Chapter 47
The original scriptures are false for the sake of instigation, and before they are instigated, they cut off their support and fall into death.In case of poison, the position is improper.

The translation intentionally exposes flaws, lures the enemy to advance blindly, infiltrates one's own side, and then chooses a favorable opportunity to cut off the enemy's front and back support, and make them fall into a desperate situation.This is like eating poisonous bacon and getting poisoned. Coveting undeserved benefits will definitely lead to future troubles.

Interpretation of the original meaning of "going up to the house and drawing the ladder" refers to cleverly setting up a ladder to lure the other party to go up the ladder to the room, and then withdrawing the ladder, cutting off his back, making him in a dilemma, unable to escape, so he has to give in and let me manipulate.

To "go up the house and draw the ladder", you must first "set the ladder" to lure the enemy, deliberately reveal some flaws, provide convenience for the opponent, and then cut off their backup and support, and deal with it after they fall into an isolated situation.This is the whole purpose of this plan.

This strategy is used in military affairs. It is a strategy of using small tricks to lure the enemy, and then cut off their reinforcements, so as to encircle and wipe out the enemy.This kind of trick to lure the enemy has its own cleverness.Enemies are generally not so easy to be fooled, so you must try to place a convenient "ladder" for them first, and then remove the "ladder" immediately after the enemy "goes upstairs" and enters the "pocket" you have already laid. , to control it.

Generally speaking, there are four kinds of objects that are easy to be deceived: one is greedy and does not know the harm;There is also a lot of knowledge about placing ladders.For enemies who are greedy by nature, you can lure them with profit; for enemies with pride, you can show your weakness to confuse them;In short, according to the specific situation of the enemy, the ladder should be placed skillfully.It must neither arouse the suspicion of the enemy nor allow the enemy to see the ladder clearly and easily.

Similarly, when using this strategy, the "ladder extraction" also needs to pay attention to skills and be fast and quick.Different drawing methods should be adopted according to different situations, whether true or false, fast or slow, slow or urgent, bright or dark.As for which drawing method to use in the end, it should be determined according to the objective situation at that time. Do not make subjective assumptions or apply mechanically, so that the strategy cannot be implemented smoothly.

And when the enemy adopts this strategy, we should take the following precautions to deal with it.

[-]. Ascertain the reality of the enemy to prevent falling into a trap.When we are not very clear about the enemy's strength and situation, we must not act rashly.You can throw stones to ask the way first, find out the truth, and then cross the river by feeling the stones on the premise that there are no traps ahead.The stones used to explore the way can be feigned actions, small groups of troops, or specialized scouts.Regardless of which of the above methods is used, a cautious attitude should always be maintained.

Second, be flexible and adapt to the situation, and get rid of the deadlock.If you are accidentally tricked into "going up to the house" by the enemy, and the ladder has been removed, you must not panic and let him manipulate you, let alone be self-willed and reckless.The sensible way is to find another way to "get off the house".There are hundreds of ways to solve the problem. If the road is blocked, you can find another way. You must adapt to the situation and never "hang on a tree".

[-]. Be good at observation and analysis to prevent being deceived.If you are unresponsive and dogmatic, you can be easily taken advantage of.It is necessary to keep an eye on all directions, listen to all directions, be good at observation and analysis, and not let go of any slight suspicious situations, so as to be able to adapt to the situation and effectively prevent being deceived by the other party.

Fourth, always prepare a variety of solutions to problems, and can come up with different solutions for different problems.It is also possible to frequently change multiple sets of action plans to confuse the enemy with its unpredictable changes, so that the enemy cannot grasp our laws.In addition, you must be calm and calm when encountering problems, and don't panic, so that you can come up with the best coping strategies for different situations in a timely manner.

Fifth, beware of small profits and not be moved by them.When using this strategy, the enemy will often take out some small profits as bait, so when some small profits are in front of you, you must not take them without analyzing them.You should carefully study whether it is really desirable, especially if the other party is also desirable but does not take it, and you must beware that this advantage may be bait for fishing, and you should be careful not to be fooled.

Therefore, if we encounter a situation where we cannot judge clearly, we would rather give up temporarily than take risks.Especially for those small gains that do not bring much benefit and loss do not cause much loss, one must not covet them.

Examples of Wisdom
Cao Weizhi defeated Xixia soldiers

"Getting up the house and taking the ladder out", the key point is "putting up the ladder to tempt people to go up the house".When the enemy and the enemy are at war, if they cannot cleverly use illusions to deceive the other side and make them relax their vigilance, it will be very difficult to succeed.Cao Weizhi's defeat of Xixia soldiers is a successful example.

In the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Xixia people often invaded the frontier.

