Ode to joy

Chapter 153

Chapter 153

Bao Yifan laughed and said, "I'm not that smart. I work in a factory, but I'm just a fool who takes a lot of money. But I'm well-informed. I'm kind, and I don't necessarily do it even if I know it."

"Hey, are you kind?" Andy checked the beeping phone for Bao Yifan who was driving, "Your mother. Anyway, I won't eat with her."

Bao Yifan picked up the phone, but said: "Understood, I'll have a meeting with Andy first, the bureau will send a letter, and we'll go home for dinner after we're done."

Andy looked at Bao Yifan in surprise, and when he put down the phone, he immediately said, "I can't say it."

"I was going to discuss this matter with you. I haven't told my mother that you disliked her and went to investigate Mr. Wei again, and I don't want her to know today. I plan to give my mother a surprise today and send her a luxury cruise ship. Moon Tour as a birthday present. During this month, I intend to remove her and all her influence from the group. My father and I cooperated to do this with consideration for group development. My mother’s financial management has greatly constrained the group’s financial impact on the group. The influence of management, such as statistical forecasting, is very backward. On the other hand, there are also my personal considerations. My mother does not have so much power at hand, and there is no money that can be used flexibly. She cannot mobilize many people to serve her. Reach out. My mother is suspicious of my father, but she will accept my birthday present without doubt. Depriving her of power does not mean that I do not recognize her as my mother, and I will honor her better in the future. You Just help me go to dinner today as if nothing happened."

"Family, can't we have a good talk?" But before the words were spoken, Andy denied himself, "Uh, we can't talk." Thinking of Mrs. Bao's need to control the finances in order to control her husband, and Mrs. Bao's love for her background Unyielding in the investigation, expecting Mrs. Bao to hand over financial control after a good talk is undoubtedly a fantasy.

"After my dad discussed it with me, I have been struggling with my thoughts for a week. Look at my face, the pimples from the fire are almost all over the sky. I always think of four words in my heart: big rebellion. Sigh. There are still many, many inconveniences What I said to you, my family's housework. I admire my dad very much, but I was the one who stopped him before. Sigh."

Bao Yifan wanted to talk, but Andy couldn't intervene.The two were silent all the way.When we arrived at the entrance of the hotel where the meeting was held, the parking lot was empty on the weekend morning. Bao Yifan held Andy's hand, "Several friends envied me for having a pure relationship with you. I cherish our relationship very, very much."

Adding a lot of pressure to Andy's heart, Bao Yifan decided to help his father to evade his mother. One of the main reasons was that she hated Bao Tai's interference in her private life.But Guan Juer said that mothers are like this, is it because she has never enjoyed family treatment and is too intolerant of her parents.But after thinking about it for a while, she immediately supported Bao Yifan's decision. "I will restrain my emotions for lunch and cooperate with you."

Bao Yifan's hands tightened unconsciously, he nodded deeply, but heaved a long sigh.He took out his mobile phone and told his dad that it was today.

I knew that the meeting would not be able to concentrate. Unexpectedly, this meeting was a gimmick. It was a financial seminar organized by a foreign bank's wealth management department who somehow bribed the agency to send a letter to inform some wealthy businessmen.In a fit of anger, Bao Yifan got up and left the table grandly, leaving behind a room full of embarrassing people.

Andy felt that Bao Yifan was holding her hand very strongly.

The Bao family owns real estate, so of course they will build a villa that suits their wishes within their sphere of influence.It was the first time for Andy to come here, and what he saw was a yard in the villa area separated by thick hedges about half a meter tall and thick.Bao Yifan parked the car outside the yard, and Andy got out of the car and looked left and right, only to see that there are many high-rise buildings outside the villa area, and no matter how thick the hedges are, they can't stop the high-rise residents from visiting.The so-called privacy of the villa is purely a joke.

But Andy soon found out that Bao Yifan hadn't gotten out of the car yet.She turned her head and saw Bao Yifan twisting his hands in a daze in the car.Andy just wanted to open the car door to talk to Bao Yifan, when the door opened, Bao Tai came out with a big smile on his face.

Andy immediately slapped the car door vigorously, reminding Bao Yifan to return to his soul.She herself forced a smile.

Bao Tai smiled all over her face, stretched out her hands and called "Nanny" and came straight to Andy. She was more intimate and enthusiastic than before, as if the two had a journey of hardships in the sea.When Andy thought of this woman who pretended to be more relative than her relatives and turned her back but cold-bloodedly invaded her private domain without hesitation, it was like swallowing a fly in his heart. Facing the two snow-white girls who almost touched her Fat hands, she couldn't help but feel nauseous.But Bao Tai was invincible, grabbed Andy's hand, and said affectionately: "You are finally here, we have been waiting for this day for several years. Go inside, it's cold outside, don't be cold. I heard your car The sound of this broken car screaming like killing a chicken, it's terrible. I still thought, why don't you come in, is it someone else's car?"

