Ode to joy

Chapter 155

Chapter 155

Guan Juer just entered 2202, and Qiu Yingying wanted to go out with a dark face. "What are you doing? Well, I'll go with you."

Qiu Yingying handed the ID card to Guan Juer angrily, "A policeman came to check on me and asked me to show him the ID card. I'm so annoying, I don't look like a bad guy."

Guan Juer took the ID card, "You wash your face, your hair is disheveled, I'll go down for you. What do you look like?"

"I don't wear very much in cold weather. I wear sunglasses. I seem to have forgotten it. Anyway, you can tell when you look at it."

Guan Ju'er pushed Qiu Yingying into the bathroom, took her ID card and went downstairs.When I went to the lobby on the first floor, I saw a tall and straight young man standing in the middle of the lobby, wearing sunglasses and carrying a backpack. He didn't look like a policeman, but a fashionable young man.But Guan Juer decided that it was the police who wanted to check Qiu Yingying.She walked over carefully, and boldly asked, "Excuse me, Mr. Police?"

The policeman turned his head and pointed at Guan Juer with his sunglasses: "You are? I am."

"I live in the same unit as Qiu Yingying, and I will send her ID card down. She is not in a good mood, so I will let her rest and recuperate."

The police looked at the ID card and returned it to Guan Juer, "It's consistent with what she said. It's not a big deal. I think it's dangerous for her to cry and walk around in the train station square. I happened to be on the night shift and I found an excuse to send her back home." Home. I also feel that she is not in a good state. I want to toss her a few times to make her forget about her ex-boyfriend, so as not to do something reckless. Since she has friends, I will hand over to you. Today You have to keep an eye on her."

Guan Juer was surprised, "Hey, Xiao Qiu is really lucky. Thank you. It's been so hard... I'm sorry..."

"Oh, don't be embarrassed about this, just ask her to be careful and safe in the future. I'll give you a call. If you can't keep an eye on your friend, just call me. I can solve many problems with a tiger skin, hehe. You too Give me one, and come back to ask after I wake up, and settle my mind."

Guan Juer felt very reasonable, took out his mobile phone and exchanged the number with the police, and sent him out.The policeman jumped into a small broken car with a foreign license plate, turned around and waved at her, and roared away.Qu Xiaoxiao happened to see off the volunteers and asked in surprise, "Handsome guy? How did you get on?"

"Xiao Qiu hit on her, I'll help her clean up the mess."

"Hey, it's unreasonable. This way, you can also catch up with a handsome guy. Hey, Xiao Guan, how about Tang Yuyun." Qu Xiaoxiao finally lost her patience, so she might as well ask directly.

"How about what?"

Seeing Guan Juer's eyes clearly, Qu Xiaoxiao could only roll her eyes, "I can't help you. Baby Guan Guan, what kind of man do you like? Why do I feel more and more that you are like a nun who is not interested in men at all?" Don’t you have any? Don’t those who pursue you look down on you?”


"That's right, I just want to be a matchmaker for you."

Guan Juer shook his head hastily, "NO. I don't feel it."

Qu Xiaoxiao screamed, "What do you want?"

"I don't know, it's still early."

Qu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, stomped hard and walked away.Guan Ju'er followed her out of the elevator, and now that she knew of Qu Xiaoxiao's plot, she stopped going to 2203 to join in the fun, and turned her head to keep an eye on Qiu Yingying to prevent her from doing stupid things.

Soon, I received a call from the police, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay. I advised her to sleep. Thank you."

"Well, that's good, I'm asleep too. Can you hear my background music? Hehe."

"Black metal."

"Ah? Do you understand? Suicide black metal, you listen to this furry and creepy guitar sound. Listen to this and brush your teeth, what effect do you think? Haha."

Guan Ju'er couldn't help laughing, "Good teeth, good appetite, good health."

The policeman laughed loudly, "That's right. My surname is Xie, a little policeman. If you need me in the future, just call me."

