Don't worry, the years you want will be given to you

Chapter 2 Elegance into a time that was lightly handled

Chapter 2 Elegance into a time of being lightly handled

beauty can make people forget
I love everything that can be called beautiful, especially beautiful people.Beauty is a general term, originally it does not distinguish between men and women, but compared to beautiful men, I prefer beautiful women.Many men can't understand why women also like beautiful women. Generally speaking, isn't a woman's attitude towards beautiful women envious, jealous and hateful?

I am not an ordinary woman!

And I have always insisted on a point of view that only women can appreciate the real beauty of a woman. In the same way, the beauty recognized by women is the real beauty.

Many men disagree. They think that only men have the final say on whether a woman is beautiful or not, because most women, whether they are beautiful or not, ultimately belong to men.

For such a simple and crude idea, I just want to send two words, ha ha.

But in my opinion, even so, men have their beauty.The biggest advantage of men is that they have well-developed limbs and simple minds.If someone finds it ugly, I can put it another way, the beauty of a man lies in his strength, innocence and straightforwardness.

Is not it?Isn't the cutest thing about men their arrogant childishness?Isn't it about their ability to carry a load of stuff home from the supermarket only to find they got the wrong shampoo and conditioner?

If a man looks petite and exquisite, and his face is like a peach blossom, it is indeed beautiful, but it is not the beauty that a man should have.And if he adds a delicate and tender heart, he can decisively drag her away as a best friend, so as not to become a woman's rival in love in the future.

So you'd better not discuss the so-called beauties with pure men, you won't have many intersections, but you don't have to worry about it.You think, they can't tell the difference between two pairs of completely different shoes, and they often wear the wrong socks of similar colors. If you think the same way as them, that's really bad.

I have a knitted long coat, the pattern on it is a splashed ink landscape, the distant mountains are very artistic, extending from the back to the waist.Women may not all think it is beautiful, but they can all understand this little care.And men, eight out of ten thought that the distant mountains extending to the side were dirty things I picked up somewhere, especially Mr. X, who was able to read it wrong every time, and once tried to wash it off. It was clean and felt like it was doing me a favor.

But men are like this, Mr. X does not dislike me as an electronic killer and a woman, so how can I have the right to question some of his small flaws.What's more, this is exactly the embodiment of mutual complementarity, which is just conducive to happy and common progress in future cooperation.

Originally, beauty does not have to be unanimously recognized.Everyone has their own favorites, and it is extremely difficult to unify their tastes.Coupled with the changing times and changing concepts, there are more differences.

The popular dress of Huadian and forehead can only be regarded as weird now. It is said that men in the Song Dynasty would wear flowers on their headscarves, but I can’t think of Wang Anshi, Su Dongpo, Ouyang Xiu and Fan Zhongyan. what a situation.

The United States does not need to emphasize any standards, and there are no regulations at all.But no matter how the fashion changes, there is always one thing that will not change. The real beauty, whether it is hibiscus or peony, should be natural and uncarved.

If the eyebrows are picturesque, why bother to paint them?All the beauty that can be seen carefully piled up is not really beautiful.The closer to the truth, the more attractive it can be.

In the past, I was passionately chasing fashion, and I often dressed expensive things like street goods, but I had to anesthetize myself, thinking that because it is very popular, it must be beautiful.

Of course, I found out later that I was wrong. I was not a lotus flower at all, and I couldn't bear to be fiddled with.

Some people seem to be born with temperament, but I can only secretly feel depressed that I have never been elegant, tall and thin all my life.I can't just put on a coat, play around with my hair, and immediately become a landscape.

It seems that I will be changed by makeup and clothing at will, and I will be an invisible self.

The hateful thing is, why didn't I understand such an obvious truth earlier?Years wasted, and so much money wasted in vain!A closet full of tuition fees for stupidity.

Now I am of course much more relieved, no longer obsessed with fashion, not pursuing expensive and exquisite (of course, I can't afford it), if people think that I am comfortable in a certain piece of clothing, I think it should be success.

I still love finding and observing beauties, especially older ones.

I met an aunt in the cake shop last week, and I thought of her as the best-dressed passerby of the month.She is about fifty, with fair skin, her hair is lightly pulled into a bun on the back of her head, she is wearing pinstriped cotton clothes and blue-gray wide-leg cotton linen trousers, she is carrying a solid-color linen bag, and she is wearing black on her feet. Embroidered slippers.

At the end of summer when the scorching heat has not subsided, it is refreshing to see such a person, even if the color of her body is not so harmonious, but she feels comfortable and casual when she wears it.Beauty is beauty, beyond age.

She reminds me of an impressive photo.It was a group photo with three people in it. The one standing in the middle was Yang Zhenning, the one on the left was his then wife Du Zhili, and the one on the right was Weng Fan.Weng Fan was young at that time, and everything he wore was youthful and vigorous. What surprised me was Du Zhili. The dress she wore was unrecognizable, and it was bright red and deep purple. So just right, as if made in heaven.

After knowing her background, her father was the famous general Du Yuming, so she nodded secretly, no wonder.Looking at her appearance when she was young, she is a beauty as expected.

It can make people forget the vulgarity when they see it. It doesn't matter whether the appearance is beautiful or not.If it is not born like this, how many rich clothes, jade, food, poetry and books will be used to pile up such a bearing, and how many years of prosperity will be spent to return to the original.

