Veteran never die

Chapter 371 I want to build a museum!

Chapter 371 I want to build a museum!

0375 I want to build a museum!

The interest of netizens has been aroused by Wang Liang, not to mention Fan Jianguo's dramatic life experience itself is very attractive.

Wang Liang continued: "Yes, as many friends have said, he wants to build a museum."

"In fact, the reason why Jianguo resigned from the position of executive mayor was because he felt that the salary was too low to support him in collecting."

In the 70s, a huge storm rewrote the fate of countless people.

Because Fan Jianguo's father joined Yan Xishan's team in the early years, he was inevitably impacted and locked up in the 'cowshed'.

Fan Jianguo, who was ignorant at that time, was eager to know what happened in this country.

Back then, there was no such thing as the internet or television, and many radio stations were off the air.

Most of the ones that can be heard are model plays.

Therefore, in order to get closer to the historical truth, Fan Jianguo developed the habit of collecting newspapers, leaflets, letters and medals every day.

Habits are enough to affect a person's life.

"Jianguo's father and I are old friends, so I met this kid very early. When he was studying in Kaoxi'an, Mongolia, I went to see him once." Wang Liang recalled.

People are soaking in the school library or self-study room to study eagerly, desperately acquiring knowledge.

After all, he has been hungry and thirsty for ten years.

Look at this kid Fan Jianguo again, he is good, in the eyes of his classmates he is just a guy who is 'not doing his job', idles around all day, and visits some antique streets.

Fortunately, Fan Jianguo's homework has never fallen behind, and he has always been among the best in his major, so the teacher just turned a blind eye.

You must know that under the special historical background at that time, people like Fan Jianguo could easily be labeled as such.

Wang Liang went to Xi'an to meet Fan Jianguo, and after hearing some information from the dean, he had a long talk with him.

Wang Liang recalled: "I was really inspired by what Jianguo said at the time. He said: 'The glory of a country can be shared by every one of the 13 billion people, but the national humiliation also needs everyone to share it. Bear! I am full of respect for the predecessors of the Anti-Japanese War, and want to commemorate them in my own way, so I collect all kinds of things related to the Anti-Japanese War.'”

At that time, Wang Liang was really shocked by the boy in his twenties in front of him.

At that time, everyone wished to draw a clear line with the past, and wished to completely destroy all the old objects.

But there is such a person who wants to pick up the things of the past.

As an anti-Japanese soldier, Wang Liang was filled with emotion.

At that moment, Wang Liang completely understood Fan Jianguo and turned to support him.

Born in a military family, he knows too much. His special life experience made him focus on collecting various things related to the Chinese War of Resistance.

The next day, Wang Liang left Xi'an.

He left 500 yuan to Fan Jianguo and encouraged him to continue this business.

It was also from that time on that Wang Liang knew that this kid would definitely be great in the future.

Later, in order to collect treasures, Fan Jianguo went to Wenwan Market to pick up leaks whenever he had time.

He also had the cheek to ask his friends if he hated it.

He thrashed all over the world, as if in a daze.

When I go to any old village or old house, my eyes light up when I see the garbage dump, and I can happily take pictures of a washbasin with a rotten bottom.

When he was the executive deputy mayor, he still maintained this hobby.

In other words, it has been done as a career.

But helplessly, the salary is too low. Although there is no need to worry about food and clothing, it seems stretched to buy that old thing.

Resign and go to sea.

Later, after making a fortune in the real estate industry, Fan Jianguo became more confident in his actions.

As long as it is something he likes, he will pay for it immediately and buy it without delay.

"I remember one time, Jianguo was in Tanggu. He was on a business trip. When he saw someone smashing up a bunker, he went over and asked the construction workers. Ten tons of blockhouses were transported from Tanggu back to Sichuan Province. Crazy?" Wang Liang smiled wryly.

Later, with more and more collections, in order to avoid some legal disputes, Fan Jianguo hoped to buy cultural relics in the name of the museum.

In [-], he bid for the establishment of a museum.

At that time, the general idea was that museums were sacred and high above, how could it be possible for an individual to create one?

It seems a little unrealistic.

What's more, building a museum is not a small investment, it can be called a bottomless pit.

Furthermore, there is no report.

At that time, Fan Jianguo had already ranked among the top [-] of China's richest people, and his business was booming. It was time to make a big splash in the mall.

But something happened later that made him completely determined to build a museum.

In [-], at the Lugouqiao Anti-Japanese Exhibition Hall, Fan Jianguo brought his own collection into the capital for the exhibition.

Experts from the State Administration of Cultural Heritage didn't know if they didn't look at it, and they were taken aback when they saw it.

Fan Jianguo carefully selected the [-] exhibits that were all identified as first-class cultural relics.

It is a particularly important representative cultural relic reflecting the historical events and important historical figures of the Chinese nation's resistance to foreign aggression and aggression.

Fourteen pieces.

Fan Jianguo: "This museum must be built!"

Friend: "What about your business? Now is a great time for real estate development!!!"

Fan Jianguo: "Sichuan Province has 13 real estate developers. It doesn't matter if I have one more, and it doesn't matter if I have one less. There are [-] billion people in China, and [-] billion can live a normal life, but someone should stand up Spine, ring the alarm bell, I just want to be a bell ringer!"

Merchants seek profit, and there are many intrigues in the market.

My friend disagreed and thought this guy was talking big.

But when Fan Jianguo sold various assets such as office buildings and shops, and invested all the funds in the museum, everyone was shocked.

When his friend knew that he was playing for real, he scolded him: "You are stupid, you have to spend money on this matter, the museum is a bottomless pit, are you going to be a martyr?"

"This is the Fan Jianguo I know, who spent all his wealth just to be a bell ringer." Wang Liang said.

Fan Jianguo's museum is planned to be [-] mu.

He ran around looking for the five hundred acres of land.

As soon as others heard it, they thought he was a liar, and doubts arose everywhere.

"How can you buy five hundred acres to build a museum? Is there such a fool? I think you are here to build a real estate enclosure?"

"Are you crazy about money?"

"A real estate builds a museum? That's the best joke I've ever heard."

"Liar! A real estate agent, buying [-] acres of land is not to enclose the land and sell it for money, but to build a museum? You are lying to a fool!"

(End of this chapter)

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