first sniper

Chapter 315 Make a bet?

Chapter 315 Make a bet?
"Sister Liu'er, how long will it take for bandits Hu and the others to beat the little devils this time?"

On Heihu Mountain, Dai Ruliu is drying the sheets, the sheets of the horse thief...

Hu Bandits and the others had already left Black Tiger Mountain last night, with only one purpose, and that was to remove all the gun towers and strongholds of the little devil one by one.Just like eating beans, eat them one by one until there is no more left.

Seeing the bandits and the others went out, after getting up in the morning, Dai Ruliu went to the bandits' room, beat them, and took out all the things that should be washed by the bandits, and wanted to wash them for the bandits. One wash.

Because it was more than a month ago that the sheets were washed last time, and the bandits train every day, and they often go out to beat the little devils. Although they go to bed after taking a bath every time, they are not very clean.So Dai Ruliu wants to wash the horse bandits.

Dai Ruliu is hanging the quilt here.

At the same time, after going to deal with the affairs in the cottage, Wei Yuhan came over, came to Dai Ruliu, and asked.

When Dai Ruliu heard this, he suddenly laughed, and said, "What's the matter? That kid just left for a night, and you miss him again?"

"Bah, bah, what are you talking about!" Wei Yuhan spat on Dai Ruliu, but when Dai Ruliu said this, he couldn't help but blushed, and his little heart started beating wildly.

Dai Ruliu was hanging the quilt in his hands, and seeing Wei Yuhan's appearance, he smiled even more joyfully, "Hehehehe, I can't even say it, and I blush when I say it. Tsk tsk, it's really a girl who doesn't want to stay. Let me tell you, one day you'll have a showdown with that kid..." As he spoke, Wei Yuhan's face turned redder, and Dai Ruliu's smile became even stronger, "It's the old saying, the man chasing you Female, separated by a mountain, female chasing male, the compartment is wonderful, if you can be thick-skinned, little girl, this matter will definitely be possible... Ouch, don't scratch me, and get rid of the quilt again, I have to pay for it later Wash it off..."

"Let you talk nonsense, let you talk nonsense, see if I don't scratch you to death, you deserve to wash it carefully..." Wei Yuhan pouted, scratching and cursing at Dai Ruliu, and her small face , It was already very hot.


At the same time, at the devil's gun tower on Niulan Mountain.

The box cannon in Hu Bandit's hand slapped, and immediately he saw the last little devil in his sight, who died under his gun!

Looking inside the turret, the corpses of the little devil and the second devil were lying in a pool of blood. The corner of the bandit's mouth twitched and he smiled faintly, "Hehe, damn it, the monkey ate beans and ate another one!"

On the side, Wang Youming laughed even more, and said: "Hahahaha, Lao Hu, you did a good job. I followed you to beat the little devil. I really have nothing to say. Beating a little devil's blockhouse is like stabbing a hornet's nest." Yes, simple! Direct! Exciting!"

Bandit Hu said: "Okay, stop the fucking nonsense, hurry up and get ready. What's the matter, do you still want to keep this shit's gun tower for the little devil? Hurry up and blow up this dog day's gun tower Huh, don't let the little devil of his mother send someone again, it will still be useful at that time!" Said, Bandit Hu had already started to act.Find the most easily blown-up points of the gun tower, and install grenade bombs and explosives made in the cottage.

"Yes yes yes, fix it quickly, and blow up Gou Ri's gun tower. But don't leave it to the little devil!" Wang Youming was talking, and he had already helped the bandit to set it up. .

After a while, it was done.

The two of them came out of the gun tower, and they wanted to stay far away from the gun tower. After walking a long enough distance, they heard a bang behind them, and the grenades and explosives inside were rumbled. It exploded.All of a sudden, dust and smoke were everywhere, and a tower that was tall and straight just now collapsed in an instant, turning into a pile of broken bricks and rotten tiles!
Seeing it in his eyes, Wang Youming's mouth was so happy that it almost turned up to the sky.

"Which one is this?" While speaking, Wang Youming had already taken out a cigarette and handed one to the bandit Hu, while he himself smoked happily.

How many is it?

The bandit Hu smiled lightly, since this was the fifth blockhouse they had killed since leaving Heihu Mountain last night.In addition, they also dialed out a small stronghold of devils.Everything is so fast, it makes others think it is so unbelievable, it makes people feel that they build a blockhouse and the stronghold of the little devils, just like playing, it is so easy!
In fact, it's really easy, at least for bandits Hu, it's that easy.

Because for horse bandits, they already have various methods and experience in beating little devils.The brothers under him also have the true biography of Hu Bandit.To fight the little devil's turret, that's a skillful one!Even Hu Bandit divided the fifty or so brothers under him into three teams. Except for their team, the other two teams were also in different places, attacking the little devil's gun towers.

In this way, the speed is generally fast? !

"It seems to be the fifth one!" Bandit Hu exhaled a smoke ring and said lightly.

"That's right, that's the fifth number!" Wang Youming smiled even more when he heard the number, "Haha, Hu, it's amazing. Tell me about the method you just did, it got close to the little devil's The gun tower, and then throw a grenade inside. After the explosion, the inside is full of pepper smoke, which makes the little devil howl like ghosts and wolves. Seriously. This little devil's gun tower is so cool, it's so damn happy, so happy!"

"Hehehehe, have fun, right? You'll have a lot of fun next time, don't tell me you're tired!" Bandit Hu said flatly.

Wang Youming said: "How can I do that! I don't have any hobbies in my life. I just like beating little devils. As long as there are little devils beating me, let alone be tired, I will be exhausted. I won't even hum!"

"Hehehehe, that's good, that's good." Bandit Hu said.

Wang Youming said: "Next, which devil's stronghold shall we go to?"

The bandit Hu blew out smoke rings, and after thinking about it, the defense map of the little devil's blockhouse and stronghold that Zhao Hu and the others got back appeared in his mind. After destroying the fifth Niulanshan blockhouse , and then he divided it into the name of the blockhouse they were going to kill, and this appeared in his mind.

"Hehe, next, it's time to beat the devil's gun tower in Nanfeng Village!" Hu Bandit said.

Hearing the name, Wang Youming laughed and said, "Okay, okay, this blockhouse is good, haha, then let's go fight this blockhouse!"

"Hmm..." Hu Bandit threw away the remaining cigarette butt, and said again to Wang Youming, "How about we make a bet? Bet we can take down that Dog Day's gun tower in a few minutes! "

"Hehe, Lao Hu, you are so fucking bad, you just want the life of a little devil, and you bet on his life, it's really fucking unkind..." Wang Youming pointed Hu Bandit smiled meanly, "But, I like it!"




(End of this chapter)

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