Book of Changes Great Wisdom

Chapter 9 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 9

Chapter 9 The Great Wisdom of the Book of Changes 9
Ninety-three princes and adults pay tribute to the emperor on time, but villains cannot do this.

In September [-]th, if you are rich in excellence and not arrogant, there will be no disasters.

The Sixth Five-Year Mind transfers the upper and lower levels with integrity, majesty and self-display, and auspiciousness can be obtained.

Sasuke, who descended from the sky in Shangjiu, protected him, and made him auspicious all the time and everywhere, without any disadvantage.

The elephant said: "Fire is in the sky, there is a lot."A gentleman promotes good by curbing evil,

Shun Tian rested his life.People always associate "arrogance" with "defeat" and "lose", so people often say things like "arrogant soldiers must be defeated" and "pride makes people fall behind".The same is true. "Arrogance" is the root cause of many failures in history, where the more defeated the less, and the strong defeated the weak. In "Da You Gua" ninety-fourth and sixty-five, it is said: "The bandits are rich, there is no blame", "Juefu is as good as, as powerful as, auspicious." This is nothing more than the truth.

People in a dominant position, if they always look down on others and bully others, they will definitely be punished accordingly; but if they can restrain their proud attitude and treat and accept those disadvantaged groups with an equal attitude, they will definitely dignify themselves. To be respected by all.This is what is said in the "Da You Gua" that "a gentleman seeks to curb evil and promote good, so that he can live in harmony with the sky".

In the Western Han Dynasty, after the death of Liu Bang, Empress Lu came to power, and Zhao Tuo, king of Nanyue, ruled separately from the imperial court in Lingnan.

At this time, some uninformed ministers in the court thought that Zhao Tuo was vulnerable, so they persuaded Empress Lu to attack Zhao Tuo, take back Nanyue, and let the court directly govern it.They said: "South Vietnam is a country of barbarians, and its army is also a group of mobs. In the past, Emperor Gaozu had no time to attack them, so he had no choice but to implement a pacification plan. Now our country is strong and stable, and it is a good time to attack South Vietnam. !"

Empress Lu was worried about the resurgence of military disasters, so she did not agree to send troops, but she still believed that taking South Vietnam was just a matter of words.

Changsha Kingdom and South Vietnam are neighbors. In order to expand his power, the King of Changsha strongly advocated the use of troops against South Vietnam.Seeing that Empress Lu refused to use force, the King of Changsha wrote a letter suggesting that the trade of ironware on the border of South Vietnam should be banned in order to curb the development of South Vietnam.

Zhao Tuo was very annoyed when he saw the change in the court's policy, so he sent troops to capture several counties in the south of Changsha.For this reason, Empress Lu sent troops to counterattack and invaded the territory of Nanyue.

Unexpectedly, Empress Lu died before the battle was over.Emperor Wen of Han came to the throne.At this time, an anti-war minister said to Emperor Wen: "I am a great country in the Celestial Dynasty, and it is no problem to defeat the small South Vietnam. But the problem is that our army can't stand the heat and humidity in the south now. If we continue to fight, there will be heavy casualties. What's more, the barbarians are barbaric by nature and difficult to govern. If we win, we will spend a lot of energy on the South Vietnamese affairs, so the gains will not be worth the losses."

Emperor Wen asked him what he could do, and the minister replied: "You can't do things for the sake of false fame. If the emperor doesn't care about the false name of winning, then you don't need to defeat Nanyue, but instead attack Nanyue to appease him. Once Nanyue suffers For the favor of the emperor, I will definitely be grateful for self-examination, and eliminate the hostility towards our country, so that the country will be peaceful."

Emperor Wen ordered the withdrawal of the Han army from Nanyue, and comforted Zhao Tuo.The cemetery of Zhao Tuo's relatives was in Zhending, so Emperor Wen gave Zhending to Zhao Tuo as his territory and sent people to sacrifice on time.Emperor Wen also visited Zhao Tuo's relatives, treated them with courtesy and preferential treatment, and appointed them as senior officials of the court.After Zhao Tuo knew these things, he was really moved and respected Emperor Wen from his heart.He asked Emperor Wen to make peace, and said: "I used to be ignorant and offended the gods of the heavens, but now it seems that I have committed a serious crime!"

