reckless detective

Chapter 399 Unparalleled Spectrum

Chapter 399 Unparalleled Spectrum (22)

There is not much rain in the central part. If they can catch up with such a heavy rain in summer, people will not know how happy they are, but this group of people cannot be happy.

The rain continued until the sun went down, and even the people in coir raincoats felt wet and uncomfortable.

People start to worry, what to do at night?
It is wet everywhere, and there is no place to lie down at night. Do you have to stand overnight?

No one mentioned Yan Ruyu and Wu Cuo again.

Some people began to go down the mountain one after another, and the woman found that the man who had sworn to her last night had suddenly disappeared, so she started to curse, cursing him to die.

There are also people who want to return the gambling money before leaving, and have a quarrel with the person who started the game, and finally fight, and are beaten to death as an example.

It's just a mess!

Fortunately, there is this rain.Once the rain curtain is covered, the activities under it are hazy, no one can see clearly, and no one will investigate.

It was a rough night.

On July 24, the sky finally cleared up.

The morning glow is like blood, which seems to indicate something.

Most of the troublemakers on the mountain were washed away by the rain, and the rest were exhausted, and they didn't care about the humidity, so they found a place to nest and rested for a while.

At noon, Diao Ruyi's white wolf came.

As soon as the white wolf came, she would naturally also arrive.

Riding on the back of the white wolf, she looked at the men, women and children on the mountain with great interest.

The people on the mountain also looked at her eagerly.

People wanted to inquire about news from her, but they were also afraid that they would offend her with a word of discord and become the ghost of her sword.

Since you dare not speak, it is good to have a look.

So people's eyes are on fire, the man is the fire of greed, and the woman is the fire of jealousy.

Fortunately, Diao Ruyi was far away from the emperor, otherwise it would not have brought disaster to the country and the people?
Diao Ruyi was already used to seeing such gazes, so she ignored them and drove the wolf up the mountain on her own.

Halfway up the mountain, there was finally a voice that couldn't be held back.

"Diao Ruyi, you are not as good as you want today!"

a woman's voice.

The woman sat in a luxurious carriage, which was parked at the foot of the mountain.

Although the woman had waited for two days, she could sleep soundly in the carriage, and her complexion was much better than the mud monkeys on the mountain.

Tang Doudou, the daughter of the owner of the Evergreen Escort.

Although her name is somewhat playful, she is an out-and-out lady, even more rigid than a lady.

Changqing Escort has cooperated with Jiangnan Wu's family for 30 years, and the family is very good.

Every Mid-Autumn Festival, no matter how far away they are, the elders of the two families must rush to one place to celebrate the festival together.

After Wu Cuo's parents died, Boss Tang of Changqing Escort spent a lot of money to find Wu's children.

Later, the Wu family reopened thanks to the help of Boss Tang.

The Wu family has become a wealthy family in the south of the Yangtze River. Boss Tang naturally hopes that the relationship between the two families will be closer.

What's more, her daughter Tang Doudou and Wu Cuo are a match made in heaven. Anyone who sees them will say that these two are golden boys and jade girls.

Unexpectedly, a Diao Ruyi came out halfway.

She is the son of Mr. Wu, and Mr. Wu loves to be with her, so the Tang family naturally has nothing to say, but that kid Wu Cuo also fools around with him all day, going hunting for a while, competing with others for a while, and fighting for a while. Miss Tang shed so many tears for beating the knight-errant who harassed Diao Ruyi.

Now that Diao Ruyi is being hunted down by people, or by the unfathomable martial arts, there is no reason for Tang Doudou not to join in the fun.

Diao Ruyi felt sorry for Tang Doudou, maybe it was a good man who was dying, and she didn't want to argue with this long-cherished woman.

Tang Doudou is not relentless.

"Hmph, if you kill and set fire like this, and seduce men everywhere, you should have been hacked to death long ago!"

"You also want to hook up, can you hook up?" Diao Ruyi curled her lips and replied lightly.


"Oh, by the way, you can't hate me, you can't even compare to a maid, so don't even think about comparing me in this life..."

"What maid?"

"Wu Cuo is the maid she doesn't marry in this life, a woman from the Wanxiong gang, what? Don't you know?"

"you're lying!"

"When Wu wrong comes later, you ask him yourself, don't you know?"

As soon as these words came out, the onlookers exploded.

Wu wrong is coming!

Haha, as long as he comes, even feeding the mosquitoes for two more days will be worth it!

There was excitement in people's eyes, and the good show was finally about to be staged.

However, Wu Cuo hadn't shown up until the White Wolf carried Diao Ruyi up the mountain slowly.

Arriving at the gate of the Wanxiong Gang, Diao Ruyi shouted at the closed gate: "Grandma, come here first and talk to you. You claim to have arrested Yan Ruyu, and your words are unfounded!"

The door opened slowly, and Yan Ruyu walked out from the door.

He was dressed very cleanly, not only cleanly, but even luxuriously.