I often meet a teacher in school. He is 50 or [-] years old and has an ordinary appearance, but he left a very good impression on me.She seldom wears clothes with abrupt colors or fashionable styles, and the overall style is plain and simple. When you glance at them, you will not notice what she is wearing, but if you look closely at their texture and tailoring, you will find them the benefits of.

The source of this benefit is not the high price, nor the unique design, but a spirit, which means not exaggerating, not accommodating, choosing carefully, knowing yourself and enjoying life.

I didn't know her at first, but I paid attention to her clothes and thought that her class should be very good. Later, I was lucky enough to listen to her, which verified my idea.

Although the appearance can't explain everything, it can reflect some inner feelings to some extent.

At school, I often see some little girls who are in a hurry to dress. They are busy putting on low-cut suspender short skirts, leopard-print imitation fur and low-quality high-heeled shoes before they have fully developed their bodies. Bewitching.

It hurts every time I see them.At the age of sixteen or seventeen, whether it is a T-shirt, jeans, canvas shoes, a small pink flower skirt or even an exaggerated hairpin, any shape is enough to make old women see tears of bitterness.

You must know that you don't have much time to fiddle around, and you have to pay attention to maintenance and clothing at some point, and the clothes you can choose are becoming more and more limited.You have a lot of time to wear real fur and real high heels to be a real sexy woman, girl, why are you in a hurry!

I have always believed that when I was young, I was not dressed properly, and part of the responsibility of my parents is also responsible. If I still don’t dress properly after thirty, it must be something wrong with me.Gong Ruxin is over [-] years old and still wears two lively and lovely braids all the year round. It can only be said that the mentality of the rich is unique, and it cannot be said that it is beautiful.

I met a beautiful woman in Kumbum Monastery.

At that time, the hall was empty and there were few tourists, and the walls were full of strange murals. It was shocking and puzzled to see, and there was nowhere to ask.

I was at a loss all the way, my head sank until I reached the door.At that time, the inside of the door was mysterious and deep, and outside the door was boundless mountains and rivers. That woman was sitting on the stone steps at the door.

She was motionless and her posture was very upright, as if she was facing the camera.The long hair is like a waterfall, not as smooth and exaggerated as silk, but surprisingly black, a few strands are tied up casually, loose and loose, but it is lazy and not dusty.

In front of such a graceful atmosphere, the gate is like a natural mirror frame, outside the gate is her, and the whole bright and colorful world.

I walked over to strike up a conversation with her by accident, and found that she spoke English and was a Chinese who grew up in Canada.I thought I could speak English well, but in front of her calm smile, I was so nervous that I couldn't speak.

But even if I don’t understand the language, I am reluctant to leave. I may lose my composure and keep expressing all kinds of admiration words, so that people in the same company remind me from time to time to be more mature and not to be ashamed.

In retrospect, I didn't pay attention to what she was wearing at all, but if I could, I would still just sit by her side and look at her all day long.

How I wish I could be so elegant after the age of 30.

slim down gracefully
Originally, I planned to lose ten catties and eight catties this month to welcome the supposedly beautiful summer, but I failed again. I only lost five catties. I used the medium protein weight loss method, which is not hungry, but reduced carbohydrates Compound intake.

However, due to the sudden reduction in carbohydrate intake, and the recent busy work and family affairs, it caused several hypoglycemia, that is, sweating, and I have no strength at all. ——And I feel that I am so gray and ugly during the weight loss process, and I occasionally have bad breath because I don’t eat rice, and I carry chewing gum with me... I feel like a poor bug, this feeling is really bad.

As for weight loss, I can be regarded as a person who has the right to speak. When I was a freshman, my weight broke through 140 catties. In my sophomore year, I dropped to 110 catties. When I first graduated, I rushed up to 130 catties. Later, I returned to the normal value, which belongs to the fat-prone physique , The weight fluctuates continuously with the maximum range of 20 catties.

If you draw a graph, you can find that the increase in weight is basically accompanied by the decline in self-control. After reaching a threshold, the self-confidence caused by the decline in self-control and the unconfidence caused by obesity are mixed together, and self-confidence begins to plummet. , fell to a negative value, and then learned from the pain, the self-control began to increase, the weight began to drop, and then reached a normal value, and after a period of time, the next round of self-control decreased and the weight increased.

Unconfident emotions and weight are similar to my aunt's. There is also a fluctuating process on a yearly basis. When I am at a low point, I can't wait to deduct this period from the calendar and throw it into the toilet.

My mother said that the greater the fluctuations in mood and weight, the more childish you are, well...

I'm actually naive...

I think the mature approach should be: losing weight is an elegant attitude towards life.There should be a keyword of self-control in the attitude towards life.

The so-called attitude towards life should be something that is fused into the blood, a habit, a conscious and natural action that is not deliberate or disobedient.I will not eat Haagen-Dazs just because I am in a bad mood, I will not ask for 30 skewers of mutton skewers because I am happy, and I will not starve myself for three days and three nights because I think the skirt will not fit, and I am so hungry that I lose my hair , I only eat apples, which makes my stomach cold. I don’t eat carbohydrates like me, and I don’t feel heatstroke even when it’s not hot.

What I want to emphasize is just the elegance of being in control.And this kind of elegance comes from the confidence brought by the level and successful experience, and the double correctness of methodology and world outlook.