Guan Juer hesitated, "My surname is Guan, a small accountant."

"Xiao Guan, tonight's music festival will have the post-punk band IDH that I really like. Are you interested? It's very rare. I'll pick you up at [-] o'clock, have a bite to eat, and then have a night of beer and music. How about it? ?”

Guan Juer was astonished, but he couldn't help saying "Yes".When the phone call ended, she couldn't help rushing to Qiu Yingying's room first, staring at Qiu Yingying who was sleeping curled up in a daze.After recovering, he went back to his room with straight eyes, turned on the computer to find out what IDH was.

After lunch, Bao Yifan was invited to the city center to discuss serious matters.Mrs. Bao suggested that Andy could be with her as soon as she heard it at the dinner table, and she would take good care of Andy.Andy quickly oiled the soles of his feet and jumped into Bao Yifan's car.For the first time, Bao Yifan drove as steadily as a tractor.The two arrived in the city center, and Andy went shopping nearby.After walking a few steps, Bao Yifan chased after him and took out a handful of change. "I saw last night that you didn't have any change in your bag except your card. Take these with you and buy mineral water and snacks at any time. Don't be thirsty."

"Hey, ATMs are everywhere."

Bao Yifan also laughed, "Go in quickly, don't be cold outside. Sit down when you're tired from walking."

Andy didn't say a word, and looked at Bao Yifan and smiled, even a bit maliciously.After Bao Yifan left, she took a taxi to go to the hospital, first to find out if she was pregnant or not.She was not as weak as Bao Yifan thought.

The result, as expected.

Andy took a taxi again and went back to Bao Yifan's residence.After entering the door, she called Tan Zongming first.

Tan Zongming was more surprised when he heard the news.He thought that Andy, who talked about science and genetics, might not dare to have his own children.A smooth man like him was silent for a long time before he said, "Congratulations... Congratulations! Where are you? Let's celebrate for you."

"I'm at Bao Yifan's house. Old Tan, I've thought it through."

"Now that you have a child, how do you plan to deal with the relationship with Xiao Bao? Are you still hanging on like this? Can he propose marriage? If you get married, do you plan to be open and honest with him?"

"It's a problem. It's why I've been afraid to face the reality of pregnancy."

"What are you going to do? Anyway, you know my attitude. No matter what decision you make, I will support you."

"I don't know, but I can't live without Baozi." When Andy said this, she couldn't help but think of Bao Yifan giving her the change just now, she sighed, "I just want to be happy with him, one more day is a day , don’t want the future. I know it’s irresponsible to say that.”

"But every decision you make now will definitely affect children. Adults can bear it, but children can't. I must remind you."

"Old Tan, can't you let me be heartless and happy for a few more days?"

"Think about it yourself, Xiao Bao will force you to marry him day by day. You have no reason to refuse now."

"Let's talk about it, what else can you do if the soldiers come to block you."

Tan Zongming expressed his inexplicable surprise, this kind of irresponsible statement was not the attitude of Andy he was familiar with.But if you put yourself in the shoes of the client, what can Andy do?Either selfish or self-harm, choose one of the two, there is no third way.

However, just after the call with Tan Zongming, Wei Guoqiang's phone call came unexpectedly.Andy frowned and looked at the display for a while before connecting.After another delay, he put it to his ear.

"Just got a call from your boyfriend's mother. I'm so happy for you. Congratulations."

Andy's heart was filled with a thousand words, and he said angrily: "I don't dare to be happy, why are you all happy."

"You dare to take this step, I am happy for you, you are ready to take the responsibility, this step is not easy. I used to dare to say the word "take responsibility" in my life, but I didn't do it. Now I dare not talk nonsense. , but it is a guarantee after calculating the risks. I will add a weight for you, no matter what happens, you, adults and children, have me to rely on."

This is what Andy wanted to hear the most since she knew she was pregnant, but it came from Wei Guoqiang's mouth. She really felt like she was drowning. "In this regard, I will not give you a chance to redeem yourself. The reason I answered your call today is that I just learned that my boyfriend's mother tried every means to get you, and it seems that she got her. If you ignore her, don't give her I will thank you for the opportunity to make waves."