He stood a step away from the door and said, "Did Wu come here by mistake?"

"It's really Yan Ruyu!"

"Yes, yes, Wushuangpu is the second!"


People's eyes lingered on his face, and they even remembered the size of his eyes, the height of his nose, and where there was a mole on his face.

If you don't remember clearly, won't it be difficult to convince the public by bragging in the future?
"Fool! Come here!" Diao Ruyi shouted at him.

But he stared at Diao Ruyi blankly, and asked again: "Did Wu come by mistake?"

Diao Ruyi rushed forward in a few steps, reaching out to pull Yan Ruyu.

Yan Ruyu suddenly shook her hand, almost throwing her somersault.

Then, he took a step back and entered the door.


The door closed again.

When had Diao Ruyi been so ashamed, no matter what others thought, Tang Doudou had already smiled gloatingly.

Diao Ruyi herself didn't care, because she already saw that something was wrong with Yan Ruyu!
He was used a Gu!

Diao Ruyi has also dabbled in Miao Jiang's art. She has seen people who have been infected by a voodoo, but she has no consciousness, and her words and deeds follow the arrangements of others, like a puppet.

Yan Ruyu doesn't look like this right now!
That's not all that worries her.

Most of the Gu insects have irreversible damage to the human body. Most of the people infected by the Gu will suddenly die suddenly. Even if the Gu is solved, most of them will become fools.

Who is so vicious?

Diao Ruyi clenched her fists, she had never been so distracted in her life.

But she is Diao Ruyi, the more confused she is, the sweeter she smiles.

"Hey! You can't fool me with a cripple who has been infected by a Gu! We don't accept this deal, and Wu Cuo won't show up!"

After speaking, she stepped onto the white wolf and was about to leave.

"Wait," a man with a turban covering his face came out of the crowd, "Even if Wu is not wrong, I have a way for you to tell where he is hiding."

The man showed his face and his head full of white hair.

If it weren't for those eyes, Diao Ruyi would hardly recognize Baili Shibu.

"You're still here."

"Blood feud, no need to talk nonsense."

"Your son's taste is not bad."


Baili Shibu howled like a wild beast, and in the blink of an eye his sword was in front of Diao Ruyi.

His speed was so fast that Diao Ruyi could be killed in one move.

But his hands trembled.

So Diao Ruyi narrowly avoided the sword.

But she also knew very well that there would be no next time.

She decisively yelled at the crowd: "Aren't you coming out yet?! My aunt can't stand it!"

As soon as she opened her mouth, someone rushed out to help her block the sword.

Wu wrong!He finally showed up!
"Go!" the man yelled.

"Come on, don't even think about leaving!" Baili Shibu shouted.

His sword was so fast that no one could see clearly, even Diao Ruyi and Wu Cuo, who fought against him, could only parry and dodge by instinct.

Soon, the two of them were stained red with blood.

Tang Doudou let out an exclamation every time Wu Cuo hit a sword, as if he was dubbing him.

In the end, Wu Cuo's footsteps were also blurred, and he could no longer hold the sword in his hand, and he was about to die.

Tang Doudou simply rushed forward.

She had already made up her mind that since Wu Cuo had to die, she would die with him, and even death, she must not take advantage of Diao Ruyi.

Love really makes people dizzy.

Diao Ruyi looked at Tang Doudou and shook her head slightly, she would never die for a man.

But she had to admit that she was a little envious of Tang Doudou, and she was very happy to have a man who would rather die for him.

Unfortunately, Tang Doudou did not die.

Just when the tip of Baili Shibu's sword touched her chest, an iron gun pushed the sword away from Baili Shibu's hand.

"Girl! Go back!" The shooter shouted at Tang Doudou.

Tang Doudou lay limp on the ground, tears streaming down her face.

"Father, it's wrong to save Wu! If he dies, I won't live either!"

Tang Buran couldn't do anything about her daughter's nonsense.

It was because of being too indulgent that he watched his daughter tirelessly follow Wu Cuo's footsteps, like a boastful father, and even became the laughing stock of others.

This time, life and death are at stake, and he must not indulge her again.

Tang Buran rushed a hundred miles with one hand in ten steps.

"My little girl is ignorant, I'm very sorry."

With a livid face, Baili Shibu reluctantly nodded.

Tang Buran said wrongly to Wu again: "I've watched you grow up, and I wanted to marry you. I think you are still young and playful. Even if you don't take Doudou seriously, you will grow up. It's fine to be natural, who knows that you will kill innocent people at the expense of human life.

Today, my Tang family broke up with your Wu family. If you kill someone, you will pay for his life. Don't expect me to save you, and don't want to harm my daughter! "

"Yes." Wu Cuo replied sullenly.

He didn't want Tang's father and daughter to intervene in his affairs.


Tang Doudou rushed forward and hugged Tang Buran's thigh, but Tang Buran kicked him over.

"Shameful thing! Why don't you leave now?!"

It was the first time she saw her father get so angry when she grew up, and she was immediately overwhelmed.