Once, the Xixia army came to harass again.Cao Wei, the magistrate of Weizhou, led the troops to fight and repelled the enemy.Seeing that the Xixia soldiers had fled far away, Cao Wei ordered his soldiers to drive the cattle and sheep left by the enemy, and carry the luggage left by the enemy to the camp slowly.After the Xixia army fled for dozens of miles, they got a report about the Song soldiers from Tanma.The Xixia coach immediately thought that Cao Wei was greedy for property, his team was lax, and his movements were slow, so he led his troops to turn around and attack Song Bing in an attempt to win a big victory.

Cao Wei heard that the Xixia people turned back as he expected, so he ordered the troops to continue to march slowly.The subordinates worriedly advised: "Leave the cattle, sheep and baggage behind. With these burdens, the troops will not be able to move flexibly and will be counterattacked by the opponent." Cao Wei ignored this advice and went to a terrain to face him. Where the army is advantageous, the troops are allowed to rest and wait for the arrival of the enemy.

When the Xixia army was approaching, Cao Wei sent someone to inform the Xixia commander: "You must be very tired from a long journey, and we will not take advantage of your danger. Please rest your troops first, and then we will go to war." The Xixia people were exhausted at this time , Hearing Cao Wei say this, he was very excited, and they all sat down to rest.After a long time, the two sides fought drums again. As a result, Cao Wei's army beat the Xixia people into embarrassment and fled without any effort.

Afterwards, Cao Wei's subordinates found it difficult to understand the easy victory of this battle.Cao Wei explained: "I asked everyone to drive cattle and sheep, carry luggage, and pretend to be a loose team. The purpose was to deceive the enemy and lure them back. The enemy came back after a long distance to attack us. It takes about a hundred miles to walk. If we go to war immediately, although they are very tired, their morale is still high, and it is difficult to determine the outcome of the battle. And I let them rest first, because I know that once a person who has traveled a long distance If you stop to rest, your legs and feet will be swollen and painful, your mind will be lax, and you will lose your combat effectiveness. I used this method of "taking out the ladder from the house" to defeat the Xixia people."

Itoyama's ingenious plan wins the landowner

"Going up the house and pulling the ladder" emphasizes "seduction".However, the method of "seduction" is not right, so that the other party notices it, or it is not attractive at all, and it is worth the other party's climbing up the "ladder" you set, but it will not achieve the purpose of letting the opponent follow the ladder you set up to the house.Therefore, it is necessary to really be able to lure and show benefits, so that the opponent has a sense of gain.

Itoyama first started from scratch by running golf courses.In order to successfully operate a golf course, the golf course must have a good location and good terrain conditions, in order to attract a large number of customers and thus make a profit.The problem is that this kind of land is often expensive to acquire, and it is difficult for the landlord to deal with it.

The quality of golf course management has largely become how to deal with landowners and acquire their land.Xishan has fought many times in this regard and worked hard, so he is well aware of the mystery.

Once, many people, including Shizan, took a fancy to a treasure land at the same time.This land is enough to open a large golf course, and the market value is about 2 million yen.Itoyama decided to get the land at a lower price.

So he first made a big show of it, threatening that he liked this place quite a lot.Soon, the landlord's agent came to the door.The other party saw that Xishan seemed to be a playboy who didn't know much about the world, so he deliberately blackmailed him, asking for an export price of 5 million yuan.Seeing that this person was so unkind, Shizan resorted to tricks, claiming that the price was reasonable, and pretending to have a strong desire to buy.

The agent was ecstatic, and immediately ran to the landlord, signed an agency contract with the landlord, and described the situation of Shishan truthfully.The landlord was overjoyed when he heard this, and felt that with Xishan being taken advantage of, he could take advantage of it, so he turned down all other people who wanted to buy land.

Since then, the agent has approached Xishan many times to sign contracts to buy land, but Xishan either disappeared or used excuses to delay.This happened several times in succession, the agent finally lost his composure and had to beg Itoyama to buy it.Xishan knew that the time for him had come, so he began to count the shortcomings of the land to prove that he was an expert, and he could see that the land was not worth 5 million yuan.

Next, the two sides bargained for a while.The agent couldn't resist Shioshan's fierce attack, so he had to retreat step by step, and finally showed a reserve price of 2 million yuan.But Shizan refused to stop there: "If the market price is already 2 million yuan, but I paid 2 million yuan to buy it, why should I spend so much effort? In the end, I will be laughed at by others."

The broker Qian donkey was so poor that he had no choice but to truthfully tell the landlord the details.The landlord was even more troubled, because he had already threatened everywhere: "Xishan bought my land."

If Shishan doesn't buy it, how easy is it to find a new client?Go to the customers who have already declined, and you will be laughed at by them for a while, and then you will be killed by them, and the ending may be even worse.

In the end, the landlord had no choice but to compromise with Shioshan: "In that case, let's make a price."

Shishan quickly offered 1.5 million yuan.So far, the landlord has no choice but to reluctantly make a deal.

