2050 superpower

Chapter 6 During the Warring States Period, the BRICS countries were born

Chapter 6 During the Warring States Period, the BRIC countries were born (5)
Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the implementation of comprehensive reforms in China, all political, military, and even spiritual cultural activities in countries around the world have been materialized; all activities carried out by countries have only one goal-to develop the economy. The "economy" unified the world, unified human consciousness, and became the modern "God" in the "garment" of mortals.Under such circumstances, the Chinese who have integrated into the world have given full play to their talents that have been buried in the world. In the international trade competition, they use "millet plus rifles" to fight against high-tech, and make a "surplus", which makes their opponents complain. In the process, they had to engage in "anti-dumping" for self-defense.Today, "whoever has the money is the boss", after 30 years of struggle, China's total foreign exchange reserves reached 2009 trillion US dollars by the end of 2, accounting for 4% of the world's total foreign exchange reserves.In the face of China's huge foreign exchange reserves, countries around the world are uneasy and have repeatedly emphasized that "China must be a responsible big country."The reason why countries around the world are so tense is because China's every move in the financial market will have a profound impact on the world's economic situation.It can be seen that China has become the world's financial leader.Even so, China is not a powerful country in the world economy. Among the 30 countries in the world, China's per capita GDP only ranks 196th, and it is an out-and-out developing country.Therefore, it will take time for China to take the lead in the world economy.The fact that China is the number one engine of world economic development has increasingly become the consensus of all countries.In some respects, the scale of GDP does not represent the strength of a country's economy; even the level of per capita GDP cannot represent a country's economic level.The strength of a country's economy should be determined by the total GDP, per capita GDP and economic content.In terms of economic connotation, there are resource-based economy, high-tech economy, labor-based economy, service-oriented economy and comprehensive economy.The economic connotation is different, and the "gold content" of the economy is different.It can be said that "gold content" is the point of contention in the future world economy.Throughout the world, there are only a handful of countries that can achieve a high level of GDP, per capita GDP, and economic connotation.Among these few countries, I am afraid that China will not only lose its name to Sun Shan.

Here, we boil wine and talk about heroes, and talk about who is the leader in the world, which is all nonsense.Everything is possible until the conclusion is reached.Back then, Cao Cao wanted to unify the Three Kingdoms, Liu Bei wanted to help the Han Dynasty, and Sun Quan wanted to defend the south of the Yangtze River. When they were fighting fiercely, they were unexpectedly smashed by the sudden emergence of Sima forces.In today's world, there are also rising stars, among which the "BRIC countries" have entered people's field of vision.

§§§Section [-] "BRIC countries" reborn from the ashes

On November 2001, 11, Jim O'Neill, chief economist of Goldman Sachs Securities, published an article entitled "The World Needs Better Economic Bricks", which caused a sensation in the world.It caused a stir because Jim came up with the term "BRIC" in the article.Jim believes that by 20, the world economic structure will be reshuffled, and the world's new six major economies will become China, the United States, India, Japan, Brazil and Russia.The United States and Japan are the most developed countries in reality, while the other four countries are in the low-end economic growth period.In the word game, according to the sorting order of Brazil, Russia, India and China, "BRIC" composed of the first letters of the English names of these four countries is similar to the word brick in English, which means "brick". The four countries are known as the "BRIC countries".

On December 2005, 12, Goldman Sachs released the report "How Stable BRICs Are" again.In the report, Goldman Sachs said that the BRIC countries are indeed progressing faster than other developing countries, predicting that China will surpass the United States by 1 and India will surpass Japan by 2040.The release of this report immediately caused another commotion in the world: Former South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun led hundreds of heavyweight political and business people to launch "BRIC diplomacy"; Representatives from the "BRIC countries" attended; Japan's Toyota Motor and other multinational companies turned to the "BRIC countries" and began to readjust their global deployment plans... Encouraged by the reputation of the "BRIC countries", June 2033, 2005 On the 2009st, the foreign ministers of the four countries held their first meeting in Yekaterinburg, Russia.During the meeting, the four foreign ministers had extensive and in-depth discussions on international economic and financial conditions, energy security and environmental issues, disarmament and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, international trade and reform of international organizations.After the meeting, the foreign ministers of the four countries signed a joint statement, expressing to the world the unified position of the four countries on issues such as world development and international security.

Why is Goldman Sachs so high on the "BRICs"?Why do countries around the world regard the views in this Goldman Sachs report as the most important?This must first be analyzed from the overall situation of the four countries. The "BRIC countries" are all emerging market economies. Because of this commonality, they have the same or similar views on many international and regional issues, and they all have important influences in international affairs.Since the implementation of market economy, the economies of the four countries have developed rapidly. According to the statistics of the International Monetary Fund, from 2006 to 2008, the average growth rate of their economies was 10%.From the perspective of land area and population, the land area of ​​the "BRIC countries" accounts for 7% of the world's total area, and the population accounts for 26% of the world's total population.

The most striking thing about the "BRIC countries" is not only their territory, population and economy, but more importantly, their influence on international affairs.Although the "BRICs" did not form a political alliance like the European Union, nor a trade alliance like ASEAN, they have strengthened their respective international political positions through cooperation.Due to the improvement of international political status, the "BRIC countries" have the ability to influence the decisions made by the United Nations; even through tacit political cooperation, they forced the world's only superpower, the United States, to make concessions.