Andy suppressed his nausea, forced a smile, and could only look at Bao Yifan as an adjustment. "Someone was dawdling in the car."

"Hehe, who is this and that person. This and that person has been blocking us from seeing you, as if we will rub off a piece of your flesh once we see you. The protection is really tight."

"Let's go in and talk." Bao Yifan turned around and snatched Andy away from his old lady.But Andy could see that Bao Yifan's face was unnatural.After entering the yard, Bao Yifan smiled and said, "It's strange, Andy has a big exam, why should I be nervous for her?"

"What am I going to test?"

Mrs. Bao laughed when she heard this: "Is our daughter so smart and afraid of exams? Every exam is probably a time for my daughter to show off her might."

Bao Yifan couldn't help laughing and said: "It's customary to attach great importance to visiting each other's house for the first time, it's like a big exam. But we already know each other, so don't take it too seriously."

"I seem to have been fooled." Andy just muttered softly, and stopped talking when he saw Lao Bao when he entered the room.Looking at the three members of the Bao family, outsiders don't know it and think it's very glamorous. Who would want to know the many conspiracies behind it.

Mrs. Bao smiled and said, "I have a special request this time, Andy, should I change my address?"

Andy really wanted to turn his head and ask Bao Yifan if Wei Guoqiang had been released.She could only pretend to be stupid and asked Bao Yifan: "According to the rules, what should I say?"

"Mom, don't make trouble. Andy, the bathroom is here. The house is so big and badly designed that first-timers can't find the bathroom."

Taking advantage of the two being alone, Andy asked softly, "Did Wei Guoqiang lift the double regulations?"

"I've never heard that it's so easy to get rid of the shuanggui?" Bao Yifan was not confident in his attitude towards sex, there must be a reason behind his intimacy, but he thought the same as Andy.What made him feel ashamed was that when he asked his father later, Wei Guoqiang really just came out.When Bao Yifan was talking to Andy, he didn't know where to put his eyes.

But Andy still understood that half the meal was eaten, and Bao Yifan still didn't propose to send his mother on a luxury cruise for January.

Since she found out that her crazy mother loved her very much, she began to consciously restrain herself from recalling the scene of her crazy mother.How could Bao Yifan not hesitate.Even Lao Bao has already started to ask his son questions with winks.

Andy didn't know how to use chopsticks, and she never planned to learn how to use them. When she arrived at Bao's house, she still asked for a knife and fork.

It's just that the meal was very uncomfortable, and it was necessary to pretend not to know that Bao's father and son were plotting, that's all, the key was that Mrs. Bao was sitting opposite her, and she was extremely bored by the intimacy, and her stomach acid burst out abnormally.When the steamed fish was served, I wondered if the nanny did a bad job. There was a fishy smell, and Mrs. Bisheng even reached out to pat the back of Andy's hand on the table, reminding her that the fish was very good.Finally, Andy couldn't help his nausea, covered his mouth and didn't even have time to say sorry, so he rushed to the bathroom on the first floor.

The Bao family members looked at each other outside, Bao Yifan glanced at his mother and followed, only to hear the sound of violent vomiting inside.He suddenly realized something.After a while, the vomiting stopped, and his cell phone prompted a text message.He opened it and looked, "It's probably pregnant. All the signs are in line. Take it easy."

Bao Yifan could only laugh when he saw "Don't be nervous", and when Andy opened the door and came out, he hugged him tightly, and then thought about whether it was wrong, whether he would press something, so he quickly let go of his hand, and hugged him lightly, and the two of them hugged each other tightly. They looked at each other and smiled. "real?"

"It seems to be true!" "Baby..." Both of them didn't know what to say, they smiled at each other and kissed lightly from time to time.At this moment, the two feel that a new bond has been added to each other, and it seems that there has been a slight qualitative change in the relationship.

Seeing that the two had left the table for so long, Mrs. Bao cautiously went to ask for confirmation because of the sensitivity of those who came by to cover their mouths and rush out.Seeing the two of them like that, he was relieved with a smile on his face.Have!Now the daughter-in-law can't escape here.She coughed lightly to signal her presence.But Bao Yifan was interrupted by a light cough, and when he looked back and saw that it was his mother who interrupted his and Andy's happy moment, he finally made up his mind.Mom has to be stopped, and he has to do a better job of protecting Andy and his baby from now on.