Zhao Tuo requested to enter Beijing to pay tribute as a vassal subject.Since then, the southern border has calmed down.

The "Book of Filial Piety" said, "Those who care about relatives should not be arrogant when they are at the top, not chaotic when they are at the bottom, and do not fight for ugliness; if they are at the top, they will perish, and if they are at the bottom, they will be punished." Ren, if you don't have desires, you will be strong."If those who are at the top can restrain their pride and weaken their desire to compete for power, they will be able to achieve great things.

Not arrogant at the top, not discouraged at the bottom.Look at everything with an ordinary heart, and don't be influenced by the desire to be competitive, and you will surely get an unexpected and perfect ending.

Hexagram of Modesty Keep the Virtue of Modesty
Small words and righteousness
Modesty: Heng, a gentleman has an end.On the sixth day of the lunar new year, a gentleman who is modest and humble, uses the Dachuan, Ji.Sixty-two Mingqian, Zhenji.Ninth three work modestly, a gentleman will have an end, auspicious.There is no disadvantage in June Fourth, so humble.If you don't get rich in the Sixth Five-Year Plan, your neighbors will benefit from invasion and logging.Shangliu Mingqian used his master to conquer the country.

The hexagram Qian Qian symbolizes modesty.As long as you treat people with humility, things will go smoothly; and only a gentleman can maintain the virtue of modesty from beginning to end.

On the sixth day of the lunar new year, all gentlemen are humble and humble; with this virtue of modesty, a gentleman can go across the rivers and regions and get auspicious samples.

June [-] is famous for its modesty, and it will be auspicious if you ask questions.

Nine three meritorious deeds without arrogance, a gentleman who maintains this virtue to the end will surely gain auspiciousness.

June [-]th carried forward and expanded the virtue of modesty, and it did no harm.

Sixth Five-Year is not rich because of the leadership of the country, which is conducive to sending troops to fight, and it is not disadvantageous.

Shangliu's reputation for modesty spreads outside, which is conducive to raising troops to fight against small countries in the neighboring four directions.

Xiang said: There are mountains in the earth, modest.A gentleman uses the decline of the many to benefit the few, and he calls things flat.

There is an old Chinese idiom: "fullness incurs losses, modesty benefits." It means that pride incurs losses, and modesty benefits.And "Qian Gua" says exactly this truth.

The "Qian" in "Qian Gua" means modesty, and the whole hexagram talks about the benefits of the virtue of modesty and how to be modest.Among them, Jiusan said: "Lao Qian, a gentleman has an end, auspicious", pointing out the main purpose.Modesty means meritorious deeds without arrogance, virtuous but internal cultivation, so that disasters can be eliminated and auspiciousness can be obtained.

During Wu Zetian's reign, Xia Guan (formerly Ministry of War) Lou Shide was a modest gentleman with the virtue of modesty.Modesty not only gave him a good reputation, but also a "good weapon" for him to ward off disasters and take refuge.

During Wu Zetian's reign, Lou Shide, the servant of Xia Guan (formerly Ministry of War), and Li Zhaode, the servant of Fengge (formerly Zhongshu Province), made an appointment to go to court together, but because Lou Shide was fat and walked slowly, Li Zhaode arrived at the gate of the palace first, and the left waited. Waiting for Lou Shide to arrive, I was extremely anxious, fearing that the time to go to court would be delayed.After finally waiting for Lou Shide to arrive panting, Li Zhaode was impatient and blurted out: "Young bumpkin."

The people on both sides who went to the court together were startled, because Lou Shide's official position is equivalent to the prime minister, and his position is much higher than that of Li Zhaode. Li Zhaode dared to insult his boss in public. These people pinched him for him sweat.Unexpectedly, Lou Shide gasped for a while, and said with a smile: "Everyone is a nobleman, if I am not a country bumpkin, who will be a country bumpkin?" Everyone laughed and admired Lou Shide's generosity.

