Book of Changes Great Wisdom

Chapter 11 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 11

Chapter 11 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 11
On the ninth day of the ninth day, with a heart of influence, he came down to the common people, and if he asked about it, he would get auspiciousness.

Ninety-two came down to the common people with a heart of probation, and he would surely receive auspiciousness, and there would be no disadvantages.

There is no benefit for Liusan to come down to the common people with sweet words.If one corrects one's mistakes with fear, there is no calamity.

On June [-]th, the situation of the people came down personally, and there were no disasters.

When the people come to the people during the Sixth Five-Year Plan, they will gain auspiciousness if they observe the sentiments of the people with wisdom and wisdom, and know what they should do as the emperor.

If the upper six are honest and benevolent and respect the people's sentiments, they will surely get auspiciousness and no disasters.

Xiang said: "There is land on the lake, come here."A gentleman uses teaching to think endlessly,
To protect the people without borders.The old master Confucius once said: "People are not sages and sages, so no one can make mistakes. If mistakes are corrected, there is nothing good about them." It is true.As long as one is human, there is no one who does not make mistakes, so making mistakes is not a big deal.Of course, those who know their mistakes and correct them are worth learning and emulating; while those who "know their mistakes and do not correct them" are unforgivable and despised.

"Lin Gua" said, "A gentleman can teach and think endlessly, and he can protect the people without boundaries", which means that we should have a kind of influence when dealing with the mistakes made by others, so that they can know their mistakes and correct them.

King Zhuang of Chu, one of the Five Overlords in the Spring and Autumn Period, is a good monarch with a heart of influence.

Once, King Zhuang of Chu invited his ministers to have a drink.After drinking for three rounds, everyone was half drunk and half awake.At this time, the candles lighting the hall were suddenly blown out by a gust of wind, and the whole place was pitch black.At this time, someone took the opportunity to tease the queen and pulled the queen's dress with his hands.In a panic, the queen grabbed the man's hat strap and pulled it off forcefully, and secretly said to King Zhuang of Chu: "Someone is secretly pulling my clothes to tease me. I have already pulled the man's hat strap." It’s broken. Please, Your Majesty, hurry up and order someone to light the candles and inspect them one by one, so that this person can be found!”

Unexpectedly, King Zhuang of Chu said: "Don't light candles." Then he said loudly: "I have already said that you don't have to stick to etiquette when drinking today. I invite everyone to drink. If anyone doesn't break his hatband, he will He will be severely punished." Then, all the officials present tore off their hatbands.When the candle was lit, it was naturally impossible to tell who had touched the queen.

Two years later, the Jin army invaded Chu.At this time, there is a general who always fights bravely and wins the head of the Jin general and presents it to King Zhuang of Chu.

King Zhuang of Chu asked him: "I have never treated you well, why do you serve me so well?"

The man replied: "I am the one whose hatband was torn off by the queen! I should have apologized at that time. It has been such a long time, and I have never had the opportunity to repay the king. I am fortunate to be able to use it today and do my best. The duty of a minister is to help the king defeat the Jin invaders and revitalize the Chu country."

In real life, we often encounter similar things: when people around us hurt us intentionally or unintentionally, how do we face it?A wise man will deal with it indifferently, and influence him with a broad mind, making him realize his conscience and take the initiative to admit his mistakes; a mediocre person will retaliate with an eye, use violence to control violence, and let the matter get out of hand.

Life wisdom
Don't take other people's mistakes as a handle when they make mistakes, but have a heart of influence and give others a chance to correct their mistakes.

Observing the hexagrams to know the enemy
Small words and righteousness
View: Washing is not recommended, there is Fu Yongruo.In the view of children in the sixth grade of junior high school, villains are not to blame, and gentlemen are stingy.Peeping on June [-], benefiting privet.Six or three watch my life, advance and retreat.Watch the light of the country on June [-]th, and use the guest to the king.In the Ninth Five-Year View, I am born, and the gentleman is not to blame.Looking at his life in the upper nine, a gentleman is not to blame.

Guan Gua symbolizes admiration.Just wash your hands and cleanse yourself before the sacrifice, and don't make sacrifices.

On the sixth day of the lunar new year, one looks up at the scenery like a child, the common people have no disasters, but the gentleman has difficulties in doing things.

Liu Er secretly looked up at the grand scene, which was beneficial for women to ask questions.

[-] Observe and examine your own living conditions, and choose to advance or retreat.

Observing the customs and customs of other countries on June [-]th is suitable for observing the king's courtesy to his guests.

Ninety-five observe one's own living conditions, a gentleman can avoid disasters.

On the ninth day, observe the people's sentiments in other countries, and a gentleman can avoid disasters.

The elephant said: "Fashion on the ground, watch."The first kings set up teachings by observing the people in the provincial way.

"Guan" generally means observation, and in "Guan Gua", "Guan" can also be used as "knowing the enemy from this" and "drawing inferences from one instance".It is undeniable that there are many people in the world who are able to see the future, which is inseparable from their good "concept".

As the "Guan Gua" says, those who are good at "observing" "observe the light of the country and use it to the king", "observe my life, and the gentleman has no blame", "observe his life, and the gentleman has no blame".Therefore, those who are good at "observing" can use the information they perceive in advance to make positive and effective judgments and actions, so as to achieve the purpose of eliminating disasters, avoiding disasters, and settling down.

In Chinese history, Jizi is a person who is good at "seeing". His survival is obtained through the foresight of "knowing the enemy from this" and his behavior of pretending to be crazy.

Jizi was the concubine brother of King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty. His real name was Xu Yu.He is a person who sees the small things and can accurately predict the outcome of things.

