Book of Changes Great Wisdom

Chapter 10 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 10

Chapter 10 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 10
In order to eradicate future troubles, Jin Huigong sent someone to assassinate Chong'er.Chong'er led Hu Yan and others to escape from Di State overnight, and fled again.They fled all the way, lived in the wind, lived in the open, and went through hardships.There is not enough food and clothes to wear, so they have to rely on wild vegetables to satisfy their hunger or beg for a living.

In the process of fleeing, they successively went to Wei State, Qi State, Song State, Zheng State, Chu State, and finally arrived in Qin State.Throughout the difficult years of fleeing, Hu Yan has been closely following the son Chong'er, helping him through all kinds of dangers.

Qin Mugong very much supported his son Chong'er as the king, so he dispatched a large army in 636 BC to personally escort Chong'er back to the state of Jin.When they reached the Yellow River, Qin Mugong gave half of the troops to Chong'er, and he kept half of the troops on the west bank of the Yellow River as support.

When boarding the boat, Prince Chong'er's attendants carried all the items used for fleeing to the boat, and they were reluctant to throw away any of them.Chong Er saw it and laughed.He said: "When I go back to be the king, what do I want? Why do I need these rags?"

As he spoke, he ordered people to leave things on the shore.People threw these things on the bank in a hurry, and some threw their old clothes and trousers into the river.

The loyal Hu Yan saw all this and felt very sad.He thought, if the young master forgets about being rich and humble, how can he be a good monarch in the future?So he took out a piece of white jade that Qin Mugong gave him, and said to Chong'er: "Now my son is crossing the river, and the other side is the state of Jin. You have ministers inside you, and the state of Qin outside, so I will stay here. I offer it to you now." This piece of white jade expresses my heart."

Chong Er was very surprised when he heard it. He said, "I am only able to achieve what I am today thanks to your help. Everyone has suffered outside for 19 years. Now go back and share the blessings. Why don't you go back?"

Hu Yan said: "My son was in trouble before, and I was of some use. Now that you have returned to be the king, the situation is different. Naturally, there will be a new group of people to take care of us. We are like these old clothes and broken shoes. Why do we take them back?"

After hearing this, Chong'er suddenly realized that he blamed himself for not being complacent, and said to Hu Yan with a face full of shame: "This is all my fault. A man should not forget his hunger." So he ordered the broken things to be reloaded on board.

They crossed the Yellow River and won the battle. Chong'er became the king of Jin, that is, Duke Wen of Jin.

"Book of Jin?It is recorded in Ruan Ji Biography: "When you are proud, don't forget your body." To prevent self-satisfaction, you must pay attention to everything and be careful everywhere.

Life wisdom
On the road of life, you must always be prepared for danger in times of peace, and don't lose yourself in joy and be dazzled by temporary success.

Follow the hexagrams and don't lose big because of small things
Small words and righteousness
Sui: Yuanheng, Lizhen, Wugui.On the ninth day of the ninth day, the officials have Yu and Zhenji;The boy of the [-]nd line, lost his husband.Liusan is the husband, who loses his son; seeks what he has, and benefits Juzhen.In September [-]th, there will be gains, but chastity is fierce; if you are in the way, you can understand, so what's the blame?Ninety-five Fu Yu Jia, auspicious.The upper six arrested him, but he followed and defended him; Wang Yongheng was in Xishan.

Sui Gua symbolizes following.It is very prosperous, it is conducive to accounting, and there is no disaster.

In the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, there will be changes in the officialdom. If you ask questions, you will get auspiciousness, and you will be successful when you go out and communicate with people.

If Liu Er clings to a submissive villain, he will lose his strong husband.

Liu San wholeheartedly clings to her strong husband and gets rid of her submissive villain.Follow others, you will get what you ask, which is conducive to occupying and living in peace.

In September [-], one gained something by following others, but it was dangerous to occupy one's question.But if you have integrity in your heart, stick to the right way, and be upright, what disaster will there be?

