Chapter 48

The original canon borrows the power of the layout, and the power is small and the power is big.When Hung-chien was on land, his feathers could be used as instruments.

The translation takes advantage of the right timing or other people's situation to form a favorable formation and decorate our small force into a large force, which can make a weak lineup look strong.It's like swan geese flying high, arrayed across the sky, relying on their plump wings to increase the atmosphere and boost their momentum.

The interpretation of blossoming on the tree is transformed from "iron tree blossoming".Iron tree, an evergreen tree, native to the tropics, does not often bloom, especially after being transplanted to the north, it often blooms only once in many years.Therefore, this expression is a metaphor for things that are very rare or extremely difficult to succeed.

As a strategy, "blooming on the tree" comes from ancient battle examples, and refers to using some external force to deter the enemy.This is like a tree that has no flowers, but colored silk can be cut into flowers and pasted on the branches, artificially making it have flowers blooming on it, thus creating a realistic and perfect effect.If you don't look carefully, you can't tell the truth from the fake.

Therefore, the strategy of "blossoming on the tree" can be understood as the following meanings.

[-]. Borrow trees to bloom.With the help of other people's trees, it blossoms and bears fruit.The reason why I want to borrow a tree to bloom is mainly because my own tree is too weak to bloom.

Second, borrow chickens to lay eggs.Borrowing the strength of others, you can achieve the goal that you could not achieve without increasing your own investment.

[-]. A fox pretends to be a tiger.One's own strength is relatively weak, but one still wants to frighten or confuse the other party, so one can do everything possible to pretend to be powerful, so that the originally not strong power can appear very powerful in front of the other party.

Four, bluff.The prestige created by this plan is actually just a false power.As an illusory illusion, it will not pose a real threat to the enemy, but it is enough to deter the enemy psychologically.

Five, clever camouflage.The party using this strategy must pretend to be complete and realistic, without revealing any flaws, otherwise, the person who will end up in the worst end must be himself.

It can be seen that this plan is extended to specific military applications. On the one hand, elite forces can be deployed on the positions of friendly forces to artificially create a strong superficial momentum for the originally weak friendly forces; When I was young, I used the power of friendly forces or certain factors to create a false appearance to make my camp look strong.In other words, this strategy advocates being good at using various external factors to boost oneself, thereby causing the enemy to make mistakes in judgment, making it afraid to fight rashly, and using this to deter the enemy psychologically.

And when the enemy uses the timing of the blossom on the tree, we should take the following countermeasures to deal with it.

[-]. Ascertain the authenticity and beware of being fooled.Putting on the posture of fighting, but not really fighting, but just a temptation.This kind of contest can not only obtain relatively comprehensive intelligence data, but also can flexibly change strategies and tactics without taking too much risk: if we find that the opponent is bluffing, we can fight on the momentum and let it linger until A crushing defeat; on the contrary, you can retreat quickly without losing a single soldier.

[-]. Divorce and break the situation, breaking down one by one.Once it is discovered that the enemy and its friendly forces have formed an unstoppable force through mutual use or combination, they should immediately find a way to divide the relationship between them, and then use the methods of pulling or fighting and breaking each other to break the opponent's momentum.At this time, you must not run away negatively, let alone fight hard.In addition, while we are practicing separation and differentiation, we can also make full use of the available situation in the situation, so as to change from passive to active.

Three, tit for tat, tricks.When the enemy uses the strategy of "flowering on the tree" to deal with us in an attempt to scare us away, we should "treat him in the same way" and use "flowering on the tree" to confuse the other party , must not be passive.In this way, although we can't figure out the reality of the other party, it can also make the other party unable to figure out the reality of ours, and change the passive situation where only we are afraid, into a more active situation where both ends are urgent.

Examples of Wisdom
Yu Xu Zeng Zao to confuse the Qiang soldiers

"Blossoms on a tree" is a metaphor for something that is extremely difficult to achieve.It is a technique created out of nothing to confuse the tree watchers, or to achieve other purposes of the planners.

In 115 AD, the Qiang people invaded Wudu County.Emperor Han Yuan urgently ordered Yu Xu to lead [-] cavalry to Wudu County for rescue day and night.Yu Xu and his group were walking twenty miles away from Chencang, when they suddenly heard a drumbeat in the dense forest, and five thousand Qiang soldiers suddenly appeared in front of them to block their way.

Yu Xu hastily ordered the horse to turn around and return to the foot of the mountain to set up camp.The Qiang soldiers saw the Han army unloading their saddles and resting on the hillside from a distance, and because they didn't know the reality, they didn't dare to attack rashly, so they retreated hastily.

Seeing the Qiang soldiers retreating, Yu Xu hurriedly ordered the soldiers to mount their horses and continue on their way.This area is where the Qiang people live together, and the terrain is very dangerous.Yu Xu led [-] cavalry, braved the bitter cold wind, and traveled more than [-] miles a day.

