reckless detective

Chapter 401 Unparalleled Spectrum

Chapter 401 Unparalleled Spectrum (24)

the next day.


It wasn't dark yet, but in the west courtyard of Wu's family, Wu Cuo's residence was already decorated with lights and festoons.

Wu Mi is about to celebrate his 20th birthday.

The gift of crowning can be big or small, if a small family boils an egg, rolls it on the red paper, dyes the egg red, eats it, and the boy of this family will be considered an adult.

Naturally, a big family like the Wu family can't be casual, at least they have to set up a few tables properly, and then invite a big show.

Wu Cuo is also a lively person, he can make friends with wine, and he has a lot of friends, so there is no reason not to take this opportunity to have a good time.

But this time, he just didn't invite those wine and meat friends, and there was only one table of guests.

Mr. Wu, Tang Buran, Tang Doudou, Diao Ruyi, and the father and son of the Baili family who met everyone for the first time.

I didn't invite a play, but invited a trick.

The jugglers, a man and a woman, are both from the Western Regions. They have deep eye sockets and a high nose bridge. They smile with a parted mouth, revealing eighteen teeth.

But the tricks performed by these two lovely people can scare the children to tears.

The girl danced her sword as soon as she came on stage, and the young man looked at her with a smile.

The sword swished and flickered in the girl's hand, and suddenly the blade flicked and slashed straight at the young man's neck, but the young man didn't dodge or dodge, and smiled even brighter.


The head fell to the ground, and the blood spattered three feet, which shocked the jugglers at the table.

Unexpectedly, the boy's body did not fall down, but laughed from his chest. After a while, a head grew out of the collar, which was exactly the same as the severed head.

"God! Amazing!" Tang Buran was the first to applaud.

Tang Doudou grabbed Wu Cuo's sleeve and shivered with fright. Diao Ruyi looked at the head on the ground with great interest and licked his lips. Baili's father and son looked at each other thoughtfully.

Mr. Wu cleared his throat and said, "Did everyone see this good show clearly?"

"It's beautiful." Diao Ruyi was the first to answer.

"It's not enough just to look good. We all have to learn how to act ourselves."

"Niece, I don't understand that." Tang Buran shouted.

"It's easy to say," Mr. Wu took a sip of wine and continued: "Let me ask everyone, the one who restarted the pylorus is neither the Baili family nor the Wu family, so who would it be?"

"Of course I came here to avenge your two families." Diao Ruyi replied again.

"Then why didn't he show up?"

"This..." Diao Ruyi's eyes rolled, "I think that person must be incompetent and afraid of being beaten."

"Then everyone present, who is he most afraid of?"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. In the end, all eyes were on Baili Shibu.

Baili Shibu touched his nose in embarrassment.

Wu Cuo nodded and said: "Naturally, I am most afraid of Uncle Baili. Don't say that uncle killed his whole family back then. Even now, how many people in the world are better than uncle in martial arts?"

Mr. Wu tapped Wu Cuo on the head with his chopsticks, "I'm afraid Uncle Tang will be unhappy if you say that."

Wu Cuo stuck out his tongue and picked up the wine glass, "Then I will punish myself with a drink and apologize to Uncle Tang."

Tang Buran was generous, he quickly waved his hands, "Brother Baili and I once had a battle, and the brothers and sisters were really happy."

Mr. Wu said again: "He is too afraid of Uncle Baili, so he doesn't worry about winning, he thinks about losing first, and he hides himself tightly. I have inquired many times, and I only know that there is a man wearing a mask and a cloak who occasionally works in the Wanxiong Gang. Infested, the dragon sees the head but does not see the end.

Therefore, if you want to defeat him, you need to lure him out first. If you can't even meet him face to face, how can you talk about defeating him? "

"How to lure him out?" Wu Cuo couldn't help asking.

Baili Shibu, who had been silent all this time, replied: "Since he is afraid of me, he should come out after I die."

"To be precise, when you are about to die, he will definitely take action to avenge his family." Tang Buran added.

Diao Ruyi laughed and said, "Uncle Tang is the only one who can turn Uncle Baili into a dying man."

There was always a light in her eyes when she spoke, and that light always made Baili Ru want to take a second look.

Baili Yiruben was an honest boy, he looked at people furtively, there was no reason why he couldn't be seen by others, besides, the people sitting at the table today were all smart people.

Wu Cuo took Tang Doudou's hand, and pouted at Baili Yiru and Diao Ruyi. Tang Doudou understood, covered his mouth and smiled straight at Wu Cuo.

Wu Cuo said in a low voice: "You said, wouldn't it be a good thing if we could take the opportunity to fulfill this kid?"

"That's natural."

Everyone discussed the details again, Tang Buran slapped his forehead, and suddenly said: "After all, the robbed dart silver still hasn't returned."

After he said this, everyone looked at Mr. Wu again.

"Money?" Mr. Wu waved his hand casually, "600 taels of silver will be considered as my gift to the imperial court. Not only that, but I will give more, I will give away all the silver of the Wu family."

"Are you...?"

"The big tree attracts the wind. During this period of time, the outsiders have spread the wealth of my Wu family in a miraculous manner. They say that there is a money hole in the Wu mansion, like a fountain, and money is poured out day and night. Everyone should have heard of it?"

Everyone nodded, and Mr. Wu continued: "That man has already attacked the Wu family, and he wants to get rid of us with the help of the government, or even the hand of the emperor.

Since ancient times, how many wealthy people can die well?There is nothing wrong with making money, just make a fortune silently, but if you are so rich that everyone knows that you are as rich as an enemy, isn't that a sin?
Instead of waiting for them to find a reason to raid the house, why don't I take the initiative to donate the silver. As long as I don't tear my face, I can exchange for something more valuable besides peace, such as...rights. "

"But we have never been in the officialdom, this... can it work?"