Ninety-five people who give honesty to good people will get auspicious.

Shang Liu was first detained and then released, which enabled him to escape, and the king was able to sacrifice to Xishan.

Xiang said: There is thunder in the lake, follow.The gentleman enters the banquet with Xiang Hui.

"Sui Gua" says that "a gentleman takes a feast in the dark"-a gentleman sees the sun sinking and the sky darken, and at night, he rests in accordance with the time and goes to sleep.This is the gist of "Sui Gua": follow human nature and follow the way of nature.However, if you live in the world, if you are too demanding on every little thing, it will definitely affect the smooth progress of big things; if you cherish a little bit of small interests too much, you will also lose larger interests.It's better to learn from "Sui Gua" ninety-four said: "There is a Fu in the way, to understand, what to blame", and be willing to give up some small benefits in order to seek greater benefits.

In the old days, there were three pawn shops in Changzhou, and You Weng was the manager of one of them.One day at the end of a certain year, You Weng suddenly heard a commotion outside the door, and went out to see that it was a neighbor.The man in charge stepped forward and said to You Weng: "He put money on his clothes, and today he came to fetch them empty-handed, and if he didn't give them back, he would yell at him. Is there such a thing as unreasonable?" The man was still aggressive and refused to admit his mistake.

You Weng said to him calmly: "I understand your intention, but it's just for the New Year's Eve. Is such a trivial matter worth arguing about?" So he ordered the clerk to find out the pledges, and there were four or five pieces of clothing in total.You Weng pointed to the cotton-padded jacket and said, "This garment is essential for cold resistance." He pointed to the mandarin jacket and said, "This is for you to pay New Year's greetings. You can keep the rest here if you don't need them urgently." The man took two coats , hesitant to speak and then left immediately.

Unexpectedly, that night, he died in someone else's house.His family has been fighting the family for more than a year.It turned out that this person had a lot of debts and knew that You's family was rich, so he wanted to die for a sum of money, but he got nothing, so he switched to another family.

Someone asked You Weng why he was able to tolerate him knowing in advance, and You Weng replied: "Anyone who provokes unreasonably must have a reason. If you are not patient in small things, then disaster will come immediately." People heard this. I admire his insight.

The stories of "burning incense and burning charcoal" and "killing a son to become a burden" mentioned in the "Buddhist Scriptures" are all examples of small losses, such as "stealing chickens does not save a lot of money", "losing a wife and losing a soldier" .If we pass through a narrow place, we will leave a step to go with others; when the taste is strong, we will subtract three points for others to taste.In this way, it is not easy to make mistakes because of small losses.

Life wisdom
Keep your eyes on the long-term and far-sighted, don't confine your eyes to the little interests in front of you, and lose more interests.In life, it is even more important to remember that "don't be greedy for petty gains and suffer big losses".

Gu Gua rectifies the righteousness and helps the danger
Small words and righteousness
Gu: Yuanheng, Lishe Dachuan; first Jia for three days, and then Jia for three days.On the sixth day of the sixth day, there is no blame for the insanity of father-in-law.Li Zhongji.Ninety-two dry mother's Gu, can't be chaste.Ninety-three godfather's Gu, small regrets, no big blame.June [-], Yu's father's Gu, often sees stinginess.Sixty-five godfather's Gu, use reputation.Shangjiu is not a prince, but a noble thing.

The hexagram Gu symbolizes saving evil and treating chaos.It is very prosperous, which is conducive to crossing the huge river.After a few days of observation and thinking, you will know what to do.

The sixth day corrects the mistakes of the parents; as long as the son can revitalize the family business, the parents can avoid disasters, even if there are some dangers, they will eventually get auspicious.

Ninety-two corrected the mistakes of the mother's generation, but should not interfere with the affairs of the mother's boudoir.

Jiu San rectified the faults of his parents, although there will be small difficulties, but there will be no major disasters.

June Fourth tolerated the mistakes of the parents, and it will inevitably encounter difficulties if it continues.