When used in weight loss, everything is under control. It may be to lose 10 to 15 catties in six months. Don’t be impatient, arrange scientifically, choose the method that suits you scientifically, and arrange diet and exercise according to your own situation.I won't eat another meal in ecstasy because I lost 2 catties today, nor will I eat another meal in grief because the weighing platform doesn't move.I will not sleep all day because it is hot today, and go out to die suddenly because the weather is good tomorrow... Then I will not lose joy or increase sadness in my mentality, but I firmly believe that the weight will definitely drop.

Then there is a kind of artistic sense of strategizing...

Of course, the same is true when this sense of art is extended to life.Want to be queen?It's not just in the field of weight loss, it needs to shine this kind of artistic brilliance in all aspects of life.

Therefore, the queen is a calm and ruthless character.Calmness is the attitude, and ruthlessness is the precision and sharpness in achieving the goal.

I once wrote an article praising those "tempered" people, such as losing dozens of pounds in half a year, such as going to study and work without sleeping or resting.

I still eulogize it now, because people who are irritable and successful are already rare in the crowd.Maybe irritability is an elegant step. Only when you have succeeded or failed like headless chickens can you realize the beauty of controlling life at a higher level.

1 minute on stage, ten years off stage.I don't know how many storms I have experienced in the elegance of success I see today.

But the older I get, the more I yearn for a life that's not a roller coaster, but always an upward curve.Calm and moving forward is the state I yearn for.

People want to live gracefully and age gracefully.

girl you, future you

You Google forever young women, you can get 783000 results.There are 4480000 relevant results for Baidu's young girl.It can be seen how deeply women's obsession with youth is.Japan's Immortal Wife, and Aunt Liu Xiaoqing who can still play the role of a girl on TV, you have to admit that the debate between the aunt and the girl has been staged.

A pinch of water, a pinch of oil.It is the difference between a girl and an aunt in the tradition.That's why the most beautiful fat girl on Weibo tearfully said in the video that she wanted to lose weight once; and every summer, you will always see the white lady singing the story of thousands of years ago.

The most frightening topic for girls is that they are old for a second and become big moms. The favorite lie of big moms is that they look like 18-year-old girls.Therefore, girls always have to add a sentence when they despise their companions, just like aunts.Aunts are always pursuing the art of keeping the face forever.From the perspective of reincarnation, young girls are destined to become mature women, and aunts come from young girls.Of course, in the face of girls’ occasional youthful naivety and the so-called true love first, the aunts’ mentality of reading jokes is a bit of a past experience; There is also a little truth.

Some people say that people who think about everything seriously are prudish, but people who read jokes are the most ruthless.Of course, little girls are always a little naive and cute. Faced with various accusations on the road of time, those who write articles say you are pretentious, those who are fresh say that you are pretentious, and those who have a better education say that you live Idiot, those who are motivated say that you are a dream chaser, those who are materialistic say that you worship money, and those who have no desires say that you are a scrap that cannot be married.

Aunts, no, they are still referred to as old ladies, facing the double pressure of life and themselves.It is inevitable that you will be irritable, and you will inevitably be so busy in the firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea that you have no time to take care of your past self.

It is inevitable that you will add invisible pressure to yourself in the comparison between the parents and the neighbors.What I do every day is nothing more than going to work to brag, returning home from get off work to serve my husband and children, or occasionally complaining to my friends about the boring work, the fault-finding of the leader, and the hardships of life.

You can't blame, you can't bear it, because it's all you.Girl you, future you.

These, you have to encounter, will endure.

Just like we didn't expect Huanzhugege, which was popular all over the country back then, the most domineering one now is the inconspicuous Jinsuo.When others accused her of being glamorous and arrogant, she would say that she didn't care about wealthy families, she was a wealthy family herself.She works hard to film and maintain high productivity; she works hard to recharge her batteries and live hard, so she has become Fan Ye today.

Although the girls are innocent and cute, time is fair to everyone.On the road of honing, everyone will eventually face their own growth.The girl and the aunt are actually each other at the two ends of the mirror.Every night under the stars, someone is crying.Crying for fate, crying for yourself, crying for others, but you still have to move on the next day.The tempering of time can smooth the edges and corners of the original character, and can add a few wrinkles to the eyebrows and eyes, but it will never erase a heart that faces life positively.

So Britney sang I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman silently.Her news has changed from a beautiful girl to a "super prodigal girl" "crazy suicide, was sent to the medical center by the police car" "Britney bought a pregnancy test stick at the pharmacy, left a suicide note at home and was desperate for life."According to the statistics of a certain website in the United States, magazines with Britney on the cover can sell several times more than usual, and the search traffic for web pages related to her has always been high.20% of the income of Yuji and Paparazzi comes from side news about Britney Spears.

She has reached the pinnacle of music, but also lingered in the troughs of life.From a sweet and innocent girl to a sexy goddess.She is the hottest star from the Disney Channel. After she became the pop superstar in the United States, people gradually began to pay attention to her life, not her music.Britney's perverse behavior and her sloppy image in real life have added a lot of jokes to the entertainment circle.

