Book of Changes Great Wisdom

Chapter 4 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 4

Chapter 4 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 4
Small words and righteousness
Kun: Yuan, Heng, the chastity of the mare.A gentleman has a destiny, first loses, then wins, and benefits.Get friends in the southwest and lose friends in the northeast.An Zhenji.On the sixth day of the sixth day, the frost came, and the ice arrived.Sixty-two square is big, if you don't practice it, there will be no disadvantages.Sixty-three contains Zhang Kezhen.Or from the king's affairs, there is no success and no end.June Fourth is included, without blame or reputation.Sixty-five yellow clothes, Yuanji.The upper six dragons occupy the field, and their blood is black and yellow.Use Liuli Yongzhen.

The hexagram Kun symbolizes the ground.It is very auspicious to get this hexagram, especially for divination about female horses.When a gentleman travels, he first loses his way, and then finds the goal he wants to pursue, which is both smooth and not smooth.Go straight to the southwest, don't live in the northeast, because you can meet like-minded people in the southwest, but you can't meet like-minded people in the northeast.If you ask whether it is safe or not, you will get auspicious if you get this hexagram.

Thin frost falls on the sixth day of the lunar month, which indicates that severe cold is coming.

The virtue of sixty-two suppleness is boundless vertically and horizontally, generous and broad. As long as you have this virtue, even if you don't practice it, there will be no disadvantages if you do something.

Liusan contains the masculine virtue of Zhangmei, and all things can be practiced.Sometimes assisting the king's great cause does not accomplish anything at first, but in the end he can finally perform his duties and get good results.

By tightening your grip on June [-]th, you can avoid disasters, but you will not gain reputation.

Liu Wu is wearing a yellow dress, good luck.

The last six giant dragons were fighting in the field, and the blood spilled on the ground was blue and yellow.

Get this hexagram with six divinations, and the divination will always be auspicious.

Xiang said: The terrain is Kun, and a gentleman carries things with virtue.

"Kun" in "Kun Gua" represents the earth, and the earth contains all things, but the earth never complains or complains.We get food and nourishment from the earth, but we return garbage to the earth, and the earth nourishes us as always. This is what the earth deserves to respect. "Kun Gua" six two said: "The straight square is big, if you don't practice, there will be no disadvantages." - The original intention is that we should imitate the earth, be straightforward, square, and magnanimous, and load all things with generous virtues, just like the earth "Tolerance is a virtue".

"Tolerance is greatness" refers to open-mindedness and broad-mindedness.There used to be a saying in China that "a prime minister can pull a boat in his stomach".Regardless of whether those prime ministers are all big-hearted people, people always regard those who have a big heart like the sea as admirable and respectable gentlemen.

In history, the story of Lin Xiangru avoiding Lianpo can be described as a beautiful story through the ages, and Lin Xiangru is therefore considered by the world to be the most "virtuous" person.

According to "Historical Records", Lin Xiangru was sent to Qin as an envoy, and shortly after he returned to Zhao, King Zhao said to all the ministers: "I will get Lin Xiangru, and I will live in Taishan. The country is more important than Jiuding. Xiangru's contribution is the greatest, and the officials can't match it." Nai worshiped as the prime minister, right next to Lian Po.

Lian Po said angrily: "I have made great achievements in siege of cities and field battles. Xiangru only works with his tongue and is on top of me. Besides, he is an eunuch's servant and comes from a humble background. How can I be willing to be inferior? Seeing Xiangru now , I will kill him!" Xiangru heard Lianpo's words, whenever he met with the government, he excused his illness and refused to meet Lianpo.All the people in the room think that they are timid and talk about it secretly.One day, when Lin Xiangru went out, Lian Po also came out. When Xiangru saw Lian Po leading the car, he hurriedly asked the driver to lead the car to hide in the side alley until Lian Po's car passed by.Let others benefit from anger, make an appointment to see each other, and please resign.

Xiangru Guzhi said: "There is a reason why I avoid generals who are incorruptible, and you don't know your ears!" Which one do you think of General Lian as the King of Qin?" All the people in the house said: "No." Xiang Ruri said: "With the power of the King of Qin, no one in the world would dare to resist, but Xiang Ru the court scolded him and humiliated his ministers, Xiang Ru Although you are a fool, you are only afraid of an honest general? Thinking about it, the strong Qin dared not add troops to Zhao, because we are the two of us. Today, two tigers are fighting together, and the situation is not born at the same time. The people of Qin heard that, We must take advantage of the news and invade Zhao. The reason why I force my face to lure those who avoid me is that national interests are more important than personal enmity." Sheren and others were amazed.