"Well. I've been unemployed recently, and I plan to read more books. If I see something good, I'll pack it for you. Don't get angry with those business women. Read your books, do your things, take your initiative, and occasionally give her a piece of candy If she eats, she won't be troublesome. If she crosses the line, you call me. You still stick to yours anyway, and those who get along are relatives, and those who don't get along, no matter how close blood is, are passers-by."

Andy almost choked to death. What she did was quite self-righteous, but when Wei Guoqiang said it, it sounded like a joke. "So, get out. I don't want to see you two get together again, and it won't be negative."

And when Wei Guoqiang hadn't left, Andy sat in the study with the door closed and heard the loud conversation between the nanny and Mrs. Bao at the door.Andy couldn't help frowning, it seems that this is a reality that he has to face up to, if he wants to be with Bao Yifan, especially after having a child, he can only accept Bao Yifan's various relationships, buy one get one free , Buy one get two free, buy one get two free, I don't know how much it is... Even Wei Guoqiang has a gap to exploit, so annoying!
However, Wei Guoqiang's suggestion is the most useful for Bao Tai who is in the living room telling the nanny to cook something.Read her books, do her things, ignore Bao Tai, and respond to all changes with the same.It wasn't until Mrs. Bao's footsteps gradually approached the study room, and then paused at the door for a while for some reason, that she knocked on the door, but entered without waiting for Andy's answer.Andy just stood up.

"Naughty, sit down, sit down. Is it better? I thought you were shopping, so I came over to have a look and asked the nanny to make light soup. Do you want to go to the hospital? I'll contact the best in the city Doctor, you will be here for prenatal check-ups from now on."

"Oh, please. I have already gone to the hospital for an examination, and my guess is correct. When I grow up a bit, I plan to go to the United States for a comprehensive examination."

Bao Tai is very embarrassed, obviously people look down on your hospital in a second-tier city.Of course, she didn't know that what Andy said was all the truth. Andy needed to do the most complete screening for unborn children that science can achieve, and she didn't mean to discriminate against the hospital she recommended.Bao Tai felt very uncomfortable. "Hehe, I forgot that you are an American citizen. What do you want to eat? Just tell me."

"Okay, thank you for your concern."

Bao is too embarrassing, and if she continues to talk about this topic, it will appear that she is not qualified.But this is her son's home, so she has no reason to leave.She just won't go. "You... When are you going to get married? Now that you have a child..."

"I'm planning to talk to Bao Yifan about this matter. My education is not very traditional Chinese. In my eyes, marriage is a sacred contract. If you don't get married, even if you have children, everyone is still free, free to come and go .If we get married, I must give Bao Yifan a word first. If he violates the contract, I will hold him accountable, and we will lose both. So I can't give you an answer, it depends on whether Bao Yifan is willing to talk to me."

Bao Tai was completely speechless.Facing a woman who does not hesitate to hurt both sides and has strong firepower, any man should think twice before proposing marriage.Especially for Mrs. Bao, as someone who has experienced it, it is really rare for her to see a man with a little money who can stay in a lifetime marriage without cheating.It happened that Bao Tai's busy phone rang right now, and Bao Tai excused himself to leave.After going out, the more I thought about it, the more boring it became. Does this woman want to take advantage of their power to ride on the lips of the three Bao family?She called her son and relayed the conversation in its entirety.

Andy went out to send the bag too, and when he came back, he sent a group text message to the girls on the 22nd floor, "I'm pregnant, congratulations." In an instant, the text messages were replied like a flood, with various blessings and inquiries.

When Bao Yifan was rushing back, Andy was replying text messages and his fingers were cramping. When he saw Bao Yifan, he said, "I am pregnant, and using mobile phones too much is not good for the health of the fetus. Please reply text messages for me, and I will dictate."