"Who says he's going to be in the officialdom? As long as he has a high hat and can frighten the rabble in the pylorus, that's enough."

Wu Cuo raised his glass and said: "Since the plan has been made properly, let's wait for the other party's actions and see what happens. I think we might as well get drunk tonight and let him go tomorrow!"


Now that the few people who had planned for a long time have succeeded, Yan Ruyu, who got into the game by mistake, has fallen into a dangerous situation, so how can people not be worried.

The entrance of the Wanxiong Gang.

Xiao Bai, who was restrained by the silver net and unable to move, woke up.

When he woke up, he grinned.

"I knew it, you dare not kill me."

"Are you so sure?" Mr. Wu asked, "Many things in this world can be solved with money. For example, I just need to spend money to hire someone who knows how to use Gu better than you..."

"Even if you invite the Heavenly King Lao Tzu, it's useless. My pair of life and death Gu couldn't be simpler. The one on me is life Gu, and the one on him is death Gu.

If I live, he can live too, but as my puppet, I tell him to go east, he will never go north... But don't worry, I won't treat him badly.

If I die, the Gu on his body will immediately attack, piercing his heart, he will definitely die, so..."

Xiaobai tried his best to turn his head to look at Wu Cuo, and said provocatively: "Come and kill me, and kill your friend with your own hands..."

Wu Cuo's knuckles creaked, and Tang Doudou hurried forward to hold his hand.

In the crowd, another woman also came out and took his other hand.

It's Shangyin!
Two women who don't understand martial arts gave Wu Cuo infinite power.

Shang Yin once brought him hope when he was most desperate, and Tang Doudou, a weak woman, calmly dealt with it for the sake of the overall situation, and provoked a conflict between Tang Buran and Baili Shibu, so that the play could be completed.

These two women were hundreds of times stronger than men, which made Wu Cuo's heart calm down.

He said to Diao Ruyi in a cold voice: "Is there any other way?"

Diao Ruyi didn't say anything, just wiped her eyes.

Her tears have always been used to deceive men. Wu Cuo saw her cry for the first time. When she cried, the stars and seas in her eyes seemed to fall together. The disaster that would destroy the world was nothing more than that.

So Wu wrongly knew that people might not be saved.


No one expected that Wu Cuo would make a sudden move at this moment.

Xiaobai's head rumbled to the ground.

Of course he didn't expect that, the complacent expression on his face hadn't been put away, but he was surprised again, his mouth was half open, he wanted to say something, but he didn't have time to say it.


Several women exclaimed at the same time.

Wu Cuo was the first to rush into the Wanxiong Gang.

As far as he could see, he could not see other people, only a few bloodstains on the ground.

The blood belonged to Yan Ruyu.

At this time Yan Ruyu had already collapsed, with her back facing the door, curled up in pain, her shoulders trembling slightly.

He seemed to have heard Wu Cuo's footsteps, raised one hand and waved it, not telling him to come forward again.

"People who bleed from the seven orifices are not good-looking." He said in a deep voice, with a smile in his voice.

Wu Cuo had already cried so much that he couldn't speak, Yan Ruyu said again: "I knew it, you still understand me, and you need to help me. I would rather die than be his puppet."

Wu Cuo only knew to nod, subconsciously wanted to step forward, and then remembered that Yan Ruyu didn't let him go.

"It would be great if you could give me another sword and let me die quickly." Yan Ruyu's voice was filled with infinite pain...

The sword in Wu Cuo's hand fell to the ground with a clang...


Wake up

Yan Ruyu's house, bedroom.

My head hurts.

Yan Ruyu barely opened one eye, and saw Wu Cuo was shaking his shoulder, and said while shaking: "Wake up! Old Yan! Wake up!"

"Wake up—" Yan Ruyu drew a long tone impatiently.

Wu wiped the sweat from his forehead by mistake, and asked, "What did you dream about? Good guy, you are crying for your father and mother."

Yan Ruyu grabbed the mobile phone on the bedside table and glanced at the time, it was 4:44, really unlucky!
He wanted to tease Wu Cuo, so he said, "I dreamed of you."

Wu Cuo said with interest: "What did you dream about me?"

Yan Ruyu smacked her lips, "You marry a daughter-in-law, and you marry two at once, one is prettier than the other..."

Wu Cuo also wanted to tease him, so he asked: "What about you? You must be an old bachelor."

"It's much worse than a bachelor, I——dead."


"Ah what, hurry back to your living room, I have to go back to sleep... You bought a fake bar last night? You get a headache after drinking..."

"I can't sleep anymore, let's go, go out to the survey site." Yan Ruyu mustered up a lot of courage before lifting the quilt.

As soon as he lifted the quilt and immediately put on his clothes, his whole body shivered a few times.

"What's the matter?" he asked while getting dressed.

"The call just came. There was a vicious wounding case in Dawang Village. The method was cruel. The victim was a 4-year-old child, and the impact was extremely bad."

"What's wrong with the Tai Sui lately? God has a problem with children? First they cook it in the pot, and now they hurt it viciously. Who did the child provoke... Hey, by the way, how about the missing chef?"

"Hey, don't mention it, Xiaobai and Minghui found him. He felt that he was very suspicious. He was afraid that we would catch him and torture him, so he hid in the hotel alone. A big man can think of such a trick, hey !
But I also understand that it has been shown on TV recently. There are several cases that were judged more than ten years ago. People appealed. The evidence in the verdict was insufficient. No wonder the common people don't trust us. "

Yan Ruyu nodded, "Take your time with the issue of trust. If the matter really falls on anyone, everyone will feel embarrassed. Just find someone. Let's go, go to the scene."

(End of this chapter)

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