Not long after, the housekeeper of the Lin family met the guest of the Lian family and told their inside story.

When Lian Po learned about it, he regretted it.So Porou took the burden of Jing, and knelt at the gate of Lin's family. Xie said: "I have a narrow mind, and I don't know that Xiangguo can tolerate it so far. Death is not enough to atone for my sins!" Because he knelt in the court for a long time.Xiangru came out and said: "We two stand shoulder to shoulder to serve the master. We are ministers of the country. It is a great honor for the general to forgive you. Why bother to thank you." Weep for each other, weep for each other.Lian Po said: "From now on, I would like to be a life-and-death friend, even though the neck will not change!" Po bowed down first, and Xiangru replied.Because of the banquet of wine and entertainment, let's go to each other.Later generations call it "the acquaintance of cutting the neck", which is exactly what it is called.

Throughout the dynasties, there have been some people who are respected by the world, and it is not difficult to find a common characteristic in these people-"good virtue".

In the famous couplet of Lin Zexu in the Qing Dynasty: "The sea is tolerant to all rivers and rivers, and it is great to be tolerant, and it is strong to stand on a wall without desire"; "Zhuangzi?"Autumn Water Chapter": "There is no water in the world greater than the sea, and Wanchuan accepts it"; "Shangshu?"Jun Chen": "You have no anger and illness because of stubbornness. There is no need to be prepared for a husband. There must be tolerance, but it is helpful. Tolerance is great virtue." In the above discussion, it is Lin Xiangru who praises and praises this kind of " The wisdom of life is to be virtuous and carry things, tolerance is great".

Life wisdom
If we can deal with those fearless disputes and temporary gains and losses that happen to ourselves or others with generosity and humility, in the end, what we get will be far more valuable than what we lost.

Tun Gua Jinglun Mingzhi
Small words and righteousness
Tuen: Yuanheng, Lizhen; don't use it to go, Lijianhou.On the ninth day of the ninth day, Panhuan, Li Juzhen, and Li Jianhou.Liuertu is like Bingru, riding a horse is like a squadron, and bandits and bandits are married.A woman's chastity is not a word, but ten years is a word.Six or three means that there is no danger of deer, but when you enter the forest, it is better to give up and be stingy than a gentleman.On June [-]th, riding a horse in class, making a marriage proposal; going to auspiciousness, there will be no disadvantages.Ninety-five Tuen its ointment.Small, chaste and lucky; big, chaste and fierce.Going to the six-horse riding class is like crying blood.

Tun hexagram symbolizes newborn.Getting this hexagram is auspicious and beneficial for divination; it is not suitable for traveling, but it is beneficial for conferring titles and marquises.

On the ninth day of the ninth day, I lingered and lingered, and it was difficult to move forward.But it is beneficial to occupying and living in peace, and it is also conducive to conferring titles and marquises.

It was the first time I went out on June [-], and it was difficult to get in.People on horses wandered in, and the visitors were not robbers but lovers who proposed to marry them.Women ask about whether to marry or not, and if they get this line, it indicates that it will be another ten years before they get married.

Liu San chased the mountain deer without anyone as a guide, and ended up straying into the vast forest. In this way, instead of continuing to chase, a gentleman should give up and not chase; if he insists on chasing, he will encounter difficulties.

On June [-]th, people riding horses wandered in, wanting to get married, and going there would surely bring good luck, and there would be no disadvantages.

Ninth Five-Year accumulated cream.If you store up a small amount, it will be auspicious if you occupy it; if you accumulate a large amount, it will be dangerous if you occupy it.

The men on six horses wandered in, but the woman didn't feel anything, only shed tears and returned sad.

Xiang said: Yunlei, Tun, a gentleman uses economics.

In the process of creating all things, there will be some difficulties and obstacles. Only by gathering strength and acting resolutely can we make a difference.This is exactly the truth described in "Tun Gua" on June [-]th, "People who ride horses wander in and want to seek marriage. If they go there, they will get auspicious, and there will be no disadvantages."

"Tun" in "Tun Gua" represents the start-up of life and career. In this start-up stage, everyone will encounter difficulties and obstacles. At this time, what people need most is firm belief and perseverance. "Tun Gua" said "a gentleman uses economics to show his aspirations".As long as we can "bring our aspirations through economics", our life and career will not be difficult to grow from a newly sprouted seedling to a towering tree after wind and rain.

People are no strangers to Li Shizhen, a medical scientist who wrote "Compendium of Materia Medica". On his road to success, he can see the spirit of "using economics to brighten one's will" mentioned in Tun Gua everywhere.

