Book of Changes Great Wisdom

Chapter 6 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 6

Chapter 6 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 6
The "Shi" in "Shi Gua" refers to the army, and also refers to the use of troops and sending troops to fight.Regarding the way of using soldiers, "Sun Tzu's Art of War" has this explanation: "Soldiers are the great affairs of the country. The place of death and life, the way of survival, must be investigated."

"Shi Gua" said on the sixth day of the first day: "Teachers use the law to hide evil", which means that the use of the army must be well-known, and only by promoting justice and serving the interests of the public can the army produce stronger combat effectiveness; The first six chapters of "Shi Gua" said: "The majesty has a life, to establish the country and inherit the family, and the villain should not be used." things to come.That will not only fail to unite people's hearts, but will also produce a series of evil consequences.Therefore, in terms of rewards, we must also "learn from the famous teacher" and choose carefully.

During the Zhenyuan period of the Tang Dynasty, someone in Xianyang reported to the emperor that he had seen General Baiqi during the Warring States Period. The general Baiqi asked this person to send a letter to the emperor: "Please let him defend the western frontier for the country. Because in the first month, Tubo must Go eastward and invade the border of the Tang Dynasty." Of course, no one believed such a ridiculous and bizarre story.

However, it didn't take long for Tubo to invade. Under the tenacious resistance of the border guards, Tubo retreated.Li Shi, Emperor Dezong of the Tang Dynasty, believed in the mythical stories of Xianyang people, and planned to build a temple for Bai Qi in Chang'an, the capital, and named him Situ.Prime Minister Li Bi said: "As far as I know, the prosperity of the country is due to the monarch's ability to listen to other people's opinions extensively. Now the generals guarding the frontier have made great achievements, but your majesty rewards the ancients for nothing. Doing so may cause guards The border soldiers were dissatisfied, which broke down the morale of the battle. Moreover, building temples in the capital and carrying out large-scale prayer activities, which spread to the four directions, will also cause bad witchcraft. I heard that Du You has an old temple. The emperor can Order the local officials to repair it, so as to worship Baiqi, so as not to alarm many people." Emperor Dezong listened to Li Mi's opinion, rewarded the army guarding the border, and gathered the fighting power of the army, so that Tubo did not dare to fight. Offended again.

The ancients said that those who win the hearts of the people win the world.Indeed, the aspiration of the people is "the name of the teacher".In this society, power alone cannot achieve great things, and the most important thing is prestige. However, this kind of prestige does not come from sitting at home or in the office. It requires us to seize the opportunity to win people's hearts and create everything. Opportunity to be loved and supported by others.Li Shimin is good at accepting advice, and listening to suggestions from all parties is also a means of gaining the hearts of the people, which is exactly the main purpose of "Shi Gua".

Life wisdom
Only when the name is upright can the word be smooth, and things must be based on the principle of fairness and justice.Only in this way can we establish our prestige and convince the public.

Sincerity and talent
Small words and righteousness
Bi: Ji, Yuan Di, Yuan Yongzhen, no blame.The restless side comes, and the husband is fierce.On the sixth day, there is Fu to compare with, and there is no blame;Sixty-two comparisons are from the inside, Zhenji.Six or three are better than bandits.Compared with June Fourth, Zhenji.The ninety-five ratio is obvious; the king uses three drives, loses the front poultry, and the townspeople do not warn, auspicious.Compared with the upper six without a head, it is fierce.

Bigua symbolizes relatives and assistants.It is auspicious to get this hexagram.The second fortune will be auspicious, which is beneficial to long-term fortune, and there will be no disasters.Unsettling events are coming, and those who come slowly will be in danger.

On the sixth day of the lunar calendar, he came to help with integrity and integrity, and there was no misfortune.As long as the meaning of honesty is like a bottle full of wine, even if unexpected situations happen, it is still auspicious.

The six-two blind date helps each other to express the heart, and if you get this line, you will get auspicious.

Six or three blind dates complement each other with those who should not be close.

On June [-]th, I went out to relatives and assistants, and if I got this line, I would get auspicious.

The Ninth Five-Year Planned to personally assist.It is auspicious for the king to hunt, drive the siege from three directions, and let the animals in front escape.

It must be dangerous to go to the six relatives and help but fail to find the leader.

The elephant said: "There is water on the ground, compare it."The first kings built all nations and loved the princes.

In the journey of life and career, the most indispensable are friends and helpers. Good friends and capable assistants are the cornerstone of success. "Bi Gua" said: "The first king built all nations and loved the princes." Isn't it also emphasizing the indispensable and important position of princes and ministers in the process of the emperor's governance of the country?
"Bi Gua" also pointed out on the sixth day of the first day: "If there is Fu to compare with, there is no blame; if there is Fu Ying Fou, there will be good luck in the end." So, how can others "be compared with Fu"?The only way is that those in high positions must have a sincere heart to accept and hire talents for their own use.

Philiston and Luo Donna, the founders of the American Philiston Tire Company, met in a bar.

That evening, Phyllis walked into the bar, where he ordered a whiskey and drank it down.When he was about to leave, a burst of laughter in the bar caught his attention, and he saw a drunk young man staggering in from outside with a mattress around his neck.

Philiston was very curious, but Philiston thought that the young man was not an alcoholic, he just drank his sorrows like this because he had something on his mind.Later, the bar owner told Philiston that it was the invention that killed the young man.