Lou Shide's younger brother was appointed governor of Daizhou. Before he left, Lou Shide called him in front of him and asked, "I am the prime minister now, and you are the head of a state. Our family is too powerful and favored. Others must be jealous of us and do everything possible to find fault with us. How do you think we can avoid the disaster?"

His younger brother knew his elder brother's temperament well, so he gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "From now on, even if someone spit on my face, I just wipe it off myself, and I will never let my elder brother worry about me." The elder brother was satisfied, but unexpectedly, Lou Shide had a painful expression on his face, and said with a beating of his chest, "This is exactly what you worried me about, wrong, wrong." The younger brother didn't know why, so he had to ask his elder brother for advice.

Lou Shide warned him seriously: "If someone spits on you, he must be angry with you, but if you wipe the saliva off yourself, wouldn't he be even more angry? The saliva on the face will be wiped off by itself. What about wiping? So when someone spits on you, you must bear it with a smile, and let the spit dry off by itself." The younger brother suddenly realized, engraving it in his heart.

The "modesty" of Confucius lies in being able to lower oneself, take the initiative to learn from others' strengths, and make up for one's own shortcomings-"Threesomes, there must be my teacher"; the scientist Newton's "modesty" lies in comparing his achievements to a drop in the ocean , Not complacent-"In my own opinion, I am just a child playing on the seashore, and I am complacent when I find more beautiful shells than usual, but I have not discovered the vast sea in front of me at all." These people The key to being able to make such a great achievement is to understand the true meaning of "modesty".

Life wisdom
To look at yourself realistically, you must not only see your own strengths and strengths, but also see your own shortcomings and shortcomings; you must not only see the achievements you have made, but also understand that no matter how great your achievements are, they are already history.Only by doing enough "humility" can we make continuous progress.

Yu hexagram is proud and never forgets shape

Small words and righteousness
Yu: Li Jianhou Xingshi.Mingyu on the sixth day, fierce.Six-two is between stones, not all day long, Zhenji.Six or three Xu Yu regrets; late regrets.Nine Fourth Yuyu, there is a lot to gain; no doubt, friend Xizan.Sixty-five chastity disease, permanent immortality.On Liuming Yucheng, there is Yu without blame.

Yu hexagram symbolizes joy.It is beneficial to confer titles and marquises, and raise troops to fight.

Complacent on the sixth day, there will be dangers.

Sixty-two virtues are more steadfast than a rock, and you will not wait until the end of the day to realize the harm of excessive joy, and you will get auspiciousness if you ask questions.

Six or three winks upwards to seek the joy of being favored, and you will be in distress; if you repent too late, you will increase your regret.

The ninety-four people rely on him to get joy, and they will gain a lot; frankly, friends will gather together like hair tied on a hairpin.

Sixth Five-Year Divination asks about the good and bad of the epidemic, and this line indicates long-term health without death.

Even if you have developed the bad habit of blindly indulging in pleasure, if you can correct it early, there will be no disaster.

Xiang said: "Thunder strikes the ground, Yu."The former kings worshiped morality with music,

The God recommended by Yin to match the ancestor test. "Yu" in "Yu Gua" is often translated as "joy" and "gaining power". "Happiness" and "gaining power" are things that make people feel comfortable and a sign of great auspiciousness, but the June [-]nd of "Yu Gua" does not forget to remind everyone: "Being between stones, not all day long, Zhenji", must be When you are excited and happy, you must have a degree, and don't "extremely happy begets sorrow".

"Yu" can be a good thing or a bad thing for everyone, the key lies in how to deal with it.If it is handled well, it is a good thing, and if it is not handled well, it will naturally become a bad thing.Therefore, we often hear the tireless exhortation - "Don't forget your form when you are proud."

After Jin Xiangong died, his sons fought fiercely for the throne.The son Chong'er was framed and forced to flee to the country of Di.Not long after, Yiwu won the political power and became the king of Jin, that is, Duke Hui of Jin.

(End of this chapter)

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