Sixth Five-Year rectifies the mistakes of the parents and will be praised.

Shangjiu does not serve the life of a prince, but concentrates on running the family, and takes this as a noble thing.

Xiang said: There is wind at the foot of the mountain, Gu.A gentleman cultivates morality by invigorating the people.

"Gu" was originally a terrible poison, but the "Gu" in "Gu Gua" refers to troubles, and generally refers to disadvantages.The hexagram says that "a gentleman cultivates morality by invigorating the people", which means that a gentleman uses a reasonable method to rectify the righteousness and support the crisis, control chaos, and "cure Gu".

Facing the chaotic order, talented leaders will take a series of measures and actions in a timely manner to standardize the system and rectify the order.But they will not be reckless, but will conduct careful analysis and estimation of each measure before promulgating it, and decisively implement it after they think it is feasible.Therefore, all they make are purposeful and highly successful "cure Gu" decisions.

As a hero of a generation, Zhu Yuanzhang is an expert in "curing Gu". His strategy of "curing Gu" not only rectified the chaos, but also won the hearts of the people, so he was able to achieve the position of emperor smoothly.

When Zhu Yuanzhang's army captured Taiping City, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered Li Shanchang, the secretary in charge, to urgently draft the "Abstained Sergeant List" in order to restrain the army and prevent disturbance to the people.As soon as the battle was over, when the soldiers were about to start looting and make a fortune, they saw the streets and alleys in the city covered with notices, which wrote: Anyone who dares to loot property and disturb the people will be killed without mercy.

The method of the list makes the chaotic situation immediately orderly.After the war ended, Zhu Yuanzhang rewarded him for his meritorious service, and the soldiers naturally had their share.Zhu Yuanzhang's clever approach not only won the hearts of the people, but also stabilized the morale of the army.

These measures by Zhu Yuanzhang have consolidated the base area very well. While expanding the base area in the south of the Yangtze River, he let his New Deal deeply root in the hearts of the people.After occupying Yingtian, he did not let the victory dazzle his head, but had a clear understanding of his next journey.He deeply understands people's hearts, as long as there are people, even if "the land is small and there are few people", he still pays attention to them.

He once said to the soldiers: "Since I started my army, I have never killed or plundered at will. Now you lead the troops to go out, I hope you can understand my intentions and strictly restrain the soldiers. On the day the city is broken, you must not kill or plunder recklessly. It is against Military orders will be dealt with by military law. If you continue to indulge, you will be punished severely!" The generals were trembling and left under orders, and soon captured Zhenjiang.

After entering the city, discipline was strictly enforced, and Qiu committed no crimes.This situation quickly spread to other places, and people everywhere praised Zhu Yuanzhang's army as a teacher of benevolence and righteousness, which brought great convenience to Zhu Yuanzhang's management of Jiangnan.

Zhu Yuanzhang, with an attitude of rectifying the righteousness and helping the danger, truly analyzed the "gu" that might appear in the soldiers stationed in the city, and then after careful thinking, he issued the "List of Sergeants on Dispossession", which effectively rectified the chaos in the army and won the victory. The love and affection of the common people can be regarded as "invigorating the people and cultivating virtue" as mentioned in "Gua Gua".

Life wisdom
When you are determined to correct your own shortcomings, you must judge the situation and formulate a correction plan. You must not make a plan that does not see results, which is ridiculous.

Lin Gua has an inspiring heart
Small words and righteousness
Lin: Yuanheng, Lizhen; As for August, there is fierceness.On the ninth day of the ninth day, Xianlin, Zhenji.Ninety-two is coming, good luck and no disadvantages.When Liu San is happy, there is no profit; if you worry about it, there is no blame.June Fourth is coming, no blame.The coming of the Sixth Five-Year Plan, the majesty's auspiciousness, auspicious.Shangliu Dunlin, auspicious, no blame.

Lin Gua symbolizes being condescending.It is very prosperous, which is conducive to accounting.But there will be danger in August.

(End of this chapter)

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