Madonna's astonishing kiss passed her the throne of pop queen. She was unstoppable and generally favored by her colleagues in the entertainment industry. She was considered to be one of the most promising world music queens after Maria Leigh and Janet Jackson.Although I always think that it was the failed love that caused her downfall, the ups and downs of more than ten years, from the successor of the queen who is loved by thousands of people, to the sloppy queen who is cast aside by the world.Confused marriage, false accusations by bodyguards, false reports by the media, relentless pursuit by paparazzi, and sarcasm from fans, these still cannot stop her from being the most controversial, most media-focused, and most exposed in the world. , the superstar with the most searches on the Internet and the most sold debut albums.In any case, she is always the Britney who loves children and will not give up her true self.Although Britney grew up too fast, this journey has not been easy.

When you are a girl, you should love seriously, live seriously, laugh and cry seriously.Do what you should have done when you were young.When you are a mature woman, you should seriously live, love, face, and solve problems one by one.This kind of life is the best state.Don't be afraid of the passage of time, don't panic about unknown problems, and still actively believe in the future.

20, 30, 40, 50... Women in each time period have different charms. If you don’t believe me, if you look back, the 20-year-old you, the current you, and the future you will all lead you to a better self .

A woman, a girl or an aunt, the transition in the middle often needs to go through a lot of trials and tribulations in life, being defeated, being denied, getting up again, and moving forward.Human beings are sensory animals, and it is inevitable that they will be greedy for luxury, especially in an environment where they are eager for quick success.Never let the secular world kill the real you, so that you can move on in the real world, and find the best way to make peace with life, no matter what age you are, you must have an immortal heart , This is the strongest weapon.

You today, you in the past.Today's girl, tomorrow's aunt, no, tomorrow's mature woman, finally one day, they can become the image of their dreams, as long as they persist, as long as they work hard enough.Like looking in a mirror, you can see the other through the one.

Whether it is high heels or life, you must first wear a layer of skin
That day when I went to visit my brother’s house, I saw my five-year-old niece wearing her mother’s high-heeled shoes, staggering along the wall, tilting her head to the side of the mirror, asking me, “Auntie, does it look good?”

Of course, in my opinion, it's very funny, not good-looking. For children, it's better to be innocent and innocent in small cloth shoes.Based on the principle of not deceiving her, I said, "It's not good-looking!"

She still didn't believe it, and then twisted and twisted in front of the mirror, "How could it not look good! Sister, you lied to me!"

I persisted in telling her the truth, and in the end, her mother came to take away her high heels and reprimanded me for "competing with children".

But when my little niece pushed me and turned away to sulk in the room, I was in a daze in front of the mirror.Obviously when I was young, I also stepped on my mother's high heels and fantasized that when I grow up, I will have long hair fluttering and play house with the prince on a white horse...

Now touching the calluses on the heels worn out by high heels, I suddenly remembered that I wore a pair of ill-fitting high heels to attend a meeting, because there was a part where I had to stand for a long time, and the pain was so painful that I almost went crazy. I guess the face was very ugly, and the leader was special. Came to ask me intimately: H, is your aunt here?


Well... All I can say is that any animal that can come to a big aunt has a natural love for high heels.

Watching "Meteor Garden" in high school, Jing Xue said to Shancai: "Every woman should have a pair of good shoes; now I like to watch "The Big Bang Theory" where Penny loves a pair of pink high-heeled shoes that are enough for her one-month rent. Again, I would rather leave it hungry.

Probably because high heels are a magic weapon to add points to ordinary moments, and a woman will not miss them.

But such a gadget that adds points to the ordinary is not so easy to control.The bloody heel when it didn't fit, the band-aid in the bag at any time, the small heel accidentally stepped into the crevice of the stone and couldn't pull it out...

Beautiful high-heeled shoes and delicious hot pot sometimes have the same purpose, which is to let you enjoy it—it’s both painful and happy.

Want spicy?Don't be afraid to pull!Want to be beautiful?Just don't be afraid of pain.

Wearing high-heeled shoes, holding your head high and looking down on the crowd, there is naturally a pair of scarred feet hidden...

Although I don't like to be emotional about life all at once, I have to look at a pair of exquisite high-heeled shoes and lament the fate of women and high-heeled shoes, which is like a magic spell and has a mysterious relationship.

A few days ago, I met a classmate who returned to China. More than a year ago, because of her emotional injury and her career was not going well, she was disgraced and puffy. She ate all day long. After eating, she turned her head and fell asleep. .So people form a parabola with an opening downwards, rushing straight down.Finally, the man whose love hurts finds a new love, and the work is often criticized.What impressed me the most was that summer, she bought three pairs of slippers of different styles and wore them interchangeably. When I saw her, it was just a big T-shirt, loose pants and a pair of slippers. Chicken legs, that would be perfect.

Towards the end of the summer, she quit her job and was suddenly locked away.

When I heard about her again, she had already flown to Europe. After a while, she began to appear on various social networks. In the photo, she was obviously another person. She is very smart and lively. In many photos, she is wearing a dress and high heels, showing her bulging figure.

Although I can't understand the behavior of frequently posting photos on social networks, I am willing to understand the uncontrollable desire for performance of a person who is trying to silently make a 180° change for himself and achieve staged victory...

Anyway, she succeeded.

A few days ago, I found out that she had used all her savings from work to apply for an unknown school in Europe. These savings, together with some money from her parents, were intended to make up the down payment for buying a house and the The heartbroken married.

I said, "If you buy a house, you may have earned hundreds of thousands by now. The housing prices in the imperial capital have risen sharply this year! And it's not easy to find a job after you return to China."

