Meow Ba

Chapter 410 Hyena

Chapter 410 Hyena
"Boom~boom boom~~"

The Bosozoku faith roars over the Serengeti grasslands, startling herds of gazelle and wildebeest.

After leaving Laohu Valley, Ron watched the surrounding grasslands slowly turn from green to withered yellow.

There are mountains near Laohu Valley, which obviously preserve some water, but other places in the Serengeti grasslands do not have such superior conditions.

Under the scorching sun, the grass withered, the lake shrank, and the pool was full of hippos and crocodiles attacking each other with red eyes, trying to fight for the most comfortable living environment for themselves.

And as far as the eye can see, groups of wildebeest and zebras began to converge, from individuals to small groups, and then to larger groups.

"The wildebeest are gathering."

"The time is almost up."

Sitting on an off-road vehicle, old Victor was driving, and Sharo was smoking a pipe beside him.

"Yeah, it's time again."

"Even if I have seen it many times, I still feel shocked."

On the roof of the off-road vehicle, a mass of bright orange color was lying on its stomach, causing the roof of the soft cover to sag slightly, shaking from side to side as the off-road vehicle moved forward.


so hot!
Compared with Daxinganling, Serengeti can be said to be another extreme.

It was already late July when Ron followed Lao Bai to Daxing'an Mountains to look for the big brother's persimmons, and it was early August when he arrived in Daxing'an Mountains.

This time is the hottest summer in the northern hemisphere, but Daxinganling is still covered with ice and snow.

However, when he followed Sharo to the Serengeti, Ron fell into the furnace again.


However, there are not so many animals of the same kind in Daxinganling~
Seeing the wildebeests and zebras gathering in front of him, Ron, who had seen the documentary on TV, became excited.

No matter how good a documentary is on TV, it can’t compare to experiencing it in person.

In terms of absolute numbers, the animal populations in Daxing'an Mountains will definitely not be less than those in Serengeti, but the climate and environment determine that such a miracle can only occur on Serengeti.

Grassland landforms are suitable for large populations of a single species; the alternation of dry and rainy seasons drives animals to migrate for survival.

After getting acquainted with Sharo, Ron also immediately realized that he should have the greatest chance of finding the intelligent animals in Africa, finding the Swahili, and following the herds of the great migration.


"Every year starting in May, the Serengeti starts to enter the dry season."

"The scorching sun dries up the water in the grasslands, and the grasslands without sufficient water sources gradually cannot meet the survival needs of a large number of herbivores. They are looking for food and water sources and begin to move towards the northwest of the Serengeti."

"As they progressed, they converged and gradually formed a magnificent spectacle: the Serengeti's biannual animal migration."

Crouching on the roof of the car, Ron was admiring the wild world in the hot wind of the Serengeti prairie, when suddenly the sound of a loudspeaker came from beside him.

As soon as Ron turned his head, several off-road vehicles followed the jeep, with the same camouflage painting and the same soft cover, except that the orange cat was missing.

A big-breasted girl in a camouflage uniform is standing on the first jeep, holding a big horn to introduce to the tourists on the back jeep-the twice-yearly great migration attracts tourists from all over the world to Serengeti.

"In this spectacle, the migrating herds are divided into three groups, light and heavy."

"The zebras are at the forefront, with a number of 20. In the middle are wildebeests, also known as wildebeest, with millions of wildebeests. At the end are gazelles, with a number of about 50."

"Zebras like to eat grass shoots. They eat the upper part of the grass, and then give the middle part of the grass to the wildebeest behind. After the wildebeest in the middle army eats the middle part of the grass, they leave the short grass and grass roots at the bottom. the last gazelle."

"Now all we see are wildebeests and zebras, and gazelles are not in herds yet."

The jeep convoy of tourists approached slowly until they followed the jeep.The big-breasted girls have obviously been trained to say it in a set, which is similar to the introduction on the Discovery Nature Channel.

While listening to the introduction of the big-breasted girl, Ron kept looking around.

"Of course, on the way of the great migration, it is natural not to talk about predators."

"Three-colored jackals, hyenas, lions, cheetahs, leopards, and the biggest difficulty in the great migration, the Nile crocodile in the Mara River."

"Everyone can look at the other side, there is a group of hyenas hunting."

The big migration twice a year is also a feast for the predators of the Serengeti. Countless predators follow the herds of the big migration and devour the old, weak, sick and disabled that have been eliminated by nature. A quarter of the herd size.

And during the migration of the herd, there will be a steady stream of new forces joining in.

The little beings born during the migration thrive in the food-rich rainy season after the migration, and then join the never-ending cycle of life.


"I see, it's amazing!"

"That zebra is so poor."

Together with other tourists in the jeep, Ron followed the fingers of the big-breasted girl, and immediately saw a group of spotted hyenas galloping and hunting on the grassland not far from the right side of the jeep, surrounding a two-meter-long big zebra in the middle.

This is a group of powerful hunters second only to lions. They revolve around the big zebra. One of the strongest spotted hyenas is the main attack to attract the attention of the zebras. Attack the zebra's rear.

In just a few minutes, the back of the zebra was dripping with blood and exhausted. At this time, other spotted hyenas swarmed up. Immediately, the sound of bones breaking accompanied the zebra's mournful cry, and even the roar of the jeep engine could not cover it.

For a moment, the smell of blood made the tourists on the jeep lose their voices.

"Cough cough cough~"

"Although zebras are pitiful, this is nature and we cannot blame hyenas for being cruel, they just want to survive."

"In addition, I don't know if everyone has noticed~"

Traveling, of course, is to see different scenery to make yourself happy, and naturally you can't immerse yourself in negative emotions for a long time.

The big-breasted girl who led the tour coughed a few times and managed to draw the tourists' attention back to their own problems.

"Notice what?"

"All spotted hyenas appear to be males, no females."

With questions, the tourists once again looked at the group of spotted hyenas who were struggling to eat, and found that the big breasted girl was right.


"There's a long black streak trailing under them."

"Where are all the female hyenas?"

"Cough cough~"

Coughing again, drawing the attention of the curious babies back, the smile of the big-breasted girl suddenly became mysterious.

"Actually, you also saw the female hyena. It's in the group of hyenas. That's the biggest one."

"Because all female hyenas are big D cute girls."

(End of this chapter)

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