"Invention?" Philiston immediately regained his energy when he heard that, and he immediately concluded that the young man was no ordinary person.After many inquiries, he learned that the young man was named Rodner, who invented rubber tires and had obtained a patent.

Rotana once visited one of the rubber giants, Steauf, with his own tire drawings, but that visit brought him great insult.Shi Daofu thinks that Rotana is a liar and wants to cheat money with a few blueprints. What makes him unbearable is that Shi Daofu actually said that his certificate is also forged.This encounter dealt a heavy blow to Rotana, and since then he drank his sorrows and forbade anyone to mention the invention to him.

After learning of this, Philiston decided to visit Rodonna himself.But who would have thought that the first time Philiston met a blank stare, Rodonna rejected him politely, which strengthened Philiston's confidence that Rodonna was a talent.So he visited for the second time, but it happened that Rotana was not there.Philiston did not go home, but waited at the door for a whole day.This moved Rotana greatly, and he warmly invited Philiston into his house.Afterwards they talked for a long time, Rodonna felt Philiston's sincerity and insight, and decided to help him.

Later, Philiston took advantage of Rodner's patent to make a rubber tire with a large air storage capacity and not easy to fall off.This product entered the market and immediately became a hot commodity, prompting the company to develop rapidly, and finally became one of the most competitive tire companies in the United States.

Capable leaders know how to hire and accept those real talents to achieve their careers.Such cases are not uncommon in history. The most famous one is that Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times to ask Zhuge Liang to come out of the mountain and achieve the great cause of Shu.It was Liu Bei's right move that made the talents who came here to seek refuge one after another, and strengthened their own strength.

Life wisdom
"A good bird chooses a tree to live in, and a good minister chooses a master to serve." Only those who sincerely accept talents can value talents, and talents will truly attach themselves to them.The result of this is often that the talents of talents are targeted, and the careers of those who recruit talents are in full swing.

Small animal hexagram integrity and morality

Small words and righteousness
Small animal: Heng, Miyun does not rain, I am in the western suburbs.On the ninth day of the ninth day, he returned to his own way. What's the blame?lucky.Ninety-two pull back, Kat.Jiusanyu talked about it, and the husband and wife turned against each other.There is Fu on June [-]th; the blood goes out, there is no blame.Ninth Five-Year has a rich man like a man, and his neighbors are rich.On the ninth day of the ninth day, when it rains, there are virtues; women are chaste and steadfast, and the moon is long; gentlemen are vicious.

The small animal hexagram symbolizes small savings.This hexagram will be prosperous and smooth.The clouds were dense but there was no rain, and the clouds rose from the western suburbs of my city.

What disaster will happen if you return to your own way on the ninth day of the ninth day?It is auspicious to get this line.

Ninety-two is implicated by the outside world and returns to his own way, and he can also get auspiciousness.

Jiusan's body and spokes were separated, and the husband and wife turned against each other and divorced.

June [-]th, as long as you have a heart of integrity, abandon worries, and get rid of fear, there will be no disasters.

Nine Five has integrity and loves others, and shares wealth with neighbors.

In the last nine days, heavy rain has fallen, and the heavy rain has stopped, and the cart can still carry things. The woman must be in danger if she reads this line.In the month when the sun is expected, the gentleman will go out to fight, and there must be danger.

The elephant said: "Win the sky, little animal."A gentleman uses Yi Wende.

People often say, "Without sincerity, the world cannot be ruled, and without faith, the world cannot be conquered."If you want to be successful in business, you should be honest; being honest in your life will also gain the trust and appreciation of others.Obviously, honesty is the foundation of a gentleman's morality. No wonder the "Little Animal Gua" says: "A gentleman uses virtue in words."

"Xiao Hu Gua" said on June [-]th: "There is Fu; if the blood goes out, there is no blame." It is believed that as long as people can have a heart of integrity, they can overcome all difficulties and turn disasters into good fortune.Why not?
As far back as the [-]th century BC in Italy, a young man named Pisias accidentally offended the king and was sentenced to hang.

Pisias was a dutiful son. Before he died, he begged the king to allow him to meet his old mother who was hundreds of miles away for the last time.Feeling his sincerity and filial piety, the king decided to let Pisias go home to meet his mother, but he made him a condition, that is, Pisias must find someone to go to jail for him.If he does not come, his prisoner will be hanged in his stead.

This is almost an impossible condition.Who would take the risk of being strangled and go to prison for him? Wouldn't this be a way of suicide.However, there is someone who is not afraid of death and is willing to go to jail for Pisias. He is Pisias' friend Damon.

After Damon moved into the cell, Pisias went home to say goodbye to his mother.People watched the development of the situation quietly.The days are like water, and Pisias is gone forever.Seeing that the sentence was imminent, there was no sign of Pisias coming back.People were talking about it for a while, saying that Damon had been fooled by Pisas.

The execution day was a rainy day. When Damon was led to the execution ground, the onlookers laughed at his stupidity.But Damon on the execution vehicle not only showed no fear, but also had a kind of heroism to die generously.The soul chasing cannon was ignited, and the noose was already hung around Damon's neck.Some timid people closed their eyes tightly in fright. They deeply regretted Damon in their hearts, and hated that villain Pisias who betrayed his friends.

Just before the executioner raised the butcher's knife, people heard shouts from the rain: "I'm back, I'm back! Keep people under the knife, don't kill my friends!"

(End of this chapter)

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