During the march, Yu Xu asked the soldiers to double the number of pots and stoves in the garrison every day.Everyone was puzzled and asked: "In the past, when Sun Bin fought against Pang Juan, he increased his troops and reduced his troops. Why did your lord do the opposite?" Yu Xu said: "The enemy is outnumbered, so I can only use the trick of blooming on a tree to confuse the enemy."

When the Qiang learned that the Han army was advancing westward, they immediately concentrated their forces to pursue it.On the way, they found that the pots and stoves in the Han army camp were multiplying every day, and they couldn't help being shocked. They thought that Wudu County troops were there to support them, so they quickly turned their horses and slipped away by taking a small road.

On this day, Yu Xu led his cavalry into Chiting City in Wudu County, and suddenly found that countless Qiang soldiers had already ambushed on the surrounding hills, forming a difficult to attack siege.He hurriedly ordered the soldiers to close the city gate and prepare for the battle.

The Han army held a stalemate with the Qiang soldiers in Chiting for more than ten days, and it was hard to tell the winner.Yu Xu ordered the soldiers to shoot arrows with strong bows, but the arrows fell before reaching the front of the Qiang formation.The Qiang soldiers all laughed, thinking that the Han army could not use bows and arrows at all.Afterwards, the generals of the Qiang soldiers lined up the cavalry in dense rows and launched a fierce attack on the Han army.

At this time, they heard the sound of drums in the Han army's position, Yu Xu's strong archers fired ten thousand arrows, and the Qiang soldiers fell under their horses one after another, causing heavy casualties.

After that, Yu Xu ordered his [-] cavalry to put on blue clothes and go out from the east gate, then put on yellow clothes and enter through the west gate, and went back and forth like this for several days.The leader of the Qiang soldiers looked from a distance, thinking that the Han army was too strong to resist, so he ordered to retreat overnight.Unexpectedly, as soon as they withdrew to the first mountain pass, the Qiang soldiers were ambushed by the Han army and fled in a panic.When they fled to the second mountain pass, the Han army rushed over again. The Qiang soldiers were in chaos and trampled on each other, causing countless casualties.

At this point, Yu Xu's three thousand cavalry entered Wudu County majestically.

In this case, Yu Xu used the strategy of "blossoming on the tree" many times. First, he increased the number of pots and stoves, then he pretended not to shoot arrows, and finally he used [-] cavalry to pretend to be a strong force, confusing the Qiang soldiers so much that they acted blindly. , and finally defeated, it can be said that he is well versed in the way of using troops!

Brandy sells well in the United States
"Blooming on the tree" is a strategy to teach people how to use external forces.In modern business warfare, there are also many examples of using this strategy practically and flexibly.

French brandy has been selling well domestically and in Europe, but for a while it was difficult to sell in large quantities in the US market.In order to occupy the huge American market, the brandy company spared no effort to spend tens of thousands of dollars to investigate the drinking habits of Americans, and formulated various marketing strategies, but in the end, due to the single promotion method, the results were minimal.

At this time, a marketing expert named Collins proposed a sales strategy to the general manager of the brandy company: on the occasion of the 67th birthday of President Eisenhower of the United States, give the president brandy as a gift, taking the opportunity to expand the influence of brandy in the United States, and then Successfully opened the US market and achieved the effect of "flowering on the tree".

The general manager of the brandy company adopted this suggestion.Therefore, the company first presented a gift list to the Secretary of State of the United States, which read: "Dear Secretary of State, in order to show respect to the President of the United States, the French people will present two barrels of French brandy that has been cellared for 67 years on President Eisenhower's 67th birthday. Wine. I implore Your Excellency the President to accept the wishes of the French people." Afterwards, they published this news in a series of major newspapers in France and the United States.There was a thunder on the ground, and the news that the brandy company would present wine to the President of the United States suddenly became a hot topic of discussion among millions of people in the United States.

On the day of the wine gift, the lawn in front of the White House was crowded with people.Four handsome French youths, dressed in the costumes of French court guards, slowly entered the venue carrying gifts.The crowd burst into cheers, and the president's birthday celebration suddenly turned into a welcome ceremony for the brandy.

Since then, there has been a rapid rush to buy brandy across the United States.For a while, French brandy was served on state banquets and family tables.Finally, brandy successfully entered the American market, and the revenue of the brandy company also increased significantly.Afterwards, the general manager of Brandy Company sighed again and again: "It's a lot of money! It's a lot of money!"

The brandy company saw the perfect opportunity for the president's birthday celebration, and through careful arrangements, the president became a potential salesman for the product without knowing it. No wonder the general manager of the brandy company repeatedly called "a lot of money".

