first sniper

Chapter 316

Chapter 316
at the same time.

In Wuyi County.

"Good news? What good news, tell me quickly!"

Miyamoto 24 saw the strong smile on Inoue Yusuke's face standing in front of him, like a flower blooming, Miyamoto 24 was immediately interested, and asked eagerly.

Inoue Yusuke said: "Report to Colonel Miyamoto, the guns are coming, the guns are coming, and there is still a small team!"

"Nani?" Miyamoto 24 was overjoyed after hearing this.

He had been begging his superiors for a long time to send some troops and supplies to Wuyi County, the purpose of which was to wipe out the enemies in Heihushan.It has been nearly half a month since this request was sent out, and he thought he would have to wait a few more days, but what he didn't expect was that it would come so soon, and the supplies and troops he wanted had arrived.

This is definitely good news, because in this way, the time before he can attack Heihu Mountain will be brought forward again.

Hearing such news, he was cheerful, and when he looked at Yusuke Inoue, he felt that Yusuke Inoue was not so annoying anymore.

"Have all the weapons, materials and troops we wanted come?" Miyamoto 24 asked happily again.

Yusuke Inoue smiled like a chrysanthemum, and nodded.

Miyamoto 24 laughed, and said: "Let's go, come and have a look with me!" Saying this, the guy rushed out towards the door.

Yusuke Inoue was even more amused, and followed immediately.

When I came outside, I saw that in the barracks, there were already devil soldiers and two devils who were already busy moving carts of supplies off the trucks.Miyamoto 24 took a look, and there were quite a lot of supplies.This made the guy happy, he knew that his superiors, like them, hated the enemies of Heihushan, and wanted to get rid of the enemies of Heihushan a long time ago.

So when he promised to give him supplies, he agreed very happily. Not only that, it seemed that his superiors gave them much more supplies than he asked for.

For Miyamoto 24, this is of course a good thing.Because his opponent was the mighty Black Tiger Mountain, to fight that damned place, of course the more supplies and troops the better.

"Hahahaha, that's great, that's great, with these materials, the damn Heihushan will definitely be defeated by us!" Miyamoto 24 laughed.

On the side, Yusuke Inoue also laughed cheerfully.How much has this guy suffered at the hands of Heihushan, how many times has he been defeated, how many ghost soldiers have died... He feels that the most humiliation he has received in his life is from Heihushan. .So this fellow wished he could have taken down Black Tiger Mountain long ago!

He didn't have that opportunity before, nor did he have that strength.


It’s different now. Now Miyamoto 24 is here. This guy is his teacher. This guy’s strength is known to Inoue Yusuke. In the eyes of those superiors, having status and weight is much more!Not to mention anything else, just talking about the need for supplies and troops from the superior, Yusuke Inoue is no match for Miyamoto 24.

There is a powerful guy like Miyamoto 24, and now there are so many materials and troops.In addition, according to Miyamoto 24's plan, many gun towers and devil strongholds have already been deployed around Heihu Mountain, and the force has increased many times.

As long as they launch an attack on Heihushan, those troops can become a sharp knife and nail Heihushan to death.

Thinking of this, Inoue Yusuke felt that his vengeance was about to be avenged, so how could he not be as happy as a chrysanthemum? !

"Hahahaha, Mr. Miyamoto is right, I believe it won't take long for the damn Heihushan to be beaten to the bum!" Yusuke Inoue laughed.

When Miyamoto 24 heard this flattery, he felt comfortable all over, and when he looked at Yusuke Inoue, it was even more pleasing to the eye.Then he patted Yusuke Inoue on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "You are right, you are right. Inoue-kun, don't worry, the enemies of the damned Heihushan will not be able to jump for long, and they will soon become The souls of our guns!"

Inoue Yusuke said with a smile: "That's right. It's all thanks to Mr. Miyamoto's ingenious calculation!"

Hearing this flattery, the smile on Miyamoto 24's face became wider.

But the two devils on the side were stunned.I just think these two are really stinky and shameless, and Heihushan hasn't even gone to fight yet.It's good for them, it seems that they have already brought down Heihu Mountain.They have already celebrated here, and said whose credit it is.

Those two devils were secretly amused, but how dare they expose them unless they want to die.


Miyamoto 24 and Inoue Yusuke were smiling cheerfully, but at this moment, a devil soldier hurried towards them.He looked flustered and anxious.

Miyamoto 24 was displeased, so he yelled at the little devil: "Baga, why are you panicking?!"

"Hurry up, what's the matter?" Inoue Yusuke also shouted from the side.

The devil soldier calmed down, saluted the two devils, Miyamoto and Inoue, and said, "Report, the Niulanshan artillery building and Liuxia town artillery building... were attacked by the enemy..."


Miyamoto 24 and Inoue Yusuke, the two little devils, were shocked and stared, as if they had heard a big joke.Then he stared at the ghost soldier in a daze.And the devil's soldier's words continued, besides the Niulanshan artillery tower and Liuxia village artillery tower, the devil soldier directly read more than a dozen artillery towers...

And these gun towers are not the gun towers and strongholds that Miyamoto 24 placed within a few kilometers around Heihu Mountain. ? !
"Baga, how is it possible! How is it possible!" Hearing the ghost soldier read out so many gun towers and strongholds in one breath, Miyamoto 24 was so angry that his chest heaved and roared bitterly.

Yusuke Inoue also stared at him, and said in disbelief: "Baga pressing the road, did you make a mistake? How is it possible, how is it possible that so many blockhouses and strongholds were attacked by the enemy all at once!" This guy yesterday At the end of the day, I also carefully asked about the conditions of those strongholds and blockhouses. They were obviously fine at the time, but why did they become like this after one night? !

He couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe it!

But the ghost soldier just nodded seriously, and the list on the telegram in his hand had already been handed over to Miyamoto 24.

Miyamoto 24 took the list, just glanced at it, and there was deathly silence!




(End of this chapter)

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