reckless detective

Chapter 400 Unparalleled Spectrum

Chapter 400 Unparalleled Spectrum (23)


At the same time as his head fell to the ground, the sword of Baili Shibu dinged and wedged into the nearby rocks.

When Jianfei flew out, Baili Shibu was ready to die.

The sword is inseparable from the hand, this is the most obvious truth that everyone who uses the sword understands.

At this time, the sword of Baili Shibu had already left his hand, so why did he not die?
He closed his eyes calmly, waiting for the spear to pierce his chest.

He understands Tang Buran too well. In this world, only a father who has lost a child can understand another father who has lost a child. Other than that, no words can describe the feeling.

But Tang Buran's spear stopped.


The spear had already reached his chest, but suddenly changed direction, instead of piercing his heart, it passed by less than half an inch away from his heart and lungs.


The spear was pulled out of his body, and the blood hole in his chest sprayed out.

He was badly wounded, but not fatal.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, but Baili Shibu didn't care, he just stared at Tang Buran's back unwillingly.

Tang Buran's lonely back let him know the answer.

He didn't kill him, because for a father who lost a child, death is the greatest relief.

How could he free him so easily?
"You still have a debt."

A harsh voice sounded.

The door of the Wanxiong Gang opened slowly.


This was the first reaction people had when they saw that figure.

Weird mask, wide cloak.

Baili Shibu was panting heavily, he was too weak to answer, nor could he look back at the speaker.

But he already had an idea in mind.

He knew that the person he was waiting for had finally arrived.

All the careful planning, the Wu family, Baili's family, Diao Ruyi, including the Tang family, went to great lengths to wait for this person.

"What happened back then...whether it was you who destroyed the Tongyoumen by yourself, or whether you, as a Tongyoumen person, colluded with the Wu family, murdered people and snatched the wealth of Tongyoumen, can you still tell the difference?"

As soon as these words came out, the breathing of the onlookers became heavy again.

What breaking news this is!If it is true as the mysterious person said, there is another hidden story about what happened back then, the great hero Baili Shibu did something shameful, and the Wu family, where did the money come from?
Hi!Today was so much fun!
However, some smart people couldn't help but stare at the way down the mountain.

Curiosity killed the cat.They've already got enough talk, it's time to go, if they accidentally hear something they shouldn't hear and bring about a fatal disaster, it's not worth it.

These fleas, who live by selling gossip, know how to accept it when they are good.

The crowd began to squirm down the mountain, and the first people to go down the mountain had already reached the foot of the mountain.Only then did I realize that the entire mountain had been surrounded by officers and soldiers, and the leader was none other than Mr. Wu.

No, it should now be called Joyful Hou.

Only then did the fleas suddenly realize that this is a big game of chess. Only those who really play chess will not go to the battlefield to fight in person.

Why!pity!Come down early!There must be a good show on the mountain!
Sure enough, there was still a good show on the mountain, but this good show was extremely short-lived, before people even realized it, the good show was over.

When the mysterious man drew his sword, he approached a hundred miles and ten steps step by step.The two small holes in the mask seemed to reveal light.

The light of joy that the great hatred is about to be avenged.

But the moment he raised his hand and swung his sword, Diao Ruyi, who was lying at his feet, suddenly let out a sinister smile.

At the neckline of her clothes, a head actually grew back.

This was nothing, when his attention was attracted by Diao Ruyi, his ankle suddenly felt cold, and a small black snake had sent its fangs into his flesh.


Anyone who experienced such a strange scene would be shocked, and the mysterious man was no exception.

His sword quickly changed direction and cut towards Diao Ruyi.

"Don't try to succeed!"

Not far away, Wu Cuo also "grown" his head.

As soon as the head came out, he threw a net.

Everyone present could imagine that the face under the mask of the mysterious man must have been distorted beyond recognition.

The mysterious man couldn't care less about losing control of his emotions, he only cared about finding loopholes to get out from under the net.

It really made him find a loophole.There is a raised spot at the edge of the net.

He moved a step closer, just as he was about to get out from under the net, but was blocked by a spear head-on.

The long spear was like a poisonous snake spitting out its core, forcing him to retreat.

Is there anyone in this world who can defeat Diao Ruyi, Wu Cuo, and Tang Buran at the same time?Anyway, this mysterious person can't, because at this moment he has been firmly wrapped in the silver net.

The big thing is gone!

Only now did he see clearly that Baili Yiru also got out of the crowd at some point.

As soon as he appeared, he and Tang Doudou supported the seriously injured Baili Shibu and retreated to a safe place.

