Meow Ba

Chapter 412 The Mongoose's Party

Chapter 412 The Mongoose's Party

Ron's claws are sharp enough to dig into the skin of a female elephant.

Unfortunately, as the largest animal on land, the thickness of the elephant's skin can be ranked among the top three land animals.

Even the thinnest abdomen is three centimeters, not to mention the part of the forehead that has been rubbing against the tree trunk for a long time.

As for Ron, because of his race, the length of all his claws protruding out was no more than three centimeters.

Maybe the elephant's skin can't resist brown bears, lions and other large carnivores, but for Ron, it doesn't break the defense!

Ron's claws penetrated the tough epidermis and scratched the net-like dermal fibers, but from the beginning to the end, there was no feeling that Ron's claws had cut any tubular objects.

Even when the huge trunk waved and the matriarch swung Ron's body high, it was not because of pain, but because Ron's tail covered the mare's eyes.


The long meowing sound crossed the sky and flew into the distance!
But what Ron did just now also made a little contribution, at least when Ron blocked it, the female elephant made an extra move.

Just a few seconds later, there was the vibration of rotor blades scraping the air from the sky, followed by several gunshots.

"hold head high--!"


The ground trembled, and several of the elephants that had attacked the convoy fell—but they were not dead, they just fell asleep.

The number of African elephants is decreasing, and the guards are not poachers. While protecting tourists, they also need to protect elephants.

The crisis caused by the vuvuzela was finally resolved, and the ID vuvuzela in the boy's hand was naturally confiscated, and his parents had to pay a large amount of security fees.

And when Sharo called Victor and looked for Ron to rescue Ron in the arc where Ron was thrown, what appeared in front of them was a river that was so thin that the river bed could be seen, but there was still gurgling water, flowing towards distance.



who am iWhere am I?What should I do?
Lying on the shore, Ron shook his head with difficulty, shaking the hair off his fur.


I'm Ron, and I'm in the Serengeti, Africa.

I was just sent flying by the trunk of an elephant.

Chaos' spirit recovered little by little, and Ron climbed onto the shore, shaking off the moisture from his body, so his hair dried instantly in the scorching summer sun.

I'm still proud~
Just because you can fight a tiger doesn't mean you can fight an elephant!
Shaking his head and smiling wryly in his heart, Ron jumped onto the big tree by the river bank and looked into the distance from the branch.

But he turned 360 degrees several times, but he didn't see any human machine figure, only a river that stretched from afar and passed in front of him.


It seems that it was washed here by the river.

I was lucky not to be drowned.

I don't know if Shaluo and the others will come to find me.

Ron didn't know how far he was washed by the river, but it was the river that kept him alive.

But now, he can only stay on the big tree by the river, waiting for the silhouette of the jeep to appear in front of him.

Until the sun goes down, until the belly protests.



Unexpectedly, I really wanted to find food on the African prairie~
Ron, who always thought that following Shaluo could enjoy delicious food and spicy food, and didn't need to worry about food, had no choice but to be driven by hunger and jump off the tree.

Then when he looked up, he saw a long, thin animal with a pointed mouth, a round head, and a unique black spot around its eyes.

And when Ron saw the little animal, the little animal also saw Ron, and it immediately made a sharp continuous cry.

In an instant, from the surrounding grass, dozens of similar light yellow-brown figures ran out quickly and rushed into a hole in the ground.


It's a group of mongoose~
Before coming to Africa, Ron deliberately supplemented the knowledge of Africa.

The small animals in front of them are a group of mongooses, also called meerkats, which are small mammals unique to Africa.

They like to inhabit grasslands and open plains, and they like to make holes in tropical hard soil. They are known as African ballet dancers.

They are very social animals, often in groups of dozens, and feed mainly on insects lizards, snakes, spiders, plants, eggs, and small mammals.

In addition, the unique dark spots around the mongoose's eyes are equivalent to sunglasses, allowing them to still see clearly in the wild sun, and even look directly at the sun to spot ferocious predators in the sky.

The daily life of meerkats is also very rich, sometimes wrestling, running activities, and sometimes singing with real and fake voice changes.

In order to ensure the safety of the family, when other mongooses are foraging or playing, there will be special sentries.

When danger comes, the sentry will "honk the whistle" and let the partners hide underground.

Obviously, Ron, who was slowly approaching with orange fur, was regarded by them as a huge threat.

However, Ron didn't think about taking this group of mongooses as prey - he paid more attention to the staple food of mongooses, insects.

In the eyes of Ron, who has eaten African meals, insects and arthropods with crisp limbs are more delicious than bloody raw meat without charcoal fire.


found it!
Going into the bushes where the mongooses were looking for food, Ron found several scorpions with missing arms and legs without any difficulty. Obviously, they were the lucky ones who had just escaped from the emergency refuge of the mongoose.

Unfortunately, they met Ron, a cat who didn't like to eat raw meat.

With just a few claws, Ron hooked off the scorpion's tail, hooked the scorpion with his claws, folded his claws together, rubbed off the dirt on the scorpion, and threw it into his mouth.


After chewing a few times, Ron swallowed with a grunt, which comforted his stomach after a day of hunger.

One scorpion is naturally not enough.

After sweeping the territory where the mongoose had just escaped, Ron found fifteen scorpions, two grasshoppers, three centipedes, four centipedes, and five earthworms.

Except for centipedes and earthworms, Ron swallowed everything else, which relieved his hunger a little.


I'm full, it's time to wait for rescue~
Ron, who was full, jumped up the big tree again, lay down on a thick trunk, and began to wait.

The mongoose family not far away saw Ron leaving, and the sentry immediately called out to remind the family that the danger was over.

As a result, dozens of mongooses emerged from their burrows and began to forage again until they were full.

Then, led by one of the largest meerkats, dozens of meerkats who had groomed each other squatted around the burrow, with their paws hanging on their chests, and called out.

This call is like a song, with more than a dozen different voices, as if some kind of ritual is being performed!

(End of this chapter)

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