Ode to joy

Chapter 154

Chapter 154

"go Go."

Qiu Yingying cheered and left.His eyes never took a step away from Yingqin, and he never even looked at the policeman.It was the first time for the two policemen to suffer such serious cold treatment, and they suffered severe physical and mental injuries.

And Qiu Yingying was also hit immediately.Not long after hiding behind the lamp post, the door at the exit opened, and Ying Qin picked up a girl.The girl was wearing a tight down jacket with a face... that's not pure, but ignorant, okay?Qiu Yingying shouted in her heart, but she could only watch Ying Qin take the girl's backpack. Although the two did not hold hands, they walked away talking and laughing.Heartbroken, Qiu Yingying followed those two people blankly, this time she forgot to dodge, and followed them directly, neither dodging nor evading.

Before entering the parking garage, the girl who had been looking left and right finally noticed something different.Ying Qin was reminded, turned around and found that it was Qiu Yingying, and couldn't help but stand in front of the girl.This action deeply stimulated Qiu Yingying, she stopped in a daze, faced Ying Qin, and shed tears unrestrainedly.

Ying Qin wanted to criticize him, but when he saw this, he had to shut up, and hurriedly dragged the girl into the underground garage to find a car.

Fan Shengmei was sleeping soundly, but the mobile phone disturbed her dream and woke up Wang Baichuan. "Who, looking for you so early on the weekend..."

"Hey, how could Ying Qin do it? You must have made a mistake."

"Crazy, I don't even look at the time." Wang Baichuan turned around, closed his eyes, and went back to Fan Shengmei's side to continue sleeping.

Fan Shengmei also wished she could open her mouth to scold Ying Qin, but when she picked up the call, she heard that it was not a wrong call, so she could only ask angrily, "Xiao Ying, what happened so early in the morning?"

"I'm sorry, Sister Fan, Qiu Yingying followed me early in the morning. Can you tell her that we... I'm done with her." Ying Qin was also furious.

"Oh, I really don't know. I'll ask her later. What else do you want?"

"No more. I'm sorry." Ying Qin hung up the phone honestly.

Fan Shengmei couldn't come back to her senses, stalking? "Xiaoqiu was watching early in the morning? Why can't she let go of Yingqin?" Fan Shengmei slowly came to her senses and found that it was broken. At the beginning, she should not have given Qiu Yingying any hope. Something outrageous is coming.

Even Wang Baichuan was startled awake, "Xiaoqiu is following you? Crazy."

Fan Shengmei looked at Wang Baichuan, "What should I do? She's gone mad, and I just persuaded her a while ago."

"Quickly ask where Xiao Qiu is. If you do that stupid thing so early, you will get into trouble. After asking clearly, let's go pick her up."

Fan Shengmei frowned and called Qiu Yingying's cell phone, but Qiu Yingying was afraid that the phone would suddenly ring when she was following her, so she turned off the phone when she went out. The phone is off.Fan Shengmei had no choice but to continue to sleep.But where can I sleep.

Wang Baichuan said: "Why don't we rent a bigger house, and you can move in together. You have a lot of people and a lot of trouble."

Fan Shengmei shook her head.Cohabitation is worse than marriage, which is a consensus that modern women have already spontaneously reached.If you live together without a house, then don't even think about urging men to buy a house and get married.But she just said politely: "I'm too lazy to move, and later... let's move at once."

Wang Baichuan knew that Fan Shengmei was talking about getting married only when she had a house, and moving after getting married. "Be sure to work hard."

Wang Baichuan said this sentence to Fan Shengmei almost every day.

After all, Fan Shengmei was worried, she hesitated again and again, and decided to unethically wake up Guan Juer who might still be asleep.Sure enough, Guan Juer's voice from the phone was as breathless as a thread.

"Xiaoguan, I have something very important to trouble you. Is Xiaoqiu at home? Do you know where she is?"

"Xiaoqiu... isn't he sleeping?"

"Oops, Ying Qin called me just now, saying that Xiao Qiu was stalking him. I was so sleepy that I forgot to ask where I was stalking, and then the two of them lost their phone calls. I don't know what happened. Help me Think about where Xiao Qiu might have gone, and whether she has revealed any news to you. If she comes back, you will tell me immediately. "

Guan Juer forced herself to wake up, but she was notoriously impoverished, and no matter how hard she pinched herself, she couldn't wake up, so she could only ask: "Sister Fan, tell me what should I do now. Didn't wake up."

Fan Shengmei couldn't help laughing, and immediately issued a clear instruction: "Put on thick clothes and walk around the room to see if Xiaoqiu is there and whether the bed is warm."

Guan Juer got out of bed as he said, turned around shivering with cold, and broadcast simultaneously: "Not here, the bed is also cold."

"Search Xiaoqiu's room and see if there is any sign indicating where she has gone."

Guan Juer blinked desperately to make her vision clear, her yawn had already reached Fan Shengmei's ears through the radio waves. "No, everything is normal. Well, there is a graffiti in front of the computer, bus No. 5 or No. 200 overnight, get on the Jinghua Building... What does it mean?"

