Meow Ba

Chapter 411 The Enraged Elephants

Chapter 411 The Enraged Elephants

"Isn't it?"

"how can that be?"

Unexpectedly, the big-breasted girl would give such an explanation after she smiled mysteriously, and the tourists were immediately messed up in the warm wind of the Serengeti.

And after such a critical attack, comrades with big breasts have to make up for it.

"Also, hyenas are not dogs even though they are called dogs."

"It belongs to the cat-type superfamily under the Schizopoda suborder, not the canine family, and its blood relationship is closer to civets."

So under the continuous blows, the tourists stopped talking.

But not speaking, does not mean that the mobile phone and camera are also silent.

"Crack, click, click~"

Amidst the continuous sound of taking pictures, the nine-square grid hunted by hyenas drifted to all parts of the world. At the same time, the knowledge shared by the big-breasted girl also made more people exclaim with various interjections.


"The little girl knows a lot about African animals~"

"This group of passengers is lucky."

The soft hood of the jeep was already down, Sharo's pipe was crackling, and Ron also looked away, squinting slightly.

In just a few minutes, Ron had already seen the wild side of the Serengeti prairie.

If it is really the same as what the elder brother said, then Swahili may be even wilder than what he saw at the moment.

"Now, please keep your eyes on my arm again."

"Luck in the Serengeti is on our side."

"See that black spot in the distance?"

"That's a herd of elephants, a herd of African elephants on the move!"

I have to say that the wave of tourists brought by the big-breasted girl was really lucky, and they were able to see the migrating elephant herds.

Because of the rampant poachers, the number of African elephants has been declining, and it is now rare to see such a large number of elephant herds.

As the jeep continued to approach, Ron turned his eyes and immediately saw the number of elephants clearly - more than 20 elephants, including three baby elephants, were happily shaking their trunks around their respective mothers. It was an old female elephant with two thick, yellowed tusks pointing straight to the sky.

"Look! And the baby elephant!"

"It's so cute, even the little nose is soft."

The tourists were also satisfied with the oncoming surprises one after another, and they kept taking pictures until the little boy sitting in the back row of the third jeep excitedly pulled out a brightly colored horn like a small trumpet from his backpack toy and put it to his mouth.

"no, do not want!"

No one among the tourists was surprised, but the face of the big-breasted girl who saw the small trumpet immediately became anxious, but before he could stop it, an extremely high-pitched, piercing voice burst out from the over-excited little boy's small trumpet.


"Damn it, it's a vuvuzela!"

Old Victor, who was driving side by side with the jeep of the big-breasted girl, immediately turned the steering wheel when he heard the magical sound of the small horn, away from the convoy of tourists.

Having lived in Africa for many years, old Victor naturally knew the small trumpet in the boy's mouth: vuvuzela.

It is a sounding tool in Africa. It originated from the antelope horn in Africa. The indigenous tribes used the sound it made to drive away baboons, and now they blow it to express excitement.

The little boy was behaving perfectly for the purpose of a vuvuzela, but he shouldn't be blowing it at this time!
"hold head high--!"

The high-pitched roar of the elephant came, and it was continuous with the huge footsteps of Mercedes-Benz!
"Quick, get out of here!"

"We startled the elephant herd!"

The lips of the big-breasted girl became as white as the white jade pendant on her chest. She yelled and directed the drivers like tearing apart, wanting to ensure the safety of the tourists.

However, it is too late!

Although it is the largest land animal in the world, with an average height of three and a half meters and a weight of more than five tons, the speed of an elephant is not slow.

When they are angry, their running speed can exceed [-] kilometers per hour, and their huge fangs can pick up a rhinoceros!
For now, that's it!
The jeep was still turning around, and the fastest irritated elephant leader had rushed in front of him.

As soon as its huge head lowered its head, the thick ivory had penetrated into the chassis of the jeep, and immediately the tires that were stuck in the air rubbed against the ivory and made a sharp sound!

"What a child to die for!"

"Before departure, no one told him not to make loud noises?"

"Not to mention, there are baby elephants in the herd!"

Angry elephants are still coming one after another, and the situation is critical.

Old Victor, who had already left the tour group, gritted his teeth and turned back.

Elephants use low-frequency growls to communicate with each other. The noisy vuvuzela blown by the little boy affected the communication between the elephants and made the elephants anxious.

Worst of all, there were several baby elephants in the herd.

Elephants desperately need to remove barriers to communication in order to protect their young.

"Shaluo, call the guards and tell them that we have been attacked by elephants!"

"All the jeeps close together, side by side!"

"Everyone fasten your seat belts! Stay in your seat! Don't run around!"

In the event of an elephant herd attack, it is the most dangerous to take off your seat belt and run around. Any action of a furious elephant can cause fatal damage to a human being who is not much bigger than a baboon.

The safest way is to hide in the car.

The self-weight and iron plate of the jeep can form a solid line of defense to minimize the risk of elephant attacks.

Moreover, Sha Luo has already contacted the escort, and a helicopter will arrive soon.

With tranquilizer bombs for the elephants in their hands, the convoy could effectively control the situation - if the convoy can hold out until then.

"Squeak~, boom~, boom~, boom~"

The jeep was open, and old Victor's voice was heard through loudspeakers to the driver of the tour group.

There was no better way, and they couldn't outrun the suddenly sprinting elephant. The drivers immediately arranged the jeeps side by side in two thick rows, leaning against each other.

On old Victor's jeep convertible, Ron also climbed up, ready for ambulance.

Although he can easily escape - the angry elephant will not notice the orange round little guy who is close to the color of withered yellow grass.

But if old Victor or Sharo were injured because of the elephant herd, Ron's search for Swahili would also be greatly affected.

"hold head high--!"


The escort helicopter hadn't arrived yet, so everyone could only endure it, strapped themselves to their seats, and endured the elephant's impact again and again.

Fortunately, the jeep used by the tour group has been modified to ensure the safety of tourists. Even in the face of super heavyweight ravages, it is still as strong as if it has not encountered a can opener.

Until, a female elephant whose height was no more than the leader of the herd slammed into the front of the jeep where Ron was.



Jeep glass can't stop ivory!
In just a split second, Ron immediately had a feeling—the huge ivory of the female elephant in front of him would instantly pierce the glass of the jeep, piercing the old Victor who was driving along!
"Meow woo~ woo woo~ roar!"

During the change of tone, Ron's power surged through his whole body for a moment. He jumped, jumped onto the ivory of the female elephant, and ran up!

(End of this chapter)

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