Why do the "BRIC countries" make countries all over the world look at them with admiration?The reasons are varied.As for China among the "BRIC countries", it goes without saying that it has long attracted the attention of the world with its huge foreign exchange reserves, and its GDP will surpass Japan in 2010, ranking second in the world. This "brick" has long been It was golden.Russia, as the backbone of the former superpower, the Soviet Union, may no longer have the "bravery of a hero" for the time being, but the tiger's prestige is still there; at the same time, Russia is the "gas station" of the world, and its natural resources support nearly half of its national income .India is known as the "world office", and its software industry is one of the pillars of its national economy; in addition, India's pharmaceutical industry is also developing rapidly, with 40% of the world's "scientific drugs", that is, pharmaceuticals whose patents have expired , is manufactured in India.As the largest developing country in the southern hemisphere, Brazil's land area and population account for 1/3 of Latin America. In 2008, Brazil's GDP reached 1 trillion US dollars, with a per capita GDP of 23 US dollars, ranking first in Latin America. .Internationally, if calculated on the basis of purchasing power parity, the contribution rate of the "BRIC countries" to world economic growth has reached 6485%, which is the actual contribution of the "BRIC countries" to the world economy.In addition, based on the current development speed of the "BRIC countries", in the words of Goldman Sachs, Brazil will replace Italy's economic position in 50 and surpass France in 2025; Russia will surpass Britain in 2031 and Germany in 2027 ; China may surpass the United States in 2028 and become the world's largest economic power; India will surpass Japan in 2041.At that time, the total GDP of the "BRIC countries" will exceed that of the six major industrial countries in the West except Canada by 2032.By 2041, the world economic structure will change drastically, and the new six major economies will become China, the United States, India, Japan, Brazil and Russia.While Goldman's predictions are lurid, anything is possible.Therefore, it is reasonable that the "BRIC countries" are highly sought after by various countries.

Whenever a powerful country emerges, it all comes from rebirth.Around the 3rd century BC, China was in the Warring States Period.Shang Yang came to Qin State from Wei State, and proposed to Qin Xiaogong a whole set of reform and development strategies such as abolishing well fields, emphasizing agriculture and mulberry, awarding military industry, implementing unified measurement and county system.Qin Xiaogong accepted Shang Yang's strategy of governing the country, which made Qin country strong quickly; while other countries, adhering to Confucius' teaching of "restraining oneself and restoring rituals" more than 100 years ago, only knew how to unite and resist, but did not know "Tian Xingjian" , the gentleman uses self-improvement to change the way, and was finally accepted by the powerful Qin State.Let's talk about Western countries.In the 14th century, Italy began a "cultural renaissance" movement, a wave that broadcast to the nations of Western Europe.In the "Cultural Renaissance", the theory of "divine right of kings" was denied, which brought about a new atmosphere of "chapels are declining and laboratories are thriving".The emancipation of the mind has brought about the overall prosperity of Western society.In the 17th century, the spirit of "cultural renaissance" continued to flourish. With the outbreak of the French Revolution, the Enlightenment Movement was in full swing, making Western natural sciences, philosophy, ethics, political science, economics, history, literature, education Science has developed rapidly.Thereafter, with the development of the Western economy and the emancipation of the mind, in the 18th century, a capitalist revolution naturally appeared in Western society.While the western world is changing with each passing day, the eastern world is still sleeping with the ancient festivals, and Chinese society is still standing still with the official steps unchanged for 3000 years. In the middle of the 19th century, Western powers came to Asia, and with their powerful military power, they forced Japan to sign a series of unequal treaties.In the midst of being humiliated, Japan learned from the advanced political and economic systems of the West. In 1868, the Emperor of Japan issued a new policy program, namely the "Five Oaths", which started the Meiji Restoration with the ambition of "abolishing old and bad habits, based on the justice of heaven and earth" and "seeking knowledge from the world".The Meiji Restoration put Japan on the road to becoming a powerful country.Soon after, China, like Japan, was oppressed by Western powers. The Eight-Power Allied Forces humiliated China, and the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War left China ashamed.Amidst the gunfire of foreign powers, China also experienced the Hundred Days Reform. As a result, the blood of the six gentlemen was spilled on the execution ground, and China remained the same.Since then, despite the [-] Revolution and the May [-]th Movement, the feudal consciousness that permeates the Chinese people has not been eradicated. Instead, China has fallen into a long-term warlord separatist civil war. "World War II"

After the end, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese people overthrew the rule of the Kuomintang and chose the road of socialism.

Here, we take a leaping tour of the modern history of the world, just to say the truth that "if you are poor, you want to change".Only by reforming the law can a country become stronger, and sticking to the old rules can only gradually lose its vitality.The history of the development of Western countries and Asia and Japan has fully proved this truth.

Although Goldman Sachs put forward the theory of "BRIC countries", it seems a little inappropriate to compare "BRIC countries" with the United States and Japan.Judging from the current development trend of the world, the future world will be a three-polar world formed by the two countries of the "BRIC" and the European Union.The United States and Japan outside the four countries are different from the "BRIC countries".The United States is just a demon king in chaos, and Japan has a small living space innately. In "people of like flock together", it is difficult to be classified into any group, and it is even more difficult to be a pole of the world. .

Looking at the situation of the "BRIC countries", Russia has been reborn from the ashes after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and has begun cultural reconstruction; Finally, he gave up the pride of the past, and his mind can accommodate all rivers; the "Brazilian turtle" shed the heavy shell of the past, moved forward lightly, and sang along the way.These four countries have all abandoned the past in pain; they broke out of their cocoons and appeared in front of the world as a "new human being"; although their wings are still curled, once they spread out in the future, they will surely soar into the sky; Although their future is still unknown, the future of the world belongs to "new and new human beings" and has long been "destined by heaven".

(End of this chapter)

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