"Well, Xiao Guan, you go back to sleep and I'll find out where the two cars share the same destination."

Fan Shengmei got out of bed and took Wang Baichuan's notebook to check the bus route online.Wang Baichuan also got up, saw that Fan Shengmei's inquiry was over, and then inserted a USB shield to transfer a week's living money from China Merchants Bank to her mother's account before quitting. "Hey, the computer in your dormitory is broken?" Wang Baichuan looked behind him and asked.

"The previous one was returned to the company after resignation, and the new one hasn't been bought yet."

"Oh, since we got up so early, why don't we go have Cantonese-style morning tea together, and then go out and pick up a laptop."

Fan Shengmei smiled, neither saying good nor bad, she didn't want to appear like a shallow person who is happy to get a small advantage. "Maybe I don't have time to have morning tea. I suspect that Xiao Qiu will go to the train station to keep an eye on Ying Qin, but...how can I find it?"

After thinking for a while, she sent a text message to Guan Juer to inform Qiu Yingying of returning to 2202 in time.She planned to go to the train station with Wang Baichuan first.

But Guan Juer was instructed by Fan Shengmei to get into the bed and sleep ignorantly. After a period of natural waking up, she suddenly turned over and got up. By the way, Xiaoqiu got into trouble.She hurriedly dressed and got out of bed, and searched the house again.It was finally dawn at this time, and it was obvious that Guan Juer was the only one in the bright 2202.After hesitating for a while, Guan Juer turned on Qiu Yingying's computer, looking for clues.Since both of them couldn't get through on their mobile phones, Guan Juer found out from the favorites that it should be Ying Qin's Weibo, and then used his own computer to surf the Internet, and left a private message on Ying Qin's Weibo, asking Ying Qin to help find him. people.

An IT person like Ying Qin has been away from the Internet for a few minutes. After Guan Juer came out of the shower, he had already sent a private message reply: The stalking happened at the train station. Now Ying Qin has left the train station, and Qiu Yingying's whereabouts are unknown.So far, Guan Juer has figured out what happened. She sat in front of the computer and thought for a while, and decided to give up her efforts.Nothing big will happen, and helping will only make Qiu Yingying go crazy, and it will be easier for Qiu Yingying to regain her sobriety after learning a lesson, just like the last time she spoke to Supervisor Bai.

And since Fan Shengmei got into Wang Baichuan's car, Wang Baichuan couldn't help Fan Shengmei, he took Fan Shengmei to a Cantonese-style morning tea shop that had recently become popular, and dragged Fan Shengmei in for morning tea.

Except for Qiu Yingying, everyone on the 22nd floor has their own weekend living arrangements.Although Qu Xiaoxiao was tired from business trips, she considered that the wild cats in the yard would inevitably give birth to young wild cats as spring approached, so she made an appointment with her colleagues to sterilize all the male wild cats today, and she provided her own clean home for surgery room, while she and her operating boyfriend, Dr. Zhao, acted as nurses, disinfecting the cats.

Guan Ju'er came back from having breakfast outside, and saw the bustle and bustle, people coming and going, cats coming and going, he didn't know what happened.Guan Juer didn't join in the fun and went straight into 2203.But after a while, when Qu Xiaoxiao saw Tang Yuyun coming to serve as a volunteer, she knocked on Guan Juer's door and dragged Guan Juer who was studying at home to be a nurse together.

In fact, a skilled veterinarian can ligate a dozen male wild cats in just two to three minutes. The only trouble is to deal with them before and after.When Guan Juer entered the door, he saw cats in the cage that had been ligated and wore Elizabethan collars, still in a state of anesthesia, winking at people like silk.Qu Xiaoxiao gave Guan Juer a hair dryer. Before the operation, those cats were thrown into Qu Xiaoxiao's big bathtub to take a bath. They used insecticidal pet shower gel, and now they are all wet. It needs to be blown dry, and it also needs to be peeled to find the unconscious fleas and strangle them to prevent the 3 fleas that are temporarily fostering these eunuch cats from becoming a plague.

Although Guan Ju'er often helped Qu Xiaoxiao who was on a business trip feed the stray cats, but it was the first time that he picked up those cats and caught insects in the air.She carefully carried out the most confused-looking anesthetized cat from the cage——Qu Xiaowu, carefully carried it to the window of the bright hall, put the newspaper on her knees, and disposed of the cat on her knees.She carefully smiled at Tang Yuyun, who was also sitting by the window to help, and carefully avoided seeing Dr. Zhao, who volunteered to ligate a cat himself.

Seeing that Guan Juer's gestures were very awkward, Tang Yuyun knew that she had never been in contact with pets, so she patiently taught Guan Juer how to please the cat, petting and blowing the air so that the cat would not be frightened.When Tang Yuyun was helping, he couldn't help seeing Guan Juer's long and slender hand.

Qu Xiaoxiao kept looking at the six directions, seeing this situation, she smiled and refused to point it out.But she soon saw Guan Juer's face was terrified, and he regarded the cat on his lap as a hot potato. "What happened to Xiaoguan?"