Not long after King Zhou succeeded to the throne, he ordered craftsmen to make a pair of ivory chopsticks for him.Jizi had a premonition, and sighed: "Earthware is definitely not suitable for ivory chopsticks, only bowls carved from rhinoceros horn and cups carved from white jade are suitable. With jade cups, wild vegetable soup and coarse beans are definitely not suitable." Instead of eating the delicacies of the mountains and seas, they no longer want to wear thick kudzu jackets, nor live in thatched huts, but wear splendid clothes, ride luxury cars, and live in high-rise buildings. If this continues, the territory of the Shang Dynasty The items from the Shang Dynasty will not be able to satisfy the desire of King Zhou, and he will inevitably seize precious and strange things from various small countries. Starting with ivory chopsticks, the consequences will be unimaginable. I am really worried about the fate of the Shang Dynasty!"

As Jizi said, King Zhou's greed was getting bigger and bigger.He captured millions of laborers to build a three-mile deer platform and a palace with white jade doors, collected treasures of dogs and horses, and filled them with strange birds and monsters.At the same time, making wine into a pool and hanging meat into a forest, let naked men and women compete with each other.When the chancellor, Bigan, dared to persuade him, but his heart and liver were gouged out by King Zhou, and he laughed and said, "I heard that the heart of a saint has seven openings. Bigan is regarded as a saint. I want to see what happens!"

Jizi refused to listen to his remonstrance, fearing that cruelty would happen to him, so he pretended to be an idiot.With disheveled hair, talking nonsense, disregarding the respect of the grand master, he would rather be imprisoned by King Zhou.

As the saying goes, "leave the residual lotus to listen to the sound of rain".Soon the Shang Dynasty was replaced by the Zhou Dynasty, King Zhou committed suicide, and Jizi was released by King Wu of Zhou and invited him to come out to be an official again.Jizi refused. According to legend, he secretly took 5000 people to escape to North Korea.King Wu had no choice but to do favors and grant him the founding of the country in North Korea.It is said that the tomb of Kija still exists in the present Pyongyang area.

Historically, there have been many people who were able to "know the enemy through this". These people were either regarded as prophets or saints.So, why are they able to foresight?Good observation and diligent thinking are their common characteristics.

Life wisdom
Before doing things, we must be diligent in observation and careful analysis, and clarify the possible dangers and how to deal with them, so that we can win all battles.

Biting hexagrams with clear grievances

Small words and righteousness
Biting: Heng, use prison.In the ninth day of the ninth day, the school killed the toe, no blame.Sixty-two devours the skin, kills the nose, no blame.Six or three eat bacon, encounter poison; be stingy, no blame.If you bite the stem in September [-]th, you will get the golden arrow;Sixty-five devour dried meat and get gold;Going to Jiuhe school to kill ears, fierce.

Biting hexagram symbolizes punishment.Prosperity is smooth, which is conducive to the application of punishment.

On the ninth day of the ninth day, I wore a wooden yoke on my feet, and the yoke hurt my toe, so there was no disaster.

If Liu Er steals good meat and cuts off the criminal's nose, there will be no disaster.

Liu San bit the hard bacon and got poisoned, only minor discomfort, no major disaster.

In September [-]th, if you bite the hard boned meat and eat the copper arrowhead, it will help you to ask difficult things and get auspicious.

Liu Wu bites dry and hard jerky and eats gold. Although there is a sign of danger, there will be no disaster.

Shangjiu wears a wooden yoke on his shoulders, and if the yoke hurts his ears, it must be dangerous.

The elephant said: Thunder and lightning, eat and eat.The former king ordered the law with clear punishment.

"Bite" originally meant to bite and devour, but in "Che Gua", it is a correct understanding of punishing and dealing with conflicts. It is said in "Che Gua": "Eat dry meat, and you will get golden arrows; if you eat dry meat, you will get gold; if you eat dry meat, you will get gold; if you are chaste, you will have no blame." to "No Blame".

Everyone knows that punishment is just a means, and the purpose is nothing more than to enable those who have made mistakes to realize their mistakes and correct their mistakes.However, the "punishment" mentioned in "Che Gua" is a broad concept, pointing out a way of treating people with clear grievances and grievances.

Fan Chunren, the son of Fan Zhongyan, a famous official in the Northern Song Dynasty, is a master who can use the essence of "Che Gua" freely.

During Song Zhezong's time, Fan Chunren was appointed to the post of Shizhong.Once, when he heard that Zhonggu was in a bad situation, he felt uneasy at that time. He said to his family: "Zonggu lost his official position because of falsely accusing me. Although he deserved it, we must give him a chance! Zhonggu is still very good. Talented, I want to recommend him to the emperor."

But his family complained to him, saying: "Thinking about the time when Zhonggu made you humiliated and humiliated, we still suffered with you. Have you forgotten? It is a kindness for you not to take revenge on him. If you want to help him, we will never promise."

Fan Chunren persuaded his family: "I cultivate virtue and strive for goodness. How can I hate Zhonggu for the rest of my life? I was humiliated for a while. After that incident, the imperial court valued me instead. I have no reason to hate Zhonggu anymore."

After Fan Chunren's strong recommendation, Zhong Gu was employed by the imperial court.He apologized to Fan Chunren and said: "I used to be an enemy of your lord, and I don't want you to repay your grievances with kindness today. If you want to change the past, you must change your past, and thank you."

In the early years of Yuanyou, the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials was vacant, and Zhe Zong ordered the minister to propose a suitable candidate.At this time, a minister did not hesitate to propose Fan Chunren. He said to Zhezong: "The selection and assessment of officials for the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials is very important. I think Fan Chunren is fair and selfless, and he is the best candidate."

Zhezong didn't nod, he said: "Your reason is not sufficient, Fan Chunren's qualifications are still young, I don't think highly of him."

(End of this chapter)

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