Veteran never die

Chapter 369 A Energetic Guy

Chapter 369 An Energetic Guy
0373 A driven guy
Seeing that the netizens were very interested, and Sun Weimin beside him was also hungry, Wang Liang didn't want to keep it any longer.

"Many of the Sichuan-Chongqing children must know the person I hugged. His name is Fan Jianguo."

Wang Liang said, "I have a lot to say about him."

"A man who records history, a man who provides lessons, a man who preserves them, a man who rings the alarm."

"He has been sent to the countryside, served as a soldier, served as a teacher, served as an official, and has even been on the list of China's richest people..."

"He was a dreamer, an adventurer, and a doer."

"He acts as if he is determined to save the world, too little for himself and too much for others."

What kind of life experience did Fan Jianguo have?

For many people, this is an unknown name.

But it is this unknown person who has done many earth-shattering careers.

He also made decisions that many people dare not even think about.

Fan Jianguo was born in a military family, his parents were both soldiers, so he said that the blood of soldiers flows in his bones.

Born in Sichuan Province in [-], he was a wild child since childhood.

When I was a child, I played very wildly by the Jinsha River, swimming in the river, making small wooden rafts, stealing books, grapefruits, sugar cane, and even swam across the Jinsha River to steal pumpkins on the other side, and was almost stoned to death by farmers.

Wang Liang smiled and said: "At that time, one word, chaos! Everyone was poor, and the children were not as expensive as they are now, and they were basically free-range."

Fan Jianguo's father was a soldier who had been on the battlefield. He fought against the enemy with real swords and guns.

The father taught his son this way since he was a child: "To be a man, you must have a lot of energy. One person has one life, and it is for fighting!"

Every time Fan Jianguo fought with his friends, his father would not help him.

Just copy the hand and watch from the side, if he wins, he will be rewarded.

Fan Jianguo once said: "How can there be 100% certainty in fighting? My father told me so since I was a child."

Under such a special education method, Fan Jianguo became an out-and-out adventurist. Regardless of whether something works or not, we should fight first before talking about it.

In Wang Liang's words, he said a lot of the character characteristics of the second generation of the army: "Born in a military family, and the special experience of childhood, they were raised with a kind of ruthlessness, not only endured hardship, but also divided morals Of course, if you dare to think about it, you will dare to do it.”

In [-], under a special historical background, Fan Jianguo went to Richeng Commune in Yibin County as an educated youth after graduating from high school.

During those years, he worked so hard that he fainted twice due to starvation.

Ruthlessness, hard work, and tenacity are the creeds he has used throughout his life.

Those who love to fight are always lucky.

Later, in order to change his own destiny, he volunteered to be a soldier.

The first time I violated the registration, although I passed the inspection at first, but was eventually rejected.

He was not reconciled, so he went directly to the conscription chief at the time, wrote calligraphy and played the flute for him, and asked for approval to join the army.

In the end, the head of the conscription was moved by Fan Jianguo's tenacity and made an exception to let him join his team.

In this way, Fan Jianguo stayed in Mongolia for two and a half years, more than 900 days, in winter at minus [-] degrees Celsius.

Some people are always unwilling to be mediocre.

In [-], an opportunity came.

The central government announced the resumption of the college entrance examination, and Fan Jianguo also saw a turning point in his fate.

After getting the exact news, he began to actively prepare to review the materials and prepare for the military academy exam.

Wang Liang recalled: "In [-], I was in charge of the recruitment work of the military academy for a while. How difficult is it to rely on the military academy? Let's put it this way, the army that Fan Jianguo is in, the enrollment plan is that only one person is required. .”

Student officials were not popular in those days.

At least the senior officers in the army have fought in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

The middle- and lower-level officers have also recently participated in self-defense counterattacks and made military exploits.

At that time, the popular troop was promoted.

Wang Liang remembered very clearly that under the background of knowing this reality, very few people dared to apply for the military academy, and they all felt that they had no chance and could not be the only lucky one.

One army, eighty soldiers apply for the exam.

Fan Jianguo was impressively among the candidates.

Those with bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes.

Life is all about fighting.

In the end, Fan Jianguo became the first and only soldier in that army to be admitted to the military academy when the college entrance examination was resumed.

He was admitted to Xi'an Political Science Institute as he wished.

In the late 70s, being admitted to a university undoubtedly changed his destiny completely.

Speaking of this, many netizens feel excited.

Full of immersion.

But after listening to so many stories told by Wang Liang, the tastes of netizens inevitably became tricky.

I feel almost something.

At this time, Wang Liang continued: "After graduating from school, Fan Jianguo entered the Sancheng Medical University to teach. This job lasted for seven years."

In his eighth year as a university teacher, this enterprising guy is unwilling to be lonely again.

He resolutely quit his job as a university teacher.

Wang Liang said: "At that time, in the 80s, a university teacher was a job that countless people envied. Even now, it is still a good job. But he has the courage to resign."

Because Fan Jianguo felt that this job could be seen at a glance.

This is not what I want.

With that restless heart in his heart, he embarked on the next journey, following his heart and moving forward.

Fate seems to have always favored this aggressive guy. Fan Jianguo, who was born unwilling to be mediocre, stepped into his official career after resigning from his job as a university teacher. At the age of only 34, he became the executive deputy mayor of a prefecture-level city.

"The last century was the era, 34 years old, executive deputy mayor, executive deputy department level, with a bright future. It can be said that he was a political star at that time." Speaking of this, Wang Liang couldn't help feeling a little excited.


There are countless impossibilities in life.

People have to make countless choices in their life.

And precisely because of this, different people will have different lives.

The executive deputy mayor, the next step is the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee or the mayor at a higher level.

In the 90s of the last century, this was a job that many people flocked to.

How many people squeezed their scalps to achieve this position, and at the age of 34, he did it.

But what surprised others was that Fan Jianguo was still dissatisfied with this, and shouted to resign, and the reasons he gave made people vomit blood.

The salary is too little!
Wang Liang smiled wryly: "Ever since I was a child, I knew that this little bastard was extraordinary and promising. But in [-], when I heard that he resigned from the position of executive deputy mayor, I was really surprised."

(End of this chapter)

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