is to say, the tension should be transformed rather than eliminated.While anger or excitement are often good outlets for tension, even mild jealousy can sometimes be exploited.

The nervousness when approaching the opposite sex is a normal physiological reaction. We cannot completely overcome it through rational thinking, but it can be greatly improved or even completely overcome through systematic practice.You can try the exercises below.

The first is to change perceptions.I am me, she is her; she has no time to pay attention to me, and I have no time to pay attention to her; I have too many things to do, why should I let her control me; is she more important than myself.In this way, the control point can be slowly moved to the inside of itself.

Secondly, in terms of emotions, we must strive to express and vent freely, and communicate with the opposite sex without being humble or overbearing.Express any thoughts in your mind in time, and don’t press inward if you let them out. When you experience a kind of relaxation, you will become more and more confident and like this method more and more.In addition, there are many ways to control your emotions, including psychological suggestion, self-hypnosis and so on.Here is a very simple method.

When you're nervous, think about it: She's nervous in this situation, too.If you can observe this nervousness in the people around you, you will be able to relieve your own tension more quickly, and to be precise, you will be able to quickly and completely eliminate your tension.

The last point is the most critical, which is to have some changes in behavior.Try to contact and talk with people of the opposite sex around you, including colleagues you don't know, friends, friends of friends, neighbors, and strangers in the store.Take the initiative to communicate with the opposite sex, take the initiative to help the opposite sex, express your thoughts with actions, learn to resist and learn to apologize.Make sure to stick to the daily practice and record the gains from the practice.This kind of practice not only improves one's skills in communicating with the opposite sex, but also can relax one's mind, experience progress, experience growth, happiness and self-confidence.

Nervousness can lead to tongue gaping, trembling legs, sweaty hands, blank brain, rapid heartbeat, heavy breathing, irregular pulse, elevated blood pressure, endocrine disorders, and even incontinence.You are definitely not alone in having these reactions.You should also think that if you overcome your fear at this time, take the first step bravely, and go up to strike up a conversation with the opposite sex, it means that you have completed the experience of getting rid of tension, and you are already a very proud brave man!

Further reading: How to chat up a selected target

If you want to strike up a conversation with your chosen target, getting rid of your nervousness and taking action is your only choice, but what kind of action is appropriate?For example, sitting on the sidelines, staring straight at her, trying to get her attention, so that she will come over and strike up a conversation with you?It cannot be said that there are not many girls who are so brave, but there are too few men who can make girls so brave.Buy her a drink?You sure won't be the only guy buying her a drink.More often than not, the result is that nothing will change except more money in your pocket.Uncreative ideas are being used badly.Both of these options seem to be dead ends, so what should I do?
For her who is a stranger, the two are closed to each other before there is any communication.Only when you step forward, communicate with her through appropriate channels, and open her closed shell, can you have further development with the other party.Whether it is the previous "magnetism" or the current "strike-up", the problem we have to face is the same, we must strike up a conversation with that crush without losing grace, without letting the other party doubt our motives.Although it is not easy, as long as you sincerely get to know each other, everything will be solved.

(End of this chapter)

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