Attaching to things or people admired by people makes one's own products also favored by everyone. This is the wonderful use of the "blossom on the tree" strategy in business warfare.

Developer's Packaging Scam
For real estate development companies, planning companies generally adopt the strategy of "blossoming on the tree" to portray the originally rigid real estate as a living body.Through a good case name and a good idea, give vitality to the real estate.

To make a monotonous house bloom, the planning company often adds architectural sketches through the landscape design of the community; or through the greening of the roof and road surface, and covering the walls of the community with green vegetation, so that the greening rate can reach 100%; Come alive by repositioning.Especially for those unfinished building projects, after restarting, repositioning becomes even more important.As soon as the planning company carries out packaging, it changes suddenly, and the old appearance takes on a new look.Especially those projects located in commercial areas, many of them have been transformed into apartments, because it just caters to people's demand for small apartments in the market, so it has become a classic in the field of real estate planning.

In order to promote sales, developers often brag about how small bridges and flowing water are in their real estate environment, how man and nature are one, how well-equipped, and the sales staff are eloquent.

Some real estate developers will repaint part of the end of the house to cover up the quality defects of the house.The interior walls of the house that had been vacant for several years should have faded, and some floors, such as the attic, still had some traces of water seepage, but it was hard to see it after it was painted.

Some real estate also make false publicity of "sky gardens".It is claimed that shopping malls are within 3 floors above the ground, and residential buildings are above the 4th floor. Gardens will be built between buildings, and half a meter of yellow mud will be paved to plant trees.When you first listen to it, you will be very excited: Comfortable, you can also see greenery in commercial and residential buildings, and your life is really nourishing.But when the house is handed over, you will find that there is nothing but a little grass.Trees are also planted in high-rise buildings, and flowers bloom on the trees.It was you who was fooled in the end.

That's why when it comes to handing over the property, the buyer often can't help feeling the impermanence of the world and the futility of promises.Unfortunately, since these verbal promises are not written in the contract, they have no legal effect.

Therefore, seeing is believing. For the planning around the community, buyers should go to the planning department to check and verify in advance, and don’t spend money impulsively, being fooled by the developer.

The above mentioned are the various "blooming on the tree" methods adopted by developers in order to sell.In their mouths, the originally empty real estate has become something rich in life value, which has virtually increased the added value of the real estate.However, these added values ​​are sometimes just false publicity in the early stage of the developer, so house buyers should be careful not to just listen to the verbal promises of the developer.

Yugoslavia takes advantage of the layout
Using the strategy of "blossoming on the tree" requires proper thinking and planning, and the key is to be able to successfully use external forces.Therefore, when designing a scheme, you must consider whether the third party can borrow strength, or force the third party to borrow strength from you through the designed scheme.

In 1948, Yugoslavia had a serious conflict with the former Soviet Union.The former Soviet Union abolished the Treaty of Friendship with South Sudan and imposed a complete blockade on Yugoslavia.Subsequently, the former Soviet Union announced that "Yugoslavia has fallen into the hands of enemies of the people and spies" and that "Yugoslavia has degenerated into a bourgeois republic".Eventually, the former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries severed diplomatic relations with Yugoslavia and expelled Yugoslav diplomats.

At this time, Yugoslavia fell into a plight of extreme isolation.Coupled with the military threat from the former Soviet bloc, Yugoslavia had to continue to maintain extremely high military expenditures, which put a heavier burden on the already fragile national economy, and the people were in dire straits.

Yugoslav leader Tito assessed the situation and believed that only by effectively improving relations with the West can Yugoslavia maintain its territorial independence and integrity and help Yugoslavia tide over difficulties.

Since then, western countries have extended a helping hand to Yugoslavia based on their own interests.The United States provided 3 million U.S. dollars in economic aid to Yugoslavia, and Britain and France each provided 0.8 million U.S. dollars in aid to Yugoslavia.This provided a temporary reprieve from Yugoslavia's economic difficulties.

In 1951, Yugoslavia signed a "Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement" and a "Military Assistance Agreement" with the United States. In 1954, Yugoslavia signed the "Bled Union Treaty" with Greece and Turkey, agreeing to help each other in the event of foreign aggression. In 1955, Yugoslavia formally established diplomatic relations with France, Italy, and Austria.

In the face of strong military pressure from the former Soviet bloc, Yugoslavia not only overcame economic difficulties with the support and assistance of Western countries, but also maintained the independence and stability of the country. Blooming up".

It can be seen from this that if you fall into a passive position in the political situation, you must not sit still and wait for death. It is a good strategy to only contact forces stronger than yourself to fight against the situation that is not good for you.The leader of Yugoslavia, Tito, was obviously aware of this, and his strategy of "blossoming on the tree" played an important role at the critical moment, not only changing the passive situation, but also effectively changing the international situation at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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