Chapter 151
0150 Border Guard Medal
Shooting is one of the core skills of soldiers, and it is the basic skill of soldiers.

However, because the main task of the border guards is to stand guard and patrol on duty, compared with other arms, they do not have high requirements for shooting performance.

To be able to pass the established examination.

But Zhao Xing was not convinced, since he was a soldier, he had nothing to ask for.

To be a soldier for a day is to be the best soldier, to be a leading soldier!

There are very few opportunities to shoot live ammunition, so Zhao Xing cherishes every opportunity to shoot live ammunition.

He continued to learn shooting experience from the old squad leader, and disassembled and reassembled firearms day after day.

The days of guarding the border are lonely and boring, but every day of Zhao Xing is very fulfilling.

Because he is learning and improving every day.

One crutch, two crutches, Corporal.

In [-], as soon as Zhao Xing was promoted to the rank of sergeant, he ushered in the rifle shooting assessment organized by the border defense regiment, and all officers and soldiers of the company had to participate.

On that day, the name Zhao Xing was recorded in the annals of the frontier defense regiment.

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang, bang bang—

During the 100-meter shooting assessment, after bursts of gunshots, the soldier in charge of reporting the target raised the target and shouted: "Zhao Xing, fifty rings!"

Five bullets, fifty rings.

This means that every shot Zhao Xing fired was ten rings!
After 52 years since the establishment of Xiaobaiyang Outpost in [-], it was the first time that someone scored a full score of [-] rings in the official assessment.

Of course, in daily training, some people have achieved five shots and fifty rings.

Anyone who has been in the military knows that during the assessment, shooters are affected by various factors such as psychology, environment, and climate, and it is difficult to perform at their usual level.

As soon as the results came out, the officers and soldiers were very excited.

The army is a place where you are strong when you meet the strong.

The members of the assessment team repeatedly checked the target paper on the spot and confirmed this result.

The political commissar of the regiment immediately put a big red flower on Zhao Xing's chest, and Zhao Xing brows happily.

fifty rings.

This is inevitable by chance.

When Zhao Xing was asked how he did it.

Zhao Xing stretched out his hands and rolled up his sleeves.

There are thick calluses on the hands and a thick layer of skin on the elbows.

This is by far the best answer.

A blockbuster achievement is definitely not achieved overnight.

In the past target shooting, Zhao Xing scored 48 or 49 every time, which is only one or two rings away from the perfect score.

When you reach a certain height, it becomes difficult to make progress.

But Zhao Xing is a person who refuses to admit defeat.

How could he be satisfied with 49 rings?

He worked overtime training, constantly groping.

Finally, he found out why.

Breath and mental conditioning.

These two invisible factors affected him.

Zhao Xing designed many training methods, but he doesn't know if they will work, so let's use himself as a guinea pig for the experiment.

Practicing day after day, Zhao Xing designed countless situations for himself when shooting, and he had to overcome and adapt to them one by one.

A month later, the assessment team of the military sub-division came to the post again to organize the shooting assessment, and Zhao Xing scored fifty rings again.

A veritable gun king was born.

At this time, Zhao Xing was already a squad leader.

As the class monitor, Zhao Xing knows that a flower blooming alone is not spring, but a hundred flowers blooming together makes the garden full of spring.

Not only must grasp your own results, but also let the soldiers in the class achieve results.

While constantly improving his shooting performance, Zhao Xing did not hold back, and taught every soldier in the class his long-term accumulated experience.

Zhao Xing: "When shooting, you must hold your elbows firmly, the butt of the gun must be firm against your shoulders, and rest on your cheeks naturally, breathe evenly, and don't hold your breath for too long. Yes, yes, that's it, keep it!"

"Don't shake, why are you shaking? Keep your elbows steady!"

"Adjust your breathing, inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale, follow my rhythm!"

In terms of training, he is the strictest.

In the shooting competition assessment again and again, Zhao Xing's class always came out on top.

Zhao Xing's excellence is not only reflected in shooting, but also in other training subjects, and his comrades can't help but give a thumbs up and praise him sincerely.

He is 28 years old, and he is considered a veritable veteran in the army.

Veterans are lazy, no one will say anything.

But Zhao Xing is not only not lazy, he still tosses himself like he just joined the army.

Take the five-kilometer cross-country as an example. Every time he runs, he will tie sandbags to his legs.

The high-intensity training and harsh weather caused severe water accumulation on both of his knees, which often caused needle-like pain.

He didn't bother the army. When he went home to visit his family, he secretly went to the hospital in the township to drain the stagnant water, and his condition was relieved.

Zhao Xing said: "As a squad leader, I must set an example for the soldiers during training, and never fall behind. Only a strong general can have no weak soldiers."

Zhao Xing is not only the monitor of Class [-], he also holds several positions.

When the military rank was changed to Liangguai, because of his outstanding performance, Zhao Xing was recommended to participate in the health worker training organized by the regiment.

After returning from his studies, he became a recognized junior military doctor in the company.

During the long winter when the outpost was isolated from the world, he was the reassurance for the health of his comrades.

Not only does he see a doctor, but he is also a veterinarian who ensures the health of more than a dozen horses in the company.

Because the company is in charge of the 23-kilometer-long border defense line, which is long and steep, and many sections of the road cannot be opened to traffic, so the soldiers can only patrol on horseback.

Those horses have to be bred, cultivated and trained by the company itself.

The capable Zhao Xing took on the task of training horses again.

Horse training is not that simple, but also very dangerous.

Once, he was training a two-year-old maroon stallion, that is, as soon as he rode on it, the savage stallion jumped wildly.

When Zhao Xing became unstable, he was thrown off his horse.

It wasn't over yet, the stallion stepped on Zhao Xing's thigh again, he grinned his teeth in pain, touched his thigh, luckily the bone was not broken.

Zhao Xing, who has some knowledge of horse training, knows that training must not stop at this time.

So, he endured the pain and jumped on the horse to continue training.

A few weeks passed, the horse was tamed, and Zhao Xing also established a deep friendship with this comrade-in-arms.

Zhao Xing can say proudly: "The horses that the outpost is responsible for patrolling are all trained by me."

Because of his outstanding performance, Zhao Xing was awarded the honorary titles of outstanding conscripts, training pacesetters, outstanding non-commissioned officers, and outstanding party members one after another.

However, the one that Zhao Xing valued most was the silver medal of "Defending the Country and Frontiers".

Comment area.

"I have worked as a frontier guard in northern Xinjiang for five years, and I have a deep understanding of what the old chief said just now about washing hands and face in ice water. It is really not easy. In winter, you have to wear nine layers of clothes and risk more than 40 degrees below zero. Extreme cold, strong winds, and heavy snow, and you have to carry dozens of kilograms of equipment to patrol and train, and guard every inch of the motherland's territory at all times. Without the sacrifices of soldiers, how can there be peace and stability in the country? Salute to the comrades-in-arms! Hard work .”

"Bask in the peaceful sunshine every day, that is someone helping you to drive away the darkness."

"The border guards pay too much."

"Hey, am I the only one who finds out that the old chief is off topic? What about the good love story? Why do I have a bad feeling again?"

"I'm afraid it's a routine, so I searched for Zhao Xing on Baidu, but there wasn't any news about it. Don't worry, he's definitely not a martyr!"

"Huh, then I'm relieved."

"Old chief, the dog food is ready, it depends on whether you can stuff it into our mouths."

(End of this chapter)

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