Rebirth of the real estate speculator

Chapter 143 145. Passive to the extreme!

Chapter 143 145. Passive to the extreme! (Fifth change! Beg for the first order!)

145. Passive to the extreme!

The next day, Zhang Qi came to the sales office as usual.

To her surprise, today's sales office is as decadent as Ivan's was a few days ago. At a glance, there are more than a dozen groups of customers who are consulting, and the RV is not there. Obviously, they have brought a group of customers to see the model room has not returned.

"What's the situation?" Zhang Qi asked Gong He, pulling him over.

Gong He was also at a loss, and said, "I don't know either. Customers started to visit early this morning, and they are still looking at the model house and the sand table."

"That's good! As long as we have customers, it's a good thing! We spent so much money on publicity in the early stage, there will always be some effect!" Zhang Qi said, and then entered the office.

Although Gong He was surprised by the inexplicable increase in customers, he was also happy. After all, the transaction volume was related to their vital interests!
During the whole morning, there were 4 groups of customers who subscribed, which can be regarded as a small surprise!
But without exception, these customers seem to have negotiated better. When negotiating the price, they directly asked for a 88% discount!
The 88% discount activity plan has not yet been finalized, and the salesperson has not been notified. Only Zhang Qi and Gong He know about the entire sales office.In order to close the deal, Gong He had no choice but to go to Zhang Qi to apply for a discount.In order to reach a deal first, Zhang Qi also agreed!

But how did these customers know this news?Gong He couldn't figure it out!
In the afternoon, there are still customers visiting one after another, and finally when it comes to the price, it is also 88% off!
Now Gong He is in a hurry. The 88% discount is going to be promoted as a hot spot event. If there are too many customers in this way, what will happen to the subsequent customers? 85% off? 8% off?

"Sir, I'm sorry, I want to ask you something!" Gong He said politely to a subscription customer.

"Oh? What's the matter?" the other party said.

"Excuse me, why do you ask us for such a low discount of 88% off? Our previous discount was as low as 98% off!" Gong He asked.

"Oh... this! The post on the Internet said it!" The customer took it for granted.

"Post?" Upon hearing this word, an ominous premonition appeared in Gong He's heart!
He hurried back to his office, opened the webpage...

After a few minutes!

"Mr. Zhang! Mr. Zhang!" Gong He kept knocking on the door hurriedly and shouted.

"Come in, what's the matter? It's in a hurry!" Zhang Qi said dissatisfied.

"I know why today's customers are asking for a 88% discount!" Gong He said bitterly.


"Ning Feng wrote another post, specifically introducing our Yixian City!"

"What?" Zhang Qi also repeated Gong He's action just now, and hurriedly opened the webpage.

This time, because it was a special introduction post for a real estate, the advertising component was too heavy, so at Ning Feng's request, it was not posted on the homepage!
You know, Ning Feng is now Qiantang Chao's fragrant bun!Not to mention the post he personally posted, even if he occasionally answers some questions in other posts, he can get a lot of praise!
This time, the title of the post is "Waterloo!The real legacy: Yixian City! "

Zhang Qi carefully read the entire post and found that Ning Feng described Yixian City from multiple angles such as transportation, geographical location, apartment type, decoration, and future development!
In fact, the whole post is all about Yixian City!Zhang Qi can understand this point, Ning Feng himself is still the manager of the store in Yixian City, it is impossible for him to lose his job by himself!
However, what is terrible is the one sentence in the post, which is an understatement!

"Yat Immortal City has experienced the pain of opening, and now it will definitely adjust the price. In my personal judgment, the bottom line of the discount should be around 88% off."

This is the original sentence in the post, there is no obvious grammatical error, and there are no typos or incoherent places, in short, it is an ordinary sentence!

But in Zhang Qi's eyes, such a simple sentence is like a reminder, hanging on the forehead of Yixian City, it may be posted at any time!
No matter in any industry, shopping malls, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels... But when it comes to discounts and profit sharing, it must cooperate with a wave of publicity to whet the appetite of consumers, and then release discounts to promote transactions the goal of!
But the current situation is that Yixian City, let alone publicity, has not even come out with a plan, and the bottom line of the discount has been exposed. How can they continue to do so?

Without expectations, naturally there will be no surprises!With Ning Feng doing this, the situation in Yixian City can be said to be extremely passive!

Zhang Qi felt like being tricked by Ning Feng!I didn't agree to Ning Feng's conditions, so Ning Feng came back like this?Even if she doesn't pursue it herself, what about her father?

Ning Feng is trampling the face of Lucheng Group to death!
"No! I have to find him!" Zhang Qi was annoyed for a while, rushed out of the office and walked quickly to the Yixiancheng store.The two sides are very close, and it takes only 2 minutes to walk!

At this time Ning Feng happened to be standing at the door swallowing clouds and fog, and saw Zhang Qi rushing towards him with an angry expression on his face.

"Mr. Zhang, what a coincidence?" Ning Feng smiled slightly.

"Let's celebrities stop talking secretly, right?" Zhang Qi suddenly lost three points of momentum for no reason when he saw Ning Feng, but he pretended to be tough.

Ning Feng naturally understood her reason for coming, but he pretended to be stupid and said, "What does Mr. Zhang mean?"

Zhang Qi had no choice but to make it clear: "The post you posted on Qiantang Chao is because I didn't agree to your conditions, and you deliberately retaliated, right? Tell everyone about our discount bottom line, so that the discount we finally put down will become It's useless! Hmph, Manager Ning is really good at calculating!"

Ning Feng chuckled and said, "I just posted a post to introduce the specific situation of Yixian City from the perspective of a manager. Didn't Mr. Zhang realize that all the good things I said were good things about Yixian City?"

Seeing that Zhang Qi still had something to say, Ning Feng went on to say: "Not to mention, there should be a lot more visitors in Yixian City today than a few days ago, right? Mr. Zhang, you have to feel your conscience when you speak. !"

"But our transaction price has been suppressed at 88% off, and the publicity and marketing we are planning are meaningless! How do you explain this?" Zhang Qi said angrily.

Ning Feng sighed, pretending to be helpless and said: "Mr. Zhang, the conscience of heaven and earth, your publicity and marketing? Don't be ridiculous, okay? Do you know how many hits one of my posts has? If you give me the advertising fees , The coverage I can achieve is definitely wider than yours, do you believe it? I have given you free publicity, what else? Do you know how much I usually charge for writing a post?"

"You..." Zhang Qi was left speechless by Ning Feng's arguments.

Ning Feng said again: "But having said that, in fact, the marketing you do is quite 213 in my opinion!"

"Hmph, you are amazing, why don't you do it?" Zhang Qi mocked.

Ning Feng smiled: "Doesn't Mr. Zhang think that I'm not doing a good job in the marketing of my personal brand? If I'm not doing a good job, why do you pay 200 million yuan a year to recruit me?"

"The little man succeeds!" Zhang Qi said with some confidence.For Ning Feng, if he is analyzed from the perspective of marketing, it is indeed a very classic case!This is a fact that Zhang Qi has to admit!
"Mr. Zhang, let's do this! Let's stop arguing. I'll give you a plan. Take it back and try it. If it works, come back to me!" Ning Feng said suddenly.

"What are your conditions this time?" Zhang Qi was a little scared by Ning Feng these two days, and asked habitually.

(End of this chapter)

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