Veteran never die

Chapter 150 New Era, Continuing the Spirit of Little Poplar

Chapter 150 New Era, Continuing the Spirit of Little Poplar

0149 New Era, Continuing the Spirit of Little Poplar

"It probably started in [-]. The little white poplar at the Tasdy outpost has received extensive media attention, and there has been an endless stream of people visiting the post for interviews and sightseeing. The Tasdy post has also become a national defense education and patriotism center. An important place for education. In May of that year, the Xinjiang Provincial Military Region officially named the Tasti Outpost as the Little Baiyang Outpost.”

"When you approach the outpost, the first thing you see are eight big red characters—"Defend the country and defend the border, selfless dedication". , engraved with the names of many fighters who have left."

Wang Liang: "The times are advancing, and the spirit of Xiao Baiyang has never changed, and has been passed down from generation to generation. The story of Xiao Baiyang in the 80s has been told. If friends are not bored, old man, I will tell a story about Xiao Baiyang in the new century. , okay?"

Wang Liang didn't intend to go too deep, but when he told the stories of Sun Longzhen and Cheng Fusheng and the officers and soldiers of the 80s outpost, he thought of another person.

Comment area.

"Of course, please give me a stack of stories like this!"

"Okay! But I have a question. Is the protagonist in this story sacrificed? Is it a sad story? Old Chief, let me prepare the toilet paper first."

"Old chief, go ahead, we love to hear whatever you say."





Wang Liang smiled and replied: "This is not a sad story, on the contrary, it is a beautiful and cheerful love story."

The narration begins.

The spring of [-].

The three-month recruit company training was over, and the recruits left the company. After the units were assigned, Zhao Xing and his new comrades left the battalion headquarters in military trucks.

Destination: Little Poplar Outpost on the border.

That year, Zhao Xing.

The outpost was set up on the top of a steep mountain. Spring had just started at that time, and the snow on the mountain had not yet melted, so the truck couldn't go up even with full horsepower.

Driver: "Comrades, go down and push!"

"1, 2, 3, come on!"

"1, 2, 3, come on!"

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, full of enthusiasm, shouting loud slogans, they push the truck hard.

However, no matter how hard I tried, the car just couldn't move.

In desperation, the soldiers had to return to the battalion headquarters.

Zhao Xing began to understand the meaningful words of the squad leader when assigning units: "Little Baiyang Post, go, it will be difficult to come out again."

After two days of recuperation at the battalion headquarters, Zhao Xing and the others set off again.

But the situation is still very bad.

The melted snow and ice made a gap about ten feet long on the path leading to the outpost at the foot of the mountain, and the ice and muddy water rushed violently.

Too dangerous to return without success again.

At this time, Zhao Xing understood more clearly what kind of place he was going to.

The recruits were all the same, singing "Little Baiyang", and rushed to the famous Xiaobaiyang post with infinite longing and reverie.

But the road to the outpost is not so easy.

After waiting at the foot of the mountain for a whole week, the recruits were sent to the post.

Ideals are beautiful, and reality is very skinny.

As soon as they arrived at the outpost, Zhao Xing and his comrades suffered a blow.

It turned out that the cracked water pipes at the outpost hadn't had time to be repaired. The first thing the recruits needed to do was to fetch water from the Burgan River ten miles away.

Washing hands, face, and clothes all use cold snow water.

The kind that can freeze to the bone.

Soon, Zhao Xing's hands were swollen from the cold.

Because the mountains were blocked by heavy snow, the officers and soldiers at the outpost could not eat fresh vegetables for a long time.

What kind of impact will there be if you can't eat fresh vegetables for a long time?
Mouth ulcers hurt you to death.

Constipation, life and death just can't get it out, it's uncomfortable to death.In severe cases, anal fissures and hemorrhoids will occur.

Stomach pain and stomach acid lead to loss of appetite and poor appetite.

In the harsh environment and the physical torture, Zhao Xing's fiery hearts were instantly cooled by the ice water.

Days are like years, Zhao Xing remembers that he is counting his fingers to live.

I just want to wait until the two-year military service expires and leave this ghost place early.

And just when this idea was just beginning to germinate, a revolutionary traditional education began.

Wang Liang: "It's the story of Sun Longzhen, Cheng Fusheng and his comrades that I just told."

Zhao Xing and the others saw the tombstone of martyr Sun Longzhen.

In the evening, he had a discussion with veteran comrades of the Xinjiang Provincial Corps, old educated youths, and representatives of frontier heroes and models.

After listening to the report by Zhang Shan, the deputy monitor of the Longzhen class at the time, she said: "Sun Longzhen gave her young life in order to safeguard the dignity and sovereignty of the country. Her deeds are touching and inspiring. As a hero class It is a great honor to be able to take over the baton of the predecessors who have cultivated and guarded the border. I hope that you and the soldiers in your class will continue to carry forward the spirit of the Corps, based on your duties, and achieve results."

The predecessor of Sun Longzhen's militia squad was the second squad of the Muyi Brigade, the only female militia squad in the country that guards the frontier and implements paramilitary management.

Yes, all female soldiers.

Zhao Xing was deeply moved by these stories that he had never heard before, more precisely, he was shocked.

When you see those female militiamen, when you work with them to strengthen the barbed wire fence and patrol the border situation.

Sun Longzhen's militia squad is responsible for patrolling the entire [-]-kilometer border.The environment is complex, and long-distance patrols need to climb several mountains.

In summer, the roads are covered with camel thorns and Haloxylon weed, sticking to clothes and piercing the skin is extremely painful.

In winter, you have to slide step by step in the knee-deep snow and move forward with difficulty. You often fall into bruises and purple spots on your body, and you often fall into snow pits and encounter snowstorms.

In the face of difficulties, the female militiamen have never flinched. They have to cooperate with border guards and soldiers to carry out long-distance patrols every month, and go to the border guards for joint defense training in winter every year.

Since then, Zhao Xing has no distractions, and he is getting closer and closer to Little Baiyang.

"I am the No.40 eighth-generation successor of Little Baiyang spirit! The connotation of Little Baiyang spirit is to be loyal to the motherland, take root in the frontier, be brave and tenacious, and swear to death; .” The instructor led the recruits to solemnly swear an oath under the poplar tree.

After completing the oath, Zhao Xing felt this power surging all over his body, endless power.

Two years are fleeting, and it's time to choose.

Without the slightest hesitation or hesitation, Zhao Xing chose to become a non-commissioned officer and continue to serve.

Because he has fallen in love with Xiaobaiyang Outpost deeply, and loves this land deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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