Veteran never die

Chapter 152 Poplar Love

Chapter 152 Poplar Love (Two in One)

0151 Poplar Love

Netizens were moved and complained, Wang Liang smiled: "Okay, then let's talk about the love story of our soldiers. There used to be a story called the love of the hawthorn tree. The love story in it brought us melancholy, and also expressed that The enthusiasm, difficulties and ideals in the hearts of the intellectual youth of the era, as well as the beautiful vision for the future of the motherland."

"And today, what I want to talk about is the love of the poplar tree, a painful and unforgettable military love."

It's time to distribute dog food.
There has been an old saying in China since ancient times that male college students should marry and female college students should marry.

Every time Zhao Xing faced the two choices of continuing to serve in the military and transferring to a local area, he always chose the former.

Ten years have passed, and he has changed from a young boy to a 28-year-old youth.

28 years old, what should one look like?
Married or married, the children can play soy sauce.

Successful career, financial independence, car and house.

As a border guard, especially a soldier at Xiaobaiyang Post, Zhao Xing basically never saw girls except for visiting relatives home every few years and joint patrols once a month.

Therefore, finding a partner has become a heart problem for Zhao Xing's parents.

Zhao Xing's elder sister has always kept his brother's marriage in mind, and has been helping him introduce him.

Once, his sister who worked in Urumqi called him and said that she knew a girl who worked in a convenience store.

Both character and appearance are very good.

The girl's home is in Ning City, Gansu Province, which is the place where the three main forces of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army joined forces in October [-], so the girl worships the soldiers very much.

During the annual leave, Zhao Xing met the girl for the first time in the restaurant.

At the border post, there is no sign of a girl all year round. Although the mission is carried out jointly with the female militia, the patrols are segmented
In addition, unmarried soldiers have very limited vacations every year, so they basically have zero skills in terms of talking about the partner.

The meal was barely finished, Zhao Xing didn't go around the bush, and asked the girl directly, "What's your impression of me?"

Soldiers are so straightforward and don't beat around the bush.

The girl's face turned red, she nodded, and replied shyly, "It's pretty good."

The first impression the two left with each other was very good, so they left each other's contact information, and a marathon military romance began.

For two years, the relationship between the two continued to heat up.

Standing at thirty, it's time to talk about marriage.

But the girl's parents hesitated, considering that their daughter was already so far away from home and would marry a border guard who couldn't stay at home all year round. Even if they got married, they would have to live separately.

There are not many opportunities to meet each other in a year, and I can't take care of anything.

Furthermore, can such a relationship be maintained?
The girl's parents were very worried, so they called Zhao Xing alone and said something.

After that, Zhao Xing proposed to break up, breaking up without any reason or warning.

The girl refused. In her heart, she already regarded Zhao Xing as the man who had lived her whole life.

The phone was dialed again and again, but all the voices were blind.

The girl wanted to find Zhao Xing at the outpost, but the mountain was blocked by heavy snow, so she couldn't go up at all, so she could only wait.

For a month, the girl's condition was very poor. She didn't want to eat and couldn't sleep. Her parents saw it and felt pain in her heart.

They compromised and made a phone call to Zhao Xing, apologizing and begging, as prospective father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Finally, after a long wait, she came to Xiaobaiyang outpost, the place guarded by her loved one.

Here, she could feel his breath.

From a distance, the girl could see a sentry tower standing on the unnamed highland beside the Bulgan River at the foot of Baruch Mountain in the car.

The whole body is painted with bright camouflage, and the five-star red flag flutters high on the top of the tower.

Several soldiers with guns on their backs were standing guard, looking very mighty.

There is a poplar tree in front of the tower, shining brightly in the sun.

As soon as the girl got out of the car, the horn rang, a familiar voice.

"When other people fall in love, they are sweet and tired of being together, but we are separated by hundreds of kilometers because I am guarding the frontier in the Northwest. Even if I am free, I will accompany you to eat and eat even if I am sick. There is no chance of needles, and everything is left to you as a girl. I don’t remember how many times you called me and couldn’t find me because there was no signal on the mountain. I was very worried and anxious. I feel that I owe it You are so much, actually, I don’t know what language to use to express my feelings at this moment. Anyway, my heart is full of gratitude and guilt. Thank you for sticking to me for the past two years. Thank you for your support in my work and life. tolerance and understanding.”

At this time, the sound of horseshoes was heard not far away.

Zhao Xing is here.

The girl is crying.

Looking at each other silently, hugging each other and weeping.

Zhao Xing took out the ring box from his pocket, and inside it was the engagement ring that had been prepared a long time ago.

It was too cold to open the ring box anyway.

Zhao Xing, who has always been resolute, was so anxious that tears fell straight down. No one could understand his feeling of regaining what was lost.

Amid sobbing, Zhao Xing half-kneeled in front of the girl and shouted loudly: "Marry me!"

"Marry him!"

"Marry him!"