Li Shizhen was born in a medical family in Qizhou, Hubei.His father, Li Yuechi, was a highly skilled doctor. He was once an official of the Taiyuan Hospital, and he wrote medical works such as "Eight Vessels of Medicine" and "Inventions of Four Diagnosis".Due to the edification of the family environment, Li Shizhen has loved medicine since she was a child, especially pharmacology.When he was a teenager, he knew the names of many medicines and could tell the medicinal functions of dozens of flowers and plants he planted.

At that time, the status of doctors was low and their income was not rich. Therefore, Li Shizhen's family was not rich.Due to insufficient nutrition, Li Shizhen was weak and sickly when she was young. She was bedridden because of a cold, cough and spit.Thanks to his father's meticulous treatment, he recovered.This illness made Li Shizhen personally feel the pain and hardship of the patient. He secretly made up his mind to learn medicine from his father and help the world to save people.

Father Li Yuechi has practiced medicine for many years and knows the difficulties of medicine.He didn't want his son to take this way of making a living again.He wholeheartedly wanted Li Shizhen to gain fame and honor his ancestors.

At the beginning, Li Shizhen didn't dare to disobey her father's order, she studied Confucianism seriously, and passed the scholar examination at the age of 14.But later, the more I learned, the less interested I became.Under his father's stern urging, he took the Juren examination three times, but all of them lost his name.His father thought that his son's lack of interest in playing with things would affect his studies, so he pulled out all the flowers and plants he had planted in a fit of anger.For this reason, the father and son had a disturbance.Later, his father discovered that his son had a good research on medicine by planting flowers and plants, raising insects and birds, and sometimes he was included in the army.The father had no choice but to agree with Li Shizhen to study medicine, and personally helped Shizhen plant flowers, plant grass, feed insects, raise birds, and collect various medicine samples.

Li Shizhen realized her wish to study medicine, she is like a duck in water, like a tiger with wings added.He started to study medicine with great interest and energy, and often forgot to sleep and eat.He "studied for ten years without going out to court", and became a famous local doctor in his 30s.In the 35th year of Jiajing, Li Shizhen was summoned by the royal family to serve as the "judgment of the Imperial Hospital".Unwilling to bear the humiliation of groveling, he resigned and returned home after a year.

In order to save the world and save people, Shi Zhen decided to compile Materia Medica.He hunted and hunted books, collected hundreds of families, interviewed all directions, and tasted hundreds of herbs. He has a history of [-] years, and has tested [-] books.He devoted himself to compiling, compiling various schools of thought, determined with all his heart, and compiled the immortal masterpiece "Compendium of Materia Medica".

Encountering difficulties in life is a very common thing. However, if you want to break through the difficulties and make a difference, you must go through deep thinking and careful arrangements to create a thought in your heart that will work hard and overcome all difficulties. just work.

Meng hexagram enlightens enlightenment
Small words and righteousness
Meng: Henry.The bandits begged Tong Meng, and Tong Meng begged me; the first sue, and repeated blasphemy, the blasphemy will not be sued.Li Zhen.On the sixth day of the sixth day of the enlightenment, he used the criminals to say that he was shackles, and he was stingy in the past.Ninety-two Baomeng, Kat.Nafu, Ji, Zike's family.Six or three, don't use it to take a daughter, see a golden husband, there is no bow, no profit.June [-]th is bewildering, stingy.Sixty-five Tongmeng, Ji.The upper nine hits Meng, the disadvantage is the bandit, and the benefit is the royal bandit.

The hexagram Meng symbolizes childhood.Prosperity is not what I ask for from a young and ignorant boy, but the young and ignorant boy asks for me.If you come to divination for the first time, tell him good or bad luck; if you do divination again and again, it is an insult and blasphemy to divination.But getting this hexagram is beneficial no matter what you do.

The sixth day of the lunar new year inspires the ignorant and ignorant to increase their wisdom. It is suitable to set an example to inspire people and prevent them from committing crimes;

In [-], being surrounded and surrounded by ignorant people is not necessarily a bad thing sometimes.It is auspicious to marry a virtuous woman as a wife; even children will have a family.

Liusan should not marry this woman, because all she sees in her eyes is a handsome man, and she will lose herself when she meets such a man. This kind of marriage is harmful and not beneficial.

It was very difficult for the ignorant people who were in trouble on June [-]th.

The young and ignorant boy in [-] is being inspired and will be lucky.

Shangjiu wakes up the ignorant and ignorant, and it is not appropriate to take violent actions, but a gentle way to defend against bandits.

Elephant said: Mountain spring, Meng.A gentleman cultivates virtue with fruit.

