Book of Changes Great Wisdom

Chapter 5 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 5

Chapter 5 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 5
The "Three Character Classic" says that "the son does not teach, it is the father's fault; the teaching is not strict, the teacher is lazy", of course, this "lazy" does not mean "lazy", but means "dereliction of duty".Therefore, whether it is educating children or subordinates, we must learn to use appropriate methods.Otherwise, it will really become a "teacher's laziness".

Life wisdom
If you want to get rid of ignorance, you must arm yourself with knowledge; if you want to guide others out of ignorance, you must choose the most appropriate method to inspire and guide others.

Need to be patient and wait for the time
Small words and righteousness
Requirements: Youfu, Guangheng, Zhenji, Lishe Dachuan.The ninth day needs to be in the suburbs, use constant, no blame.Ninety-two need to be in the sand, there is a small word; finally auspicious.Nine three need in the mud, to Kou to.June [-] Needs blood, comes from acupoints.Ninety-five needs food and drink, Zhenji.On the sixth day, when entering the acupoint, there are three uninvited guests coming; respect them, it will be auspicious in the end.

The need hexagram symbolizes waiting.With integrity in mind, bright and prosperous, if you occupy this hexagram, you will get auspiciousness, which will help you to forge big rivers and huge currents.On the ninth day of the ninth day, waiting in the fields is better to persevere, so that there will be no disaster.

Ninety-two waited on the beach, with slightly slanderous words; but as long as you wait patiently, you will get auspicious in the end.

Jiu San waits in the mud, and bandits will come.

June Fourth waited in a pool of blood and was able to escape from danger.

Ninety-five is waiting in the banquet of wine and food, and if you occupy it, you will get auspicious.

When I got home on the sixth day, there were three uninvited guests who visited me. As long as I respect them, I will get auspiciousness in the end.

Xiang said: Clouds are in the sky, need.The gentleman eats and feasts.

Whether it is war or life, people always hope to be successful in one go.However, why do these people who want to succeed in one fell swoop often end in failure?The reason is simple-they don't know how to wait for the opportunity, and blindly making progress will inevitably lead to failure.

"Need" in "Need Gua" means to wait in ancient times.This kind of good at waiting is not only a means, but also a kind of wisdom in life.In "Need Gua", the victorious philosophies of "need in suburbs", "need in sand", "need in mud", "need in blood" and "need in wine and food" are respectively pointed out.It warns us that when encountering dangers and difficulties, it is the best way to win by judging the situation and waiting for the opportunity.

In order to show that he valued talents, Tang Dezong recruited a scholar, Yangcheng, as an admonishment doctor (at that time, the imperial court system stipulated that only officials who served as admonishers were eligible to write impeachment memorials to criticize the gains and losses of the government).Yang Cheng was not as shy as other clerks, he immediately went to the capital to take up a post upon hearing the levy.

After Yangcheng took office, he disappointed everyone. Not only did he say nothing about the government, but he was intoxicated with wine every day.Tang Dezong hated the admonisher's nagging every day, making himself upset, but now he is very satisfied with a silent admonisher.Some upright ministers in the imperial court thought that Yangcheng was in his position but did not seek his own government. Disappointed, they all scolded Yangcheng for being a waste of fame.Han Yu, a great literati, also wrote a famous "On Advising Officials" to ridicule Yangcheng.Yangcheng didn't mind these things, and still had a happy face with some friends every day.

In the 11th year of Zhenyuan, Lu Zhi was dismissed and demoted because of being slandered by the traitor Pei Yanling.Dezong hated Lu Zhi very much because he believed in slander, and demoted him continuously. Lu Zhi's life was in danger.Seeing that the emperor was furious, the ministers did not dare to come to the rescue.When Yang Cheng, who was drinking, heard about it, he raised his glass and said, "You can't let the emperor trust traitors and kill innocent people indiscriminately."