She said, "I spent a year and a few years of work to save money, only to learn to know one thing, the house is not reliable, the man is not reliable, and the money is not reliable. The reliable thing is to earn their own ability .”

When she said this, it was really "the sunset and the lone duck fly together, and the autumn water is the same color as the sky", which can only be described by the word "dominant".

We strolled in the mall for a long time after dinner, and she got a pair of 7cm high heels.I said I remember you always mopping the floor with slippers and boards, and she said something that made me vomit, "High heels, I deserve them."

Sure enough, she will have a better job after changing, and sure enough, she can date a better man...

Sure enough, she started a new life by stepping on high heels of different shapes.

Even though every woman loves high heels, even if every woman loves a glamorous life full of so-called love, not every woman can control high heels, let alone control life.

I think whether it is high-heeled shoes or life, you will always wear your skin, and force you to choose shoes that suit you and live a life that suits you, so that you will be glamorous and beautiful.

You see those girls who walk like shit in high heels?You know those lazy girls who wouldn't wear high heels if they were beaten to death?Even Nomi's funny, ignorant and lively, but always lacks some elegance.Everyone wears flat shoes, and everyone can relax, but not everyone can step on high heels, enter and leave the office with temperament, and have a perfect romantic date.

Suffering is not indispensable, but without experiencing it once or twice, it is difficult to have the beauty and detachment of breaking out of the cocoon.Just like high heels, if you don't grind your feet a few times, you just don't know how to wear them.

N years ago, when I was as old as my little niece, high heels were just beautiful and mature in my eyes. Wearing them, I could hook up with princes like magic. Now, high heels are more like a kind of training:
It is not as comfortable as slippers to wear, and the feet are always worn one way or the other. There are always occasions where you don’t want to wear them, but you have to walk on stilts. There are always times when the shoes make you grin your teeth in pain. Smile and keep going.

After tempering, it is always a kind of decentness and comfort, comfort and control.

Time has tempered men, making them change from being a gentleman to an uncle. I think an uncle has a few more calm and powerful attractions than being a man. Time has tempered women, making them change from a lolita to a royal sister, even if the loli is cute. It's also likable, but it doesn't have the power to hold the scene with a calm smile like Sister Yu.

In short, I am still stepping on the high heels with difficulty, walking happily and cherishing on the road from Lori to Sister Yu.

No one is guilty of understanding someone's life
I feel that I am a person who is always lonely.

I am afraid that everyone who knows me will be angry when I say this sentence, but I still firmly believe in it.My dad often tells outsiders that the second daughter is not like the eldest, she is a bit introverted.After hearing this, I actually felt that the old man knew me well enough. Although I showed a crazy posture among my close friends, my soul often pulled away in mid-air. Say something, idiot.

I was born at the wrong time, I should be a Gemini at all!
When I was in college, I took a psychological test to measure the temperament type. Generally speaking, it is very common to have one, two or three temperaments superimposed. When asked about the mixture of the four temperaments, I raised my hand tremblingly.The always cold psychology teacher made an exception and walked in front of me to carefully read my test records, gave me a meaningful look, and then drifted away coldly.There was silence all around, and my roommate suddenly comforted me, it's okay, you just lived a little more abstractly, it doesn't matter!I still admire her for this summary.

I am a person who lives in an abstract way. I have nothing to do with my goal and spiritual blueprint since I was a child, but I have survived in such a mediocre manner. God has mercy.

Once talking with someone about Chinese New Year, she has a huge family. In her father’s family, there are eight brothers alone, plus various cousins. Every year, Chinese New Year is very lively, and the seven-day holiday is not enough for rotation.

I was very envious when I heard it, and said that what I like the most is this kind of holiday atmosphere. The whole family is together, noisy, and then I read a book or surf the Internet alone at a distance, and I am very satisfied.

I remember that person's expression, she continued to be shocked for a long time.

When I was a child studying "Moonlight in the Lotus Pond", Zhu Ziqing said with self-pity that the excitement was theirs, and I had nothing.Many people find this sentence extremely sad, but I still yearn for it until now.

I'm lonely most of the time, and I'm so happy to be that way, that in all my years, there's not a single day without it.The huge and difficult core is neither clear nor clear, and it cannot be imagined by others. Because I inevitably become a hypocritical person, although I carefully conceal this other identity.

When I get along with people on weekdays, I always have a painful reaction in my heart unconsciously, imagining that I am a snail or a river mussel, and I can shrink back into the shell at the slightest sign of trouble, and isolate myself from the world.There are few close friends who can even feel the impatience rising in the depths of their souls when they talk about it.

Probably many people have this feeling, so some people say that sitting face to face and reading books and playing mobile phones by yourself does not feel awkward. This is the real friendship.I totally agree and am grateful to the people in this world who are willing to be my friends.

Many years ago, while watching "A Dream of Red Mansions", Lin Daiyu was sick and looking forward to being visited, but before she had time to say a few words, she felt bored.I think this boredom is irrespective of the object, let alone anyone, it is just a little lazy to see through life.

Therefore, it is better for flowers not to bloom, they will wither; people are better not to get together, they will always be separated.I feel so much reluctance in my heart, and I have to deceive myself and others, and say that I shouldn't have known each other in the first place, so as not to be sad and miss.

From this point of view, Qingwen really has her shadow, because the same sentence, if I knew it, I might as well...

