Book of Changes Great Wisdom

Chapter 3 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 3

Chapter 3 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 3
Although Qu Yuan was neglected and excluded by King Huai of Chu, he still cared about the fate of Chu State from time to time.He was in adversity, regardless of personal safety, and resolutely opposed the establishment of diplomatic relations between Chu and Qin.However, King Huai of Chu was self-willed and believed in the slander of Jin Shang, Zheng Xiu, and Zi Lan. As a result, Chu State lost troops and territory, and King Huai himself was deceived by Qin State and died as a guest.

After the new King of Chu came to the throne, Qu Yuan was full of patriotic enthusiasm for saving the country, and proposed to the new King of Chu that he should recruit talents, stay away from villains, and reform politics to make the country rich and strong.However, instead of accepting Qu Yuan's suggestion, the king of Chu thought that Qu Yuan was insulting himself. In a fit of anger, he completely dismissed Qu Yuan and exiled him to the Miluo River, far away from the capital of Chuying.

In the face of cruel and merciless encounters, Qu Yuan never complained about his personal misfortunes, and was resentful.During his long and arduous life in exile, on the basis of fully absorbing the nutrition of folk literature and art, Qu Yuan used the literary and artistic form of "Chu Ci" created by himself to write a large number of works with beautiful language and rich and magnificent imagination. Literary works with positive romantic spirit and strong and noble patriotic sentiment.In Qu Yuan's works, he expresses his passion of worrying about the country and patriotism of "breathing for a long time to hide his tears, mourning the hardships of the people's life", and his noble feelings of "although he died nine times, he still has no regrets" as long as he benefits the country and the people.In addition to "Li Sao", he also expressed his persistent pursuit of his political ideal of enriching the country and strengthening the army in works such as "Nine Songs", "Heavenly Questions" and "Nine Chapters".In "Nine Songs", he used oranges as a metaphor to express his unyielding position and determination in the face of powerful evil forces. "The road is long and long, and I will search up and down." It further shows the lofty ideal pursuit of this great patriotic poet.Qu Yuan's fiery patriotism and moral sentiment, as well as his great demeanor of bearing humiliation and bearing the burden of humiliation, disregarding personal honor, disgrace and safety, have inspired and inspired people to create a glorious history despite any difficulties and obstacles for thousands of years.

(End of this chapter)

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