In this example, Xishan first set up a "ladder"—pretending to be a layman, pretending to use the easy profits to lure brokers and landlords to "go to the house". After the landlord rejected all other buyers, Xishan quickly pulled the "ladder"— — It is not good to criticize the land, the price is too high, and take advantage of the situation to bargain.In the end, with no hope of attacking and no way of retreating, the landlord had no choice but to let Itoyama at his mercy.

It can be seen from this that providing small profits, "setting up ladders to lure the enemy", and waiting for the opponent to enter the house, pulling out the "ladder" to break the road, trap him in a difficult situation, and force him to submit is one of the unfavorable strategies in business warfare.

empress jia abolished the prince

It is almost impossible to recover the loss if you fall into the trick of "going up to the house and pulling the ladder".Therefore, it should be strictly guarded in daily life.

After Jin Huidi Sima Zhong came to the throne, he made Sima Tong the prince.Sima Tong was born to Xie Mei, a talented man in the palace, before Sima Zhong ascended the throne.The mother's daughter is expensive, so Xie Mei was promoted from talented person to Shuai (the title of concubine).

Empress Jananfeng was jealous by nature, and she didn't have a son, so she didn't like the prince anyway.At the instigation of her cronies, Empress Jia decided to abolish the prince by means of "taking the ladder from the house".

One day, Empress Jia called the prince into the palace on the grounds that the emperor was unwell.After the prince entered the palace, he did not see the emperor, but was led to a side room.

At this time, a court lady came in with 3 liters of wine and a large plate of dates, saying that it was a gift from the emperor, and asked the prince to finish the wine with the dates.The prince said: "I dare not refuse your majesty's reward, but I can't drink three liters of wine, and now I can't drink so much on an empty stomach!" The maid said as Empress Jia taught her: "You are so unfilial! The emperor bestowed wine, could it be that there is poison in it?" The prince had no choice but to drink all 3 liters of wine.

Just when the prince was in a daze of drunkenness, a court lady held a manuscript and said to the prince: "The emperor ordered the prince to copy this manuscript." The long text also made him lose his mind when copying.After returning to the palace, he fell asleep and couldn't remember what he had done.

The next day, when Emperor Hui came to the court, the manuscript copied by the prince was handed up, and it was written: "Your Majesty should settle it yourself. If you can't do it yourself, I will enter the palace and kill you. The queen should also settle it yourself. If she doesn't finish it by herself, I will finish her with my own hands..." When Emperor Hui saw that it was the prince's handwriting, he couldn't help being shocked, and hurriedly discussed with his ministers how to deal with the prince.

Dong Meng, Empress Jia's best friend, said: "The crown prince should be executed if he commits a crime." Emperor Hui finally felt compassionate and abolished the crown prince as a common man, saving him from death.Soon, the prince was taken to Jinyong City for confinement, and his mother Xie Mei was also brutally killed.

A plan to "take the ladder out of the house", a manuscript drafted by Empress Jia in advance, easily turned the prince into a prisoner.

Beware of "ladder extraction" in the workplace

From the point of view of the explanation, the original meaning of "going upstairs and taking the ladder" is to instigate others to go upstairs, and then remove the ladder when the other person is not standing still on the stairs, blocking their way down the stairs.This kind of bad political power is not desirable in the workplace.However, we need to draw our attention to see through other people's attempts to set up the ladder and beware of others taking out the ladder after they go upstairs.

When Li Li was working in an enterprise, he served the leader together with a colleague.Because of his excellent work performance, he gradually gained the trust of the leaders.But the colleague who fell out of favor was psychologically unbalanced, so he set up a trap and decided to show him some color.

One day, when the two were chatting, the man mentioned to Li Li that the leader cherished talents like him, and suggested that he go to the "Chunlaifu" restaurant to invite the leader.Li Li thought it made sense, so he prepared 300 yuan and invited the leader and colleagues to the "Chunlaifu" restaurant.

When the lady came to order, the colleague took the opportunity to ask him what he planned to invite the leader to eat, and even made insinuations that he couldn't afford too much and lost face if he didn't.Li Li thought to himself that the leader should not embarrass him, and the 300 yuan meal is almost the same, so he said that the leader can order whatever he wants.

So, before the leader made a statement, the colleague said first, "Since he is so sincere, you are welcome to the leader." The leader declined and ordered the dishes.When I settled the bill after the meal, the cost was as high as 580 yuan.And this "Chun Lai Fu" restaurant never gave credit to strangers. Li Li grabbed his colleague and wanted to borrow some money from him, but the colleague said that he didn't bring it.Li Li was embarrassed and didn't know what to do.In the end, the leader made up 200 yuan, and the restaurant let him go.

Two months later, the leader sent Li Li to work in the workshop with an excuse.After a while, he had to resign and find another way.

In this example, Li Li was actually tricked by his colleagues to "go upstairs and take the ladder".Colleagues stepped on him to climb up, and achieved the goal of sacrificing others to fulfill themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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