Bao Yifan answered the phone one by one: "Baozi is back, I want to value sex over friends." Andy looked at it dumbfounded.This trick is very effective, and the text message is temporarily over.

"Your mother has been here."

"She told me all. What are you doing?"

"The study will show you the test sheet. She seems to be angry with me. She dare not be sincere, and I can't fake it. The two of them froze face to face."

"You said to go to the United States for inspection?"

"Well, is she going to file a complaint? When the fetus is a little older, I'll go for a chromosome test and make the greatest possible exclusion. You can rest assured. I remember that there are patent barriers, and some domestic investigations may not be comprehensive enough. Isn't that right? "

"Haha, no wonder she can't understand. When I heard her say that, I thought you were planning to inspect the production in the United States. In the future, when your child runs for the president of the United States, he will not be troubled by the place of birth and reminded by the ****. I still miss you Think big enough."

"Did your mother tell you that she reported to Wei Guoqiang immediately? Wei Guoqiang seems very proud."

Bao Yifan could only look helpless, and temporarily avoided embarrassment by changing home clothes.After changing his clothes and holding the test report in his hand, Bao Yifan said: "My mother, as you said, dare not face the truth, she can only bluff. Judging from the way she complained to me, she is in front of you It's a disadvantage, although you didn't intend to do anything to her. Your attitude towards marriage scared her. "

"Don't look at me like that. Now that she has conveyed it, I won't say it a second time. You also know that this is my consistent attitude. After that, only discuss the details. But it can only happen to one of us After the proposal."

"Mom, the two of us still have property issues before and after marriage. My part needs to be discussed with my father before deciding. Basically... sending my mother out this time is also the division of property between me and my father. This time cannot be determined by me. Make sure. Before proposing, I have to figure out one piece of myself, so that I can discuss further details with you in good faith, so that you won’t suffer. I believe that if I don’t do anything right now, I will kneel down and propose and give you a ring in a daze. You'd roll the whites of your eyes at me, it's not in our style and it's going to hurt. I think you'll understand me."

"In the past, when your mother objected to my association with you and came to me by bypassing you, I had already mentioned it to her. In fact, I always told her the truth, but she was always angry and disbelieving. I said that your family's property is difficult to divide, And I asked for notarization of pre-marital property to ensure that the property is shared after marriage, that is, I will not take advantage of it, but I will not give up my rights and interests. According to the situation of your family, how do you share it? So let her not worry that we will get married. Don’t worry, I know It's on."

This time, it is Bao Yifan's turn to learn dizziness from Bao Tai. "You never intended to marry me?"

"It's unrealistic, I will do what I can, and I will ask you to do what you can, but I can't ask to get on with your parents again, it's too difficult, and it seems that your mother is very Opinion. I’m not wrong. Why bother to get married and get along unhappy? Marriage is so unhappy, how can you be happy after marriage? It’s not as good as it is now, everyone is happy, I have no objection. If you have children, you won’t change what."

"What do you say you got married for?"

"Yeah, why get married, it's just a contract."

"No, what I mean is that marriage is the destination of love, and we must go to that step..."

"To prove love? Doesn't it prove the purity of love if two people love each other for a lifetime without legal constraints?"

"It's not a proof. Love means possessiveness. We use marriage to declare ownership. You are mine and I am yours. To declare to each other and to the world. It is an agreement between social people and this society." Speaking of this, Bao Yifan paused, thought for a while, and said, "Wait for me for 10 minutes."

Andy smiled and said, "Secretly searching the Internet, how can I refute it?"

Bao Yifan laughed and walked into the bedroom. "Do I need it?"

Andy immediately gave up the belief that pregnant women are afraid of mobile phone radiation, and actively counted down the time for Bao Yifan in the bedroom to the jumping time on the mobile phone.After reading exactly 10 minutes, she happily jumped to the door of the bedroom and knocked three times restrainedly, "Is the Internet speed not enough? Haha."

"5 minutes of stoppage time."

(End of this chapter)

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