"Marry him!"

The soldiers at the outpost raised their arms and shouted.

The whole outpost is as happy as a festival.

Later, Zhao Xing became a father.

After the son was born, the girl, no, should be the military wife.

Because of love, Zhao Xing's wife gave up her good-paying job and shared a house with another military wife in the county town at the foot of the outpost mountain.

Just to be closer to the one I love.

The couple went up the mountain and down the mountain, one guarded the border and the other guarded the house.

Home, there is a little helplessness here, but more miss and warmth.

Although the distance between the mountain and the mountain is only [-] kilometers.

However, the management of the army is very strict. Except for the 30-day family leave every year, only on big holidays can the mother and son hitch a ride to the post for reunion.

In this way, it took them several months to see each other for the last time.

It is not easy for a young mother to live alone with her child in this unfamiliar place.

In the middle of the night, the child vomited and diarrhea, and kept crying.

The wife has a feeling that every day should not be called and the ground is not working.

After a sleepless night, he called a taxi to take the child to the hospital at dawn. After returning home, his wife couldn't bear the grievance in her heart, so she called Zhao Xing and cried.

Zhao Xing could understand his wife's difficulties, and after some "sweet talk", his wife on the other end of the phone finally smiled.

Zhao Xing said: "My daughter-in-law is easy to coax. I usually buy her some small gifts and make a little surprise for her, and she is satisfied."

Yes, this is the Chinese military wife.

Whenever his wife comes to the outpost, Zhao Xing especially cherishes the time when the husband and wife are reunited.

He believes that if the work is done well, the wife must also be coaxed well.

Influenced by his father, the one-year-old son has a natural intimacy with the whistle, and is particularly sensitive to the whistle of the company.

In the morning, the son who had just arrived at the post heard the whistle for getting up, jumped out of bed like his father, and was about to rush out the door with his bare feet to follow the exercise, no one could pull him.

So, he followed behind the company's drill team, shouting the command "one two one".

During the Spring Festival of that year, CCTV broadcast a special report on Zhao Xing, a frontier soldier, training and living in the army.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law who had never been to the outpost in front of the TV watched the documentary filmed by the CCTV reporter, saw the Xiaobaiyang outpost, and saw Zhao Xing training in the blizzard. The old couple burst into tears .

Only then did they get to know their son-in-law better.

Zhao Xing's father was a tough guy who never shed tears. When he saw his son's devotion to border defense in such a difficult environment, he burst into tears.

The father said: "I didn't expect that the child who slammed the door when she said something wrong at home in the past would become so capable and promising in the army. The army trains people!"

Comment area.

"I was still deceived by the old chief. It's a cold day, and I, an old man, cried when I saw it. I can imagine that scene."

"I don't envy them, I just love them. Soldiers are the cutest people, and military wives are the most admirable people. I wish you all the best of luck."

"Zhao Xing is a third-rank non-commissioned officer, which also means that he will serve the country for 12 years. I hope he can find a good job after he retires."

"Salute! Salute to the old soldiers who once guarded the border defense of the motherland and the comrades-in-arms who are still patrolling the border defense line!"

"The Love of the Poplar Tree is obviously a beautiful love story. After listening to it, my heart is still sour, and I can't stop the tears from being moved."

"It's almost New Year's Eve. Salute to those PLA who are still sticking to the front line of border defense. With your protection, there will be lights for thousands of families and our happy reunion."

Although the ending was happy, netizens cried and were deeply moved by the story.

Wang Liang said: "Zhao Xing did not have any earth-shattering feats in the military camp. His story is touching because he fulfilled the duties of an ordinary soldier in an ordinary post. He is the epitome of thousands of frontier soldiers. , There are tens of thousands of Zhao Xings in the Chinese People's Liberation Army."

"Now, the little white poplar that year has grown into a big poplar, with vigorously stretched branches, looking so stalwart and full of vitality, just like a border soldier like Zhao Xing. Beside the tall poplar tree, there is also a tree A slightly shorter white poplar. It is a mother-in-law tree emerging from the root of that poplar tree. Next to it, small mother-in-law poplars are also thriving."

The beautiful singing of "Little Poplar" sounded again.

A little white poplar grows beside the outpost

Roots are deep, stems are strong, guarding the northern border
The breeze is blowing, the green leaves are rustling, hey

太阳 照 得 绿叶 闪银光

来 来 来 来 来 来 来 来 来

来 来 来 来 来 来 来 来 来

little poplar, little poplar

同 我 一起 守 边防
一起 守 边防
Every year, new recruits will be added to the Xiaobaiyang post, and the spirit of Xiaobaiyang will be passed on from generation to generation.

What is Little Poplar?
Wang Liang: "This is poplar, a very common tree in Northwest China, but it is really an extraordinary tree."


PS: I firmly believe that there will be moving people in the ordinary. The Chinese People's Liberation Army is made up of these ordinary soldiers. They are all flesh and blood and emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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