And that safe place has long been waiting for the best doctor in the world, not only gave Shibu you the best sore medicine, but also poured a big bowl of ginseng soup, which made his complexion much better.

"Not good! Yan Ruyu!"

All eyes were on the gate of the Wanxiong Gang.

"Let go!"

Wu Cuo raised his hand, and the sword in his hand lifted the man's mask.

Unexpectedly, the man was very young, the same age as himself.

But Wu Cuo couldn't care less about looking at the man's face, he said anxiously: "Let Yan Ruyu go! Otherwise, I'll kill all the Wanxiong Gang! No one will be left alive!"

The man smiled.

"You can't do that."

If you decide to eat, Wu is wrong.

"He can't do it, but I can."

People automatically gave way to the direction of the sound, and saw Wu Dagong, with jade crown and powder noodles, walking forward with a group of officers and soldiers in a heroic posture.

"You could have made a fortune in silence, but you still want to provoke old people like us, and you still want to grab the money that Changqing Escort Bureau escorted for the government, so don't blame me for being rude."

Mr. Wu rushed to the gate of the Wanxiong Gang and shouted: "Listen up, people inside! I am the Marquis of Juanhuan appointed by the emperor, and the Tongyoumen offender made trouble. Fortunately, the mastermind has been captured, and the Wanxiong Gang is the subordinate of the Tongyoumen. One, if you surrender now, you will all be saved from death! If you resist in a corner, you will be decisive!"

Since ancient times, the people did not fight with the officials. As soon as Mr. Wu said this, although the door of the Wanxiong Gang did not open immediately, they could hear the buzzing inside, and some people climbed up the courtyard wall and poked their heads to look out.

"Really caught!" The man exclaimed.

The hum of whispering inside grew louder.

Mr. Wu continued: "I'll give you some time to think about it! If you don't open the door when the time comes! Don't blame me for being rude!"

Wu Cuo deliberately loudly said: "Brother! Stop talking nonsense with them! Call them in! If Yan Ruyu has any troubles, I will take their skin!"

The captured mysterious man also shouted: "Kill him! Kill that Yan Ruyu!"


Wu Cuo kicked him in the stomach. He arched his back and shrunk into a shrimp, but he still yelled loudly: "I can't surrender! Kill him! Kill him quickly!"

Wu Cuo patched the back of his neck again, and this time, he finally passed out.

Wu Cuo was so anxious that tears were about to fall, "I'll attack now and rescue him!"

"Are you courting death?!" Mr. Wu grabbed him, "If you force your way in, it's exactly what he wants!"

Several people were discussing, when a voice came from the door.

"Surrender is fine, we have a request."

"But it doesn't matter."

"For so many years in the rivers and lakes, we know that if we beat a snake to death, there will be troubles in the future. Now that we have betrayed Tongyoumen, if the owner of the door does not die, he will not let us go in the future. If we want us to vote, he must die!"

"I promise you."

"No! You kill him first! When he dies, we must open the door and surrender!"

"No!" Diao Ruyi whispered to Mr. Wu: "This person is also a master of poison, poison jar, even my snake venom can't resist him... I'm worried, the Gu caught by Yan Ruyu... maybe It’s so powerful that even I can’t figure it out.”

Wu walked around in a circle, "You mean, the person who needs to tie the bell to untie it?"


"Brother! What should we do?" He looked at Mr. Wu helplessly.

Young Master Wu also took a few steps on the spot, and when he took the lead, his eyes lit up, "Yes!"


Six months ago.

Jiangnan Wu family.

Mao Shi three quarters.

Usually at this time, Mr. Wu has finished his breakfast, and she likes to make a pot of tea.

It's not some expensive tea, but the cheapest one in the teahouse, a large pot of baby's breath. To put it bluntly, it is tea leaves.

Of course she would not entertain guests with this kind of tea, so very few people knew that Mr. Wu was fond of it.

But Tang Buran knew it, because at this time Mr. Wu was entertaining him with this kind of tea.

The two have a good family relationship and a close relationship.Seeing Tang Buran rushing over in a hurry, with a bitter face, he tried his best to keep his eyes from being distracted, so he knew he was in a hurry, so Mr. Wu stopped fussing about changing tea leaves.

"What's the If it doesn't work...the end of my Tang family may be coming soon!" Tang Buran held on to the hand of Mr. Wu, with tears in his eyes.

"A month ago, you were ordered by the magistrate of Youzhou to escort a batch of military pay, a total of 600 million taels of silver. Who knows...I thought hard before, who dared to rob uncle your dart? But there was no result."