Yangcheng immediately led Wang Zhongshu, Gui Deng, You Buque, Xiong Zhiyi and others to Yanying Gate, and wrote a letter to argue that Pei Yanling is a villain and Lu Zhi is loyal and innocent.Tang Dezong was furious after seeing the memorial, and wanted to severely punish Yangcheng and other admonishers. The prince tried his best to plead for Yangcheng, but Dezong released him without punishing him, and ordered the prime minister to send them back with good words.

After Emperor Dezong dismissed Lu Zhi, he wanted to appoint Pei Yanling as prime minister. Yangcheng declared among the courtiers everywhere: "If the emperor appoints Pei Yanling as prime minister, I will tear up the white hemp and cry bitterly in court." Pei Yanling's crime. (At that time, only the prime minister was appointed to write the imperial edict with white hemp. Yangcheng claimed to tear up the white hemp, but he was determined to fight with his death).After seeing it, Tang Dezong thought that his impeachment of Pei Yanling was not true, so he was appointed as the Imperial Academy's sacrificial wine.But Yangcheng is famous and respected by the world for this matter.

Life wisdom
When we understand why we have to wait and what we are waiting for, we will make all preparations for the arrival of what we are waiting for, and the waiting will become more meaningful, and we will get the long-awaited result.

Litigation: Youfu, stifled, good luck; final fierce, good to see adults.Unfavorable for Dachuan.On the sixth day of the first day, there is nothing to do forever; if you have something to say, it will be auspicious in the end.Ninety-two, if you can't sue, you will return to Bu. There are three hundred households in the city, and there is no concubine.Liu San eats the old virtues, chaste and vigorous, and finally auspicious.Or follow the king's business, no success.If you can't file a lawsuit in September [-]th, you will be ordered to recover, Yu, An Zhenji.Ninth Five-Year Lawsuit, Yuanji.The belt of the upper nine or tin will be removed at the end of the third dynasty.

Litigation hexagram symbolizes litigation.If you have integrity in your heart, regret and fear, and stick to the way of neutrality and impartiality, you will get auspicious; if you keep fighting, you will be in danger.It is good for people with great virtues and talents to be born, but it is not suitable for crossing large rivers.

On the sixth day of the lunar new year, you will not be entangled in litigation. Although you will be blamed a little, you will get auspicious in the end.

If you lose the lawsuit in [-], you should escape after returning; if you flee to a small city with three hundred households, there will be no disaster.

On June [-]rd, you can enjoy the old salary. Although divination is dangerous, you will get auspiciousness in the end.Sometimes assisting the king's great cause will accomplish nothing.

If you lose the lawsuit in September [-]th, you can go back to the right path and change the original intention of the lawsuit, then you will be safe, and you will get auspicious fortune through divination.

Fair and just litigation during the Ninth Five-Year Plan, good luck.

Shangjiu sometimes won the noble and luxurious clothes bestowed by the king because of the clearness of the lawsuit, but he was deprived of it many times in a day.

Xiang said: Heaven and water are against each other, lawsuits.A gentleman begins by doing things.

People often say: "Disease enters through the mouth, disaster comes out through the mouth", which is true. It is an indisputable fact that "disease enters through the mouth", but "disaster comes from the mouth" has not been recognized by most people, nor has it been raised to awareness.Even so, it should not be underestimated.

It is a preference of people in the world to like to express their own opinions, whether they are skilled or not; knowledgeable or ignorant;But what is certain is that this preference is not a good habit, for the woe lies in it. "Litigation Gua" pointed out that "a gentleman starts with doing things", which is to warn us that we should be cautious about what we say, keep silent, and not express our own opinions and opinions on foreign affairs and foreign things casually, so as not to cause trouble for the upper body.

The reason why the talented Yang Xiu in the Three Kingdoms period was killed was not because Cao Cao didn't love talents, but because Yang Xiu loved to play tricks and his words became a disaster.

Yang Xiu was appointed by Cao Cao as the chief bookkeeper.At that time, when the gate of the prime minister's mansion was being built, the door frame was being formed, and the rafters on the top of the gate were being constructed, Cao Cao came out to inspect it. After reading it, he wrote the word "living" on the gate and left.When Yang Xiu saw the inscription on the door, he immediately asked the craftsmen to expand the door, saying: "There is a word for 'job' in the door, which means 'kuo'. King Wei thinks the door is too small, so I ask you to make it bigger." Cao Cao was secretly surprised.