People like Daiyu usually end up dying young.It's not so much because of love, it's better to say that it's hard to get rid of loneliness. The person is too ethereal to enter the world, and it's difficult to be in the world, so it's better to leave early.

Many people like to say that her pain is completely self-inflicted, so many people in the world are living foolishly, why does she have to think so much?

I realized this problem very early, but I was lucky at that time, thinking that it was a problem in adolescence, the academic pressure was too heavy, and facing the pale and withered lights every day, I was probably so bored.

Looking around for books by unpopular people, reciting silent poems every day, transcribing them in books, and learning a lot of hypocritical methods.

Now that I think about it, I misunderstood many obvious things.I thought that if I left this gray place and walked to a strange place, I would immediately plunge into another fresh and lively state of life.

My sister seems to be more urgent than me on this issue. She wants to leave her original life too much, which caused a twists and turns that shouldn't have happened.Compared with her, I am a little gentler. I was secretly glad that I was still a nostalgic person, so I didn't leave too far.Although I have been self-righteous for a long time in college and often fell asleep in class, it is not a waste of time.

Mr. X misses his college days the most, and often dreams of traveling back to the time when his brothers were drinking and picking up girls. I also have college friends, but I don’t want to go back to the past.Many people would have guessed that if at the beginning, in my opinion, there is not much change.

Although maybe I will choose a more energetic state, participate in more group activities, and watch more books and movies.But no matter what kind of school I was admitted to, what kind of places I went to, and what kind of people I met, I must still live in such a weird way.

It should be easy to get along with me, but very few know my heart.Most men are at a distance from me because each finds the other inaccessible.But for me it is because of a little contempt, for them it is because of fear.It is indeed a small regret that I didn't fall in love in college. I have also reflected on myself, but the result is that I don't care.

How life proceeds is an ultimate proposition that needs to be considered all the time. Since one is alive, one cannot escape the fantasy of death.But now, these are not important anymore.For me now, continuing to live quietly is more important than anything else.

I have always liked Su Shi and admired his attitude towards life the most. He loves to make fun of others and is often teased by others. Self-dissolution, this is the real person who knows how to live.

"Life is like a dream, a bottle of wine is still pouring into the river moon"

"A cloud of smoke and rain Ren Pingsheng"

"Eternal regret is not mine"

"The boat dies from now on, and the rest of the life is sent to the river and sea"

The so-called Taishan collapses in front without changing face, that is a requirement for a saint. For ordinary people, there is no need to suppress joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

The pretentiousness of the past has become the foreshadowing of a poetic life, and I have crossed the step from fear to enjoyment in an instant.I still like to read, love Tang poetry, and often recite it aloud, which often makes Mr. X roll his eyes.You may also hate this affectation, but so what, you can't save me anyway.

This is how I live.

People are different from each other. I can’t be cute and smart, so I just keep quiet and be an introverted weird person in the eyes of strangers.

Life has already left the mother's body, and everyone has the right to yearn for the life they want.I have had almost as much joy as pain, and I never imagined it.

This kind of life should be experienced by many people, and it is also scorned by many people.Someone who used to have a good relationship criticized my low style elsewhere, but so what, my style is not for people like you to judge.

I don't need you to compare your life to mine, and I don't think being with a reliable man and being able to spend his money all the time is a successful life worth showing off.While we all have reasons to be proud of ourselves, it doesn't mean we have to put others down.

But I still want to use a sentence that is often used to deal with Mr. X: It is the highest praise for me to be incomprehensible to you.

Imperfection is the highlight

This year's Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon is particularly bright, and I rarely have the interest to go to the dam of the reservoir to enjoy the moon.

Originally, I thought that I must take a photo of the Statue of Liberty Pose or the Moon Cone Pose that was widely rumored on Weibo. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the opposite of the best shooting angle.

Reluctantly, I swung the camera back and forth, but what I saw was either a passer-by or my shiny forehead, so I had to give up in embarrassment.

There will be a next full moon, of course, but it won't be the best time.Looking at the big round and fat moon, I felt melancholy suddenly, and there was a faint singing voice from nowhere, "...the moon is cloudy and sunny, and this matter is difficult in ancient times..." This singing voice is not good , even taunting and difficult to hear, but it sounded at this time, and it happened to correspond to the scene in front of me.

When I read "Shui Tiao Ge Tou" during my enlightenment, I found that it was actually the song "When Will the Bright Moon Come" that I often heard, and only then did I have a vague impression of the so-called "Melody Ci".Although this piece does not follow the original rhythm of Ci Pai, it still has the style of Tang and Song Dynasties, like the halo of the full moon, elegant and gentle.

In the preface of this masterpiece, Su Shi wrote: "Bingchen Mid-Autumn Festival, drinking happily, getting drunk, writing this article and conceiving a son."

Su Shi is extremely talented, successful at a young age, erudite, proficient in poetry, calligraphy and painting, and in his family, his father is kind and his son is filial, brothers and friends are respectful, and his husband and wife are harmonious. From ordinary people in the market to the empress dowager in the deep palace, everyone People are full of praise for him.Apart from him, such a complete life seems to be hard to find, so it will inevitably lead to jealousy and hatred, leading to a wandering fate for the rest of his life.

When this poem was written, Su Shi was the magistrate of Mizhou. Although he had already been squeezed out of the capital by his political opponents, he didn’t seem to have suffered too much. He feasted all night on the night of the full moon, thinking of his younger brother Ziyou (Su Zhe) and his family We are apart from each other, and it is inevitable that we will feel sad in our hearts.At this time, he still didn't know that there was a bigger disaster waiting for him in the distance, which made him beheaded several times.

