Veteran never die

Chapter 370 From trough to climax, from high debt to the top 2 of the rich list

Chapter 370 From the trough to the climax, from high debts to the top [-] rich list
0374 From the trough to the climax, from high debts to the top [-] rich list
Wang Liang said: "In [-], the reform and opening up had been going on for a while. In order to experience the market economy for himself, Fan Jianguo, the executive vice mayor at the time, participated in a night market stall activity. Well, it caused quite a stir at the time."

"It doesn't matter if you don't experience it, but this experience made Fan Jianguo re-understand the market economy. Just when his superiors had completed the mayor's inspection and announced his appointment decision, he made a shocking decision."

Take the initiative to resign and go into business.

Speaking of this, the interest of netizens is getting stronger and stronger.

Obviously, Fan Jianguo has done something that many people dare not do.

He was full of restlessness in his bones, and seemed out of tune with the surrounding environment.

After going through the resignation process, Fan Jianguo raised 10,000+ with his friends to start a real estate company in partnership.

During this period, he broke his boat, borrowed a huge sum of money from the bank, and then moved to Chengshi with his family.

During that time, the family lived in a room of less than [-] square meters, and his daughter could only sleep on the sofa.

Just two months ago, Fan Jianguo was the executive deputy mayor.

The family lives in the city government compound.

Although it is not a villa, it is a duplex anyway, very spacious.

Compared with the current living environment, there is simply a world of difference.

His relatives and friends didn't understand, and they all said he was stupid. He was really stupid.

It's not proper to be an official, so you have to toss around.

This is great, the official is lost, and I owe a whole lot of debt.

In the next whole year, only one house built by Fan Jianguo was sold, and that was due to his connections.

Wang Liang introduced some of the situation at that time: "In the 90s of the last century, the real estate speculation boom had not yet emerged, and it only sprouted in a few coastal or economically developed areas such as Haizhou Province. Although the reform and opening up has been going on for a while, everyone has There is not much money here.”

After investing so much and piled up debts, only one house was sold in the end.

The partners in the partnership were all dumbfounded. It can be said that they have reached the end of their rope.

Friends advised Fan Jianguo to withdraw the money as soon as possible, so as to reduce some losses.

At this time, Fan Jianguo's energy came up again.

no way!

As long as you are sure of it, you must continue to walk, even if it is bloody, you will not hesitate.

That's what a military child brings up, that's what the military taught him.

Mountain darkly, vista.

Just when everyone thought Fan Jianguo was going to die, an unexpected thing happened.

Wang Liang took a sip of water to moisten his throat, and said: "Ahem, it's like this. In November of that year, an unexpected thing happened. The State Council held the third housing reform meeting and announced that the national housing should be commercial housing. Lord, the units will no longer provide welfare housing.”

It was just this news that Fan Jianguo took the initiative in a blink of an eye, and his real estate company was put to death and survived.

At that time, Shuangliu Airport in Chengdu needed to build a complete residential area. As one of the few developers at that time, Fan Jianguo's company won the bid and made his first pot of gold.

It also achieved a good start in the true sense.

Later, as the pie of the real estate business grew bigger and stronger, policy support became more and more obvious.

Real estate developers have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, which also means that there will be good and bad in this team.

In order to save costs and maximize profits, some developers usually secretly take away 30.00% of the construction expenditure with a safety factor.

Looking back at Fan Jianguo's company, not only did he not take it, but he even invested additional funds to set up a construction company, poached a group of professionals from the industry, and controlled the personnel to build the house himself, without cutting corners!
Wang Liang suddenly remembered something, waved his hand and declared: "I am definitely not advertising Jianguo's real estate. The houses he built have been inspected."

"The Wenchuan Earthquake in [-] must not be forgotten by everyone. At that time, the collapse of houses in the disaster area was quite serious. Some four or five-story buildings suddenly became two-story buildings after passing through the sacrum, and the remaining three-story buildings sank. It disappeared underground, and many people died because of it.”

"But the house built by Fan Jianguo was almost intact. Although it was impossible to live there, the owners who escaped safely put up banners to express their gratitude."

Loyalty and diligence.

This is the purpose that Fan Jianguo formulated for the company, and it can be regarded as the corporate culture.

It is because of his talent in business and the integrity of morality first, Fan Jian.In just a few years, he made a lot of money.

In the most prosperous area of ​​Chengcheng City, there are not only commercial housing built by itself, but also office buildings, shops, and gas stations.

In [-], Fan Jianguo's enterprise had already entered the top ten in Sichuan Province and the top [-] in China's rich list.

It can be described as success and fame.

It can be said that he slapped the faces of those people who laughed at and questioned his resignation and started a business.

With both fame and fortune, everyone thought that Fan Jianguo would finally calm down, but he started to toss around again.

"If he hadn't made trouble later, I wouldn't have found Sichuan Province today." Wang Liang laughed.

Speaking of this, some netizens who knew Fan Jianguo came forward.

Comment area.

"It's a museum!"

"Yes, I remember that in [-], I had the honor to take a photo with Mr. Jianguo at the Provincial Museum. At that time, a Japanese veteran Yan Gu Yasuyoshi made a special trip to Chengshi to apologize."

"I know Lao Fan, he is a very good person, for the forgotten memories and disasters, he can almost be regarded as giving everything! When I was working in Anren in [-], I met with He had a brief encounter and exchange, he was bending over to pick up shredded paper and cigarette butts by the side of the ditch, and after some exchange, I realized that he was the curator, very modest and elegant...a good place worth visiting frequently!"

"Brother Fan is a character. He has foresight, courage, ability, and ambition. He has also made contributions to society. He has set an example and role model for people and things. He is very generous. I am a few years older than him, and I admire him very much. But I always feel that there are many things in him and in his heart that I haven't seen and can't understand. It can't be explained by the overly simple label of 'Pao Ge'. I wish Brother Fan a long and healthy life and open up a broader field. world come."

"The deputy mayor of the last century. There is really no one with such courage."

"Old chief, we are all melon eaters who don't know the truth, please continue to tell us."

"Ah, ah, old chief, don't stop"

(End of this chapter)

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