first sniper

Chapter 314 The Little Devil's Nightmare

Chapter 314 The Little Devil's Nightmare
Bandit Hu laughed.

Being able to train Zhao Hu and the others and put some pressure on Meng Xiaoyu made him suddenly feel that all the hard work he had put in before was worthwhile.

After all, in the eyes of Hu Bandits, Meng Xiaoyu and the others had very good scouting abilities.But some things and methods are not very practical.In terms of certain abilities of personnel, there are also some lack of means.

It was like being in a piece of stagnant water. Due to insufficient oxygen, a group of fish in it stayed quietly, not thinking about swimming. Seeing that these fish were about to die... At this time, Zhao Hu and the others appeared like a fish. Catfish were put into this fish school.The vitality of the catfish shakes the stagnant water, forcing the fish in the water to swim, causing splashes on the water surface, increasing the contact area between the water and the air, allowing more oxygen to be incorporated into the water, When the oxygen in the water is sufficient, the fish will be full of vitality and reduce death...

It's the catfish effect!

Obviously, bandits Hu achieved such an effect unintentionally.

The bandit Hu conspired to be happy, so happy.

"Okay, it's useless not to talk about other things, the intelligence has been obtained, and the detailed deployment of the devil's troops is also available. Next, let's talk about what we should do!" Bandit Hu took the topic back.He glanced at everyone present and said so.

Hearing this, Wang Youming slapped the table, stood up and shouted: "What should I do? Of course it's his mother's fault! The little devil dared to ambush my elder brother and the others. I swore at that time in Nantian Village that I must Let these dogs pay the price!"

Zhao Yingjie also frowned, and said, "Yes, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time."

Bandit Hu took a glance, and Dong Tianyuan, who had been silent just now, threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and said firmly: "Yes, this is the way to do it, the little devil is plotting against us, then let's take the little devil's The conspiracy is smashed. Let the little devils know how powerful we are! Let the little devils pay the price they deserve for what they have done! Brother Hu, you are the best in the entire cottage for the work of fighting the devils' gun towers and data You have experience and methods, if you want me to tell you, you should take the lead in this matter..."

Before Dong Tianyuan could finish his sentence, the eyes of several masters present all turned to Bandit Hu.

The corner of Meng Xiaoyu's mouth raised, and he said, "The military master is right, Lao Hu, this matter is all up to you!"

"Yes, Brother Hu, what do you think we should do!?"

"Okay, we listen to you!" Several other people even said in unison.

Bandit Hu smiled lightly and said, "Hehe, you all listen to me, right?"

Several people nodded straightly.

The bandit Hu looked at them, then at the papers in his hands, narrowed his eyes suddenly, and let out a growl: "Hehe, if that's the case, it's easy, let's just fuck it... "While speaking, a strong murderous look flashed in Hu Bandit's eyes!There was such a gloomy chill!


Wuyi County.

Miyamoto 24 can't sleep well these days.

I can't sleep at night, and I have to deal with various affairs during the day... Recently, this guy is preparing for the attack on Black Tiger Mountain. There are so many things to deal with. He is so busy that he has no time to sleep... After a busy morning, After simply eating something and sitting on the chair in front of the desk, the guy finally couldn't help it and fell asleep.

"Ah! Damn enemies, I will fight with you!"

Suddenly, Miyamoto 24 roared loudly and jumped up from the chair.

A dense layer of sweat had already oozed from the little devil's face and forehead.He stared with nervous expression, as if he had lost his soul, and his eyes were full of fear.The little devil woke up with fright.He was panting heavily, his chest heaving, looking at his office in front of him, there were some familiar faces in his eyes, he was relieved, and sat on the chair.

Had a nightmare.

This little devil can't remember how many times this is the last nightmare he had recently...

All he knew was that he was having a hard time these days.

A few days ago, news of the battle that took place in Nantian Village had already spread back to Wuyi County.Looking at the casualties written on it, he was so angry that his lungs exploded.I just feel that it was a completely unnecessary battle, just because I accidentally ran into those dozen or so enemies...

Over there, more than a dozen enemies were besieged in Nantian Village.The little devils under him all thought that the dozen or so enemies would die there.The final result is that they never thought of it!
Those enemies only left a few corpses, while his subordinates, the nearly two hundred devil soldiers and the second devils who went to besiege the dozen or so enemies, were all killed there.

Judging by the result, he couldn't accept it.He hates, he hates the fighting power of those little devils and second devils under him, hates their underestimation of the enemy, hates them for launching that battle!Also hate their incompetence.However, he hated the enemies who wiped out nearly two hundred little devils and two devils under him in Nantian village.

He dreamed of destroying them.

I was entangled in this matter in my heart, and because of the lack of sleep for a long time, this made this guy dream all the time these days, and they were all nightmares...

In the dream just now, he dreamed that the enemy was too powerful, and he had several times the strength of the enemy, but it was difficult to defeat the enemy. In the dream, he was beaten by the enemy, leaving only him and a few people to protect him. The ghost soldiers in the wall are gone.

The enemy surrounded them, and then fought bayonets with them.

Then the little devil watched the devil soldiers under him fall down one by one, and finally he was the only one left.That is to say, in this dream, this guy saw the guy he wished he could eat, and that guy was none other than a gangster!He watched the knife in Hu Bandit's hand rise and fall, killing people like hemp, he had been frightened for a long time.But he had nowhere to retreat, so he picked up the samurai sword in his hand, took heavy steps, and roared, "Damn enemy, I will fight with you..."

Miyamoto 24 wiped the sweat from his forehead, picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip of tea, and secretly rejoiced that luckily it was just a dream.

Then he picked up a document from the desk.

The above is about the deployment of troops around Black Tiger Mountain.Looking at the ever-increasing number of strongholds and the deployment of troops above, a smile appeared on the little devil's ashes-like face.Because this is his hope to destroy Heihushan.


But at this moment, Yusuke Inoue came to Miyamoto 24's office.

Miyamoto 24 beckoned, and then Yusuke Inoue walked in with a smile on his face.

"What's the matter?" Miyamoto 24 asked.

A bright smile appeared on Inoue Yusuke's face, and he said, "Report to Mr. Miyamoto, good news, good news..."




(End of this chapter)

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