Once again, Yang Xiu accompanied Cao Cao and passed the tombstone of Cao E. Yang Xiu saw eight inscriptions on the back of the monument: "Young woman in yellow silk, grandson Jijiu".Cao Cao asked Yang Xiu, "Do you know what these eight characters mean?" Walked thirty miles.At this time Cao Cao said: "I already understand the meaning of those eight characters." He asked Yang to turn around and write down what he knew. Yang Xiu wrote down the meaning: "Yellow silk is equal to a' Jue'; a young woman is a girl, which is equivalent to a word for 'miao'; a grandson is a child of a daughter, which is equivalent to a word for 'good'; things like 齑炑 are used to hold five kinds of spicy condiments Utensil, this is tantamount to the word 'Tongue Xin' (Ci). The hidden meanings of these eight inscriptions together are 'Excellent Good Ci'." Cao Cao also wrote down the meaning he understood, and the result was the same as Yang Xiu's meaning. Cao Cao sighed and said, "My talent is thirty miles away from yours."

The most terrible one was that after Cao Cao occupied Hanzhong, he wanted to further attack Liu Bei, but there was no progress; if he wanted to defend Hanzhong, he would not achieve anything.At this time, Cao Cao uttered the word "chicken rib", and none of the officials knew what these two words meant.

Yang Xiu thought wisely and said: "Chicken ribs are tasteless to eat, but it is a pity to throw them away. The word Cao Gong just means to withdraw troops." So he told everyone to pack their weapons in private.Not long after, Cao Cao ordered the withdrawal of the troops.Soon after, Yang Xiu was also killed by Cao Cao for talking too much.

"Shuoyuan?It is recorded in "Cong Tan": "The mouth is closed, and the tongue is the machine. If you say nothing, the four horses will not chase you; if you say something in a hurry, the four horses will not catch up." If you use the tongue improperly, you will "do not succeed, but fail." more than enough".The ancients said that "a long tongue ruins a house, a big cauldron breaks a car", "a man with a ghostly mouth, a long tongue makes a cauldron", "no words, too many words will lead to defeat", and this is exactly the truth.

Life wisdom
In the process of interacting with people, we should learn more from the sages, learn to "not express anything" in a timely manner, keep our mouths shut, and keep our mouths shut, so as to reduce the damage of words and right and wrong.

Shi Gua Shi is famous
Small words and righteousness
Teacher: Zhen, the father-in-law is lucky, there is no blame.The sixth division of the first day came out with the law, so as not to hide the evil.Ninety-two is in the division, Zhongji, no blame; Wang Sanxi ordered.Sixth Division or public corpse, fierce.The June [-]th division left the second, no blame.There are poultry in the sixth and fifth fields, and there is no blame for the righteousness;The upper six princes have their destiny, to establish the country and inherit the family, and villains should not be used.

The division hexagram symbolizes the army.Getting this hexagram is very auspicious for the military commander to lead the army to go out, and there will be no disaster.

When the army of the sixth day goes out to fight, it must obey the orders; if the military discipline is corrupted, there will be dangers.

In ninety-two, he led the army to go out to fight, stick to the middle way, be impartial, and get good luck, but there will be no disasters; the king issued edicts many times to reward his achievements.

The soldiers of Liusan sometimes used carts to carry corpses back, which must be dangerous.

The June [-]th army was stationed on the left, ready to retreat at any time, so as to avoid disaster.

On the [-]th and [-]th, there are beasts in the fields, which are suitable for hunting, and there will be no disasters; the eldest son will lead the army to fight, and the second son will use the cart to carry the corpse, so it will be dangerous to occupy.

The last six emperors issued imperial edicts, conferring titles on merit, conferring feudal lords in the country of a thousand chariots, and conferring a family of a hundred chariots on high officials;

Xiang said: There is water in the ground, Master.A gentleman accommodates people and animals.

(End of this chapter)

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