He glanced at Wu Cuo again, and Wu Cuo also glanced at Tang Buran apologetically, but didn't look at Tang Doudou.

The girl seemed to have been greatly humiliated.

She was willing to die for him, but he refused to even look at her when he was dying.

In the past, even if Wu Cuo didn't like her, she always had some hope, but now she has no hope at all.

Only die together, the only thing she can do is really die with him.


Tang Doudou didn't know where the strength came from, and rushed towards Baili Shibu at an unprecedented speed.

Baili Shibu just made a move.

I wanted to accept it, but it was too late.

Or maybe, the desire for revenge has overwhelmed him, and he no longer wants to accept the move.

Since this troublesome woman died by herself, let her be fulfilled.

This sword cut without hesitation.

Tang Doudou's head flew high, blood spattered three feet.

No one could have imagined that this innocuous girl became the first victim of this battle.

Everyone around the audience felt sorry for each other, and took three steps back one after another. Who knows if they will be the next one to be unlucky?

Baili Shibu didn't care about Tang Doudou, whose head was in a different place, and once again slashed at Diao Ruyi with his sword.

It only takes two moves, or even one move, and he can kill Diao Ruyi and Wu Cuo.


Tang Buran's roar finally spewed out, and at the same time, he handed out the spear in his hand.

The tip of the gun pierced the air, and with a buzzing sound, it came straight to Baili Shibu's nose.

That dark iron spear weighed 83 kilograms, one foot taller than Tang Buran's. If it were to rank the famous weapons in the world by weight, it would definitely rank in the top three.

But it is such a heavy gun, as long as Tang Buran tells it to dance, although its speed is not as fast as the sword in Baili Shibu's hand, it gives people a sense of weightlessness.

The sound it made when it collided with the sword was not as heavy as people imagined, but crisp and sweet, as if it was not only a weapon, but also a musical instrument.

Diao Ruyi and Wu Cuo naturally saw an opportunity in this, and began to pinch left and right, sneaking around Baili Shibu once in a hurry, not caring about the opinions of the onlookers.

The onlookers were really sweating for Baili Shibu.

An old man who lost his son.

At the beginning, people's emotions were all inclined towards him. Of course, the chivalrous men hoped to see the result of bloody revenge, but the development of things was not always satisfactory.

People are depressed, but they can only watch helplessly, waiting for the result.

When the gods fight, the onlookers who are troubled will suffer. Isn't Tang Doudou a bloody example.

Finally, Baili Shibu's shoulder blade was opened with a slap-long opening by the spear point, and blood flowed out.

Taking advantage of the stagnation of the sword in his hand, Wu Cuo's sword also pierced his back.

Although it only punctured a little, it gave Wu Cuo and Diao Ruyi great encouragement.

That's a hundred miles and ten steps to the top of the mountain!

Now, Wu Cuo can also hurt him.

Would that be far from killing him?

The two of them became more courageous and attacked openly.

The gray robe on Baili Shibu's body was quickly stained with blood.


With red eyes, he exerted a sudden force, kicked Tang Buran back three steps with one foot on the barrel of the spear.

Taking advantage of the short gap, he turned around and slashed at Wu Cuo's neck with a sword.

"My son! Look!" Baili Shibu roared angrily.

Another head flew into the sky.

Wu was wrong.


The crowd of onlookers let out a dull exclamation.

The third person in Wushuangpu...just...died?
People took another three steps back.

An ancient battle!It was really an ancient battle!
When Wu Cuo died, Diao Ruyi was devastated.

She was stunned for a moment, not knowing whether to continue to attack, or to catch Wu Cuo's head.

That's Wu's fault!
From the age of 8 to 18, they watched each other grow up.

What, just died?

Fortunately, Tang Buran went forward with a gun, which made Baili Shibu no chance to attack Diao Ruyi.

Baili Shibu had been grieving for many days, and the grief had exhausted him, coupled with the injury, even though he was still able to deal with Tang Buran at this moment, he knew very well in his heart that he had no hope of winning.

But he didn't care about the outcome with Tang Buran.

"Let me kill Diao Ruyi, as long as I avenge my son, my life belongs to you."

When he said this, Baili Shibu wanted to imply begging.But he has never begged anyone in his life, and it seems strange to do it deliberately.


Tang Buran didn't talk to him at all, the spear danced airtightly, like a dragon out of the water, every shot was aimed at the vital point.


Finally, Baili Shibu was also shot in the thigh.

Now, not only was his sword slower than Tang Buran's spear, but his legs were also much slower than others.

not good!

He already knew that with at most ten moves, Tang Buran could kill him.


Diao Ruyi, who was waiting for an opportunity, only felt a gust of cool wind blowing around her neck.

Suddenly, her perspective became very strange.She seemed to be falling from a height, with the wind blowing against her cheeks.

Then, she saw her own body, the headless corpse standing in place.

She wanted to cover her mouth with her hand in horror, but she couldn't feel the existence of her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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