"The fleas are black, and they can move..." Seeing that the people in the room were all laughing, Guan Juer quickly swallowed "It's so scary", his face turned red instantly.

Tang Yuyun hurriedly said: "This thing is quite disgusting at first contact, you can be my assistant, we will divide the work and cooperate, and let me catch fleas."

Qu Xiaoxiao was relentless: "Xiaoguan, are you afraid of mosquitoes? Mosquitoes are much bigger than fleas, and they also suck blood."

"The smaller it is, the more terrifying it is. For example, Qu Xiaoxiao (Little) is definitely more dangerous than everyone in this room."

But everyone in the room thinks that Qu Xiaoxiao is a well-known villain, and they all look at Qu Xiaoxiao and smile, and Qu Xiaoxiao can't help laughing, "Xiaoguan, you are too bad, I would rather show up than show cowardice, and I have to show you I'll set them up together." As she spoke, she saw Qiu Yingying come back in a daze, and she screamed, "Xiao Qiu, come and help."

It was too late for Guan Juer to stop, so he could only take out his mobile phone and send a text message to Fan Shengmei, informing Qiu Yingying that she had replied.Over there, Dr. Zhao finished suturing triumphantly, appreciating his handicraft carefully with his hands behind his back.Qiu Yingying stared blankly at 2203 in the corridor, but opened the door and entered 2202 without saying anything.

"Xiaoguan, what's wrong with Xiaoqiu?"

"I haven't figured out what happened to Ying Qin. Ying Qin's new girlfriend came from her hometown today, and she heard the news and went to the train station to keep an eye on her." Guan Ju'er tried to speak lightly, but it was inevitable that Tang Yuyun, who was close at hand, would hear her .After finishing speaking, I didn't hear a reply for a long time, and when I looked up, I saw Qu Xiaoxiao holding back the pain. "What's wrong with you?"

Qu Xiaoxiao looked at Dr. Zhao who was not far away, "If I hadn't voted... I couldn't take it anymore..." She finally screamed, "This is called being cheap, being cheap, I will start to feel sorry for Ying Qin, Don't argue with me, I have no right and wrong, only likes and dislikes."

Only Dr. Zhao remained calm, "What's the matter with stalking, don't you often check my phone. But one method is primitive and the other is modern, whatever you women do is reasonable anyway."

Guan Ju'er lowered his head and smiled, and the more he thought about it, the more amusing he became, and he felt something was wrong, so he quickly handed over the cat in his arms to Qu Xiaoxiao. "I'd better go and see Xiaoqiu. I'm sorry."

Qu Xiaoxiao waited for Guan Juer to leave, then gently said to Tang Yuyun: "She doesn't seem to have feelings for you."

"Take your time, don't rush."

"I'm not in a hurry, but I don't feel it. I'm sorry. I don't care about your affairs in the future." Qu Xiaoxiao waved her hands and walked to send her volunteer friend home.

In fact, Tang Yuyun was at a loss, and quickly grabbed a straw at hand: "Brother Zhao, you are a master, help me find a way."

"He's rejecting experts, not chasing them. You're asking the wrong person." Qu Xiaoxiao ran back to get what the volunteers had missed, not forgetting to reject the unreasonable request for Dr. Zhao.

Dr. Zhao folded his arms and smiled with a stinky face.Tang Yuyun couldn't be more depressed, so he caught Dr. Zhao and caught fleas together.Dr. Zhao's two skillful hands in surgery are more troublesome than Tang Yuyun in catching fleas. Tang Yuyun is even more depressed.

▼warm orange

They are all kind people. No matter what they do, they do their best first. That's why neighbors are willing to watch over and help each other, and friendship can be established.

Most ordinary people are actually kind and gentle, willing to help each other.

It's just that living in the city now, the relationship between people has become completely different from that in the countryside before. There are only kindness and no use.

In Ode to Joy, how to deal with interpersonal relationships is a very important lesson!
▼ move
People are just looking for their own ideals in principle. His love is pure and natural if he meets his ideals. If he doesn’t meet his ideals, it’s not love. He directly shows that there is no muddling, no deceitful feelings, and no reluctant acceptance. He also has choices and pursues his own ideals. And happy freedom, he is upright, kind, principled, sympathetic, he can be deduced that he is serious about his work, honest, pragmatic and diligent, he is not a so-called wretched man, the only one who insists on a certain point is different from the current secular mainstream Not a wrong cognition, plus lack of some experience and ways of dealing with people (although perhaps experience can change cognition), maybe lack of comprehension in EQ, and may confuse certain concepts, but it is not necessarily in the relationship with Qiu If you are not sincerely committed, as a technician, you have the possibility to stick to the status quo and live a happy and safe life.

▼ 16
Anai is already extremely proficient at playing mountains, heavy rivers and rivers. Everyone is surrounded by clouds and mists. Just two days after clearing it, the clouds and mists came up again.

(End of this chapter)

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