People can't see the "turning hand behind the face of earthly transformation" that promotes the transformation of the world, and can only regard the suffering in fate as God's will.Could it be that only when one's circumstances fall into the lowest ebb, is it possible to obtain the soaring of the soul?

It does seem to be the case.

Du Fu said that "articles hate fate", originally to complain about Li Bai, but he expressed the common destiny of talented people since ancient times.The so-called "Heaven is jealous of talents", if people live too well, God will look down on it, and it is "fair" only if disaster is brought down.

That's why there is a "poor and then work".It is precisely because of "poverty" and because there is no way out that people are forced to re-examine their own experiences, and then push themselves and others, and finally understand the world and the essence of life.

"Poor" is a touchstone, it can detect the real "quality" of a person.Suffering is the misfortune of human beings, but it is the great fortune of literature and art.And often the more ups and downs in life, the more outstanding achievements, such as Li Yu and Cao Xueqin, their works are not many, but they are all earth-shattering.Because if there is only a simple or monotonous state of life, it will not be able to impress the horror and profoundness of "the homeland is unbearable to look back on the bright moon" and "the land is so clean after falling into a white field".

Now when we look back at Qu Yuan, Sima Qian, Tang Bohu, and Bada Shanren, it is difficult for you to really judge whether they were "successful" or "failure".But no matter how we thank them for their appearance, I can't imagine what the world would be like without literature and art. If that's the case, human beings may not be able to continue to this day.

So we have no choice but to thank their lives and the sufferings that have made them brilliant.And we should also be grateful for our troubles (not really suffering), because of them, we can realize the good things in other times of life.

As mentioned in "Accepting Your Imperfect Self", Jung once asked, would you like to be a good person or a complete person?His own answer is that instead of being a good person, I would rather be a complete person.

What is a whole person?Pu Shu sang in a song, the story of making mistakes again and again is wonderful. Life should be considered complete if you have experienced joy, anger, sorrow, joy, love and hatred, life, old age, sickness and death, otherwise it will become a regret.

Only in an era of spiritual deprivation will such "perfect heroes" be respected. They are tall,

Broad-minded and omnipotent, all ugliness has nowhere to hide in front of them, they are truly "perfect people" without flaws.I don't know if such people actually exist, they're wishful thinking at best.Human nature is a polyhedron, blindly pursuing perfection is actually pushing people to a dead end.

When it comes to "perfect hero", the first thing that comes to mind is Lei Feng.Putting aside some disagreements, just watching the movie "The Days of Leaving Lei Feng" a long time ago, I was still young at that time, but it was really puzzling:
It is so hard to be the person next to the hero, let alone the hero himself?Is this movie promoting positive energy, or is it describing real life?

Not long ago, I saw a controversial article, saying that when Washington was over fifty years old, he asked a dentist to implant nine teeth in his mouth, and these nine teeth were actually pulled out of the mouths of black slaves. .

This out-of-context article has been widely circulated, and many people believe it, but no one can tell how true it is.According to my dark heart, I have always speculated about the US emperor with the worst malicious intentions.

But I was actually relieved because of this: Fortunately, the "great man" turned out to be a bad guy, and the "hero"

There are also such "bad deeds" that make people catch wind and shadows. Finally, we don't have to worry about our own pettiness.The impression of Washington has always been unclear, but now he has suddenly become a living "person", and he feels much closer.

It seems that the most popular and admired heroes all have more or less "flaws".

Sun Wukong is naturally a hero, "Golden Monkey rises up, Yuyu clarifies Wanliai".But he does things too freely, and he is narcissistic and arrogant, greedy for fame and fortune.Even after apprenticeship, "nature is hard to change". He often quarrels with his master and juniors, and wants to go back to Huaguo Mountain at every turn. He is often taken advantage of by his opponents because of his impatience and underestimation of the enemy.

But it is precisely because of this that Sun Wukong's image is so lively and vivid.He himself is a monkey, but also an individual, above ordinary people, a charming existence that combines monkey nature, humanity, and divinity.When people see such a hero, they will automatically forgive his shortcoming of being frizzy, and instead feel that this is his unique cuteness.

Heroes are often full of humanity because of their "imperfection", which is even more touching.

None of the heroes in Jin Yong's works is perfect: Guo Jing is kind and loyal, but his mind is simple; Qiao Feng is an upgraded version of Guo Jing, chivalrous and wise, but his experience makes people sigh; It can be said that he is blessed with both wisdom and courage, but his character is cowardly and indecisive; Linghu Chong is bold and upright, but there are always people who want to make things difficult for him. People sigh "it's hard to get over it".

When Yang Guo saw Cheng Ying's sentiment of "seeing a gentleman, Yunhu doesn't like it" left on the paper, he also felt puzzled: I am such a mess, what kind of a shitty gentleman?
I should have hated the setting of a male protagonist like "once I saw Yang Guo, I will be wrong for life", but I also think Yang Guo is cute, and his cuteness lies in his little problems.Thinking that some of his little problems came from his father Yang Kang's inheritance, and on the other hand, he came from the lonely situation of losing his parents since he was a child. Compared with the bear child Guo Fu, a woman's motherhood has been stimulated to overflowing, and Li Mochou is reluctant to do anything to him easily. Who cared whether he was a hero or a bad boy?