Neither Andy nor Lao Bao were surprised that Bao Yifan finally proposed to send his mother a one-month global luxury cruise for her birthday, while Bao Tai happily accepted his son's filial piety.Although Lao Bao pointed out that he couldn't leave this month and let Bao Tai's younger sister accompany him, which was the only fly in the ointment, but Bao Tai didn't care about it.All premeditated plans are logical, but all accidents are beaming.Everyone found a suitable reason for their behavior.

Qiu Yingying rushed to the train station early this Saturday morning with all her clothes on before dawn.It was still too early, and the subway hadn't started yet, so she had to walk a long way to take an overnight bus.There was almost no one on the street, even the sanitation workers hadn't come to clean the street yet, only the street lamps that had been on all night illuminated the rustling leaves, casting mottled spots on the ground, which also made Qiu Yingying walk suspiciously all the way.But no matter how scared she is, she will never back down. She has a strong goal.Last night I saw Ying Qin saying on Weibo that his fairy came by the evening train, and it was on Saturday.After Qiu Yingying checked, two trains met the requirements.She decided without hesitation at that time that she must go to the train station to find out.

Although Qiu Yingying set the alarm clock on her mobile phone, she almost stayed up all night. Before the alarm clock woke her up, she had already got up, washed up and went out.Although she learned the lesson of buying tickets last time and dressed thickly, her accessories were not sloppy at all, and she pestered Guan Juer to help match them last night.Of course, she is most counting on the expert Fan Shengmei, but Fan Shengmei did not return to the dormitory last night.

The car had a heater, and the smoke made Qiu Yingying drowsy. She could only open the collar to cool down, and put her hands on the cold window to stimulate her nerves.The car gradually approached the train station, and there were people exercising on the side of the road.It was still dark.

Even if Qiu Yingying wanted to sleep again, she still firmly remembered the plan she made last night.That is, you must never wait for Ying Qin to be caught alive at the exit, but first find Ying Qin vigilantly, and then quietly hide behind others, standing not far away and staring at Ying Qin's every move.Therefore, after getting out of the car, Qiu Yingying carefully groped forward in the dark under various cover.She had forgotten that in a train station with a lot of traffic, a young girl should walk in a bright place to avoid danger.

Unfortunately, Qiu Yingying's sneaky behavior was spotted by the patrolling police.But Qiu Yingying only focused on people-watching, and never thought about anti-reconnaissance. She was delighted to find that there was a newsstand that hadn't opened in the square near the exit. In the dark, just right, this angle of view can scan all the people waiting in the exit area.Qiu Yingying waited on the sidelines.She firmly believed that Ying Qin would definitely come to pick her up.

But the policeman on duty got impatient, approached quietly, and shouted behind Qiu Yingying: "What are you doing?"

Qiu Yingying jumped up in fright, she didn't expect that there was a oriole behind her, and she just stared straight ahead.When she landed, she saw two majestic policemen behind her.She was so frightened that she quickly spread her hands, "I'm not a bad person, I didn't do anything, I came here to find someone."

"Is it as sneaky as you to find someone? Take out your ID card."

"I didn't bring it... I was in a hurry to go out. You see, I didn't even bring a bag. Ouch..." Qiu Yingying suddenly felt blessed and found the reason, "I came to catch the rape. I received a tip that my boyfriend came secretly Pick up a woman. I have to catch the scene." Thinking of today's top priority, Qiu Yingying ignored the police, turned her face away, and checked the men who entered the exit area one by one.The light illuminated people like ghosts and ghosts, and Qiu Yingying had to turn around and up and down to adjust the angle.

Of course the policeman on duty didn't want to believe Qiu Yingying's reasons, but he was stunned to see this girl abandoning them. "You must bring your ID card to go out. This is common sense, don't you know? Since you didn't bring it, come with us to the police station."

"Wait, please wait. After this bus arrives, there will be another one and a half hours before the next one arrives. I don't know which bus the woman takes. Anyway, I can go with you in that one and a half hours. Now I really can't, please. This is my mobile phone, if it doesn't work, take it and lock it first, I'll get it later."

The policeman was dumbfounded, and was about to speak, but Qiu Yingying jumped into the shadows nimbly, "It's here, it's here. Damn, it's here. Just take your phone away, don't expose me."

The two policemen looked at each other and smiled. I have never seen such a "focused" person. One of them said: "It's not safe for you to stand here as a girl, and you might be trafficked. You know. Go behind the lamp post over there." , Do you know it’s dark under the lights? It’s the least noticeable place, and we often use that lamp post to watch out for pickpockets.”

"Ah, a good way." Qiu Yingying, who was focused, did not receive threats from the police at all, but she took a step and thought, "You won't arrest me?"

(End of this chapter)

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