The progress of society and the development of human beings have verified an indisputable fact - "Science and technology are the primary productive forces".In other words, the reason why human beings can get rid of ignorance and poverty requires knowledge first.This is also an important reason why the whole world is committed to improving the quality of the population and vigorously developing education in recent years.

The "Meng" in "Meng Gua" refers to enlightenment, and it is very profoundly explained in the "Meng" recorded in the sixth day of the "Book of Changes", "Using punishment, using punishment, and being stingy in the past". At the same time, in the nine records of "Meng Gua", it is pointed out that enlightenment education must be implemented as soon as possible to prevent problems before they happen.

Since ancient times, it has been "a famous teacher produces a high-achieving apprentice", why does everyone admit this point of view?Because famous teachers pay attention to methods and methods in the process of enlightenment and enlightenment, which can guide and inspire apprentices well, so that they can learn something.

According to legend, the reason why Emperor Yongzheng was able to ascend the throne smoothly was inseparable from Nian Gengyao, the most famous general at that time.Nian Gengyao is brave and resourceful, but do you know the reason why he can achieve something?This is inseparable from the enlightenment education he received as a child.

Nian Gengyao was born in the banner of the Han army, and his father Nian Xialing was a minister in the Kangxi Dynasty.Nian Gengyao was extremely strong since his childhood, but he was extremely naughty.Although he is not good at reading, but when the book is in front of him, he can know it at a glance.

In order to educate his son to study well, Nian Xialing once hired three teachers. No matter how famous the teachers were, they were either scolded by Nian Gengyao or beaten away by Nian Gengyao.Reluctantly, Nian Yaling spent a lot of money on the list to recruit teachers.

One day, a rare old man came to apply for the job.Nian Xialing was afraid that the old man would not be able to do the job, so he told the truth about his son's situation.The old man said: "Your son is arrogant and chasing the teacher. I have heard it for a long time, but I have my own way to teach him well." Seeing that the old man is very sincere, Nian Xian decided an auspicious day for Nian Gengyao to pay homage to his teacher.

Although he worshiped the fourth teacher, Nian Gengyao still didn't change his temperament and was as stubborn as usual.So the teacher closed the door, played the huqin in the house, and sang in a melodious and melodious manner.Nian Gengyao became curious when he heard the sound, so he broke into the door and saluted the teacher, "Please teach me how to play and sing!" The teacher didn't want to teach, but Nian Gengyao insisted on learning, so he started teaching him.

After a few days of teaching, Nian Gengyao lost interest and stopped learning.This time the teacher not only closed the door, but also closed the windows.Nian Gengyao was very curious, and secretly watched from the crack of the door. Seeing that the teacher was practicing boxing and kicking, he was dazzled and mighty.Nian Gengyao was overjoyed, pushed the door hard and walked in, and asked the teacher for advice.

But the teacher said to him, "I heard that you are very powerful. How about a fight with all the servants?" Nian Gengyao quickly summoned sixteen strong and powerful servants, and while holding the sticks horizontally, let the sixteen Two servants pressed each other with sticks.The servants tried their best in their lives, but they couldn't make Nian Gengyao bend his hands.Just as the servants were shouting in unison, Nian Gengyao took a sudden step and sent the stick forward with force, and the sixteen servants fell on their backs.

Seeing this, the teacher praised and said: "Sure enough, you have good arm strength, but do you dare to compete with me?"

Nian Gengyao said: "There's nothing to be afraid of. If I win, don't say that I drove away another teacher." The teacher replied: "You can rest assured!" Compared with martial arts, open-frame style, who knows that even the corner of the teacher's clothes can't be touched.Nian Gengyao thought he knew some tricks, and never regarded ordinary people in his eyes, but he knew that he had met a master today, so he hurriedly bowed down and asked for advice.

The teacher said to him while helping him: "Get up quickly, I will teach you!"

After the two sat down, the teacher took out a volume of military books from the side of the bed, handed it to Nian Gengyao, and said, "If you really want to learn, you can learn this enemy." Nian Gengyao said, "I want to learn martial arts. What is the use of this book?" The teacher said: "After reading it, you can defeat ten thousand people!" Nian Gengyao said again: "You are lying, this book can be kicked several feet away without any effort How can you win more than ten thousand people!" The teacher said, "I said you don't want to read, you should go play." Seeing that the teacher was unhappy, Nian Gengyao felt that what the teacher said made sense, so he replied, "I read this book. .”

From then on, Nian Gengyao's willful temper began to change. The teacher strictly supervised the students every day. He said a word, and Nian Gengyao learned a sentence.In addition to military books, the teacher also used the remaining time every day to teach Nian Gengyao some Confucian works and some martial arts stunts, and only then did he become the famous General Nian.

(End of this chapter)

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