"That's right. Even if I were killed, I wouldn't think of someone with such courage. In the border of Youzhou, when it comes to escorting, which mountain should not give the Evergreen Security Bureau a little bit of shame? The government also saw this and asked me to escort it military pay.

I dare not say anything else, the Changqing Escort Bureau has more prestige in the Jianghu than the government, and it is definitely safer to ask me to escort the darts than the officers and soldiers themselves. "

"I believe this," Mr. Wu asked with a frown, "the dart has been robbed for a month now, and the imperial court will never swallow it. We are businessmen, and we cannot compete with officials. In any case, we must first use our own money to make up for the shortfall." ..."

Tang Buran sighed, "I have spent all my savings over the years, the family house, and even my wife's and daughter's jewelry... Hey! I wanted to finish this job and enjoy the happiness at home. Who would have imagined... This I'm afraid that even the signboard of the Evergreen Bodyguard Bureau will be bet out."

"Didn't I already send you the money?" Mr. Wu said, "What are you doing selling signs? Does uncle want to return my money? Isn't it too strange?"

Mr. Wu's words made Tang Buran very pleased.

600 million taels of silver may not be a big deal to the Jiangnan Wu family. After all, everyone said that the Wu family has a money hole.But for the Changqing Escort, which makes money on the tip of a knife, it is an astronomical figure.

Anyway, this life is still unclear, so just don't think about it.

People in the world are broad-minded, especially Tang Buran, who travels all over the world.

Feeling relieved, he picked up the tea bowl and drank a few sips.

"It's better to enjoy the tea here!" He wiped the corners of his mouth, and leaned closer to Mr. Wu again, "But... let's forget about it? Those white money..."

Of course it can't be forgotten. When did Mr. Wu suffer such a loss, her brows never relaxed.

"The escort car was robbed at the boundary of the Wanxiong Gang." She made a statement, and then muttered: "Why did you choose there?"

"Do you think it has something to do with the Ten Thousand Bears Gang?"

Mr. Wu nodded.

"I don't think so. Although the Wanxiong Gang is not small, but if it is against the government, Xiong Wuye doesn't have the guts."

Mr. Wu continued to ask: "Dirty silver hasn't shown up yet?"

"No, I sent a lot of people to inquire about the news, and there is no one who transports or uses this silver on the market... Sigh! Whoever robs the dart knows that the limelight is tight now, and it will not be easy to reveal. "

Mr. Wu shook his head, "That's 600 million taels of silver and dozens of carts. Maybe the Wanxiong Gang doesn't have the strength to rob the darts, but if they want to transport the money away quietly, they must do their best. , such a big pot of meat, he Xiong Wuye doesn't want a piece of it?"

Tang Buran thought for a moment and said, "You seem to be prejudiced against Xiong Wuye."

"Because two strange things happened in Jianghu. First, Xiong Wuye suddenly became courteous to Wu Cuo, and tried to invite him to the Wanxiong Gang over and over again."

"Everyone has the love of talents, are you overthinking?"

"Ai Cai? My Wu family is not in love with a mere Xiong Wuye. Besides, another thing is even more intriguing.

Pyloric is back, did you know? "

Hearing the words "Tongyoumen", the muscles at the corners of Tang Buran's mouth twitched. He knew too well how the two children of the Wu family became orphans.

"Is the news reliable?"


"how do you know?"

"Because this is the news from Baili Mountain Villa."

Hearing "Baili Shanzhuang", the corner of Tang Buran's mouth twitched.

"Wu's family and Baili's family...haven't contacted each other for ten years?"

"More than that. I agreed not to mention the past, but... I'm afraid that someone from my past has found her..."

Tang Buran pondered and said: "Your parents and the other two co-founded Tongyoumen. It's a fateful friendship. Who would have imagined it? Human beings can share adversity, but not joy...

In the end, your Wu family and Baili family can only join forces to eliminate the other family.

There's no way, that family has done all sorts of crimes, if you don't get rid of him, he's going to attack you.

You know the ending, both losers, the family is eliminated, but your parents are also involved.In the end, Baili Shibu was disheartened and announced that there would be no more pylorus in the rivers and lakes.

What happened back then... I'm afraid that the beheading has not been eradicated long ago, leaving future troubles. "

Mr. Wu covered his mouth and laughed, "I'm afraid the other party thinks of us the same way."

Tang Buran rubbed his temples, "I don't care about so much right now, the key is what to do. When I think of 600 million taels of silver, my head hurts so much that it almost falls off."

"Then why not invite you to watch a good show tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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