No one needs to bear the responsibility of maintaining perfection. Whether it is a celebrity or a star, it is because of imperfection that they can retain their splendor.People with outstanding beauty must not have their faces completely in accordance with the golden ratio, and people with outstanding intelligence must have their own strange habits. It is the faint spots on the full moon that make them real and palpable.

If "Function" has a perfect face and no "foot problems", if Mr. F is always proud of his figure, if Wu Yunzhu's limbs are just the right length, if little S is dignified and graceful at all times...even if NCs are no longer NCs, so mothers will become The conscience of the industry will really read Qing history countless times-of course, it is best for NCs to become normal, but if that is the case, who will compare the value of normal people?
Imperfection is the driving force for the struggle in life and the guarantee of happiness in life.If there is such a person around you, TA is honest and sincere but always commits crimes, kind-hearted but often yells at the tabloids, burps and farts loudly when there is no one in the working hours, is obviously facial paralyzed but shows off maliciously... Hurry up and close it while it's hot, you guys are so congenial, sooner or later you'll be together.

If someone throws cow dung at you, you can use it to grow flowers
When I was very young, I was not as bad as I am now, and I was a "study committee member" when I was the most awesome

For this seat, the teacher said that you should count out those who did not hand in their homework every day, those who talked casually in get out of class, and those who read bad cartoons after class, all be listed on the list and handed in, so that they will be punished as they should.

Unfortunately, this is exactly the opposite of my mother's education for me: my mother is also a glorious people's teacher, she said, I hate students who make small reports the most.

So I'm in a predicament.

Make a small report, my classmates hate me, if you don't make a small report, you may not be able to keep the black hat.

Sure enough, my elementary school teacher and my mommy were not the same, so after I didn’t report to school for a long time, they decisively humiliated me and dismissed me. I remember that it was raining heavily that day, and I cried like a fool. I cried and choked. Several times, I felt like I couldn't breathe.And until I graduated from elementary school, he never gave me a good face.Since then, I have left a psychological shadow and resolutely do not be cadres such as class cadres and regimental cadres!All work related to cadres should stay away from me!
Later, from college to work, I have always followed the bold and minimalist route. In the final analysis, my life is not so delicate, I don’t wear lace but I can carry a big suitcase... I don’t have time to go to Starbucks to pretend to be aggressive, so I go to Shin Kong Place to draw a picture Make up, go to Sanlitun to drink some wine and have a P, and run around the city at two o’clock and one line. Do you want to be simple or unrestrained?It's actually quite difficult for me.

This is the best choice for my life.Not only can live more self, but also can live more lazy and comfortable.

I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

Of course, my colleague in front of me is Chanel in a pen. From Monday to Friday, I have different bags from P, G, C, F, and H. Everywhere I go, I feel that there are invisible butterflies following her in the air. We We've been together several times, but we still can't become friends.

I don't like her braggadocio, the restaurants she took me to were pretty flashy, and halfway through the meal she would call a man to pay the bill...

She may not like the bad books I recommend, and thinks that reading those is better than going to Starlight to gain knowledge.In the end, we became nodding acquaintances. When I came to my aunt, when I was more irritable, I didn't even nod my head.Soon, she has been saying everywhere that she doesn't like me, that I lack taste, temperament, lack of something...

This time I didn't cry like a fool, because I know that in life, the things that everyone likes basically don't exist.Do you dare to say that all the Chinese people like big banknotes with Mao Zedong's face on them?Someone must have jumped out coldly and noblely: copper stink!What I love is the one with Franklin's head, so silly X?

Even if you say that people all over the world love the big banknote with Franklin's head, there will be someone who will jump out coldly and noblely: I only love love, you ordinary people!
So, even if you transform into banknotes, not everyone loves you.

The most important thing is: I can judge my own right or wrong, I have my own bottom line of principles, and I know where my optimal route is.

For example, if you are not so well-regulated in doing things, but you achieve high efficiency in flexibility, people will naturally jump out and scold you for being unruly and disciplined, but as long as things are done well, no matter how much the leader hates you, he can’t do without you , No matter how idiot hates you, he might be led by you in the future.

For example, if you deal with feelings so quickly, someone will jump out and call you heartless or human-hearted, but as long as you make a man into a gay, as long as you don’t do anything that hurts the world Come on, you can forgive yourself, you have to let yourself live well.

Take me for example, my words are vulgar and superficial. Some people scolded me for not wanting Bilian. I even went to Baidu to find out what Bilian is... But this is my way of expression, and some people accept it very well. My language is not laser. "嗖嗖嗖 biu biu biu" to shoot someone blind, so I don't need to feel uncomfortable and guilty, just love whoever.

For example, my dad said many years ago: I don’t like you if you don’t take the civil servant exam!I said, I like myself and that's it.My dad almost fainted from anger... Over the years, my life plan and I have drifted away from him, and it doesn't seem that he loves me less...

Sometimes, those people like you, please cherish, those people hate you, it really doesn't matter.

You stand on the stage to play Romeo, even if you recruit Juliet's soul, someone will still throw cow dung at you.As long as you work hard to do well, throw flowers, you raise them, throw cow dung, and then use it to grow flowers.

Some insults, in fact, seem to be such a simple thing.

(End of this chapter)

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